Time does not exist. (Why)

The vatican is based and built in Rome.
Rome's empire moved and swallowed pagan europe.
As the roman army moved over large european land mass, what kept the law?
The institution of christianity.

This had little to do with time and the unit measurement.
Jesus christ or Julius Caesar.

Which JC begot which JC's immoralization?
Each served one another an important purpose.

Jesus Christ was a tool utilized by the Romans.
The herd is still very alive and well today, and history is written by those who wish to change it.
Crown said: A plant knows when to bloom not by looking at a clock or any other measuring device. It has no brain to associate events.

A plant knows when to bloom because of weather. if a flower blooms the same time every year then it would either freeze or it would scorch in the sun if it has not rained yet.

crown said: Moments occur whether measured by conscious beings or not. Just as we adapt a language to communicate, we adapt reference of measure of time.

true that moments occur but you cannot go back on a moment and undo it.

crown said: To a non material being of no beginning or end, things only "happen" and a schedule for these things applies only to accomodate things created that require such order. Time exists because there is timing involved with the immense number of delicate events of the universe.

are you saying what we are going to do is set in stone?
sumeria incarnat said: Time was not created by man.
Just as water was not created by man.

The term "time" and it's calculated passage was created by man.
The term "water" and it's calculated volume, was created by man.

Another example you may more easily follow;
The metric and universal calculation systems were both created by man, to understand
better the dimensions around us. The dimensions themselves herego will still remain
yet if it is your desire to understand units pertained within them you must have a system.

Just as the currently accepted mathematics system is the 10 base number system, it is not
the only system available for knowledge concerning calculation.

Time is only relevant to the physical plane, it is what in essence makes the physical plane
function along it's timeline of alpha and omega. Knowledge lost or gained is done within a physical timeline. The tree has it's roots, the fruit has it's seed. Physical growth within
humans is necessary for the end screening result.

Before time and infinity; are analogies pertaining to the spiritual plane where yes, time has no meaning.
Within this realm it has much meaning.

If you were to question this further in a physical plane my friend, perhaps it would be better to
philosophize that say;
every of the five human senses are chemical reactions in the brain, and this could be your subconscience induced coma. Otherwise you would be subject to the shared timelines in a physical state.
Some examples of "schedule" that is not dependent on "time" as we understand it are:

Conditionality-if,then,or,maybe(example-if it rains then it may flood or it may not, but it won't flood unless it rains)
Syncronization-pattern of occurences to support life's dynamos(example-heartbeat,leads to blood flow, leads to brain activity, leads to thought, leads to action, etc.,leads to heartbeat.)(another ex-spinning core of hot magnetic metals within earth leads to it's inner gravity leads to the counter balance of the outer gravity inflicted on earth leads to the spinning core of hot magnetic metals)
Inevitability-some things will happen no matter what only how and when they happen can be effected(example-death of anything living(poeple) and no living(stars)-which in some cases can be considered a turning point and not an end)
What we are going to do is set in pebbles...we can change some things but others are soley for God.

"We are driven by the unknown and have only dreams to pay the fare"
Julius Thornton Jr.
Granted, Jesus's message was edited and abused to implement man's various propagandas of war and greed, which still goes on, however his message and example of "How to be" is what is of most importance and a true flock which grasps this is indeed in existance. As for time and it's units of measure...that was implemented for the business world's need for sync. Jesus could not have been late for his purpose of fulfillment to God(he could have come earlier or later, it would have been easier or harder but it still would have been) but Julius Ceasar and you and I can be late for appointments and our fulfillment to our fellow man's expectations can be stifled. God's schedule however is based on other things. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I agree, but not to get to far off topic, language seems to be a big link to our higher understanding of the environments many facets which we have only begun to understand. Could it be that the language that you and I were forced to learn and thus speak to express such ideas (even our math) is inadequate to grasp all there is to learn. Could it be that a crying infant is more intelligient than we realize, but cannot implement it's inteligence without our "wisdom" or "will" like a computer chip that can be programmed to do the mundane or pilot a spaceship?

"Our potential is endless my time is limited"
Julius Thornton Jr.
Played an Infocom game lately?

That's exactly what's said in the game when you do that. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
Wow. I've been doing this since I was a kid. In fact, I cannot seem to solve difficult engineering problems without talking to myself! It's how I got the nickname "Rainman", because during flight test I would be pacing around the back of the airplane, trying to figure out why the autopilot didn't work right. One of the pilots saw this, then he saw me fix the problem, and so to this day he calls me Rainman.

So its been about 30 years I've been talking to myself. Have I already mentally collapsed, or does "impending" mean sometime before I die? :D

I think its the other way around. if you dont talk or think to yourself then your mentally unstable. infact thats how i develop most of my ideas. through thinking to myself.
Rainman :

I am guilty of this too, but I believe you are taking my ship away from it's course.
There are different levels of "talking to yourself"....

1)You can "think out loud", in which you are merely listening to your thoughts through your physical ears. I am guilty of this one...I also, as you do, find it easier to think this way.

2)Then there is actually talking to yourself, in which you hold a conversation with yourself as if there was a second person.

My ship was heading towards the second island.

P.S. It was also a bit of humor on my part, as I thought crown agreeing and triple-posting after himself was humurous.
In Response to:
Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.

Know Thyself...Even being ignored requires acknowledgement.
You are right Time do not exist ! No really it doesn't !!!

You see time is merely a tool that is used to measure the order of events . That is all ! You can say that time is just a refelection of certain traits of events ( these traits are orders occurence ) . Time is just created by the mind !!
Time does exist. As soon as the first of creation existed, then time began. How one measures the passage of time is an artifical creation. Even to someone whom may be eternal, time still exists, but may not be as meaningful. Duration is an interpretation of mind. Painful events seem to take longer than pleasureful events, but only in the minds eye. Mechanically, the same amount of time passes for both events.
So matter what labels are placed on the passage of time..don't confuse EXISTENCE of time with DURATION of time.