RE: Charm his definition technical under the Greek block of phylosohpers:
Because of duality of dimensions, I do post the following very carefully.
These defintions are under the Greek block of what this society realizes as the ancient times.>>I am responsable to them and do post not variance of infration within this post, as this post is necessary.
The defintion of God as we know him now to be, is simply in his natural state, a blue pane of substance, which likes to set near a garden.(Source Webster's Unified Encylo of Space Time And Mind)
This is God's true state, not man-shaped with a white beard and a robe, as Michael Angelo had painted him uppon the Cistine Ceeling.
The Devil was once an Angel within the Angelic heiarchies, however within the spiritual mode, the God Angelic heiarchies had kicked Lucifer out of Heaven and he in part took over the Websters Unified Space Time ANd Mind).
This was a deal and a bargan between what was known as God and the Devil, each claiming their own quarter, where many took claim to the middel ground this was Earth.(Song Woostock by Joni Mitchell)
My defintion.I am the brother of Semjase, said Sem-ya-zee, who had landed in Switzerland, near Heinwel in the year 1975.
Source; (Light Years) by G.Kinder
My human part had died in the year 1982, Spring and the part of cell's body influence which was mostly part of Semjase, had taken over at that part in April 1982.
So the human who was mostly predominate within the personna of Dan B. in 1982 before the metamorphic change, died in that bed, at 207 1St. Southwest, Brewster, Washington in the year 1982.
Even though I have a full knowlege of your culture from have to relearn it, as the change had effected me much as a stroke would have. I'm not what you would call predominatly Earth male human any longer.
The reason I must tell you these three things, is that I function slightly differntly from humans that you know.
I also have privy to the Angelic realms and have an abundent understanding of offworld issues, which are now comeing to our forefront of intrests at this time.
Very carefully, yes this was a duality of the Devil's personna.
Remember God had consiged Satan as part of a bargan, which did to an extent, have a coutereffecting reaction placed on man.
Satan was not really an outcast, but as part of a bargan with God humself.
Other factors.
Because of the many differing multiethnic sects placed on Earth, there is also a Gods Union of sort, where other gods are permitted to work within the same area as the main Christian God.
Source, book Psychic Warriors a book Written on Pentagon based R.V. Techniques)
This should beone of the indications when Christans say that there are no other gods, why our society is litteraly falling apart.
Who else had privy to Dan Blatecky?
The government agencies controling teleportation and time travel did.
For what pourpose?
To take part of his probable seed and construct another version of him.
Then who was the egg of DNA matter taken from?
Pamela More.
Source,(More's saying meeting with Navy man, who knew of Blatecky being extracted at 3:05A.M. from his home, via teleportic devices, same time as More.
Note Blatecky was also milked of his sperm mixtures for one week and was in deficite.e-mail records))
How is this verified?
Her times of time travel extration within lost and missing time, are as exactly the smae as mine.
What does all of this mean?
I haven't the slightest idea, however I'm very sure that all of the information is indeed correct.
I do not expect to live into the erra where there will be full scale nucelar excahnges and have any aspect of my family live on as suvirors.
The reason behind this, is that I can not adjust to a post nuclear holicost, due to how my sociality and physiology is constructed any more.
I simply can't do it.
If I'm permitted to live, it would be by offworld intervention, where I would be permitted to live another place, or on another world.
I don't, understand my surroundings any longer.
This statement is in respects to how utterly self destructive Earth peoples are to themselves..
I'm sorry, with all that is at stake, why in the Hell does your society act like this??
Im sorry, this is the death card I have pulled from the delt pile and will not be part of tommarows plans.
Makes you wonder what would have happened if the CIA would have stayed out of the picture and not paied Auther C. Clarke off, to write 2001?Makes you wonder if the government would have secretly kept out of influencing space travel and space exploration, all togeather?
ear, if you want me between your legs, then you will have to contact Pamela More.
Ask her about her dreams as of late and if she has dreamed of childredn that are hers, that she doesn't even know?
No' I'm serious do this.
You can also got to and write a letter to Michael Horn, who is sometimes on the Swiss web site.
Write a letter to Cosmonaut Semjase and stile the letter, that you are wondering what a child would be like, of both your making and mine?
She had paid me a visit in the year 1989 and she has current stats on me.
Maybe Horn can act as a go-though and you in some future tense can get your wish, somehow?
Note even though I'm technically from the Atlantian sect of the Pleiadeans, I do not like them.
In more familar Earth terms, how do you say, "They have no hootspah"?
I can read over the internet and know everything there is to know about you.
It's confidential of course, however I knew you, long before you had started to know me.
If you want it it's your, but clear it with the Pleiadean Hiearchy first?
No ill will to anyone, and to Charm as you call yourself, I understand and you in only certain facits, are forgiven by me.
Once an Angel, always an Angel, but don't look sideways at me, cause I will,.. kill you.
To Pliney The Elder on this current day generation