Thread Split: A different kind of time travel

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

It is very very difficult to "get there" if by "there" you mean being able to string the ENTIRE time track together and experience it while maintaining the corporeal body. Very few people attain that, and they are deemed "masters" (some traditions have numbers and letters to designate the initiation level). So no, I am not "there" by any means. But I have progressed further than I ever thought I would in this life. On several occasions I have "joined" my current timetrack to my last timetrack and gotten fleeting, but exceedingly clear, glimpses of who I was. A result of these experience is that I not only know who I was, but I have put in perspective the experiences of that life and how they are directly relevant to what I am doing in this time track.

I have had small breakthoughs into a future time track. But it is MY time track, and it has only been bits. And those bits are only relative to me and what I am here to accomplish in this life. Hence, you will never hear me claiming "I went astral to the future and OMG civilization is effed" like a certain HDR user we know! You can't simply use a widget to "get there". It don't work that way.

i agree very much so with all you said.

do you think the N-body problem has something to do with how far a person can go?

i believe that my ancestors speak to me and guide me. i believe that, through my actions, i have gained the favor of someone higher than myself. i go where they tell me to go. i do what they tell me to do. in return, i get to see things that eyes cannot see without a certain "filter."

i have come a long way, and i still have a long way to go. i am glad that i never took the easy way out. i would have missed so much. my foundation was laid strong and true, and i am proud of my decisions. i honor those that have laid down their lives to get me where i am today.

this ones for you. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

I was about to comment on the hdr similarity.

I can see how you might think there are some similarities. But the reality of it is, there is virtually no comparison. Primarily because you will not see me trying to tell you what lies in your future or what happened in your past. I do not speak of any of my spiritual beliefs and experiences in such a way as to try to convince ANYONE. Not only would it not do you any good to accept what I say, but for me to even attempt to tell you what is in your future (if I could do that and I cannot) would be a major violation of spiritual ethics. This is why the nonsense that HDRKID engages in is one of the highest forms of evil: He is attempting to pollute your personal time track of your future. ONLY YOU have the ability to determine what is on that track. ONLY YOU can choose to cooperate with others to bring events into being on that future time track. He is trying to compromise your own power over your own future. And if you participate with him, you are giving into him.

As for the rest: Your rain analogy is interesting, but not sure I completely understand it. Might have to think (or drink?) about it awhile. And the EM wave stuff...OK, to some extent I accept this. And certainly EM waves combine at longer distances than one might think, and in highly non-linear ways. Might be interesting to start a new thread on this in another forum....?

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

This will be more interesting with alcohol.

The real question is, what flavor of alcohol. This is not a beer thought, or whiskey thought either.

Gin would be fine if it were a tad more cycnical--like a 1940's film noire movie.

Other options I can think of would be rice wine, or maybe Absinthe? No one has rated liquor in terms of philosophical applicability. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

but for me to even attempt to tell you what is in your future ... would be a major violation of spiritual ethics.

Would it? If it were common place, would it be any different than telling someone not to go down that road because the bridge washed out last night? Wouldn't that mean we should give up all advice based on knowledge because we didn't want to interfere with someone's choices?
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Would it? If it were common place, would it be any different than telling someone not to go down that road because the bridge washed out last night? Wouldn't that mean we should give up all advice based on knowledge because we didn't want to interfere with someone's choices?

There is quite a difference between telling somebody a bridge was washed out during the night compared to telling someone they are going to die tomorrow.

Where do you think the interference of choice actually occurs ?
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

The prospect of being able to control life and death may seem appealing to some at first, but in the end it creates the likes of the world's most hated tyrants. If I try to save everyone who requests help, then I have become a slave and will eventually hate my own existence. If I save only some and not others, I have become something detestable. If I save nobody, I have become like the common man. None of these is honorable, but the guilt of failing to save another would be too great a burden. But nobody knows it until it happens just once. Why do you think time travelers drink?
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Hmm.............. it does seem like a lot of proclaiming time travelers drink.
But if one cannot handle being a time traveler maybe one should not be one. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

You're probably right. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Unfortunately one's perspective is changed after traveling in time, even if it is decided to return to one's time of choice to live.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Sanguina de Titor

Stoli screwdriver using blood orange juice. Serve on the rocks with green glass swizzle. No garnish.

The blood orange juice represents both the blood of the 3 billion dead and Titor's email address [email protected].

The Stoli celebrates Titor's friends and allies, the Russians, who killed the 3 billion.

On-the-rocks represents nuking the world back into the stone age.

The green glass swizzle stick represents the #1 commodity that Titor's Brave New USA would trade with their Russian trading partners - green nuclear glass.

No garnish because the world is a rather barren place after Titor's War.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past


Would it? If it were common place, would it be any different than telling someone not to go down that road because the bridge washed out last night? Wouldn't that mean we should give up all advice based on knowledge because we didn't want to interfere with someone's choices?

I believe there has been some confusion in what I said due to some editing of exactly what I said. Here is the complete statement I made relative to my beliefs and experiences about individual time tracks:

<font color="red"> RMT: "but for me to even attempt to tell you what is in your future (if I could do that and I cannot) would be a major violation of spiritual ethics." [/COLOR]

And as KerrTexas pointed out, the ability I am speaking about is very, VERY different from just having common knowledge that someone else does not have and informing them about it so as to potentially save their lives. Note in my statement that I point out that this is something I cannot do. And even many of those who master the capability I am talking about cannot accurately see other people's time tracks. This capability is about the integrated self, and how the self perceives its time track.

So the part that I am saying is a violation of spiritual ethics is the action of pretending that one can see the future in a global sense, and accurately tell another person what shall come to pass on their personal time track. It should be obvious why this is an ethical problem, because it amounts to deceit and lying, most often with the intent to engender fear in the target.

Hope that clears up what I was saying for you.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Some day it would be fun to share a Sanguina de Titor with you, Darby, as we watch the sun set over the Pacific.

Re: Time Travelers From The Past

The prospect of being able to control life and death may seem appealing to some at first, but in the end it creates the likes of the world's most hated tyrants. If I try to save everyone who requests help, then I have become a slave and will eventually hate my own existence. If I save only some and not others, I have become something detestable. If I save nobody, I have become like the common man. None of these is honorable, but the guilt of failing to save another would be too great a burden. But nobody knows it until it happens just once. Why do you think time travelers drink?

If a time traveler goes back into the past and prevents someone like Hitler from coming to power, who is to say that somebody else wouldn't take his place and be far worse than Adolf ?

I believe the movie "The Butterfly Effect " is a good example of what could potentially occur when you start to mess around with history.

On an individual level...

Nobody can save anyone that really doesn't "want" to be saved. I believe that once again definition of terms becomes important. To save someone from killing themselves, are they really "saved" in the sense of living to their full potential ? Existing in a mental ward under the influence of tranquilizers may not be "living" at all.

However, if anyone is determined to make positive changes in their lives, and are seeking help, then it is a duty of anyone that can help, to do so. I don't believe anyone becomes a slave and then hates their own existence because they respond to helping others in need. If this was so, then there are numerous occupations with a lot of people who hate themselves.

In line with what Rainman mentioned in his posts, many people had specific intentions when first becoming involved in Hermetic patterns of learning, but after reaching certain levels of understanding, the original intentions become less important when compared to "new" information.

The individual that discovers that time travel is possible in a certain manner, may no longer be interested in time travel, itself. As an example, if time travel led to the discovery of different dimensions that were accessable, traveling in time might lose some of its attraction.

Interesting that you believe that a "common man" would not save "anyone" who needs help. This statement says something all on its own.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

How is one's perspective changed?
This is dependent on both individual response and how far in time and space one travels. If you travel far enough, the only guarantee is that you will be alone. Even if there are people, they will be so far changed from what you knew, you will have nothing in common. People, cultures, customs, technology, religion, and everything changes. Everything dies, and everything is forgotten in time. The only thing remaining constant is nature. For this reason it is good to find a secluded location in any era to simply sit and think. A forest can be a second home. There is also a tendency to become cynical and antisocial because of the ever changing aspects of humanity. This typically does not begin until later in travels. It is possible that all these negativities are overcome at some stage.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

The only thing remaining constant is nature

Is that a fact ?

Come on now, you know that even nature is NOT a constant. Nature changes just as rapidly, if not more so, than humanity.

And what foundation(s) are you building your other comments on...unless you would like to claim that you are a time traveler yourself ?
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

1 Peter 1:17-25

17Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. 18For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, 19but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 20He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. 21Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

22Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 24For,
"All men are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall,
25but the word of the Lord stands forever."
And this is the word that was preached to you.
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Admin Note:

I have taken the liberty of splitting the original thread into two. KerrTexas and I discussed this and agreed it has gotten off the original topic in a fairly significant way. But at the same time we see interest in where it has gone (i.e. talking about a means of time travel that is different from the classical/romantic notion). Hence, the reason for the split.

Carry On... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

Come on now, you know that even nature is NOT a constant. Nature changes just as rapidly, if not more so, than humanity.
The small details change, and a few large ones. But in most places in time you can find forests, seas, mountains, and deserts, to name a few things. Of course species come and go, and plates shift.

And what foundation(s) are you building your other comments on...unless you would like to claim that you are a time traveler yourself ?
I am a time traveler. And I invented elephants. And sand. :oops:
Re: Time Travelers From The Past

I have taken the liberty of splitting the original thread into two. KerrTexas and I discussed this and agreed it has gotten off the original topic in a fairly significant way. But at the same time we see interest in where it has gone (i.e. talking about a means of time travel that is different from the classical/romantic notion). Hence, the reason for the split.
Now you've gone and done it. A new timeline in the same forum! The universe is going to implod9014-5-135687ujgkrsaujh *END TRANSMISSION*