Re: Time Travelers From The Past
Aerohead asked what form one would take while timetraveling. You said what metric is invariant at all reference pionts which I thought is (the speed of) light. So I inferred that you thought one would take the form of light while time traveling. Then I asked why you thought that. Is that not how you understood what happened?
It is, but when he asked about "what form would someone take", the...errrr....form /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif of the question is inconsistent with what we are talking about. I have already said that people will not physically travel through time in the sense of their physical body. Yes, the speed of light is involved, but no it is not anything like "your body turns into light". Rather, if your body (made of matter) were to be able to travel at the speed of light, it would no longer be mass, it would be pure energy, ala light (but not light).
I should remind you that this conversation is centered in metaphysics. I do not pretend for this to be scientific. These are my beliefs based on my examinations and experiences with respect to spiritual topics. With that, let's continue.
Are you saying I'm not smart enough to comprehend your answer?
Absolutely not. If you inferred that, then I am sorry. What I am saying relates to experiential knowledge obtained by "walking a specific path", or IOW "doing what it takes to become an initiate of a Hermetic Order." It is fairly common for someone who has "been there and done that" to know when they are interacting with someone else who has experienced these things.
Perhaps KerrTexas can help explain what I am talking about here. He is better at relaying these topics than I am, and he is another one of those people who has "been there and done that."
Yeah, I know there are more ways to come to an answer than to "reason" through it but it is not an unacceptable way when there are no alternatives availible is it? Since I doubt you preformed an expirement that sent a person through time, and think you are smarter than to just sit up one day and say "people turn into ------ when they time travel" and think it is right, I'm just wondering why you think people would turn into whatever when they time travel.
And this is the problem: People always want to talk about "what they turn into" as if they will just change from a person into am amoeba or something. Actually, time travel is (and will be) about transcending the mundane "Matrix of Massive SpaceTime" (my term) that we live in and relate to each other in. This is precisely why it is so difficult to talk about this as if it were walking down the street to buy a jug of milk. But let me try another tactic...
You are more than just a bunch of atoms. You are a spiritual being every bit as much as you are a physical being. The two pieces comprise the integrated you. And here is the "secret" about the integrated you with respect to linear time;
You already exist across all time. You simply do not realize this because of the limitations of the physical part of you. For example: Do you remember any part of your past before your birth? Probably not. But maybe you do remember bits and pieces. Most people do not, because there is a "veil" that separates you in this timeframe from you in past (and future) timeframes. And if you were able to connect across all time without your mind and spirit being prepared for it, the you of the here and now would flip out completely. This is why Hermetic initiations are so important.
So think of it like this: Rather than "turn into something else" for you to "travel in time" it will require you transcending the individual natures of Mass, Space, and Time all at the same "time", if you will. The result is that "you" will have the view of the continual time track of "you" across all time. And in some timeframes "you" would not necessarily be existing as a human or other sentient being of this level of awareness. Some spiritual traditions speak of something called an "Akashic Record". This is also hard to describe but think of it as the sum total of all events (where events are inscribed in Massive SpaceTime as objects, motion, and the passage of what we know of as linear time).
OK, that's it. I tried. But as I said, this is not something that you can speak and reason about. it is something that must be experienced, and it takes training and progression to be able to experience that which is beyond Massive SpaceTime.