Time Travel Experiments - Successful-

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Well said TTA about the manipulation of Demons/guisefull evil do gooding Time Travelers reaking havoc on humanity and trying to rule the world. They have convinced the ignorant and week minded to give up their hereos for demons and become either satanist or atheistic! or they make the relgious become so blindly intoxicated with christianity that they eventually burn out and rebel. By this meathod the goverment can infiltrate and control the mass.

And that is why I still stand strong on my reputable requisition against Time Travel! They are all gun ho in the science aspect of it but neglect to examine its birthplace and religious origin. Very few people that seek it actually know what it truely is? And therefore do not understand the replications that it poses to humanity!

Boot, you said:
<<…all races are deserving of pride and respect, yet the white race is not. anytime the word "white (race)" is used in today's media it is followed by either of two concepts: genocide of indians or slavery of blacks. that's it! no positive accomplishment ever mentioned, ever! only negative messages allowed to be forwarded to the masses.... >>

Having 4 distinct races within me that make up the TTA, I can see your point. I am quite observant (and I’m sure others are too, but keep it to them selves) to how the “minority” races as they call them selves (even though there’s more non-whites in the world), compared to whites, feel threatened and that they are owed.

Having suffered much by the individual representatives of their race, and their long history of prosecution and shared common attributes, I can see why many would cling to the old ways, of not accepting someone because of their race.

I feel that we should all be proud of our race. But not so proud as to cloud our eyes of the dark side within our past mistakes, and just prosecute the whites for theirs.

No body is perfect, and no race is historically clean. They have all been tainted by immoral actions sometime or another. But that’s just it, we have grown up now, we are more sophisticated now to see the errors of our ways. And wish to move forward.

Perhaps if we thought of our racial pride as something to be proud and to elevate, not to further stereotype and lower and ask for society to accept it, we might see more tolerance.

Maybe if people remembered that every time they walk out that door, you are a “representative” of that race. If you wish to carry you’re self in a way that is perhaps inappropriate or unbecoming, then you are ruining it for the rest of your race, and slowing down social progress. So you really have no one else to blame and complain about not being treated fairly.

The rest of the world will only move as forward as it’s people will allow it.

As always, it’s up to you all to vote on how to proceed.

Yeah, TTA, I like this because it admits that metaphysics is evil and inspired by Satan, and that no good can come of it in the end. I understand that because of your experiences you are a Deist (believes in a God, but doesn't care for religion) Let me say that in a few years, God is going to SMACK DOWN evil very quickly, and that I hope that your eyes are open and you see that they aren't Time Travelers in the normal sense but that they are just Demons screwing with your head (no offence)

Anyway, If TT is ever invented, I would agree with your theory on Christ, but for now I think God is in control and if you trust your life to him that he will give you the tools to fight evil and win!

BTW, I recommend the book "The Creator and the Cosmos" by Hugh Ross PH.D for the scientifc reason's why God is one described in the Bible.

all you have to do is ask yourself questions. Let your imagination run. by Physics calculation the speed of Time might be this equation below:

v = (vo+vf)/t = 372,530.1 = c2 = 4d\t = 4wd\02

c2 is the speed of Time that which equals to 4 displacments
to the fraction of Time. and that equals to 4 Angular Velocity ( w )
displacments which is a fraction to 2 openings ( 0 ) and the power of 2 is added to make 4 openings.
v ( velocity ) is meant above as vo + vf which means that
vo is the Velocity at the beginning of time elapsed and vf is the Velocity at the end of the time elapsed. therefore at the beginning the velocity was 186,265 mps ( Light speed ) + the same speed Devided by Time which is .1 Nanosecond
that equals to the speed you see above. It should make sense now. But, if not keep trying. Einstein's quote was: " always keep asking questions that which sharpens the mind. "
if you want to ask me any questions my email is [email protected] im 15 years old , 10th grade and i do all this just for fun
please remove the equation above to which has no reason of the subject you individuals are discussing. I apologize to my message and request to be removed. anyways about Religion.
all you people: CAT, Tracker, TTA, etc. like the Bible says:
" If yee is Filthy, let yee be fithy " which means that if Mike for example does not believe in God that's his decision God put us on the earth to make a decision please let him find it out for himself. Just be happy that you believe and know you are going to the promised land for which you civilians seek. it is good to help but if yee refuses, yee shall go thy own path. GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND AMERICA!!!
I find this conversation very interesting. I also find that when man kind is seeking truth, those that truly choose to decieve and trick are the ones that slink away when light is presented.

Mike or osirified skorpion as your email states, I find it funny that you would choose Osiris (the Egyptian god of the underworld and husband and brother of Isis) and Scorpion (any of an order (Scorpionida) of nocturnal arachnids that have an elongated body and a narrow segmented tail bearing a venomous stinger at the tip) to receive your email. An underworld GOD and a creature that delivers venom to it's "victims". Even your name Mike suggests your impersonation of an angel of light (REV. 12 : 7, "7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels," ).

If there is truth in your message why do you claim that there will be freedom and then blatantly on your site have images that scream the meek shall inherit nothing? Are not the meek entitled to the same freedom as the rest? Or perhaps does your message scream of the strong only surviving? Seems to me that history has shown us that the strong trample the meek. And this is when the strong are using their strength to "control" the weak. If your message was for freedom of the mind then why must we use strength when truth is it's own strength? The meek can inherit everything with truth alone.

Your website comes across as very angry towards God. You misquote a great deal of scripture completely out of context and claim that others need to research because they know nothing. You hide behind things like the dead sea scrolls and other manuscripts because you know that the average person would never find the time to research or read those documents. But the truth is that there is only one book we need to refute lies, and that is the Bible. There is no need to call it a book of lies, because if it is a book of lies, it will be exposed. But you are clearly not the person to do so,. The way that Satan operates is to make you feel overly confident in yourself. He deceives you into believing that YOU can do anything without God. That you are a God yourself and therefore are free. When in reality the truth is you are a created being. How can a created being surpass it's master and creator? Our lives are not our own and in these end times, we must all realize that the creator truly is coming once again. Time is too short. Mike, the very book you quote from on your site (the Bible) details how in these end times there will be many impersonating and posing as followers of the truth. You yourself are helping to carry out the true prophecies you misquote. The bible tells us that fallen angels are able to work great miracles to deceive those of us here on earth. For you to say that you have stated something was going to happen and then it has, means nothing. Fallen angels will work to make such things pass by whispering into the ears of men and leading them into temptation. But the truth predictions made by the Bible are only clear to those who read it. When the truth comes out, people look back with clarity and realize that the bible was teaching truth. Read the book of Daniel and you will notice that history throughout ALL time since that book was written has been detailed until the end of time when the Son of God returns. Do you realize that the dream described in that book details the end days we are living in? God inspired man to write this book for a reason. So that we could have his living word with us to guide us. There is a reason the bible mentions sheep. To a higher being like God we ARE like sheep. Do we not follow the latest fashions blindly? Do we not do the same stupid things over and over and over? Like sheep we are stupid and that is because without God our "shepard" we can do nothing. What does it matter should a man amass great wealth on this earth? The streets of heaven are made of GOLD! Bill Gates in all his riches STILL couldn't have a driveway paved in Gold if he wanted.
Do not let yourself be fooled. In the very way that you claim "God" has deceived us, you yourself are deceived. Satan is the father of all lies. When he mentions that we shall be like God, knowing of Good and Evil, he was right. When he mentions we shall not surely die, he was wrong. Man was meant to be immortal. When man fell, man began to die. Man noticed his nakedness. I ask you to think about this, God has created all his creatures to have free will. He has made them all to be free. Our decision to love him is our decision and not forced upon us. I will explain to you why sin exists on this world and the truth is IN the bible.

When Satan first became proud, he went around telling the very lies that you are spreading. That is his lie you are helping to spread. He went around heaven telling the other angels that God was controlling everyone. That he wanted us to be controlled and that we could all do as we pleased. Now what was Satan's motive behind this? Not to "free" or help anyone but rather for his OWN gain. He wanted to be like the most high! He knew that if he could plead his case, and others questioned God, God would be in a bind. Remember sin had not existed before this. Satan is the father of all lies. So if there was no sin before how could anyone determine the truth unless they knew both sides?

Satan knew this and he used it to his advantage. You can sit here and debate this but the truth is Satan is a higher being than us humans. He has SEEN great things and has a superior intellect. Much in the way a "time traveller" could visit the 1800's with a laptop and say it is a "magic book" and people would probably believe him (or have him stoned as a witch for lack of knowledge) we here on earth are subject to the same deceit because we know nothing of what Satan has seen. Now Satan went about spreading his lies against God and pleading his case. Eventually he had gotten 1/3 of the angels to believe him. But do you think that Satan stopped there? No. There were other created beings he needed to plead his case to. After all, Satan wanted ALL of the known universes to believe him. But he forgets, he is a created being himself and it makes him mad. He went around tempting from place to place, but no one took the bait. Until he visited a fairly new creation, Earth. He tempted Eve and he gained her confidence. And then he persuaded her to eat the apple. She ate of it and at once she became like God alright. She realized what DISOBEDIANCE was. (hence knowing of God and Evil)

Now the penalty for this was DEATH. Why might you ask should there be such a steep price to pay for knowing of Good and Evil? Because as this very earth testifies, the knowledge of it spreads and like a disease it destroys everything. Just look at the world around you. Knowledge of sin is a terrible thing. Now if you were God and you came down with your heavenly might and destroyed Eve in her spot, you would be in trouble. Because all of the creatures of heaven would see this and suddenly they would FEAR you. No longer would they worship you with love, but now out of FEAR. They would realize that Satan was probably right and that you were killing them to hide the truth. If no one lived who could judge the consequences right? So this put God in a bind. But God ALWAYS has a plan. God realizing that there was doubt, ALLOWED Satan to exist. He ALLOWED sin to continue on Earth. Why? Because ALL of the heavenly bodies are watching what goes on here. RIGHT now as we all sit here with our fancy computers, with our fancy jobs, the universe is watching. They watch to see what they had NEVER known before, the effects of disobeying GOD. God doesn't do bad things to people. Those are lies spread by people who spread Satans word. God ALLOWS things to happen because he has no choice. Because Satan has decided to plead his case. So God being fair is allowing sin to run wild on this earth. He is allowing the known universe to witness it's effects. And when they have seen the effects so that there is NO doubt whatsoever in any created beings mind as to the end results of knowing of Good and Evil, he will come again. And he will rescue those of us who believed in him. That is all that he asks. That you believe in him. And Satan will be shown for what he is, his lies will be revealed and those that followed in them will regret the decision they made. But it will be too late.

My friends, God is love. He is not out to control us. If he were don't you think we would all be in bondage right now? Why would he have to wait so long to "come back" and enslave us? He is GOD a great being! Don't be lead to believe the false stories told of him. He is not an Alien bent on revenge. He is not evil. He is God and he is Good.

Want to know more about how this gentleman's site is speaking lies and how you can disprove ALL of his lies? Check out www.amazingfacts.org

If you are seeking the truth in ernest, you will find it.
I pray you all find God, there is no other true freedom from this oppressive world, than God the Almighty.
Singing off statment, to truth\'s worthy post, truth only.

Had made contact with a Mrt. Eddie Sosa, some five years back.

Sosa had made direct contact with Angelic beings, known as Elders.

Elders had trouble understanding why the compaction problem, which was are result of overpopulation had interfeared with normalcy in the human race.

Other facts, are, that man was made in man's image, is the lower physical realm of man in the body sence of affairs, was comncocted by others.

God is shapless and formless and resembles a blue pane of glass.

Source U.S. Air Force information and the book Extraterrestial Friends and Foes.

However the spiritual realm of man, is presided over by the God angelic heiarchies, with the sub-contact signing out, to one sect that I know of, of out of time stile extraterrestials.

Truth' the problem is not percieving the word here, however the relinguishment of the truth, by others who are disinformation experts.

This period of time that God of the main christian God Angelic heiarchies has given us, is decision time.

If this socieity does not make open and benifical off-world contact, within the next five years, the entire ediface will desend into hellish existance.

The only thing that God had wanted for us, was to raise us right to a point.

The time for this ended in year 2000, that we must now go into and explore space.

This is not realized by government, by government's insistance that a new nationalism, "just as was the case with Nazi Germany", will rescue the entire population, so makeing the government the alter and object to which people worship.

Religious dogmatic conviction can not make this situation a'new, only the changeing of the situation can.

Your post was noteworthy and said with passion, this is why I have answered only to you.

There is no one brand X of God that will, make this situation better.
The needed structial changes, such as Earth based man moving into space, and the meetings with good and benifical sorts of off-world versions of man, that can be trusted, which will effect man's standing here on Earth.

Thanks for the web site offer.

Remember the real partreiotism, should never be confused with the lack of needed civic changes, which makes the process of living in any one situation possable?

God and the angelic heiarchies, in the spiritual sence, along with only certain types of E.T.s should be looked upon as growers, not an ediface to endlessly worship, when the design of society has gone wrong and those in power will or can't fix it.

Thank you Dan
RE: Singing off statment, to truth\'s worthy post, truth only.


Hmmmmmmm, am I understanding you correctly Creedo, that you are in submissive agreement with Truth?

RE: Singing off statment, to truth\'s worthy post, truth only.

If god made man in his image and god is infalable. What would man become at the plateau of human evolution (god's master plan).
RE: Basscyst

According to Webster's Unified Beyond Space Time and Mind, God definatly did not create man within his own image.

According to a little girl who had met God, when ailing from Rhumatic fever, God in his natural state resembels a blue pane of glass.This was posed by a garden to calm the little girl's mind spirit.

In reality what some aspects of the bible and Torah are, are a series of morality plays, designed to give Earth based man both a direction and pourpose within his spiritual existance.

In part, within some of the physical spiritual sence, man was made by E.T.s.

However this is a contract deal, where the God Angelic heiarchies look over spiritual values and the E.T.s look over the physical disposition.

The key time for Earth based man to start leaving Earth and go out on his own, were the key year 1968 on.

This period culminaited at year 2000, when we as an Earth based society, really were supposed to be makeing established bases on the moon as well as colonies within space.

All the religious argument is, is something to keep us busey, with certain items that don't match, so this one particular religion can say such and such, which was over at year 2000.

Religion is not God, but someone's controlling version of what God should be, so they can control all concerned.

The origional design of religion, was to act as both a morality play, somewhat like Shakespear and as a social morralic guide.

What would God look like, if we were a race of fish people, then how would God be interpratited?

Well of course, a wise looking fish type person, with a white beard, sandels and a robe??

Yeah, I think God is there, you would have to be a fool to belive that there is nothing more than simple humans within the very vast design of the universe, would you not Basscyst?
RE: Basscyst

I won't argue with you but. . .
Definitly and god is kind of an oxy moron. While e.t.'s could have been our "gods", let's remember(as far as we know) that matter is never created or destroyed. The elements that make up life are always there always have been there and always will be there, but the right conditions must exsist in order for life to be created. To make a table you need wood, a saw, nails, etc. You create the conditions required to make a table. However, in order for a formula or "condition" for intelligent life to be created there always must have been intelligent life before it to create it regardless of which entity is in question. Life is no more than an on going cycle that grows more complex as it goes on. Religon no more than an explanation for the unexplainable.