Thread Split: A different kind of time travel

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

I am a time traveler. And I invented elephants. And sand.

| the best of my information sand was invented by the Great Goo-Oo-Roo during his incarnation as Rock Man.

Check with Darby on this.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

I am a time traveler. And I invented elephants. And sand.

AH HA! So you're the guy who has been infringing on my elephant patent! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif You may very well be hearing from my temporal lawyers!

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Servant Packerbacker,

You are correct. I, Goo-ooo-ROO the Great and Wonderful, by His Grace, Lord Emperor of Bern and Adversary of He Who Has a Pact With Satan, Amen, am the inventor of sand, rocks, pebbles, grape gravy and small churches.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

So the part that I am saying is a violation of spiritual ethics is the action of pretending that one can see the future in a global sense, and accurately tell another person what shall come to pass on their personal time track.

Thank you for the clarification. I couldn't agree with you more. Anyone who claims to be something they aren't is a very sad person indeed. I just feel that if we discuss time travel just like any other technology or ability, I don't see it as any different than a CPR class or medical training, and learning to bring a person back from death by electric shock, or surgery, injection, etc. If I have an ability, I am obligated as a human being to use that ability to help others, at least when it stairs me in the face and causes me no harm. Now I can stay home and I'll never have to use CPR on anyone, but if I venture out and the situation presents itself, I will do my best to help someone. A warning is a warning whether it is about a bridge out, or I saw you die in a year. (That would certainly not be the tactful way to do it any more than telling someone their brain tumor will kill them in 6 months...whole nother topic to tell someone the future so they oould change it)

There seems to be lots of interest in time travel for ones own pleasure, as many things in the world are. I think if there ever are people with time travel abilities, they won't be broadcasting it on boards like this because people like me are here looking for help and unless they are totally heartless, they would feel some obligation to use their abilities to help. After all, every one has a parent or a child and they can imagine going through the death of someone they loved so much. Can you imagine how your mother would have grieved if you had died at 21 and she never saw you accomplish what you have the past 20 or so years? You can't really because you yourself haven't been throught it, (picture her at your funeral, or looking at your room after you were gone, or going through pictures, which is all she has left of you) but just the thought should choke you up a little bit. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Check this out, Kerr:

This is from a larger "teaching" (via a "channeling") that speaks of that form of "time travel" we have discussed before, and in this thread, in other various ways. It is another way to answer the question that aerohead asked me:

<font color="red"> "Sleep - An Interdimensional Attribute

Here's another quantum aspect. I bring you these so that you will understand how confusing quantumness can be, yet, it's in your brain so I know you can eventually understand it. When you retreat into that thing you call sleep, perhaps even what you call the alpha state, that middle portion of consciousness that is without construct, what happens? Have you ever had a dream where nothing made sense? Out of time, out of place, the Human Beings in your dream couldn't even know each other due to linear time. You may have been in different places and different times that make no sense in real life, yet it all made sense at the moment, didn't it? So I'll tell you why: Because when you go to that state, it is quantum! It is a quantum thing, alpha dreaming. The brain is in a state that is without the intellect's control. So it becomes quantum and without structure. Therefore, it is outside of linearity. That is to say, there is no time construct placed upon it. Everything happens at the same time and it's just fine with you while you're there. When you're in the dream, you're not tearing out your hair in confusion, are you? You're just enjoying it. Quantumness is a natural state." [/COLOR]

The conscious mind orders time by events. It has to in order to approach a linear understanding of what is around it. But the universe is not primarily linear. In fact, linearity is not the rule of this universe. But we, as sentient humans, sure do like to pick out those areas where phenomenon are linear...because they are easier for the intellect to understand. More from the above link:

<font color="red"> "Look at the box you're in called time. How linear it is that you can only go in one direction! You can't turn left, you can't turn right, only straight into the future. The clock only goes in one direction... forward. There's no such thing as a clock that goes up and down, or left and right, is there? It just goes forward. Oh, how linear! And that's the way you think. You take that linear bias and apply it to everything. All thought, all reasoning, all logic, all spirituality is done with your bias. You say "we are linear, therefore God must be." However, God is not. And neither, really, are you! Some of you will be stepping out of this soon and be understanding more about what is going on in your life, dear ones. For now, however, much of this is double-talk." [/COLOR]

This "stepping out" can be thought of as the form of time travel that I have tried to describe above for aerohead and Khronos. More...

<font color="red"> "The Frustration With Time - Your Most Powerful Bias


Dear Human Being, how many of you have had messages that are life changing? Perhaps you go into a meditative state, perhaps it's in that dream state that I just suggested? But there it is, an idea, perhaps even an instruction? Maybe you had a visualization? It might appear like this: Here's what you're to do. Here's the book you're going to write. Here is what your future is going to be like. Here is the healing modality you are going to teach. Here are the instructions that you are going to meet someone. You're going to do something.

You are excited about it, are you not? Perhaps you come back from the visualization and you tell your friend, "It's so real! This is what I've got to do. This is what I'm going to begin. Isn't it exciting?" Then what do you do? You proceed to implement it. Oh, how linear of you! Is that the message you got? In a quantum state, did God tell you come on back and do it now? The answer is no. Yet you think that because your clock goes in one direction, you come back onto the linear treadmill of time and you begin to implement what you're told. That's a big mistake, but you don't know it." [/COLOR]

Transcending our linear thoughts about Massive SpaceTime is not an easy thing to do, especially all on your own. To do it on your own, you need to be seriously, seriously disciplined. Way more disciplined than a person like me, and I consider myself to be pretty disciplined in several ways. But it was through the teaching and tutoring of others in the esoteric arts that I began to learn transcendence. And that is what got me the little "glimpses" of other parts of my time track (parts that were isolated from my conscious mind of this incarnation).

<font color="red"> "Here is what the quantum thinker does: He gets the message, comes back from the visualization, and celebrates the message. It's a ticket that he's holding in his hand that says there's a train coming. If he looks closely at the ticket, there's no time on it. It doesn't say when, does it? But he still has the ticket. That's enough for a quantum mind!

He will celebrate the ticket and then sit back and create the attitude of waiting for synchronicity. That is to say, he will hook into the quantumness of who he is and then look at the synchronicity that occurs so that he can recognize when the train comes. " [/COLOR]

And now place this message immediately above into the context of the gloom and doomers (e.g. HDRKID or Peter/Zeshua) who come here trying to convince people they have seen (or are from) YOUR future. If you understand what transcends Massive SpaceTime and our need to think linearly, you will also understand that the snake oil being sold by people like this is some of the most personally dangerous snake oil that you would even consider believing. You sell yourself down the river if you even begin to accept that these people have the ability to predict YOUR (quantum) future.

"Time travel" in the form that it will finally take on for those who learn to transcend is a VERY BIG DEAL in your own, personal, evolution. Those who insist on believing the romantic notion of time travel (a la Titor) are wasting their time, because that notion of time travel is based on a forced linear notion of time.

Time to wake up to your quantum nature. Time to read the Akashic Records for yourself. Time to stop relying on someone else to show up here, claiming to be a time traveler or some other such stupid ruse, and tell you what is in the future. In other words, it is Time for you to take responsibility for your own time track, and that means confronting your quantum self, that is distributed across eternity.

Have fun, one and all!
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Snap out of it, RMT! You're an engineer, you're better than this new age bs and throwing around the word "quantum" as though it's somehow scientific. I'm sure it's just a phase and harmless enough, but I know it can waste more time than it's worth. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Snap out of it, RMT! You're an engineer, you're better than this new age bs

Well, the thing is... Lee Carroll (the channeler) is also an (audio) engineer. As such he understands the LaPlace(time) = frequency better than most people. In fact, I know Lee. He lives in San Diego, but I met him way back when he still lived in Laguna Beach...just down the 405 Fwy from me.

Sure you can claim it is "new age bs" because of the manner in which it is presented. And I have said more than once in this thread I do not expect people to consider what I am talking about here to adhere to the principles of science completely. It has been about my personal experience, the path I have tread to acquire experiental knowledge, that has allowed me to come to my own personal conclusions. And in more than one case, the "channelings" that Lee has delivered has described exactly what I have experienced (AFTER I had experienced them) in stitching-together my personal time track beyond this current existence. They have helped validate my systemic views of how the universe works, and how Mass, Space, and Time integrate on a higher level. Have you looked into the things he claims about the magnetic nature of DNA? It certainly is interesting when you consider the electro-magnetic principles behind the simple (helical) solenoid.

I don't expect anyone to believe it, and in fact I fully expect others to harbor the same skeptical views as you have expressed. But then again I am not claiming to be a time traveler, nor am I making predictions for anyone's future that I want them to believe. The experiential path is available to anyone who wishes to tread it. It is only about what you choose to experience. But there is a helluva lot of information out there.

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Well I didn't want you to think I was personally attacking you or anything. I've been kinda away from the forum for a while, and must become readjusted to the less serious nature of things here. :D Anyway, just don't forget your scientific side in all of this.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

And I have said more than once in this thread I do not expect people to consider what I am talking about here to adhere to the principles of science completely.

You mean " You don't care if anyone here beleives because you know it is true" I thought that was as good as lying in your Eye's /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

You mean " You don't care if anyone here beleives because you know it is true"

If I had meant that, then I would have said that. Instead, I meant exactly what I said, and yes, there is a difference. I am not claiming it as "true", but only what I have, personally, experienced. In the absence of scientific evidence, my experiences cannot be proven to you as "true". But you are free to attempt to repeat them yourself.

I thought that was as good as lying in your Eye's

Not lying, a deflection tactic. And once again there is the "minor detail" that I am not claiming to be a time traveler from your future, where you and all your friends die a horrible death. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

But it's all long as you know where such people stand.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Well I didn't want you to think I was personally attacking you or anything.

Not even an issue, aerohead, for I know where you are coming from. Not to mention being an aerohead myself! In fact, I have indoctrinated approximately 64 new, apprentice "aeroheads" last Thursday on the first day of my ARO 101 course. On tap for this quarter are two learn-by-experiencing activities: (1) Build and fly an R/C airplane model to gather data to estimate its cruise CL, and (2) mount an F-22 model in our new subsonic wind tunnel and collect a sweep of angle of attack force balance data at varying airspeeds. If it weren't for the awesome toys to play with, my teaching job would be boring! :D

Anyway, just don't forget your scientific side in all of this.

No doubt. I am always looking for scientific correlations. In fact, it was the correlations between the Tree Of Life and the scientific model of Mass, Space, and Time that first drew me into examining the Hermetic Traditions and how "secret knowledge" was passed down by ritual and myth. I continue to reject a lot of the mystical mumbo jumbo if it does not have at least something that speaks to either science or that I can validate with personal experience. But just consider it another one of my asymmetric hobbies!

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

On tap for this quarter are two learn-by-experiencing activities: (1) Build and fly an R/C airplane model to gather data to estimate its cruise CL, and (2) mount an F-22 model in our new subsonic wind tunnel and collect a sweep of angle of attack force balance data at varying airspeeds. If it weren't for the awesome toys to play with, my teaching job would be boring!
That's great. Sounds like you're getting paid to have fun. :D

Guess what. I'm listening to internet radio, and a song called "Time" by someone called "Millenium" just started playing. :D