RE: Personal outfield for Tran001
7. and 8, Tran001 can not answer.
Takes a naturalist to this Earth, who is multiqualifed to answer this.
If you enter the web serch request, <hidden alien bases>, and have luck, you will find that there are some Andromedia bases held on the moon.
These bases have expiditions here to Earth and effect uppon Earth people, for these physically based Andromedians there.
They may have a psi-field distortion generator, in order to keep R.V. people from snooping on these bases.Russians and Chinese are now getting into this technology and are snooping around too?
There are many people from the Andromedia system.
The most famous, are the friends of the Pleiadeans who are Andromedians, as told in Col Wendelle Steven's book UFO Contact From Andromedia.(ALL RIGHTS TO STEVENS And UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES PUBLISHING COMPANY TUCSON ARIZONA.
Lia is an Andromedia that who made the aquaintance of a Mexican Professor of science, while he was instructing his courses at The University Of Mexico.
Lia and the professor became fast friends and this Mexican professor, was privilage to see many events while riding within an Andromedian ship.
One event, was the underwater test of an atomic weapon, (by a national navy?), near the Bearing Straight.
Thier ship was cloaked as the underwater detonation went according to this government's plan.
The commander of this special Andromedian ship, hovered over the underwater blast, as the sea raised towards their saucer.
The Andromdians with superior technologies, simply nutralized the radiation from the blast from within inside of the saucer.
The professor being well skilled in nuclear technology, at what radiation dangers could be posed by such as blast, became utterly dumbfound then absolutily hysterical at what he was seeing.
This man litteraly broke down into tears sobbing uncontrollably, at the sight of what the Andromedians had reversed.
This professor had left everything he had known in Mexico and left to return with Lia to Andromedia.
The professor took her her photo.
The photo turned out as a white type of vortex tornado, primarily because where these types of Andromedians can appear human, they actually slect to be without bodies, such as we have.
A photo in UFO files shows what their ships look like, which is a silver saucer type craft, however with three to four large spheres, placed beneath this craft.
One was photogrpahed over Mexico City, a few years ago, when the big UFO saucer wave hit Mexico.
QUESTION,8.Yes they are and there may be just and selfish reason for this.
The first reason being that these bases are termed as being illegal, built at Earth Citizen tax paier's funds, however Earthlings are not privy to the useage of these bases.
There are some other underground collonies beneath the surface of Mars.
In one of these bases are the beings who had asked a midwest American farmer for a simple sack of manure.This after landing in an egg-shaped spacecraft, by the edge of his wheat field.
THE SECOND MARS ENCOUNTER, SAME BEINGS//Again small but kind Grays hybirds, who had abducted an Earth women and kept her within an large plastic like material clear sphere, naked, in order to observe what humans did.
I think that they kept here for six to eight years there, however releaced her back to Earth, without any harm.
All they did, by the article that I had read, was to observe her.
They did not in any way invade her body, or run test upon her against her will.
In the future there might be chosen Earth peoples, to work on these colonies on the moon, however on Mars, I don't know?
Note on the small Grays hybrids to hit upthe American farmer for the sack of manure:
All the time durring this encounter, since the time of the encounter was near the time of Halloween, the farmer thought that this true encounter was a Halloween prank.
However in time, the farmer had figured out that the encounter was indeed real, plus no'one ever came foward to claim this happeing as a prank!