The Year 2186 and Beyond

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RE: Personal

Friend Frog

If by my people you mean the crew of the Hourglass, They are not my people, you are. I am human like you Frog. And Yes they do have holograms but are mainly employed for educational purposes.

Yes humanity is great in communications technology, I believe we will develop some amazing holographic technogy. But it really depends on what you are thinking.

Until later becomes now.
Ok, enough aout how to time travel and the possibilities...lets say just for an example...that time travel does exist, and that in its existence and possibilities is currently available....
Is there a way to metamophically change your molecular structure to be the age physically of the time period you visit/stay. In other words I am in my thirties but can go back to my late teens and want to look like I belong not this overweight older adult. And if its possible can I still keep my this a possibility and can someone send me references to the theories behind such. I dont want to hear about the paradoxes of Time Travel or how to Time travel, thats a waste of my current time. Im interested solely in info of physical chronometric molecular structure inhibition studies etc. Thank you.
RE: Personal

I've been unable to post lately due to events and time, yet i've been trying to keep up with this post, I'm very interested in this. It's been awhile since I have posted as I said due to new events and things happening that I have had to take care of or try to fix. It's getting ab it hectic for me, so many things big and small are starting to happen, and the big picture is starting to come together more pieces are being revealed, or shown to us and they seem to be coming faster than before, things I'm afraid are going to get even more complex in the next few weeks, and things are gonna start to speed up for me, SO I won't be able to post here as oftne, which I regret, there is so much I wish to share, but little time to do it. Anyway

I hope you can reply to my email soon Frog, I've missed hearing from you, I've been needing to share some things with you lately, and Transient001 I know what you mean about telling us what the future holds, I agree, I know some of it, but I won't say because it could easily change in the blink of an eye, depending on what we do. Anyway, that's all I have time for now, I hope to reply back soon.

RE: Personal

I have a couple of questions for you not too many but your answers are awesome thanks again!

1. Is timephasing good or evil?
2. Is timephasing easy to do or hard to do?
3. Have you heard of any time travel stories or experiences that are real or fake?
4. Why doesn't the captain of the Hourglass come out and show them to humans or the US?
5. Do you know anything about Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein?
6. Why do you thing time travel is so important in general and personal or private?
7. Have you had any success in penetrating the distortion field from the moon?
8. Why is Nasa covering up all of this moon and mars stuff?
9. last question Do you know what the shield is around the moon because you told me you can't get in?
RE: Personal outfield for Tran001

7. and 8, Tran001 can not answer.

Takes a naturalist to this Earth, who is multiqualifed to answer this.

If you enter the web serch request, <hidden alien bases>, and have luck, you will find that there are some Andromedia bases held on the moon.

These bases have expiditions here to Earth and effect uppon Earth people, for these physically based Andromedians there.

They may have a psi-field distortion generator, in order to keep R.V. people from snooping on these bases.Russians and Chinese are now getting into this technology and are snooping around too?

There are many people from the Andromedia system.

The most famous, are the friends of the Pleiadeans who are Andromedians, as told in Col Wendelle Steven's book UFO Contact From Andromedia.(ALL RIGHTS TO STEVENS And UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES PUBLISHING COMPANY TUCSON ARIZONA.

Lia is an Andromedia that who made the aquaintance of a Mexican Professor of science, while he was instructing his courses at The University Of Mexico.

Lia and the professor became fast friends and this Mexican professor, was privilage to see many events while riding within an Andromedian ship.

One event, was the underwater test of an atomic weapon, (by a national navy?), near the Bearing Straight.

Thier ship was cloaked as the underwater detonation went according to this government's plan.

The commander of this special Andromedian ship, hovered over the underwater blast, as the sea raised towards their saucer.

The Andromdians with superior technologies, simply nutralized the radiation from the blast from within inside of the saucer.

The professor being well skilled in nuclear technology, at what radiation dangers could be posed by such as blast, became utterly dumbfound then absolutily hysterical at what he was seeing.

This man litteraly broke down into tears sobbing uncontrollably, at the sight of what the Andromedians had reversed.

This professor had left everything he had known in Mexico and left to return with Lia to Andromedia.

The professor took her her photo.
The photo turned out as a white type of vortex tornado, primarily because where these types of Andromedians can appear human, they actually slect to be without bodies, such as we have.

A photo in UFO files shows what their ships look like, which is a silver saucer type craft, however with three to four large spheres, placed beneath this craft.

One was photogrpahed over Mexico City, a few years ago, when the big UFO saucer wave hit Mexico.

QUESTION,8.Yes they are and there may be just and selfish reason for this.

The first reason being that these bases are termed as being illegal, built at Earth Citizen tax paier's funds, however Earthlings are not privy to the useage of these bases.

There are some other underground collonies beneath the surface of Mars.

In one of these bases are the beings who had asked a midwest American farmer for a simple sack of manure.This after landing in an egg-shaped spacecraft, by the edge of his wheat field.

THE SECOND MARS ENCOUNTER, SAME BEINGS//Again small but kind Grays hybirds, who had abducted an Earth women and kept her within an large plastic like material clear sphere, naked, in order to observe what humans did.

I think that they kept here for six to eight years there, however releaced her back to Earth, without any harm.

All they did, by the article that I had read, was to observe her.

They did not in any way invade her body, or run test upon her against her will.

In the future there might be chosen Earth peoples, to work on these colonies on the moon, however on Mars, I don't know?

Note on the small Grays hybrids to hit upthe American farmer for the sack of manure:
All the time durring this encounter, since the time of the encounter was near the time of Halloween, the farmer thought that this true encounter was a Halloween prank.

However in time, the farmer had figured out that the encounter was indeed real, plus no'one ever came foward to claim this happeing as a prank!
RE: Personal

hey frog, have you heard from your "time phasing" friend transient?see i sent him a private message and he seemed to be frightened to answer me. it's a shame too i really wanted my questions answered, but you guys conviently find ways of getting out of answering questions of the future and only answer of things of the past. i can do that. i want to beleive you guys, but you haven't shown me anything that is concrete.i am fascinated with time travel and have been looking into the future and it doesn't seem like you guys are telling the truth. it's o.k if you guys are lying hey, you do a pretty damn good job of it, but you guys would do a whole lot more if you tried making those fibs reality. i am not putting you guys down, i am just dissapointed that my questions were not answered( especially the ones i p.m.'d transient).
RE: Personal

Aztec Prince
You may not ask Transient personal or private questions he will not answer them but if you ask him general questions then he will answer them I tried to send him a message too but he didn't respond either because they were private or personal questions! I believe that trans is not a lier he has given me answers to my questions and they sound truthful I have heard of liers and trans is not one of them!
RE: Personal

hey frog, calm down sound angry and defensive, i told you i am not intending to anger any one. i'm just saying,regardless if a question is personal or not, shouldn't revealing information of any nature cause more of these alternate universes you guys speak of? and think about it regardless if he tell us of the future or not on a personal level, if we made a decision that is destined to us shouldn't alternate realities spawn regardless of the awareness of the future? is'nt there an opposite reaction that occurs when we make a reaction? so you see regardless, there will be alternate universes guys are very intelligent. so then let me propose this.since transient is a timephaser, then let him take me through one of these time phases. if there is training to be done then i will do it, whatever it takes(no gay stuff though) j/K. but seriously if he can truly travel through time and dimensions than i wish for him to help me, or at least show me. i am sorry frog if have offended you in anyway and transient i hope to hear from you soon.
RE: Personal

Mr. Transient, I also would like to know how you achieve this Time Phasing you are doing. It almost sounds like Merkaba could be involved here. Like Aztec Prince was saying, tell us how to do it , teach us.
Here's a not so personal question...
What happened on Earth TR122.0489 in the late 1990's

Samuel Hess
RE: Personal

Friend Frog

As always, I will try to answer.

1. Is timephasing good or evil?
It really depends what the timephaser´s motives are. As far as I am concerned It is purely neutral.

2. Is timephasing easy to do or hard to do?
It takes a great deal of practice. The way I was taught is quite difficult and slow to learn but what CAT, DA and me have uncovered it could make it much easier to learn.

3. Have you heard of any time travel stories or experiences that are real or fake?
Well I do have some observations of mine and those of my colleagues. The ones my colleagues and I have observed I could say that are true.

4. Why doesn't the captain of the Hourglass come out and show them to humans or the US?
I do not know, but I suppose that it might be in order to preserve the stability of the time line.

5. Do you know anything about Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein?
Yes both were great physicists.

6. Why do you thing time travel is so important in general and personal or private?
Time travel is delicate...if done with the unproper care and guidance it could result in a great fatality.

7. Have you had any success in penetrating the distortion field from the moon?
Not yet.

8. Why is Nasa covering up all of this moon and mars stuff?
The want to keep the people of the US inspired and ready.

9. last question Do you know what the shield is around the moon because you told me you can't get in?
I think Creedo just answered that.

Until later becomes now.
RE: Personal

I have been reading a book called the science of ufos and it is an interesting book it talks about ufos, aliens, blackholes, wormholes, teleportation, and other stuff as well but my best is abbott's book Flatland where shapes and lines can and can't exist in 3D and 4D space and universe Have you heard of these two books? What is weird or strange is aliens of today can walk through walls, doors, buildings, and so on while of the past aliens couldn't do this Why is that I wonder? Could you tell me the date of when the anlussans meet us as a human race? Is their anything else you can tell me about the anlussans? if you could that would do me a favor if not then I'll understand! I don't have alot of time to ask questions and other important so I will end it here if you have time let me know also What kind of observer are you trans and Do you think the ship and it's crew will reappear someday? The war will eventually leave then everything will be peaceful again our timeline is very different from regular timeline of the 21st century Earth we have the same beliefs and religion and so forth but our clothes and races are different our transportation is not the same we drive and ride in hovering cars, hovering trains, hovering ships, and hovering spaceships it might sound like some of your movies of the 21st century Earth but it is not I will not go into anymore I have said enough!
RE: EarthTR122.0489

Dear Friend Samuel

I would comply with your petition to know more about TR122.0489, but please be a little more specific. EarthTR122.0489 as well as the many other Temporal Realities has a great deal of history to it. Choose your topic and I will try to be as specific as possible.

Until later becomes now.
RE: Personal

Hi it's me frog again I just wanted to ask you if you could answer my last reply I gave to you also if you can answer me these two questions:

1. Could you describe the crew and captain of the timeship Hourglass?

2. Did you have any relationships with girls or women during your lifetime?

Well I got to go I hope you can help me out well see ya later!
RE: Numbers, numbersx control asked materials:

Under chronology of numbers, I am required to make this brief disclosure.
This disclosure is under the heading of ship-timeship controls disclosed, from the origional heading, of Timeship Chronos, which is in my homepurse here at the TT Inst.

This has been brought from a neighboring thread RE personal Tran001 under the mentioning of timeship controls.

This is only briefly mentioned as said offworld Earth origened ships controls, eg, the firestone orb, as materials from the 1960s produced movie, The Lost Contitnt of Atlantis, the at sea submarine scene.

This is shown, that within a boss holdance, that a glowing device so did power Atlantian fish stile submarine.The element known to do this, is a probable geometrical fix, surrounding firestone orb material inside of geometrical boss.

Other devices, as said to be elusive, I only by law, must mention source materials.

This is said from a Dr. Fred Bell, within his published books, as well as Dr, Bell's busniess, which is Califorina based.

These balance in time proponents are the reselling and or supply or firestone orb materials.

Ship's controls, under the guest promting authority of Tran001's saying, by law is that the firestone orb, was also manufactured for Atlantian spacecraft use.

This is a source and a must say in forum balance, by law.

These other devices are now said, the consortium of Pleiadean/Atlantians, as contacted by any part and principles of said Earth.

This new is said, antimatter reactor, over said superheavy elements and said negatation of gravities and or said as well as Howe shown proposulsions, all rights reserved, Howe, as well as Bell and publishers et al.

This balance is request in the forum as said new power venues, as balanced by new legal said venues, new ships controls, as prothanused by the Honorable Transient001.

This is said by law and balanced, all now told in composite, law law law, intergalactic, as proposed Good Andromedian Laws and sects, sector sector sector, as said and shown now within balance.

Words words words, as shown, planetary dampening mechanics, office of good supposed Pleiadean cosortium, we A said, (extraction of oils from Earth, is not a wise proposal.This is due to the dampening effect that vast oil deposite fields have on geological activity, ie. earthquakes volcainos.

Thank you