I think we're all making headway here!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And a very good question or explanation of how Mass, Space and Time coexists and integrates...It all boils down to particle physics. Ray calls it a "Matrix", TimeSoldier00 called it a "swivel", Transient call it the "medium/PTP" and Zerub calls it a "friend". But for lack of a better word, I'd like to call it
"A FILING SYSTEM!" to form/add a logical function to all this chaos.
From different eyes the integration of mass, time and space is seen in numbers... Numbers as in atomic particles having their own intelligent self organizing and instructing program with a "filing system" into a deliberate order where electromagnetic like charges repel while opposites attract.
Imagine yourself as the filer? (The generated
"energy" source that is the manipulator of organization). You have piles ontop of piles of paperwork (sheer chaos) (information of time) that need to be stored somewhere and at some point retrieved for memory or audit. "you" the filer first must have spaces in which to put/store all this
"mass". So you invent "filing cabinets"
(space). Than you have to intelligently look at the paperwork (information) and realize that it has to have a logical number system to all the "mass chaos". You realize/or assign a number system/sequence...Perhaps this sequence would have a date number system accompanied by rev's of the same number, but the rev's go from the largest number backwards while the regular numbering sequence goes forwards...This allows space in-between for merging and expansion... Its funny because this is the same way that Phi/GMS\Fibonacci growth pattern takes form by growing from forward and leaving space in-between...Example: 1/1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/5, 5/8, 8/13, 13/21, 1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, ...
If we are going to look for the answers anywhere we should start by imagining if we are inside of an atom, seeing only electrons whirling chaotically around you. If you moved outside the atom you would see those electrons moving with a pattern around the atom. If you rise further above you see that atoms are actually the building blocks of larger structures called molecules. And so it goes, on up the scale, ad infinitum...The ever familiar "forest from the trees" syndrome. It's all a matter of perspective. True creativity is allowing yourself to gain the loftiest perspective you can in relation to the object of your inquiry. A tree for example should not be looked at as just the tree, one should see its purpose and life cycle from seed to growth on up...not just seeing it as a biological organism, but a numbering sequence of math numbers...An ordered filing system!
Now when we apply these similar measurements and numbers to time, space and the stars, we can calculate and find the phi growth pattern in any sector of space, that will determine not necessarily the shortest route, but the proper flow/growth/expansion cycle from getting from point A to B much quicker.
Due to the fact that energy only exists in wave formations (swirls), Frequency of wave rotation is subject to other energetic formations...We should be asking and seeking questions like, what are the life cycles of matter in the universe? understanding the entire process of cosmic evolution from the formation of chemical elements, galaxies, stars and planets, through the mixing of chemicals and energy that cradles life on Earth, to the earliest self replicating organisms and the profusion of life.
This is the life cycle of a particle:
Space, Mass, Energy, and Time function as one unit, which constitutes an integral part of energetic matter's activities. Where space is expanded, time is prolonged, or expanded, in proportion to the increase in energetic activity. Since energetic matter is found in closed, spiral rings/quants, time is a obviously a component of these structures as well.
Time curves around a particular space that surrounds stars and other massive objects and that at great velocities time is extended...A high energy wave has a greater energetic periphery than a low energy (and thus smaller) wave. Furthermore, energy rotates along a larger circuit and time is consequently extended. If energy is added to a defined space, time also expands and vice versa. A example of this is a pulsar (neutron stars) that loses its peripheral energy and subsequently rotates more rapidly. In other words, time decreases relative to the decrease in energetic matters space. Loss of energy means loss of time and space, while an increase in energy is synonymous with larger space and extended time. Time thus depends on the size of and amount of energy in a wave. This unbelievable ingenious creation that we call the universe contains various smaller creations that have "shorter" times. Therefore the universe contains separate times...Although, Every small formation belongs to a greater formation, which together comprise the entire universe that we also refer to as absolute time...