Time and Space

Shaun Holt, You spoke my feelings very well. Yes I know the mind is capeable of feats beyond our wildest dreams besides healing. It just catches you off guard when you aren't planning on it taking over. Oh, and Pamela, you cracked me up completely!
I have a question also Shaun,
one guy told me I was teleporting. didnt know what to think. sometimes when i am laying very still in bed i notice my body vibrating. it does this by its self. its a strong vibration with a rhythm to it.yes it has a definete rhythm . If i go to sleep while in this state i will have these weird dreams. sometimes while in the dream state they escalate till they are very very strong and if you wake up while it is happening it almost feels like your brain is being electrocuted but you are awake.it doesnt hurt but it feels like every nerve in your brain is firing at one time. like a rush of energy, almost like if it didnt stop your head might explode. that is how it feels. you cannot feel your body at all and all of a sudden pop and you just find yourself somewhere else. like i did on the hill. and the surroundings look as bright and real as life.
when you wake back up you are a little dizzy.
my question is ,do you think I am really teleporting there? you said dreams are something more is THIS something more. Am I really going to these places???? or am i nuts also?
hmmm dont know if i should have shared that or not but there it is.....what the heck maybe somebody knows what I am talking about.oh well...I can always delete the post later. heheheh

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 16 August 2000).>
Help! Help! I'm vibrating and I can't get up!

Vibrating. low frequency buzz. Your not alone. Lemmy see, references to such... Whitly Strieber, Bud Hopkins, sleep paralisis, prior to 'alien abduction'. Lets just say it is not unheard of.

Possible explaination: (I know it is possible because I just cut it from whole cloth three minutes ago) BEAT - FREQUENCY. If you have two high frequency signals side by side then drop the rate on one of them ever so slightly an under tone signal will manifest between the two HF signals that is variable in frequency but millions of times slower. The two HF signal-waves might be so high as to be completely undetectable but the beat-frequency they make could get rather strong and come seemingly from nowhere.

If ones, psyche were to 'come off frequency' just enough to switch into a parallel world a beat-frequency' undertone (ie vibration) could develope as one straddled between the two high frequency worlds.
Hmmmm isn't that called a binural beat?

There seems to be a huge increase in many spiritual sites discussing.. vibrational energy and light *little smile* Time continues to be considered a matter of perception only...

Interesting parallels continue.

Be safe and dream sweetly.

Hello this is Ted Stanly for Leave-her-Brothers soap company. Does your washer vibrate between uses? Do you suffer from rope around the collar? Then try our new "wisk-a-way' anti-abduction detergent.

(DISCLAIMER: this is no gaurentee against alien abduction but it can make the experiance a freasher and cleaner one)CAUTION: reading this anouncement can cause those with paranoid leanings to think it is THEY who are being made fun of, and THEY are correct.

This post for purposes of comic relief only, and should not be taken more than once in a 24 hour period. If symptoms persist (please) don't call anyone, especially me.
heheheh rofl
you guys are pretty funny.
Mokrie- I loved your joke about the proton having mass.
and the one about the help help Im vibrating and cant get up. that one had me roaring.
Ted-yours wasnt that funny though..sorry

and you didnt spell your name the same in your post. heheheh. left off the "e" :P
wandering soul-can you explain more about the binural beat or point to a web site that explains it.

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 16 August 2000).>
Wandering, binural beat is I believe half time against one signal. Beat frequency holds no set ratio and is constructive interference between TWO 'tones' of similar frequency.

Warble in the musical musical sense?
Mokrie Dela, here is my reply to your question about the astry being real...

Keep in mind, our thoughts are creation... to keep from being too confusing, when we create a world in our minds, that world takes on a reality of its own... so the ashtray that you saw in that reality did in that reality in fact exist as a physical ashtry... you succeeded in bringing that ashtray with you, but... when you cancelled out that thought with disbelief of the ashstray actually existing in this reality in your hand at that time... it no longer existed because you assured yourself that it could not be real...

As for you Pamela, I'll be aswering yours here shortly and explain a little about binaural beats on a high frequency level.

Are we ready to take that giant leap and say that our thoughts create our whole reality? Our entire destiny? The physical universe? Or do we hold off for more proof.
While following all the postings on this topic matter I have been able to identify greatly with the experiences and opinions with both Shaun and Pamela, amongn'st others. While it's invigorating to share such experiences, because they are so overwelming, it's also a pity that a person has to be succumed to scorn by people who don't fully understand the complexity of the Universe. While I most certainly fully understand the complexity of the universe, I don't have to scorn those that are seeking to understand. Everything is intertwined and from personal experience I know that dreams are not always dreams. I've been at this for a long time and follow the ways of the Ancients as well as I can. Through this I've gain knowledge and skills required to not be an expert but to be a knowledgable source of information in my fields of expertise. We mock what we don't understand!!


Draco the Druid
The simple mind will never understand the knowledge of the wise, for it is beyond their ability to do so.
and this is good because knowledge without wisdom brings disaster.

Einstein once commented that higher thinking will always be attacked by mediocre minds.
Hi again all -

I just love the way these discussions progress.

Came across an interesting article the other day at: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news_225131.html

which I would say is pertinent to this discussion. Hopefully I'm not years behind with this info, but check it out anyway, 'cos it is about scientists being able to detect thought.

My case of "thought creates reality" is, I believe, definitely based on faith. ie: the reality will not manifest without clear, honest intent. However, I have noticed that even a mild, partially aware thought has created my reality even when I didn't want that particular reality to occur! That can be a drag.

My thanks to all contributors to this discussion, as it has humbled me greatly.


ps: Pamela, hope you got my email with details on vipassana.
*chin in hand*

I suspect as scientific instrumentation becomes increasingly advanced and *little smile* fast enough to stop time... we shall find that the human mind has the ability to, if not "change" energy into some level of density then at least guide or tap into the process.

It is good to see discussions of otherness...Thank you.

Be safe and dream sweetly.


...and thank you Shadow for the clarifcation on binural beat for me S* Twas appreciated.
Yes, scientific instrumantation will continue to advance and so will the mind. Eventually, the mind might advance beyond the need for instrumentality and then the fun will start.
thanks for the private e-mail.
Are you sure you and Draco are not related?

the wisdom and knowledge you both possess is astonishing. I feel fortunate to know you both. for you have substantially increased my knowledge in these areas.
Hey Pam!!! Thanks for the compliment!!! The similarities between Shaun and I are not only a direct reflection of our shared theological but also that we were on a comparable spiritual level in a previous life, at which time I couldn't say but I know that I would have been a good friend to him then as well as a wise friend now...
Such as you are a wise friend Pam!!!
HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

