Chrono Cadet
maybe it would be easier just to get something to travel faster than the speed of light... and do the ol' slingshot time travel method. I'd prefer it, and the maths are probably easier.
maybe it would be easier just to get something to travel faster than the speed of light... and do the ol' slingshot time travel method. I'd prefer it, and the maths are probably easier.
That being said,the space time dragging you with earth is a pipe dream concept.Common sense indicates that it is not connected to an imaginary field and yes if you were to travel in time using some fold, No the planet would not have been there yet and you would be stranded in space unless you had means of travel.Even an hour would still put you 540000miles away.
No, it's not a pipe dream concept. The Michelson Morley experiment does show without any doubt at all that the Earth does not move through the ether as was once believed.
Its fortunes have taken some turns, and overall one cannot say that it is dead now. Prior to Lorentz it existed as an all-pervasive fluid, as a gas-like fluid, and other than that in the most diverse forms of being, different from author to author. With Lorentz it became rigid, and embodied the resting coordinate system, respectively a privileged state of motion in the world. According to the special theory of relativity there was no longer a privileged state of motion, this meant a denial of the Aether in this sense of the preceding theories. For if there would be an Aether, then in each space-time point there would have to be a particular state of motion, that would have to play a part in optics. There is no such privileged state of motion, as has been taught to us by the special theory of relativity, and that is why there is no Aether in the old sense. The general theory of relativity also does not know a privileged state of motion in a point, that one could vaguely interpret as velocity of an Aether. However, while according to the special theory of relativity a part of space without matter and without electromagnetic field seems to be characterized as absolutely empty, e. g. not characterized by any physical quantities, empty space in this sense has according to the general theory of relativity physical qualities which are mathematically characterized by the components of the gravitational potential, that determine the metrical behavior of this part of space as well as its gravitational field. One can quite well construe this circumstance in such a way that one speaks of an Aether, whose state of being is different from point to point. Only one must take care not to attribute to this Aether properties similar to properties of matter (for example every point a certain velocity).
Signposts, as it were...My smart phone contains my oily fingerprints. In some places, the phone might still contain the oil from my fingers that I put on it the first day I used it.
Those fingerprints might be geographical markers.
In a book entitled L’espace et le temps [tr:The space & time] (éd. Flammarion), the French physicist Jean-Paul Auffray (brother of singer Hugues Aufray) stated that what is called the Theory of Relativity was for the most part borrowed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955, Nobel Prize in Physics 1921) to French mathematician and physicist Henri Poincaré (1854-1912, no Nobel Prize), which - it - now - despite a very prestigious and exceptional scientific career - almost past trapping and official recognition to oblivion.
This has never been doubted or disputed, not even by Einstein.
Special Relativity, at its core, is nothing more than an extension of Newtonian Relativity with an adjustment for mass. Einstein gave both Poincare and Lorentz their due notice. Where Einstein, rather than Poincare or Lorentz, received the cudos was for his proposition that we abandon the ideas of absolute time, distance, mass, rest and simultaniety of events and the proof that this is the correct statement of how the laws of physics actually work in nature. Those ideas did not occur to the other two scientists.
New scientific theories do not arise in a vacuum. Older or even current but incomplete theories form the basis of new theories. Copernicus and Brahe extended Ptolemy; Galileo and Kepler extended Copernicus and Brahe; Newton extended Galileo and Kepler and finally Einstein extended Newton (and Maxwell). We actually publish scientific papers in journals so that other scientists can "borrow" other researchers' ideas. That's the entire purpose behind peer reviewed articles being published!
For all of this Einstein did not receive a Nobel for Relativity - either Special or General. His Nobel was for the discovery of the photoelectric effect, the basis for quantum mechanics. That idea was truly a shot out of the blue. It extended the whole of physics into an area never before contemplated in any deep sense of the word. And no one, not a sole, has ever accused Einstein of borrowing that idea from anyone else. Nor has anyone ever accused Einstein of borrowing his proof of the modern atomic theory from anyone else. When we talk about being relagated to obscurity the critics should account for the fact that when Einstein published his original paper on Special Relativity he simultaneously published four additional stunning break-thru papers. This all occured in the spring and summer of 1905. Each of those papers is a foundation for all of modern physics. Yet few outside of the physics community are even aware of the "other" four papers published during what is termed the Annus Mirabilis - Einstein's Miracle Year. (And for those folks who might be lurking and who have a PhD in any field - those five papers plus their defense only partially satisfied his dissertation requirement. A modern PhD is just a bit easier to obtain, yes?)
And read the articles that you submitted above a bit more carefully. What in God's name does the fact that Albert Einstein was a Jew have to do with anything? Yet there it is, apparently just begging to be mentioned by the writers, "Ah-ha - he was a Jew." This seems to creep into every article by such critics. The criticism of Einstein in such articles says a whole lot more about the critics than they do about Einstein.
Don't the name of your topic is :are there actually mods on this site? what is the point of trying to have a discussion if anyone can bascially pour shit over every thread? If its not Titor, its genuine certifiable morons who believe they have 'the answer' and the spooky sound effects to back it up. Thank god you and a couple of others are her eDarby, or I'd be close to giving up, just when I was starting.