"Time Travel" impossible, no, and, but's, or if's about it

RE: I needed help clearing things up and you did this.

I think its pretty clear, this is the Devil.

The way he talks and acts, pretty much says that.
RE: I needed help clearing things up and you did this.

How do you know how he talks and acts?

On the other hand, everybody knows how you talk and act like

What's the difference, really?

You’re both full of crap.

RE: I needed help clearing things up and you did this.

I know, and that's all I have to say.

Remember CAT had senced this first?

Oh by the way, TTA, you seem to have an annoying little politeness problem?

I would be willing to supply a postal stop, so that I could wire you fifty dollars, via a money order, this would be great?!

This way you could pay someone to punch you in the face.
This is as of late, with you manners and all, I'm sure your in desperate need of this?

I won't respond to any more of your nasty comments.

If your going to talk like a bathroom toilet-mouth, then you'r probably better off ignored?

Thank you, I decline from further comment, on the subject of your impolliteness.

Very truly, with compassion forethought and with what wisdom that I can scrape up, Creedo 299, in his social discussion phase.

Oh by the way, an R.e' you "don't", know all about me, that there is to know.I will assure you of this.

Enjoy your fifty dollars worth of amusement to come, very truly, your friend Daniel.

RE: I needed help clearing things up and you did this.


And what would you happend to know about $50 dollars?

The other 50 is half the man your not!

Note this as a Historical Marker, If there's a devil in here, it is surely you!!!


If you knew what I'm going through lately, you wouldn't address me in that fashion.

I could call you a cheap dick, which is a euphamasim for an older term for a cop, but I won't do that.

No CAT' you have a beatiful sence of intuition and hit that last call right on the numbers, that was the Devil hon.

This wasn't my post log in and check the i.p. numbers if you want?

There is something that I know and this is the Devil and you and me just delt with him.

Ed Dames did this once when he was involed in his R.V. out of body groups and had one contact with him.

Ed said that the Devil looked right at him, knew he was there as if to say, "There is nothing and I mean nothing you can do about me or your situation to come"!

If I were an angel and God put me in charge to escort Satan to the brig as it were, I would for just fifteen minutes, like to be alone with this punk.

Just for fifteen minutes for some quiet time, that's all I ask for that day?

The Devil is right, God is not perfect, however he seems to be one of the only guys in town, with balls enough and gumption to help run things along.

Yes and I guess that even God has a bad hair day.

~~Caught in the Devil's bargan and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden?..Lyrics from Woodstock the recording.
RE: To Creedo, Finchy, Dogfishshark, univeral people ex.....

Creedo, you posted,

<This wasn't my post log in
and check the i.p. numbers
if you want?>

Well than who was it? BILL CLINTON! How do you exspect me to believe you when you have posted under so many aliases! And your character is extreamly flawed! Who are you trying to fool?

Your not going to wine and dine me telling me I have beautyful sense of intuition!

That was the cheepest dinner date I ever had!


P.S. I'm not a Monique Lewinski
RE: I needed help clearing things up and you did this.

Creedo you said:
<<Oh by the way, TTA, you seem to have an annoying little politeness problem?>>

Thanks Creedo, and you seem to have an irritating smell of shit.

<<I won't respond to any more of your nasty comments.>>

How many people have said that to me this year alone? Hmmm… let’s see; Only Clara and she still talking to me, I must be losing my touch.

Oh by the way, did I forget to mention, that I don’t give a shit.

<<Very truly, with compassion forethought and with what wisdom that I can scrape up, Creedo 299, in his social discussion phase.>>

When your done with all your dribble, don’t forget to scrape up all the shit you left when you barged your sorry ass in here.

Cause all I asked you was a question, and stated the truth. It's my job.

<<you "don't", know all about me, that there is to know.I will assure you of this.>>

I’m trembling in my moccasins…
I’m so much dieing to know.

. I never asked, and I don't care what dark skeletons you hide. And I'm sure no body here wants to know either

Spare me your crap Creedo, cause the TTA has you on the crosshair’s and I’m not afraid to dispose of the Devil in disguise, my self.

RE: Charm

so much "Tension" in here. i feel confused for the time being... who's the "DEVIL" here eh? better yet. what's TTA? awww so many questions filling my mind right about now. you guys just sound like lost "best friends" who just cant seem to get along quite well. enough said there...

you two are like "time travel" its impossible to work. get it? haha if you say its possible. then please get along. it seems like.. naw enough said here too...

by the way CAT, ive read your info you gave me. yes there is space between us all. where like planets revolving around the sun (nucleus) but your point here is what? i dont get what you are saying. dimensions in the shadow? no no, that is really really weird, if you say so. it makes me assume as if us "humans" and everything around us is NOTHING. so to speak. since were jointed by shadows then shouldn't there be things that joint this shadow? hard to explain but for everything there is, its somehow connected. well if we just litterly "cut" shadow to pieces and pieces. we will get what? like cutting an element to pieces. it becomes it'self again. so this explain, that "nothing" is purely nothing. how can there be a dimension between that? oh wait i think i got your point. your thinking that if theres nothing, it leaves a "possibility" of this dimension you speak of.... well then if there is... your saying we can actually dig in beneath this shadow and lurk somewhere else on the other side. ha! i take that hard to believe. its like shattering our brains into tiny atoms and then to electrons and protons and then to this quarks and then to gluons and then to this nothing in between. well if you actually think this is possible. i request you be the first to try it. whether if you can actually think after this "brain cutting" experiment. get it?in order for it actually work. a sacrafice must be taken. i doubt this will work.

we cant change History, its like grabbing a History book with a pencil. who here has the power to re-write this book? please dont jump out and say "i have the power" lol

oh yeah! we look at history when we say going back in time. what about the air? the climate? our space we might take up? even a little difference in the air, would cause a dramatic change. like saying: blowing up a balloon before its last air increases for it to pop. one breathe of air and BOOM. same as for time traveling, our presence will even cause a change that cant be undo. so in other words, its impossible.... no hard feelings.... especially creedo!

RE: Charm

hmmmmm i just thought of something. CAT, again you can say that this solar system is an atom. because we revolve around the sun again. this planet is like an electron that surfs around and the other 8 planets included. the distance is far from the sun. which leaves us a space. a difinitely big ammount of space. it is like nothing in between. so what dimensions could there really be in this big space of nothing. dont include the chemicals. i am merely using this as an example. and please dont say that it is somewhere out there. a type of sucking in-portal that can re-absorb us into and WHAAAM your gone.

TTA i have just read about one of your long ago post. ANIT TIME TRAVEl eh? sounds pretty cool to me. but your leaving a possibility that it can happen. who knows whats inside everyones head lately. alright enough said tonight...

RE: Charm


Enegy can change form but is never destroyed! I cant break it down anymore for you than that.

If you dont believe in time travel than so be it, thats more than perfectly fine with me because I don't consider or see you as a threat than. But understand that achieving it can be detromental to man kind!

RE: Charm, on what charm is?

Like I told ya, this Charm dude was the Devil.

Did you notice on his last post as contrasted to one of his earlier diatribic post in contrast to what I was saying, how bad his English sentqance constructgion was?

He had spelled have, as ahave.

What is odd is, that ahave is also Cockney, in the place of the American version of have.The h would be silent, said as ave.

Such as, "Govnor, I aint gona pay ten shillings for that bleeden quality a milk, when I "aven't" got it"??

The H is silent so this man is British, or the Devel's katra place is, or he's at least dyslexic?

This contrast as is it compaired now?

One of the couters with the Devil, is that he makes people fight and that he did.

If you would have checked the i.p. numbers by logging in, which you can only do this way, you'll see my i.p. numbers, are no Charms.

Both yours and TTA's manners twoards me, have been especially unacceptable.

I don't want to talk to either one of you from now on.Not without a sincear appology from either of you, you will be simply ignored.

To the Devil, I had thought that somehow something could have been arbitraited between you and the God heiarchies, however any solidness to this situation, now seems somewhat elusive.

You smoke filled effigey placed on the side of one of the WTC towers, to somehow demonstrate evil?

Nice touch, however you by doing this have conjealed a tremedous distaste for your origen and nature.

There are some like myself, who are alien halfbreeds due to past Atlantis links, that simply want to get off of this planet.

We don't want to be bothered by the warring and interplay that you and God are casting over the physical representations of humans caught between in the interplay of challange.

This is why I have instructed you Satan, go quietly away and contest no more?

Once you have done this, then there may be hope for Earth based man, not a contest of wills.
RE: Charm, on what charm is?

boy! you guys flippd while I was away tending my tomatoes. whats with all this devil crap. The best way to deal with him is to call him up and tell him just like its gonna be . Nothing works better to put him or her in its place . clara
RE: Charm, on what charm is?


I'll bring over my Stretch Armstrong Sling Shot and you supply the Tomatoes!

Oh wait! I can't forget my potato launcher! Made from PVC piping. All we need is a can of hair spray and a long nose grill lighter! Hee Hee Hee just give me the signal and its bombs away...

RE: Charm

Ahhh I see you took the time to research who the TTA is. You have found my very first thread I made, when I first came here 3 years ago. “Anti-Time Travel.” Yes, I am “Anti-Time Travel.” And it is my job to expose those who would manipulate and exploit the very lives that are destined to doom us all, unless we re-teach them about the dangers of Time Travel before that fatal mistakes takes up back to create the TTA once again.

My story of how I came to be is a long and complex one. I was never really meant to be the TTA, I guess you can say it was a random act that lead me to this treacherous path. But still maintaining my role as a pawn to the Time Travelers, unknowingly I became just what I was meant to be.

But your right, knowing what’s in peoples thoughts is always going to be a variable. Not unless they are synchronized however. Please see double-digit posts and threads for details.


P.S. Hey Creedo you want me to say I’m sorry? Yeah, sure I’ll say it, I feel sorry for you Creedo
RE: Charm

hahahahaha ahave? "AHAVE" got damn you must have no life creedo. i bet you read all my words and sentence very carefully eh? i have a fan out there. whoa. a miss typed word cause you to be the "DEVIL" now that is stereotyping. im british? ha your a what you call it type of guy that is so... "CONCEITED" you have many miss spelled word and i could easily contradict you right back. i have wasted enough time trying to debate from your post. it seems your mind has been controlled by the "DEVIL" itself haha. i talk street and proper when needed to. it happens when im with you, my words get loose. your a street guy using big terms to look good. saying that im flavoring up this conversation? naw you started the flavor. which is nasty from the "get go"

Clara.... you want to call me up? or them? and do what? find out who this guy really is? i doubt your advice would help creedo. he probably has nothing to say. be my guest and grab your tomatoes and chunk it right at me. be sure you hit the right person. dont want CAT to suffer for his sling-shot action too lol

TTA, yeah i have read some of your post. for me, i have no worries. you shouldnt either. these peoples are all full of talk and show to grasp it. get it? half claim to have seen the past and future and half says they are trying to find a way how. be my other guest and go for it. i doubt it in my whole generation i see an actuall time travel machine. to think of it. it would really suck for someone to go back and change things that have already done. so instead of "ANTI" i hope you could look across what they have said. and just be like " there goes another one" as of now whatever i say makes no sense to you other guys.

"aka" Charm
RE: Charm his definition technical under the Greek block of phylosohpers:

Because of duality of dimensions, I do post the following very carefully.

These defintions are under the Greek block of what this society realizes as the ancient times.>>I am responsable to them and do post not variance of infration within this post, as this post is necessary.

The defintion of God as we know him now to be, is simply in his natural state, a blue pane of substance, which likes to set near a garden.(Source Webster's Unified Encylo of Space Time And Mind)

This is God's true state, not man-shaped with a white beard and a robe, as Michael Angelo had painted him uppon the Cistine Ceeling.

The Devil was once an Angel within the Angelic heiarchies, however within the spiritual mode, the God Angelic heiarchies had kicked Lucifer out of Heaven and he in part took over the Earthrealm.re Websters Unified Space Time ANd Mind).

This was a deal and a bargan between what was known as God and the Devil, each claiming their own quarter, where many took claim to the middel ground this was Earth.(Song Woostock by Joni Mitchell)

My defintion.I am the brother of Semjase, said Sem-ya-zee, who had landed in Switzerland, near Heinwel in the year 1975.
Source; (Light Years) by G.Kinder

My human part had died in the year 1982, Spring and the part of cell's body influence which was mostly part of Semjase, had taken over at that part in April 1982.

So the human who was mostly predominate within the personna of Dan B. in 1982 before the metamorphic change, died in that bed, at 207 1St. Southwest, Brewster, Washington in the year 1982.

Even though I have a full knowlege of your culture from have to relearn it, as the change had effected me much as a stroke would have. I'm not what you would call predominatly Earth male human any longer.

The reason I must tell you these three things, is that I function slightly differntly from humans that you know.

I also have privy to the Angelic realms and have an abundent understanding of offworld issues, which are now comeing to our forefront of intrests at this time.

Very carefully, yes this was a duality of the Devil's personna.

Remember God had consiged Satan as part of a bargan, which did to an extent, have a coutereffecting reaction placed on man.

Satan was not really an outcast, but as part of a bargan with God humself.

Other factors.

Because of the many differing multiethnic sects placed on Earth, there is also a Gods Union of sort, where other gods are permitted to work within the same area as the main Christian God.
Source, book Psychic Warriors a book Written on Pentagon based R.V. Techniques)

This should beone of the indications when Christans say that there are no other gods, why our society is litteraly falling apart.

Who else had privy to Dan Blatecky?

The government agencies controling teleportation and time travel did.

For what pourpose?

To take part of his probable seed and construct another version of him.

Then who was the egg of DNA matter taken from?

Pamela More.
Source,(More's saying meeting with Navy man, who knew of Blatecky being extracted at 3:05A.M. from his home, via teleportic devices, same time as More.
Note Blatecky was also milked of his sperm mixtures for one week and was in deficite.e-mail records))

How is this verified?

Her times of time travel extration within lost and missing time, are as exactly the smae as mine.

What does all of this mean?

I haven't the slightest idea, however I'm very sure that all of the information is indeed correct.

I do not expect to live into the erra where there will be full scale nucelar excahnges and have any aspect of my family live on as suvirors.

The reason behind this, is that I can not adjust to a post nuclear holicost, due to how my sociality and physiology is constructed any more.

I simply can't do it.

If I'm permitted to live, it would be by offworld intervention, where I would be permitted to live another place, or on another world.

I don't, understand my surroundings any longer.
This statement is in respects to how utterly self destructive Earth peoples are to themselves..

I'm sorry, with all that is at stake, why in the Hell does your society act like this??

Im sorry, this is the death card I have pulled from the delt pile and will not be part of tommarows plans.

Makes you wonder what would have happened if the CIA would have stayed out of the picture and not paied Auther C. Clarke off, to write 2001?Makes you wonder if the government would have secretly kept out of influencing space travel and space exploration, all togeather?

ear, if you want me between your legs, then you will have to contact Pamela More.

Ask her about her dreams as of late and if she has dreamed of childredn that are hers, that she doesn't even know?

No' I'm serious do this.

You can also got to billymeir.com and write a letter to Michael Horn, who is sometimes on the Swiss web site.

Write a letter to Cosmonaut Semjase and stile the letter, that you are wondering what a child would be like, of both your making and mine?

She had paid me a visit in the year 1989 and she has current stats on me.

Maybe Horn can act as a go-though and you in some future tense can get your wish, somehow?

Note even though I'm technically from the Atlantian sect of the Pleiadeans, I do not like them.

In more familar Earth terms, how do you say, "They have no hootspah"?

I can read over the internet and know everything there is to know about you.

It's confidential of course, however I knew you, long before you had started to know me.

If you want it it's your, but clear it with the Pleiadean Hiearchy first?

No ill will to anyone, and to Charm as you call yourself, I understand and you in only certain facits, are forgiven by me.

Once an Angel, always an Angel, but don't look sideways at me, cause I will,.. kill you.

To Pliney The Elder on this current day generation
RE: Charm

So you think your pretty sharp huh? No Time Traveler can get passed you you?

Well then, just tell me how your post and mine are posted under double digits? Care to explain that to me? When you figure it all out, then talk to me about how a Time Traveler can’t do this and control our actions to make us come to this point in the now i.e. double-digits.

But I think it is only fair to warn you, that for it has been, that who ever questioned the possibility of Time Travelers messing with us with the double digits, has had it demonstrated to them first hand, every time.

Correct me if I am wrong anyone.

The mistake that most people make is, that they underestimate their adversary. Pride is usually what stirs the fire that brings it back to your face and laughs at you, for thinking that you could not be controlled.

For you just were… care to place your bets that this won't happen to you again?

RE: Charm his definition technical under the Greek block of phylosohpers:

Historical Marker for former brother aka Creedo 299x9

Be it known to fleet commanders w/cc to Gabriella, chief mediatrix to Universe People initiative for positive forces. The former brother known to this realm as creedo has passed over to the negative forces and is wreaking havoc on the positive agenda. We suspect that he has been infiltrated by the coarse vibrations and has been given a secret agenda by the Czech resisters to undermine our inward path plan to subjigate the coarse vibrations and by his/her increasing unstable revealing of the inner plan. He/her can no longer be trusted to contribute to the positive forces and may have been turned by the shadow force. We recommend that the inner voices be attuned to distancing themselves from this obvious regegade. His wild swings of mental imbalance are a danger to the angelic heirarchies as well as to fleet. Perhaps termination is an alternative? Please advise through the normal channels.
RE: Charm

"The double digits can occur anytime. They can happen when you least suspect them, or when you see them coming, (like in my visions). They are there to put us in place where the future has determined us suitable for their great plan. We are actors acting out a part, and we are following that part without fault. Our minds and thoughts are linked to a great omniscient power. And some may believe that it's God. But how well can you assume that when you see the technology for control, and add up the equation for control?" TTA

i see what you mean. since you said that we are actors carried out to do a certain task. well then if this task is meant for us. fate has taken its role in our life. and time traveling? how can we do that when were merely actors doing our duty? double-digits? great plan? eh... TTA why or did you post this before. knowning deep down that this great plan you name by, is like a magnetic power of GOD. if this GOD is calling us to do a certain job. then who has the power to break his great plan? time travelers? no i doubt it because if someone decides to go back in time, the first date should be the first date of GOD existence.

by the way lets break it down a bit. double digits. are numbers. us humans use numbers. we creat numbers. 123456789 and so on. how can you expect a number to be a destiny you are controlled by? tell me that? if you happen to see this in your visions or dreams or elsewhere? does it matter? i see numbers daily. tv's radios, telephones, i use numbers everywhere around us. well then theres so many double digits for me eh? wrong. numbers are base on humans terms to count. if we can count the future then ha. you make it hard to believe. we cant be controlled TTA. have you been controlled yet? why not? you dont know if you are? this is the present time. no matter what you say or believe that might happen in the near future. it wont regard your existence on this "time".

and your saying that double-digits is like a sign time travelers use to show us that they have been here somehow, leaving back a little tread mark of there place on our time. eh? well then we arent in the present time. if you say so where in the "PAST" you cant be controlled period!!! ill be the guy that question these time travelers. no harm said there.....

no i am not sharp or dull. i am just me. what ever i say does not matter how you think i might be or the way i act....

RE: To Semjase on proof of who you are?

Re your very right I'm wreaking havoic if you are Semjase, as what the Pleiadeans have set up, outisde of any sect influence, is a racket concerning humans and their welfare.

I doubt that you are Semjase, but a couterfit, set to ruse me a nonplus.

If you are Semjase, then describe the exact set of circumstance, which was set around your said accident in year 1977, within the Billy Meier study.

There has been conjecture to this, but only Semjase herself would be able to describe her own accident in detail.

Well go ahead, the floor is yours, if indeed you are my sister, al the many of us, are paying you our undevided attention.

p.s. Hon' I don't recognize the Chezch Republic, I never did, due to what had happened there?

So don't assoicate me with them, just because our linneations cross.

Well, go ahead have your say toots!?