Time travel in dreams?


Temporal Novice
I recall having dream when I was younger. In the dream, I was in a rustic room rocking in a rocking chair on a coil rug. On the rug was a child playing. I was holding a baby. I had this dream about 15 years ago. I now have a rocking chair and two children. Is it possible my dream allowed me to see the future?

I don't think that it could have been anything else than a premonitory dream.

Unless you have any other memories apart from this one?

I believe we can travel to another place and time in our dreams. I think at times, that is merely reflected memory melding with what we saw on TV the night before, and what we had for dinner. Then there are " those" dreams. Sometimes they are prophetic, and sometimes they may show us a glimpse of....what? A parallel universe where different choices will lead to a different history or future? A repressed or deeply buried memory? Only the shadow knows......

I FINALLY had a time travel dream, mostly because I watched Predestination last night. I don't know HOW or why I time traveled, but in my head I knew it was time travel. I traveled to the 1980's, my favorite decade. Unfortunately, I don't remember much else.

I've had a dream in the recent past, which kind of felt like I had briefly travelled back in time. The only thing I remember about this dream is that I awaken and I am aware that I'm in my childhood bedroom, laying in bed. I am sleepy, and half awake in my dream, but it felt so real, like I was actually in my own bedroom that I've not been in for many many years. There is not much more I remember about the dream apart from the overwhelming feeling that I was back in my childhood home. Maybe I exprienced a simple partial seizure in my sleep, who knows? The mind really is a powerful thing.

I've never had this sort of dream before in all actuality. My dreams are pretty weird, and outlandish and usually tend to involve me in a mishmash of locations that I've been to. Like being in a school that's a mixture of my elementary school, high school, and a house I lived in 10 years ago.

You can only dream about what you already know, the events are modified by one's imagination. But it's similar to déjà vu, the stimulus makes it so that the things you've encountered in real time have a resemblance to something you have already seen or heard etc.

So this could be a case in which you might have seen a child playing on a coil rug with the child's father watching and your imagination modified the memory while you were dreaming about it.

I really wish I could say I had. I don't want to speculate on the validity until I have personal experience. I just haven't really formed an opinion yet. I do know one thing for sure, I'm a more than a little jealous!

I really wish I could say I had. I don't want to speculate on the validity until I have personal experience. I just haven't really formed an opinion yet. I do know one thing for sure, I'm a more than a little jealous!
It just happens K.M. Some people are synchronized to time interrupting events.Other people are able to know hear and feel these frequencies and either do, or don't seek them out.
Then there are the time traveling experimenters.They're in a league of their own.Just more or less absorb stuff from talk and chats here.You'd be surprised how fast you catch on.You're one of us now, a tadpole in da mud.So feel very welcome here.

It just happens K.M. Some people are synchronized to time interrupting events.Other people are able to know hear and feel these frequencies and either do, or don't seek them out.Then there are the time traveling experimenters.They're in a league of their own.Just more or less absorb stuff from talk and chats here.You'd be surprised how fast you catch on.You're one of us now, a tadpole in da mud.So feel very welcome here.
I spend more time on this forum than I do anything else. I definitely feel welcome, everyone here makes that part easy. As far as absorbing, believe me I am trying to take in as much as possible... and loving it. My friends and I used to throw around ideas, but nothing like this. This is so much more intense. I'm pretty sure I'll never get bored here. :)

There is a great possibility that our brain or our thinking may have traveled to the future especially if we are sleeping knowing the fact that a matter cannot exist in two place at a time though sleeping might be a consideration

There is a great possibility that our brain or our thinking may have traveled to the future especially if we are sleeping knowing the fact that a matter cannot exist in two place at a time though sleeping might be a consideration
What evidence do you have for your belief that "There is a great possibility that our brain or our thinking may have traveled to the future especially if we are sleeping....."? Btw, Kamusta?

Last night I had my first time travel dream in as long as I can remember. Deja vu is very common for me, but not the dreams I can remember. It was a really pleasant change of pace from my usual dreams.

I recall having dream when I was younger. In the dream, I was in a rustic room rocking in a rocking chair on a coil rug. On the rug was a child playing. I was holding a baby. I had this dream about 15 years ago. I now have a rocking chair and two children. Is it possible my dream allowed me to see the future?
Anakin Skywalker would say yes :) Are you still looking at this thread? Maybe you had to run out to get a nice rug ;) Or, maybe you have one already?!?
