Time Travel Monopoly

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Your hitting it bull's-eye Shadow,

For many years I too wondered just the same thing. Subconscious realms and psychic attacks. In fact, I even state in my website that I have devised a few techniques to protect me from this force.

<< EVERY ONE is connected into the collective unconscious. Through this everybody is spoofing and controlling everybody else, usually without even knowing it. Mostly in this game I'm collecting a bunch more 'getting controled' than I am doing the controlling.>>

That is why I am the Activist. Criticizing those who would sanction Time Travel and bring us all down. The overwhelming surge in the human collective is to go forth with Time Travel. And with only a few that have the balls to fight them, who will still win the fight? They will bring us down, by playing on people's need for control and safety. Not giving a $#%! About our basic human rights, FREEDOM.

Accepting it as a benevolent existence. Where man has the fortunate chance to undo a mistake. Not even considering it's manipulative and exploits people for their own agenda.

<< Psychic attack is a reality. So who would you blame? Maybe your problem is just one of being more vulnerable than average. You have to concentrate on defence otherwise you are taking on the whole world.>>

Don't I know it. I was born more of an empath, then psychic. I can sense disturbances in Time, and in people's minds.

That is why I believe to know the nature of the beast. And a way of attacking it, is to inform others that Time Travel is a threat to our livelihood, and our human principles.

In the past, they would use canneries in mines to determine if there were fatal gases present, to protect the miners from getting killed.

I am a human Time Travel detector. And I know of the threat to humanity if we go along with this.

Bytheway, I thought this is interesting: if you change my names first letter from J to X, it's spelled Xavier… Isn't that the name of the mutant who starts a school for the gifted and can reach people through the use of his mind.

<< Your complaint seems to be that there is a bunch out there who are so good at psychic manipulation that they are actually capable of steering the forces of history. Too, they aren't very nice about who gets shoved aside and stepped on.
The winds gonna blow pal, that don't mean you have to stand in it. I've got my hands full controlling the ten foot radius about me.>>

Shadow, you seem to have learned much from your battles with them long ago. The least you can do, is help with making sure others see a 2 sided view to Time Travel.

Sure, there might not be much we can do, but with more people understanding that Time Travel is not all it's cracked up to be, we can be assured that one day, an activist will come up with an answer.

It just pains me to hear and read things that will affect us all if they go along with it. Biased news stations, entertainers who set a bad example to the young, and talk shows that are so into New Age crap and allow gay ideals to exist. I.e. Oprah and Riki Lake.

I cannot stand them. There are days that I don't even turn on my t.v. anymore.

We have lost much of our principles and values, our society's morals are declined. Who is responsible? We all are. The least we can do, is help clean up the mess, and try and fix conditions. Or else they will deteriorate to the point where Time Travel will be necessary. And as I can sense daily, it's hanging in the balance.

The TimeTravelActivist cannot do it alone, it's going to take everyone's part to help. Or else, we give up, and in the words of Shadow "What ever goes wrong, well somebody else can fix it later…"

Shadow is right, if we don't do anything, somebody else will. The Time Travelers will. So thanks to people with this mentally to let it go, this is our insurance of salvation.

TimeTravel = Selling our soul (freedom in the past), for the price of cleaning up a mess we helped make.

Shadow my number is 9 as well. (It could be anything with a 9 in it.) except I cant tell where the wind is going to blow with it? It could be for good or it could be for worse? But whatever it is, is telling me that I'm right on course where the time travelers want me to be. Yes Shadow you are correct in your comment about my evicted tennant. He is clever and persistant. He knows who is vulnerable and who isn't. The smarter I get the more he know how to trick me. He has tried twice already. Succeeded once! failed the second and I'm sure the SOB is coming back for thirds!

I have reason to believe that time is counterintuitive. Meaning all the knowledge from the past and the future will eventually catch up with us in the present. The information is already in us(but hidden)we just have to find a way to retrieve the memories. Its a bunch of broken thoughts that dont make much sence to us. We dont remember or know why we were thinking them.
(IT IS OBVIOUS THAT ME, TTA, AND YOU SHADOW HAVE PICKED UP ON THESE THOUGHTS AND POSSIBLY OTHERS.)Broken thoughts and memories like spliced pieces of film that the director has cut out of the movie, but we know we acted the parts. They are slowly coming back to us subconciously through time making us what we are today ACTIVIST SEEKING THE TRUTH! WE NEED TO FORM AN ALLIANCE AGAINST THEM!!!

Of course there is a lot ot pick up on as this conversation gets more complex but quickly since I'm short on time right now, I'll concentrate on one word in your post that caught my eye: empath

I keep coming back to subject of parallelism in time because it modles things the way they act. (yes, my critics acuse me of 'making it up as I go" and yes, that is exactly what I do -better than most) So, suppose that each person is responsible for creating their own unique track in time, their own parallel world. An empath then, would be some one with a talent for hooking into parallel worlds as made in real time by real people. This same talent would allow one to get hooked by/in the parallel worlds created by time travel. (think a minute; time travel >has< to lay down parallel tracks next to the track of manifest reality.)

Every one is empathic to a degree, it's the human condition, unless you are autistic or antisocial. Like anything else the degree of empathy will vary and can vary to the point that it becomes an affliction. So I must agree with you in that if some one is going to be sensitive to and pick up on timic manipulation it would be an empath.

All numbers have significance and maybe influence. Whether that influence goes number to mind or mind to number or both is any bodies guess. I am not into numerology. All I said was, for me, the #39 showing up any where always shows up in connection with bad luck.

Creation is a combined intention. When intentions are at laugerheads a mess results; say antiharmonic. Mathmatically speaking 39 has only one harmonic: (3x) 13 and I'm not alone at seing that as a bad luck indicator.

I think most of us get railed off to places in life not of our choosing. Make the best of where you are.
I've got Dr. Bruce Goldgerg on RealAudio. He's talking about findind the actual mechanism for making and selecting yyour the parallel future you like best. "overcomming self defeating sequences"

You know what the real bitch is? Success and failure are just millimeters apart. I is just as easy to hit one as the other. One should be able to hit fifty-fifty with their eyes shut. But no, half the people hit 100% good and the other half hit 100% bad.

I used to play scratch off lotto with a coworker on lunch breaks. When he wasn't around my luck was just a bit better than adverage. But when he was around (especially when he had his smart alec friend with him) it was like there was no power on earth that could avail me of even the smallest win. They'd crack 5, 10 and 20 dollar winners evety 3rd or fourth buy and laugh hysterically when I'd buy 20 loosers in a row. It went like that day after day untill I just refused to buy any more tickets -ever. After that they couldn't win either (ha ha). Go figure.

A buddy of mine did lousy on scratch tickets, untill a weak before his heart attack, when his wins just went off the scale he'd hit every 2 or 3 tickets. Figure some more. One might say that there is a finite amount of luck to go around and people with the strongest wills soak up the lions share. Nice guys finnish last, or not at all.

Bruce says that there 5 major parallel lines but our consciousness concentrates in just one. Maybe what you are seeing as memory bits and pieces are glimpses into the alternate lines.
<<Make the best where you are>>

Sound advice…

However, taking into account, that all actions and thoughts that lead you to where you go, bring you to witness a number, say #39? 9? Or 11, 22, 33, or even 44. Who’s will are you in command of while you are trying to make the best of where you are?

For it is out of our control. No body is creating this, say me or you, or the fascination with the numbers, either. It is being forced upon us, and it’s will is imposing on our basic human rights. The right to think freely and make our own decisions.

It’s not when we are to forced to see this phenomena, do we realize that had 1 variable been out of place, this would have never happened. Who’s will was it then?

Again, I can’t emphasize this enough… When you come to the point where you complete something, or nearly missed something terrible. Or in your case Shadow #39, bad lucks a coming. When is it that you come to realize that you were not in control? And that some force manipulated you to have you to come to this.

For example: Just a few hours ago today, on my way home from work, an @$$ hole almost hit me as my train was nearing off the curb. A vision of an accident came to mind, of what would have happened had the bus driver not reacted fast enough. And as I eased my self back to my seat and gained my composure, a sense of taunting crept over me. As if this incident was not yet over. And there like always, was the dreaded source of my hatred for Time Travel. The time was 6:33 p.m.

Now, was I in control of this? NO!

Am I in control of the hundreds of times I wake up to the voice telling me that I am going to fail and to give up, and it being a straight numbered digit? NO!

Am I in control of the visions that show me sights of what if’s, to it being connected to a number?

Again, what I am trying to make clear is that we may want to live our lives the best we can from where we are. But when do you come to realize that you’re not all in control of it…? That you no matter what decisions you make, you fall short to see another number, that all actions and thoughts prior were destined (manipulated) to bring you to this moment.

Something’s got to give, and that is why I am not like the rest who accept this. I may end up fighting this alone, but at least I will not fall from my principles of being a human being.


I don't think you have a definite handle on what may be causing your discomfort. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm saying you are not sure. Nor am I. Here you seem to be saying that time itself is cornering you into its own preferrences. Well yes it is and yes it does. But it may be more of a begnine inanimate force that you may control in part by controlling your physical world and location in it. Sure there animate baddies out there but they too are just actors on the larger stage of time.

I think you need to bone up on Freudian and Jungian psychology. At least some of these subconscious hints and coincidences may come from your own subconscious and actually be trying to help you out. If you accept the tennent of paranormal evil doers then there must be paranormal good guys at work too.

Lets put it this way, I've been soundly kicked in the butt by the bad guys, but the good guys have saved my life on many occations that I know about. Fate is a bitch. Avoiding it is what life is all about.
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 08-Jan-02 AT 04:39AM (EDT)</font>


I admire your critical view of things. Always looking for a rational explanation. Even if you your self are afflicted with the same phenomena, you choose to see it 2 sided.

That’s where the TimeTravelActivist is a hypocrite.

For you see, all my ranting about wanting to discuss a 2 sided view on Time Travel, my own perspective on this phenomena, is 1 sided.

I do not accept this like others. They see it in their own spiritual/new age way…

I am with 100% certainty, that our enemy is the future. My dreams and visions all cannot be wrong. My sensing of displacement and of constant déjà vu. My ability to sense reality in different spectrums confirms this. It is as common sense to me, as how your side is to you.

You know it’s true, and you defend it because you know it works. As how I know, what I know of being true about Time Travel.

Now having a handle at exactly who my target is, some force I cannot see and kick it’s @$$, is something I don’t have a handle on yet. You got me there… I don’t know whose door to break down

But I know where it’s origins lay… And speaking against Time Travel in the past is my closest defense against my world becoming enslaved.

At any rate, it makes me feel better. Knowing that I’m doing something right… I guess you can say it gives me purpose.

Speaking of the good ones: I’ve too been spared from the cold grips of death on a few occasions. The visions of Jesus in my near death experience really changed who I was. There was no choice; the fear was unimaginable, even for me. However, even with that, I am still skeptical…

As far as I am concerned, the good ones are just as guilty. Their goal is the same, do what ever it takes, as long as it justifies the end.

Imagine, the TimeTravelActivist, accepting Time Travel, and going along manipulating the past for our own spiritual gain?

That’s absurd… No vision of Christ is going to change my mind about it. It’s still wrong… It’s the principle behind it.

Not that I have anything against Christ, or Christianity or Religions in general. You can believe what you want to believe, just leave the damn TimeLine Alone. That would be my only concern with them.


Ever so slowly you may be betting through to my thick fat head. I feel like the psychologist in the in the Terminator movie. The "empathic detection" angle held water. I may finally be 'getting it'. You are not against the act of traversing time in a linear direction but for the fact that it leaves detramental tracks acrost the parallel timescape. To wit, the more travel the more mucked up, tangled up the world gets in real time.......too many side bands spoil the soup.

Ok, if I've got it right, you're not worried about TTers from the past. (say they, the "pasters" unless they have special equipment from the future are frozen dead and can't cause trouble). You are not worried about real time travelers skipping forward, back and sideways in time. What you are worried about is the vast wilds of the future containing groups maybe even warring groups that as a matter of course keep comming back to the present and medling for their own greedy ends.

This is like the Terminator senerio made real. But instead of one cantankerous robot stirring the soup there are many individuals and organizations stirring the soup, and likely at cross purposes to each other. THIS SENERIO IS NOT IN THE MASS CONSCIOUS......it is an original idea from you. If so it could indicate some form of mass mind control that is not ALLOWING us to consider it. Javier, write a novel around it. Make it good. Become rich and famous.....or dead which ever comes first.

Maybe these future groups are themselves on parallel tracks and are at the start at least, not aware of their competition. Every time some one tried to rewrite the past they would not consider the parallel consequences and there by fail their mission, causing them to try again and again, creating more havoc at each go-around. It reminds me of a Star Treck movie where they found out that thei warp drives were laying dammage to the hyperspatial fabric every where they went. Ear-splitting timic wakes and all. ooh boy I'm getting far away from the dishes I'm supposed to wash today.

Along with this senerio we can see that messing with the past would be just that much more difficult if those being messed with with knew about it. The back manipulators would have to ah, stiffle those who would catch on to the plot. Do you have direct evidence of stifflings?
Believe it or not, this could spark a "time war". All of these people are bickering over this subject that I introduced. Am I supposed to feel guilty if I caused a war? I think not because nobody from the future has come back in time to remove me...yet. Just imagine a war in which people go back in time to prevent their enemies from being born-I think that these events are iminent! Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.
I know why "God" doesn't dare come back and "remove" me. He could be one of my ancestors and killing his great great... grandfather could indeed cause him to cease to exist.
ancestor - you mean decendent

Good point though. The selective removal of your enemies ancestors would be a trick nasty enough to credit any spook agency.

This points out TTAs' complaint that TT is just plain wrong, as it falls too easily into the wrong hands.

You can't never find a Time Cop when you need one.
I'll tell you what I'm really worried about Shadow. I'm worried about humanity being brought down by something immoral, by being nationally and globally accepted.

It's the not so little things in the past/present, that are the reasons for breeding Time Travel in the first place.

And that is what worries me.

It's when the biased actions and speculations that were set in motion so long ago, will come to this conclusion.

Unless of course, an alternative thinking scenario can be introduced and implemented to prevent such a thing.

Like I said last night, and hundreds of times before: it's the principle behind things that concerns me.

<<This is like the Terminator senerio made real. But instead of one cantankerous robot stirring the soup there are many individuals and organizations stirring the soup, and likely at cross purposes to each other. THIS SENERIO IS NOT IN THE MASS CONSCIOUS......it is an original idea from you. If so it could indicate some form of mass mind control that is not ALLOWING us to consider it.>>

On the nose… This is what I am talking about. And I'll tell you what I'm really worried about, and who are the culprits to Time Travel.

Cults who call them selves religions, march in the name of freedom of religion. Exploit and manipulate people into believing in their founder and doctrine. Of obtaining God like status and being in control of all forces. But of the real nature of this beast, of being manipulative and greedy. It's principles corrupt to the core, will be over looked, and allowed to be accepted. Why? Because of the majority of people who will complain and complain if it's not. Thus they, are part of the whole that will doom us all to Time Travel.

Anyone want to guess which cult I'm talking about? If you know, keep it to your self. For they still on to me

Brittney Spears, gangster rappers, and other entertainers who freely express them selves, which they are free to do. But decline our young to the level of greed, presumptuous and hatred status. This is far from the time the Beatles were criticized for making teenage girls go wild. Now, they really go wild. In clubs -raves, and the such...

For every father and mother who allows their 15 year old daughter to come out of the house wearing clothing that is not suitable for that age, is bringing our society down the tubes, and they don't even know it.

Just the other day, I saw a commercial of kids asking their parents to be parents. No duh, isn't it any wonder that some kids at least have some sense that things aren't turning out so good for this world, and realize that their parents don't give a #@!$?

This is a problem, that will surely ask for Time Travel.

For it's the children who will inherit the world. Wouldn't it be prudent of us to raise them with morals and principles? Not let loose to start becoming apart of a culture that is mostly based on sex, low morals, and do what ever pleasures you -attitude?

The end justify the means Laws. The laws of sacrificing our privacy to catch a terrorist. I been hearing and reading a lot on this phone and e-mail tapping… And I am out raged by it… This is manipulation and exploitation at it's worst. Slowly we start allowing this to infringe on our rights as man.

But to what end?

Starting on the path that will surely crumble by the time you are at the fork in the road. Which road will you take when you can't go back? For there is no road… Unless you make one. I.e. Time Travel. Gain what you lost. But any way's, don't take my word for it. Read it for your self, and consider what to what ends will this go to: http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/stories/story/0,10738,2829781,00.html

One more for tonight, then I gotta go.

Biased news stations. As if most people aren't miss informed already, they being the messengers of "NEWS" why don't they responsibly deliver both 2 sides to it? Leaning towards more 1 side, and at the same time keeping people ignorant of other ways of looking at it. Brainwashing them to believe that no other perspective remains, and to keep them on a path that will sanction something they have no other side to consider if it's bad. (Also related to above privacy law…)

Those who believe in what the news says gullibly, will allow and accept something like Time Travel. For I believe, that no honest thinking man or woman, knowing that something will cause someone harm, will deliberately assign them selves, judge, jury and executioner.

But then again, I'm here, and I am the TimeTravelActivist. They must have, or else I wouldn't be saying that it's a possibility that they will unintelligently made this decision.

Honestly, I feel that Critical Thinking and a course in Principles should be high school or better yet, middle school requirements. Nah. What the heck, teach them principles in elementary. Reform the whole teaching system. Get them on the road of surviving a world where we as adults have messed up. Then, maybe then, they will see something is off with the 10 o'clock news, and be able to not allow Time Travel, genetic engineering, cloning (for exploitation purposes). And last but not least: Do something about that Celebrity Cult.

<<Maybe these future groups are themselves on parallel tracks and are at the start at least, not aware of their competition. Every time some one tried to rewrite the past they would not consider the parallel consequences and there by fail their mission, causing them to try again and again, creating more havoc at each go-around. It reminds me of a Star Treck movie where they found out that thei warp drives were laying dammage to the hyperspatial fabric every where they went. Ear-splitting timic wakes and all.

Along with this senerio we can see that messing with the past would be just that much more difficult if those being messed with with knew about it. The back manipulators would have to ah, stiffle those who would catch on to the plot. Do you have direct evidence of stifflings?>>

If more people were aware enough to see the flaws in society and take an activist role in helping to fix conditions, the future will have no need for time travel. Not to mention, the hard time of keeping up with all the activists. But I am just 1
. And I am tired… So I will take my self a nice 4 hour nap, and do this all again later.

You want evidence of stiffling…? Well how can I prove it to you, or anyone? Should I set my camera to motion detection, right next to my alarm clock, so you can see the times I come out of unconscious to see these numbers?

Should I have maybe an EEG, and wait for a vision to show, only to see if I am really seeing and hearing them, and I okay? Or to confirm I am sick in thee' head

You name it, how I can prove it, and I will try my best in getting it to you. But in the mean time, why not ask CAT how she can prove it to you. Or some body else that's also plagued with the numbers and edited versions of what needed to be.

By the way, I saw that star trek episode too… I guess he had to be martyred for everyone to see what he was talking about. Well, not an option for me, I have a family and friends that need me
. And a world that needs to be made aware. If I don't do it, who will?

Hope you guys don't mind if I butt in here. I think you might be caught in a Rip tide. You swim and swim but just keep getting farther from the shore. I think your all smarter than that. Come on use your brain you know you got one. What do you think you fight with when weapons become obsolete? Your all slaves you just haven't figured out who your masters are.

>>>You're all slaves, you just haven't figured out who your masters are yet<<<<<
Amen to that bro.

BUT, and you knew there was a but coming, let me take a wild guess:

It - will - sink - your - @$$ - like a Pearl Harbor battleship on Sunday morning.

TORA ! TORA ! TORA! pal.

*THE voice of experiance speaks.
TTA I can't speak more highly of you!!!

Yes TTA is correct with his number analogy on the double digits. 9 is my number thats why I'm called the CAT! Everything in my life seems to revolve around 9's including dates and times which is telling me weather for good or bad thats where the Time Travelers want me. I was born on the 29th. Every employment that I ever had (12 jobs throughout the course of my life including my present job) I started and ended each job on the 9th, 19th, 29th (these dates were not of my choice.) I had a 4 year Hell with the U.S. court system! "Every" court order and appearance I made was on the 9th, 19th, 29th. I was married on the 9th TWICE! The closing on my house was on the 19th. Past relatives have died on the 9th, 19th, 29th. My sisters Birthday is on the 19th. My telephone number has five 9s in it. I could go on and on. If I pulled out my documented books all the 9's would fill this entire post up.

When I look at a clock (mostly digital) I consistently see double digits.

Christmas day at my house the door bell rings I walk through my hallway to get the door. I look at the digital clock in my living room as I am opening the door, it reads 5:55p.m.

I could be sound asleep and wake for no apparent reason! I look at the clock it reads 3:33a.m.

At work I have 2 different clocks set several minutes apart (18 min. an off number) from each other. I'm sitting at my desk and a thought pops in my head, those clients were supposed to be here by now. Where are they? I looked at one clock it read 1:31pm. I looked at the other clock it read 1:13pm. The phone rings and the digital display shows 1:11pm.
Throughout the course of my day this is a nonstop accuring event. Its like a slap in the face evertime I see it. (I see the double digits more than I see a normal time like 12:17pm.) Its telling me that I'm not in controle of my life that every hour or minuet in my life is being monitored and controlled, by who? TIME TRAVELERS!!!

To TTA and Shadow and others on this post my thoughts on Time Travel go deeper! It was hard for me to conceive this conspiracy that Time Travelers are mending and rewriting our future, implementing, covering up, filling in the gaps and remaking a new and different future. Our goverment is writing our history into a new world order! I would hate to think about all those people that are taking different roles in life. It seems that the many always suffer because of the few.

I have my thoughts about Bush and his father with the 2000 election and its aftermath 36 days from hell made the history books while it will be remembered as a closely fought and strongly contested election. First Gore was in the lead than Bush, than Gore, Ballat votes that were lost and now showing up. Than the deceptive ballat votes with the screwed up hole punches and than the ones from dead people! than the news Bush was the real winner. I think we have our hands on some Time Travelers meddling with the electoral votes (makes one think?) during Bushes election he stressed that he wanted to put more money into the military (well what was he planning?) did he know the future? or did daddy from the CIA assign a time Traveler to the task? Bush is a man that wants to be known for making history! for one person only HIMSELF!

He had his hand in September 11th. He new what was coming down! I think he was a better actor than Ronald Reagan! How stunned and in shock with disbelief he was and sympathetic for the people. He immediately took charge as planned! making it a day of memorial in history! Pulling the people together and preaching unity and spirituality!

Much like TTA when I watch the news all I see is deception and lies to the american public and the world.

I see Clinton lying about his affair with monique lewinski on public TV to the nation.

When September 11th accured president Bush according to the news was supposed to be in an underground bunker. Later to find out he was secretly flown into Milwaukee Wisconsin. I know there was a valid security reason for them to hide Bush for the safety of our president and our country! But it was a lie and cover up! and for a good cause. TIME TRAVELERS GO ABOUT THIS MALEVOLENT BUSINESS IN THE SAME WAY! But its not good its destroying the very fabric of our freedom!

I used to work in a hospital (medical records) and I can vouch that more than half of our society is on an anti depressant drug. And ADD and ADHD (attention deficit disorder) in kids and adults effects our society at an alarming rising rate and its at its highest peek in the nation. ANOTHER MEANS TIME TRAVELERS HAVE US UNDER THEIR CONTROL!

History teaches us that 20 years before the Vietnam war 1964/65 there was a baby boom. The year 1990 more babies were born this year than any other year. What is this telling us? Is there going to be a war? Its the inevitable! History has proved this to us time and time again! Those malevolent time travelers controlling us like the queen bee! They have us coming back to the hive. They destroy and steel our combs and honey and we like fools keep rebuilding and reconstructing time and time again.

These are just a few of my thoughts...

The CAT...
The late 1960s went through something similar to what your saying.

There was fervent intrest in near space travel.

Boeing Aerospace was even doing concepts to this effect, of a near space shuittle system, way back when.

However now it's time machines.

The rumour from what I hear, is that there are lots and lots of time machines, plus portals and star gates around.

So these devices are similar to potato chips, after a party on the rug, they're out there.

On the skuttle-but of which you intimating concerning Goerge Bush Junior:

Yes he's like his dad, however supposedly much more maliable?

You can tell what a parent is like by obsereving their childern.

Do Genna and the other child have a substance abuse problem?No of course not.

However observing the after effects ofg the WTC disaster, at ground zero, there was even evidence of frantic tradeing on papaer, just before the two aircraft had crashed into the WTC towers.

The key question might be, did the Arabic world, as well as other principles have knowlege of these happeneings prior to the tower's demise?

Well from what data has been derived, the question should be placed more like,"Who didn't know"?!

With all due respects this said past coming event, was so well known in certain circles and in volume, that they could have sold tickets to this happening.

Of course' "Oh this is terrible", however what ther more subtle is now, is that most U.S. domesitcs are now focused on anti-terrorism and this seems to be the domestic flavour.

Traveling by air linner any more is a nightmare, as any intimation that this is a free frontier, has now had this illusion tossed out the window.

It seems now the current trend within the U.S. is, is this or that person stable and we of course are all locked within a survival mode and not observing the greaster picture which should be to come.

Well as a matter of fact, people now, are so unstable, that the goverment has to be observing them all of the time?

So another oppertunity comes along, such as a re on the space exploration and here the problems are, that Earth based people are too inhearently unstable to transport into space.

I mean what would the extraterrestials say, if by chance they met an unstable Earth person?

It's not the funding for the Vietnnam War being so irregular,that a Senate meeting was held before the end of the war,to locait a U.S. Army Seargent.

This guy was so rich, that he could fill the hold of his thirty six foot yatch with Jack Daniels Wiskey via the casefull and sail to northern Austrailia somewhere?

It's that people might be unstable?

This might manifest itself as someone eating their bowl of cornflakes at an airport and get the sudden urge to attack his bowl of cerial with a knife and fork.

These certainly are dangours times we live in and we need a strong leader to keep us safe!This would be such as George Bush, who by what Jeff Rense has printed in his web site, was a said past busniess partner with Bin Ladin et al?

Lions tigers and bears, "Oh my"!

Now let me see if I have this correctly.

Something like sixty billion spent on the X-33 space plane program and that does not work rite?

Plus now they have the engines that propel any future space craft, at mach six, however now people are too unstable....hmmmm?

I'm not somehow sure about this one.

Now you said that if you use the hit hidden alien bases or extraterrestial bases, that you get a bunch of web hits on some seventy hidden aliens base, which complete deatils are given?

Why I have never heard of anything so preposterous in my life.

I mean these of course must be taco stands or vendor stands, that only resemble hidden aliens bases?

And the cattle mutilations around these said bases?

Wel' well that's where they get the meat for the tacos and vends they sell.I mean thats right; isin't it???

The next thing you'll be tellin me CAT and "I do love that name", is that at the Montauk said Expierment that there was a lizard man who wore a white lab coat, punch a time clock and went by the name of Larry?!

Harvy The White Rabbit,...Larry the lizard man,...I,I-ah,...I just don't know on that one CAT?

I should say the tidbits of knowlege that people claim now-a-days?

What's this world coming to?

That's all for now CAT, I have to go practice being safe, while I watch my illuminatti movie.

Words to live by
And we do love you madly>Once said by big band director, Duke Ellington to his audiance after a performace:
you must not have the right connections Don't you know what the government has been up to . There trying to get thier asses off this planet because a huge planet is coming our way. haven't you heard about planet X. It makes its orbit every 3,600 years and causes tremedous problems for earth. what do you think the flood in the bible was. Gods, aliens one and the same. The government found out about this and decided to spend the last fifty years and your tax dollars saving themselves. What they did'nt know was that someone was out there and was in no way going to let them succeed. No one is getting off this planet. If you were an alien would you want humans leaving earth to settle on some other planet and do the same thing there that we have done here. The aliens have there own agenda and it seems like you guys are part of the plan. What would you do if the planet was fixing to go through a cataclsym that could possibly wipe out 90% of the population. First you wouldn't want to tell anyone you exist because then they would want you to save them. Maybe you could just send little messaged but no proof. Maybe you could tell some humans what to do to survive or where to go.
Who would you want to save, smart people, religous people, geneticallly altered people get may drift. maybe theres more than 1 alien group all trying to save their own. Who do you guys belong to. I guess it's the numbers group and who are they, zetas,pleiadians,acturans,reptilians just to name a few. come on put yourself in there shoes They can't save everybody its just not possible. Man needs to be allowed to continue not matter how screwed up he is. We are making progress albeit slowly. Come on guys wake up we need you for the future. I'll give you a hint 3's a charm. claim your power or your out of here!
<<I have to go practice being safe, while I watch my illuminatti movie.>>

So what your saying, is that we should just play along and accept this? You don't mind that Bush Sr. & Jr. are the illuminatti, controling our fate?

Well I guess not, you said you'd rather be safe. I just hope you realize that it's in exchange for your freedom.
