The Year 2186 and Beyond

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RE: Personal, semipersonal too...


<<if you are one color and the lady whos uterus is
begining to push a new life into your hands is of another and when this
child comes into the world and your holding it, I'm sure that another
set of rules takes over.>> <<We all in this respect, learn from one

I must say that perception was oddly BEAUTYFULL! Ahhhhh to see the world from the Creeds eyes... But
what would make a man choose such a earth bound woman like this?
Or who is to even ponder the fact that the soul of the child came
wence from Earth? Age old questions: Love must be blind. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif or love
makes the world turn...For G-D so loved the world that he gave his
only begotten son................

Did you know about antiphospholipid antibodies? They attack the unborn fetus, cutting off its lifeline of oxygen and nutrients and ultimately causing a miscarriage. But if one is intravenously infused with immunoglobulins (IVIg) it can sudue the immune systelm into accepting the pregnancy.

But lets back up here to understand the behavior of the fetus, which is hardly a model of quiet diplomacy when entering strange territory. Rather the fetus takes root in the mother with actions so aggressive thatsome biologist liken it to a cancer invading the body. To gain a supply of oxygen and nutrients it grows a placenta that gloms onto the blood vessels of the uterus. Around week 10 the placenta commits another invasive act. It begins shedding genetically foreign cells into the mothers bloodstream. These cells like a spreading tumor travel throughout the body and reattach in places like the lungs.

Under normal circumstances the mothers immune system wouldnt tolerate a foreign body setting up shop inside her, but miraculously in pregnancy it does. Because before pregnancy occures, repeated exposure to the fathers semen allow her immune system to learn to recognize his foreign genes and giving a message to the mothers immune system that some foreign body means no harm. This diplomatic overture occurs with each act of intercourse playing out to a microscopic scale. White blood cells from the mothers immune system scour her cervix for the mans foreign proteins. They carry these proteins back to her lymph nodes where her immune system gradually learns to recognize and tolerate them. (A sort of peace negotiation) THIS IS REALLY THE KEY TO THE WHOLE IMMUNOLOGICAL PROCESS!

Isnt this clever how nature set things up? This is telling us that nature/creation/G-D is in favor of long lasting relationships.

Within a human mans protiens there is a powerful chemical called TGF-beta which signals the womans immune system to greet those genetically foreign bodies with open arms rather than xenophobical teeth. Unless of course by other alien means?

RE: Personal

Science and Religion can either be good or evil time travel is one of nature's abilities or skill in essence time is one of the major achievements of the human ability not to surpress technology but to overcome the evil of the presence of time and space if you were a child and wanted candy then your parents would ask you if you wanted that candy and you would either say yes or no if you say yes then you would get it and eat it but if you said no then would not get it and eat it my point is everyone wants to travel in time and space in effect spacetime but you can easily get it or not get it the choice is yours to decide the space time continumm will either allow one or several to achieve the possibility of time travel/teleportation if time and space allows it their is evil and good around the world you have evil and good the evil ones will never achieve it but the good ones will only what you want is what you will get but only what you don't want is what you won't get don't worry must people will understand and if they don't understand then that is their own problem aliens already have this technology they use it in order to understand what the planet really wants I have heard of abduction and sightings in reality they are far in what they understand but in my timeline they don't understand what we are trying to do they want to try and stop our success in technology and science our scientists remember when they came to the planet they would come in peace well that is a lie they wanted everything and we didn't get them everything so as a fact they turn on us and you thought they would be nice so what did we do we took their technology and now we have time travel and teleportation portals or devices! Now we use these devices or portals and use them for purposes unknown I am sorry but I can't tell you why though and study physics and other mathematical equations well that is all I can say for now remember I will not answer any questions so don't ask!
RE: Personal

"Friend Zxavier of TR125.0121"

Evidently I missed this comment in another post. Are you alluding to something here, or confirming something here???
RE: Personal

I can't tell you anymore if I do it would screw up everything and too many people shouldn't know about their future and the future of Earth itself so what I suggest you do is study physics and other things that deal with the paranormal and history itself I will not give anymore knowledge it could get me into trouble!
RE: Personal

My my my, I have been gone too long, this will take awhile to catch up on. Long time no see Frog! Been wondering how you've been. This is interesting, and it's true, many people shouldn't know the future of earth or their lives, it would not only be bad for time itself but bad for that person, they would have no suprises in their future. Trust me, you don't wanna know earths future, I know part of it, I do believe, and you don't really wanna konw, just wait and see. Not saying anything, good or bad, just saying you dont' wanna konw right now :D well later you guys I have alot to catch up on I've been so busy in training and research. and random activities.

On subjects Physics vers Merkaba metitations TT

Historical note, expert Creedo opts out on the modern retranslaited Hebrew phylosphy, entailing Merkaba meditations, of moving into areas of continus groth.

To all of you who are nutral and observe the modern Yidish attempt to commondere this time travel boards the differnces are listed as such.

The Hawking black hole mechanics along with Penrose protocols, states a double beta decay factors, as being primarily the new resident, to replace Einstinian cosmological phylosophy.

This is currently under proposal, within Europe, as a high academic discussion.

The CAT proposal, is an adoptive physical moderan, which extoles within normal parameters, that continus renewal is possable.

The Jewish Christian God Angelic heiarchies, meerly said, in the years 1985 on, "Hey boys, yes nuclear weapons does invovle the structure of time and space distorted, see, in Bettys book, were can even make mistakes"!The two volume series of books The Andreasson Affair, please read them and see where I point to the mistake?

Wrong guy abducted for an impressment session.

God's sometimes a nice guy, this is how he wants some of us to realize him, so he let us know in 85.

Isreal has how many nukes?North Korea has how many?Russia has how many?and the list goes on.

God did not get off the bus yesterday and is only saying, "Yeah this is cool, that everyone is so powerful, however don't you guys remember the Atlantians and how they too had weapons so powerful, that they had warped time and space"?

Yes this is true and the Atlantians inspite of all their achivements, were galactically blacklisted for the types of weapons that they had.Not so much their power base, even though this was corrupt, however weapons so powerful, that when Atlantis had it out with Molina, the after effects were horrendous.

God loved the Jews and this is true, they were his special chosen people.

There were even special beings in spaceships that came down to take the Jews accross the desert and gave them a substance called manna and this is recorded off-world now.

Look at the last noted E.T. encouter with aliens as told in FATE Magazine?

What did these aliens do, they came in pushed the Isreallies on one of their settlements around, killed some of their sheep.Why?

It might be galactically that not just the Jews, however all the holders of nuclear weapons are looked on by God, as being a bit nuts?

So now you have two schools of thought.

The Yidish school in Mercaba meditation physics, which says, "Hey don't worry about those nukes, we will have continuoiius creation".

The other is Penrose and his wild deer rotational along with a frantic need to make Hawking a new pariha, which says aginst Sagan, that it's happening at the relative poles of black holes, not at the mesaurable equator?

Wow, I hope all you nutrals see why I'm opting out of this One frantic white wash and Two, "Hey Bob, were the goverment and there ain't nothing wrong with them nukes"?!

Hello' calling Albert Einstin who was frantic to write letters to the U.S. President telling him that he made a mistake?

Holes in time and space...They already did it with the Eldrige?!

I quote Anne Frank within her diary, "That even after all they have done to me, I still belive that most people are basically good at heart".

If God has a refrigerator down within that cavern system way under the ocean, I know that he's going to get a glass of milk and some asperin, because we are right back where we started being blackballed under the Atlantian lable, as being too proud, too powerfull for our own good.
RE: Personal


I well understand the need for extreme caution and discretion in the discussion of temporal affairs. If I were wanting to change anything I would go backwards in time to the time I was about 3 1/2 years old to stop an event. However, I know that this would also greatly alter many person's futures and I would most likely not be in the same place in space when I was finished what I had done. I was only interested in the definition of certain technical terms without having do another extensive line of research. Thank you very much for the shout.

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Enough of this for now. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
RE: Personal

Friend Zxavier


It is a way to differentiate from the many Temporal Realities that there are. According to my observations this is the 125th version versus the 121 temporal axis sub-version. So you see dear lad, there are a great deal of realities out there.

Until later becomes now.
RE: Personal

Are you going to answer my questions I said earlier or not if you can that would be helpful if not then I will understand completely also if you have any other information to say let me and the rest of us know don't worry I will not make fun of you or judge you on your being and sayings the information is helpful talk to you later!
RE: Personal


I am deeply sorry, but I do not seem to find the questions you are talking about. Would you ask them again, and this time I will comply as soon as possible.

Until later becomes now.
RE: Personal

Here are several questions for you:

1. Do you know what the airship scare of 1896 and 1897 was all about?
2. Will we ever know about the rosenfield drive when the time comes?
3. Were their ufos back then in history and paranormal matters?
4. Have you ever met an alien in person or just by accident?
5. Will we ever get the to see the crew and captain of your ship?
6. Is their any difference in the anlussans and human?
7. Will their be an war with intelligent beings of other planets or another in our universe or solar system?
8. What do you do in order too get all of this information is it meditation or something other than that?
9. Do you believe our world is different from a different perspective or not?
10. How long do the anlussans live for and will we ever delevope their skills or abilities?
11. Do you believe in the paranormal and occult?
12. last question Can you tell me and the rest of us what the future holds?
RE: Personal

Friend Frog

Always delighted to help you

1. Do you know what the airship scare of 1896 and 1897 was all about?

Well it began in Sacramento, California around 5:47 PM one November 17, 1896. A fleet of flying lights were seen on the dusking sky. Although it was witnessed by hundreds it became only credible when an astronomer named SWIFT saw three lights on the 20th of September. The sightnings kept on until well 1909. What they were, well, what do you think?

2. Will we ever know about the rosenfield drive when the time comes?

Yes, soon I shall explain.

3. Were their ufos back then in history and paranormal matters?

Check Southamerican, Egyptian and Babylonian ancient history.

4. Have you ever met an alien in person or just by accident?

Well that could be incriminating, but through my observations I have seen a wide variety of beings.

5. Will we ever get the to see the crew and captain of your ship?

The Hourglass it is not my ship, I only speak to it´s captain.

6. Is their any difference in the anlussans and human?

Only evolutionary differences, but they and us are of the same DNA complex.

7. Will their be an war with intelligent beings of other planets or another in our universe or solar system?


8. What do you do in order too get all of this information is it meditation or something other than that?

I observe by timephasing, it is all in getting to the PTP.

9. Do you believe our world is different from a different perspective or not?

It is beautiful, wonderful and glorious. Specially when we still have a chance to make it better.

10. How long do the anlussans live for and will we ever delevope their skills or abilities?

They have the same supernatural abilities that we do, they live nearly 75 solar years, 103 Benakar years.

11. Do you believe in the paranormal and occult?

It depends on what do you define as paranormal.

12. last question Can you tell me and the rest of us what the future holds?

I am not sure If I should do, I might be mistaken.

Until later becomes now.
RE: Personal

I have two more questions then I will leave you alone!

1. Does your people have holograms and the ship as well?

2. Will we ever discover holograms and I don't mean crappy stuff?

Sorry these questions are kind of dumb but learning is the key to success as well as knowledge!
RE: Personal

transient, you claim you are from the future, correct? i really don't know what time you claim you are from for i have just gained membership to this website.but i have a request.please help me. In the year 2005 does a man calling himself the aztec prince emerge onto the boxing world? then what is his real name, of coarse everyone knows, but only from that does he conduct himself? did you read the book he wrote? what was the name of the book?what did he talk about in the book?my last questions are, how important is his role in america? does he change the way he conducts himself later in life than the way he acted when the world first got a glimpse of him? you would do more than you ever imagine if you answer these questions.i want you to email me at: [email protected]

your friend and mine,
RE: Azteck Prince, onto box world...

I will answer this question for Tran001, due to legalities posted within this sector of space.

Because of protocols set down by the Pleiadean Confederation, regarding time travel, it is forbidden to answer this question, however only by scientific conjecture.

If Tran001 were to flavour the future happenings now, "this boxing prince as you say", could take wild, sometimes potentially disasterous turns of many projected events.

This would cause variant upon variant of time line alternate histories.
This to where your flavouring of the future to come now, simply by simply telling future happenings about the future of the Azteck Prince, would possably be disterous?

This advisement, is by the confederation of five Pleiadean worlds, also enforced on Earth by what is known as the Time Police and in my opinion should not be ventured into, via any form of true telling.

Tran001 has been diagnosed as a being logged within alien files, as possably being a real former sentient, from anopther star system.**See tellings within Barbra Marcinacks book Earth The Pleiadean Keys To The Living Library, (The Sirian, Sirian Star Systems, memory awakening beam, sent into our central sun, approximate year 1972.

To the MOP, I yeald the balance of my time, to Tran001, for any rebutally he may term efficacious.

Thanks Tran001, thanks MOP /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
RE: Azteck Prince, onto box world...

Friend AztecPrince

As my friend Creedo says I could not possibly inform of such a variable, it has been presented by you as an isolated event. I am sorry I could not yield to your request.

Second, I am not from the future, I am an observer, I observe, record and catallogue. That is all I do.

Until later becomes now...or then.
RE: Personal

Hello Transient001 I just wanted to say you didn't answer those two questions I said to you earlier if you have time let me know if not then that is fine too for not answering them!