Time Travel Monopoly

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And I thought, I was harshly honest

I think I like your sarcasm persona, better then your @$$-hole persona of last years.

It really sounds that you don’t give a #&@$ what happens anymore. Given up? Because maybe you didn’t succeed? Or to lazy to try again?

Disappointments are always going to be present. That is why you have to choose what you do carefully.

No matter how much I get harassed and urged by the Christians at my work, to get to Church, they can’t phase me or get me to go.

Why? Because I will not be apart of something when others find them selves with the cold harsh reality, of disappointment down the line.

Religion, spirituality, genetic engineering, cloning, Time Travel. Everything I oppose, and will continue to oppose till the day I leave this world. I oppose because I know better, and have already been disappointed.

Yet, it has not made me succumb and surrender my soul to it’s effects, but made me aware that the causes to these disappointments can be averted.

All it takes is a little ambition and awareness that something must be done, and with the help of others, things will get done.

Yes, the TimeTravelActivist is hopeful that something will be done
. Soon hopefully…

Hey here’s a paradox for you, if people like you didn’t accept what happened, no unethical forbidden sciences (Time Travel, Cloning, genetic engineering) would have ever happened. But since they were just under the impression that “somebody else” would fix it, it never was. Therefore, allowing the current condition to deteriorate would make people like you responsible for what happens from here on.

But don’t worry, I am the TimeTravelActivist. I am “somebody else” who can fix what people like you allowed in the first place.

That should make you sleep better at night knowing that, ehh Shadow?

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."
What are you using, MS Word?

I'm using MS word 2000.

Try it on yours; maybe it's the same for older or newer versions.

First Go to: Tools >> then: options >> then choose the: save -tab.

It should show a couple of options for saving. Choose what's right for you.

Auto Recover restores your document to it's last save once you open word again. It works best with background save enabled.

Try it and let me know if you got it.

<<Redferns' Tenth Insight is a real good read on strange coincidence.
Have you read Carlos Casteneda?>>

No, but I will check out amazon.com and read it's reviews. Thanks for the tip.

you're back! you disappeared for awhile. I was actually starting to worry about you, TTA.

welcome back
hope your holidays have been good

There is a built in human need to believe in a power (any thing) greater than ourselves. Screwing that need around to fit somebody elses agenda is what love, politics, salesmanship, and religion is all about. Telling them all to 'hit the road' is a good start on the road to saving your own soul.

The whole trick is being lucky enough to survive intensive 'schooling'.
What real meaning will that ideal give you, when your entire existence is set up to just not give a @#!$?

No ambition to fight fires or cure diseases. Not interested in having your family and friends love you?

What then, is the alternative, Shadow?

Sit at home in your underwear all day watching videos and just fritter away?

I find no salvation for our souls in inaction, but just going on strike, to living life.

Hello Shadow! This is in tribute to TTA

I read the book the celestine prophecy by James Redfield.
I have great difficulty excepting the subliminal persuasion
of this book. (I am not easily taken by what I read.) In my understanding of the story everything revolves around
an energy field and if everyone on earth can achieve this vibration (at the same time) according to the ninth insight we can all cross over and walk right into heaven in our same form. (I did not read the tenth insite yet, but It's probably along the same lines.)

Celestine Prophesy wasnt the only book that relates to this. The book Time Travelers from our future by Bruce Goldberg relates to
this as well in the last chapter stating: Civilization will die, unless it escapes our dimensional universe collapse. Just moments before the collapse we may be able to enter the other dimensional universe and avoid our previous fate. (Bruce Goldburg goes on to say
Of course by that time we will have mastered hyperspace travel and our future should be secure. We can thank the time travelers for our eventual salvation.

That is the mission of the time travelers but I dont buy it! I think its a place of eternal slavery! They are the ones playing God! (Not God himself!) God is about love and FREEDOM!!!
Time Travelers are manipulating us in the past, present and future, genentically altering us SPIRITUALLY! they have there hand in everything even down to september 11th! all for spirutual advancement for just this purpose!

TTA is correct in all his postings! There is something we can all learn from him. We all need to take our blindfolds off and see what time travelers are hiding from us and to unlease the truth! We are all individuals each one of us was created a new soul! Time Travelers want to steel our energy for some evil purpose and enslave us to the future!

Shadow, I refuse to live in ignorace and be a slave!

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 30-Dec-01 AT 03:34AM (EDT)</font>


It’s really a good feeling to hear someone else feels the same way about things. I was surprised, and delighted to hear what you said about Time Travel in your last post.

Finally, I have met another person who feels that Time Travel is not a fantasy, or an ethical means of reaching humanities goals.

But who are you? I’m skeptical that you agree with everything I say.

Unless, you too are going through life with strange experiences?

That would explain it…

I see you read Dr. Bruce Goldberg’s books, -Time Travelers from our future.-

Hmmm, interesting.

Just prior to me becoming the TimeTravelActivist, you all know today
. I was in telephone contact with Dr. Bruce Goldberg for a few weeks. He was, or should I say still is a busy man. He was nice enough to offer me assistance with what I was going through, in exchange telling him what I thought about his book and the future.

In the end, we had a falling out, where my opinion on Time Travel differed from his, and I became plagued by a constant sense of vertigo, and strange coincidences. Where then my pleas to have him cure me, fell on deft ears… Since I had no job, or means to pay him.

That is today, my continuing search. Where so long ago, I always wanted to be a Time Traveler, now I stood as a defector. To that childlike dream, the hope that someday I would become a Chrononaut, and be able to alter the past, was in the end my undoing.

I now, 21 years of age, and the only TimeTravelActivist in the world, stand-alone.

Until now…

Just as I, who once was a man ready to throw my life into the pursuit of Time Travel. Others now understand that they too, would be nothing more then accessories to manipulation and exploitation at the hands of Time Travelers, had they allowed acceptance of this science/technology go unquestioned.

I hope that you ??? who ever you are, will realize that being an Activist is a difficult responsibility, but a meaningful one. But not to worry, you will not be alone

I think we should talk… Please e-mail me to: [email protected]

Anyone else wish to know more about the Time Travel threat, should ask questions. I know you may not like having your fantasy trampled on (I know, I was once like you). But you should know, that Time Travel has consequences that will affect us all. And that is not just selfish, that is WRONG!


I consider meaningful coincident, de-javu, synchronisity, to be the tracks left behind (or set in front of us) by time rifts. Now lets see, if time is a linear extention of gravity then a time rift might also leave tracks as gravity fluxuations and that might be sensed as vertigo. Or visa-versa, if one is sensitive to vertigo it might lead one to skip in and out of parallel sections of the time stream.

The art of having these skips turn in ones own advantage is what most put off as pure luck. The play between good luck and bad is what life is all about. Only a few of us discover this fact on a conscious level. Some have enough good luck to make it unnecessary to go about questioning the hands of fate.

I know this sentence will come back alooking for me but here goes any way: The bad-guy time travlers are here messing with us - but they are NOT human.

So, TTA are you saying that the more one tries to manipulate time the more likely he is to be picked up on and delivered with setbacks?
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 30-Dec-01 AT 10:03PM (EDT)</font>

Just today when I woke up from a long nap, 12 hours to be exact. I had brief moments where my eyes would open to look at the alarm clock, next to my bed. And each time I would look at the clock, it would give me 11:22 a.m., 1:33 p.m., and 3:22 p.m.

And just now when I read your post, it was 6:22 p.m.

Now the contents of my dream where nothing short from extraordinary, but the times where the intermission for the next dream would begin, I would always wake up at double-digit increments.

<<The bad-guy time travlers are here messing with us - but they are NOT human. >>

Are you saying they are Aliens?

If you do, then I am way ahead of you in considering that possibility.

I’ve had a couple of dreams involving extraterrestrial entities.

I can’t say I like them any better then the human Time Travelers. I consider them in the same category of the individuals I plan to make pay someday.

<<So, TTA are you saying that the more one tries to manipulate time the more likely he is to be picked up on and delivered with setbacks? >>

Well I’m not sure. But it would seem logical to think so. If you knew that a close friend of yours was going to win the lottery soon, wouldn’t you do anything to make sure it wasn’t him who won it?

I think after reading some of your recent posts, I think you would

All I want to do is communicate the message, that Time Travel is wrong. They’re millions of people who are being manipulated and exploited by Time Travelers every moment of everyday. Something must be done…

I expect the very little progress I’ve done already to inform others, is being re-written to make the bar just a little higher for me to reach.

But you know what? That’s okay, because I know that I am persevering against adversity on a temporal level. And that they will never be able to stop me from trying to make others aware of what’s going on behind closed curtains.

Unless of course they do something to stop me permanently, and the TimeTravelActivist, is no more. But if that happens, I will be proven right, and everyone will see their true intentions. Maybe…

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 30-Dec-01 AT 11:09PM (EDT)</font>

Not to get off track here, but has anyone reviewd this thread yet?
********* "Physics involving time travel" *******************
*Back to the Future... "Time Out For Time" *
just my usual ramblings, forgive me for the intrusion.

*Back from the past..."Time's gone a missing again!
This is SR5891 of the Federation; I am here to give some information and some warnings.

TimeTravelActivist I advise you to stop this immediately. There are reasons for Time Manipulation/Convoluting (or TC). We do realize that you are against TC, but we assure you it IS necessary. For your own safety I am asking you to stop.

As for the rest of you (attempting to build Time Machines), you are to call the first successful Time Machine ALPHA. We found we could hasten the process carefully by telling you that the first Time Machine will require these elements:

Am (Americium)
Pm (Promethium)

This information will put the United States of America a few years ahead in Time Travel Technology. Do this not for the glory of Time Travel, do this for your country.
AM and PM justa play'n in my BM.

Spider legs and tail of nute......

keep going, you're a real scream
I'm saying that it is the aliens vs the humans.

(Oh, is the lotto winable via TT?)

If we are not pawns in a plan then we are pawns by random chance.

What the thieves really want is your dignity, even though they can never wear it themselves. Keep the moral high ground or keep nothing at all.

Who in the blue hell, are you?

What makes you think that I will believe or take the advise of someone who just comes in here running his mouth about being from a federation and knowing what's best for the us all.


I am the TimeTravelActivist -Just try and stop me.

In the words of my new friend ???, I refuse to live in ignorance and be a slave!

Just bring it!

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."
To save the world
I just don't care
cause I'm hanging around
in my underwear

Of shoveling s**t againts the tide
I glow with the gratest pride

I've got a resume of failures that would choke a horse, and I plan to add to it for years to come. I am the CHRIST of failure. Its what I do best. .... a record of near perfection.
SR5819 (of the Federation?)

Why is time manipulation/convoluting so necessary?

Are we playing dice? and involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules?

Dice can sometimes be thrown where they cannot be seen.

Please respond,

Hello'I must post under an alleias, even though...?

For Shadow and the said TT.

You must know this interface between humans and aliens.

Humans, to an extent are aliens.

The Michael Cremmo web site, does show information that in some instances, mankind and his gentic design, has been altered.

This is genetic and in the physical.

The spiritual within the God consortium, or as you understand God to be, is a differing department.

There was a differing division of time travels, which was part of the hidden U.S. Government.

However by and large this was for their pourposes and was not geared for humankind by and large.

What has comeout of the Rainbow Projects, is the Phoenix Project, where mankind can more redily travel into time.

However augmentation for personal political or spiritual gain, with the newer systems, has not yet been verified, only suspected.

To the time travler, there has been another of this time, who has a number of times, been sucessfull at small leaps in time travel.

In some instances dimensional portals.

Mankind at this point, is his own direction shadow.

The aliens you throw insults at, are in a measure yourselves.

Yes there are both it seems good and bad E.T. influences, however you as a junior E.T., must sort out who is whoand this can be done very rapidly on the web.

As for Andreson and group, they have it seems polaited to certain God factors within their own group, due to the past bad broadcast on the Montauk Group.

So you see there are many E.T. influences here on Earth, some or many hidden bases and these are posted as such.

Additionally also star gates and new larger stile time traveling machines.

However political manipulation by time travel.
Well Shadow at least you still have your favorit songs.

Dance Band on the titanic
Goodnight Irene
The Dead Egyptian Blues

You should listen to the song by: The youth Ahead (Has anyone seen my underwear)

Its a real headbanger but it might help you cope!

"So you see there are many E.T. influences here on Earth, some or many hidden bases and these are posted as such."
Yes the TAP-TEM MAGI assembly is quite aware of this information.
*See: Hidden Underground!
Secret underground labs? Underground Bases? if they exist, we find out them and discuss them within our organization.
Below are some of the examples of those subjects before us...

Alien Bases
Alien bases on Earth? (You might get a chuckle, then again you might be suprised!)

The Sauder Zone

There is much more going on within the scope of our ability to see what is before us that operates outside of our physical eyes are capable of revealing unto us from what we see through them and when that veil gets lifted to those who can see beyond this physical QSE it becomes ever so clear to those who do to return with the knowledge and insight that the more we learn, the more we begin to understan how little we truly know!

---T12 of TAP-TEN

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know,...is Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."