Sorry astroboyuk, my day job of reverse engineering alien UFOs has kept me busy as of late!

That's a joke!
We are wholly unpaid mods here. We do it in our spare time, and as such we don't even attempt to police threads to keep them on target. Basically, we just try to keep the riff raff out and make sure people are not being attacked ad hominem (but it is OPEN SEASON on ideas!).
What can I say? It it the "wild and wooly internet". You seem to be a level-headed person, and seem to have the same scientific outlook as myself and Darby. So as for the others....just kind of go with the flow, and ignore them if they get you to freaked out. But by all means, CHALLENGE THE BS if you feel up for it! I have been here so long, I used to be quite the combatant for rigorous, veridical science. But my work has become a lot more interesting than debating people with conspiracy theories.
Now I must get back to my Bilderburger task masters!