The Traveler Phenomenon

Re: a vehicle within

Another point to consider here, Transient:

155, 310, 620, 1240
Is clearly a period-doubling sequence, which may lead one to consider the aspects of Chaos Theory.

Just a thought,
Re: a vehicle within


Zerub has mentioned something particularly important about how he conceptualizes the Prime Temporal Point and it is that he considers it a close friend. By this I understand the following, the traveler must get really acquainted with the medium to the point of making this mediumj, in this case the PTP, an almost conscious/unconscious part of ourselves. For we walk but seldom do we think about the legs that move us about. Yes, I agree with you on this, evenmore so I remember when I first started practicing how to reach it people often said to me that I should immerse myself in it as if it were the air that we breath. So I think that your perception is truly accurate.

Now the point of the PTP being a circuit, yes it is that and more. But what runs through circuit? A raw current of electron, however in this particular circuit of the Divine, something much more subtle runs. I tend to call these particles the chronotons for obvious reasons. However, even chronotons do fall short, there is something else, that is when prayer comes into hand.

As you say Rainman, speaking of prayer in a non sectarian way, it is nothing else than focused will and intention. Sometimes we pray for solace and support, but there are prayers, or mantras if you will, that are the basic power unit for that PTP circuit to run its course properly.

When I started working with the 150, 310, 620, 1240 series I was trying to find out the kabbalistical meaning of the word thought. For that is what we truly are, we are thoughts.

When I applied then the mathematical formula associated with the side of reason within the Tree of Life the series simply appeared. Now I think I have a preliminary solution.

310 is AL X 10. That is AL or El which is one of the many names of IHVH times 10, ten as in the ten sephirotic spheres of the Tree. This leads me to believe that by applying the word name AL to each and everyone of the sephiroth we will come out with a certain word value. This is what I came up with:
ChSD+AL= 103 GNN
NTzCh+AL= 179 OQDH

All this reveals the following story: Through Temurah one's belongings will acquire the image of protection of an opening of the changing structure that is linked to the abundance of the throne of the First Riddle. Quite long for a prayer but when minimized it becomes 3085 which could be the word APhAA. It could also be IChMH, if we take the words IM and MCh which are the root letters for abundant place and compass we would get something interesting. Wouldn't it be?

Until later becomes now.
Re: a vehicle within

Well Transient,

It seems we cannot escape this beginning point. Finding the "opening of the changing structure" defines both what precedes and proceeds that crucial point. It defines us as well. Even discussing it nails us down in very specific ways as to what we really "believe" that "opening" consists of, how to locate it and how to access it. Your conclusion on the meaning of the ten sephira by using gematria, temurah and nekrikon (the basics anyway), hit a very definite chord with me. >>>>Through Temurah one's belongings will acquire the image of protection of an opening of the changing structure that is linked to the abundance of the throne of the First Riddle.<<<<

One's belongings (everything one percieves oneself to be) will connect with the perceptions of this "image" that we have been discussing concerning "first cause". The timelessness and spacelessness woven into the matrix is that protection zone at the entrance of the opening of a changing structure (3,10 Torus Knot) that is linked to the "abundance" (total access to time and space) via the throne (Merkaba) through understanding the First Riddle (mechanics of PTP or "alpha".

Here is where I step out on a limb for this is how I percieve this happening through a proper understanding of the "measuring rod" and "line of flax" held by the seventh angel of Revelation (the one who ushers in the last movements), we are to "measure" the Merkaba and reduce its structure to the size of photons. The method for doing this is best understood in the allignment of the stones on the breastplate which receives the entire electromagnetic spectrum contained within the "throne" structure. The stones are not two dimensional as pictured on the typical breastplate worn by the High Priest. It is a three-dimensional "window" arranged according to the order in which the twelve tribes came into being (the offspring of Jacob who had these children with several women and back to a previous wife. They create a golden mean spiral that filters the light through an ever-decreasing crystaline structure reducing the entire spectrum and enable it to enter into the "opening" or vortice that is responsible for "non local events" (FTL). This is how we will map inner space to prepare for the eventual journey to outer space and find the "rivers of space/time." I percieve a time when the "City of God" will be built--a totally self-contained "ark" capable of carrying 144,000 people who will have made the "connection" with the PTP. Imagine 144,000 time travelers! I can perceive this as the way the "earth is made new". We will have a part in the recreation of the universe. Anybody want to join up? Better get you seasick pills ready. We will be traveling down a vortex in an ever-decreasing spiral upon photons to a point that is no further away than "the blood in our necks".

Another recent discovery illustrates this point but in the opposite direction. The gamma ray signatures reaching us from massive black holes are identical to those found at the center of "star nurseries". How could this be possible? This is where stars are being born--not dying. The conclusion of science is that the matter going into massive black holes is creating "normal" black holes at the center of distant star nurseries which eventually develop into galactic structure. This may very well be the location of the "white holes". The only way to avoid the crush and the stretch of entering into the event horizon is to match spin and velocity at ever-increasing speeds. This can only be accomplished via the "protection" of "our belongings" within the merkaba structure surrounded by timelessness and spacelessness.

This is just the simplified version of the reality. It will take everything we own. All our "belongings" will be spent in the process. Every power will be on the stretch. The "meek shall inherit the earth".
Re: a vehicle within

Wow Zerub great post above, I'd like to elaborate on it, but I've been absent from the posts for some time. I'd like to first back up to one of your earlier posts in this thread about your illusionary tripartite/concentric computer experiment and throw an idea around here!

You have mentioned this illusionary tripartite/concentric computer experiment many times over the course of our friendship, on the forum and through emails and I never really responded with any sort of supporting response. Up until now, the answer has finally hit me!

You've mentioned several times that the computer naturally reproduced it from four points rather than three because of its intended ability to reproduce x,y,z coordinates in four dimensional space. The fur is flying on this Cat...Here is your answer! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Let me begin by saying (and bare with me here) that the universe as we perceive it has three major components, not two as is normally understood. The usual concept is that energy and mass make up the universe. The third component...Information composed of vitally important. Mass and energy have structure and interact because they contain information. Information binds and provides the instructions that ultimately holds the universe together. If we have learned anything from engineering, biology, and physics, information is just as crucial an ingredient as mass and energy.

Where there is no logical explanation for a hidden mystery I usually resort to the Bible. In fact after all these years this Cat can still hear the echoes of the religious sermon in my head...Gd creates by His Word...He sustains by His Word...Whatever terminology scientists may use, be assured that the Holy Scriptures relate a true description of reality to humankind...Believe the Scriptures! You may not understand what is meant now, but soon Gd will open the eyes of people in the world so they can know that Gd exists and that their Redeemer lives...Gds Word will not fail to fulfill His purpose as he intended!!!

Anyhow, with that being said, what I've learned from resorting to the Bible is the method that Gd used in creating the heavens and the earth which is detailed several times in an interesting way in the Scriptures. "Repeatedly" it is stated that Gds creation of the heavens (and some parts of the earth) were rolled out like a scroll or a tent or a curtain , in other words like a flat surface.

"Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you art very great; you art clothed with honor and majesty. Who coverest yourself with light as with a garment: who stretches out the heavens like a curtain:" Psalm 104:1-2

Besides Psalm 104:1-2, many other verses discuss the heavens being laid out:

Gd explained to Job that the earth and its foundations were precisely measured (Job 38:4-5). This is reiterated in Psalm 136:5-6. Not only the earth but the heavens have been measured and laid out, seemingly in a two dimensional structure:

"He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hangs the earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

Isaiah mentions the flatness of the heavens several times in several different ways:

"Have you not known? have you not heard? has it not been told you from the beginning? have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent (before it is erected) to dwell in." Isaiah 40:21-22

"Thus saith Gd the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that gives breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein." Isaiah 42:5

These two verses below are from Revelations...future tense. One of the many events of that judgment is that the heavens will be "rolled". This could not occur unless they had some aspect of "flatness" to them, just as is described in the scriptures about the creation of the heavens:

And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falls off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree. Isaiah 34:4

And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Revelation 6:14

The list goes on: Isaiah 44:23-24 Isaiah 45:12 Isaiah 51:13 Jeremiah 10:11-12 Jeremiah 1:15 Zechariah 12:1...

This substantiates what the Bible has taught all along of the creations of the heavens. It doesn't take much understanding to see that these are not just poetic metaphors but rather describing a real situation that neither the writer or the audience fully understood. That is why the analogy is made to things that are known like scrolls, flat tents (before they are erected) or curtains, describing precisely how Gd "laid out" the universe.

Where am I going with all this? Well, when I mention hologram, our universe, which we perceive to have three spatial dimensions, might instead be written on a two dimensional surface, like a hologram. Our everyday perceptions of the world as three dimensional would then be either a profound illusion or merely one of two alternative ways of viewing reality.

1stBorn and Ray talked somewhat about Holography and its method of using special forms of light in a manner that produces three dimensional images on a photographic plate or film. (I'm stating that the universe is like a hologram, not that it is a hologram.) The universe is composed of mass that has solidity, energy that has force, and a dimensional reality. Holograms are not real, they are illusions of three dimensionality.

My thoughts are that our universe is "painted" on a spherical surface and projected inward, retaining an appearance of infinity...

The much awaited clue/answer to your "illusionary matrix merger concentric sphere tripartite computer experiment", you say that its a product of three concentric systems producing a form that your limited mind cannot conceive, though it exists, you just cannot see or perceive it, but your sure its just around the corner"...

I think your right Zerub! The universe is like a hologram, just as a trick of light allows a fully three dimensional image to be recorded on a flat piece of film, our seemingly three dimensional universe could be completely equivalent to alternative quantum fields and physical laws "painted" on a distant, vast surface...

The Animated Holographer #1

In conclusion, I'd say Science is certainly catching up with scripture! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: a vehicle within


Glad to see you again. As usual you get right to the heart of matters.


Let me begin by saying (and bare with me here) that the universe as we perceive it has three major components, not two as is normally understood.<<<<

It just so happens that this is what has been on my mind lately as to how to present something in a coherent manner that doesn't "cohere". How can a flat universe begin as curvilinear, join up as two which are really one in their "closeness and frequency(speed) and then morph intro three which is again really one(for the same reason mentioned above. At this point you have the indivisible, unnameable, unknowable point--one dimensional...flat. Then came the second creating a new reality alongside the first. The ultimate yin/yang reproduced endlessly throughout. It did not end the first reality of a flat universe--it added dimension to it, defining the beginning of the "information" required to create "shape". Shape came with the third point and the "mobius strip" connected by the flat universe throughout the then young system. The next "evolution" defines the fourth reality--seven-fold space/time/matter that has properties that defy perception. This is the 1, 3 10 model, connected much like the colors of the rainbow--no demarcation point where one color becomes the next...or one system becomes the next. Separate but connected. Having qualities of flat space , duality, 3 dimensional, and a seven-fold reality providing "perfection" or stability--coexisting in a matrix that gives us diverse answers to the same questions, depending upon observation(consciousness).

>>>>rolled out like a scroll or a tent or a curtain , in other words like a flat surface.<<<<

Amazingly, all of the scriptures you quoted sounded EXACTLY what I would perceive within the protective shield upon the mobius strip--the stars would fall from the sky. They would cease to become visible because that belongs to the flat universe. The strip becomes a scroll--the golden mean spiral. You will have passed from reality #1 to reality #2 which, I assume would be "visible" as rivers of space/time. The "flatness" would become curved and twisted. Intimations of other dimensions would impinge upon our consciousness like ghosts-passing like alternate rivers of space/time, perhaps even passing close enough to take advantage of "folds" or overlapping of systems. Taking it beyond the seven-fold system to the next level--perhaps the 32 that Transient came to conclusions on, will only be perceptive to us while we are in the previous state preceeding it; having mastered the tools from the previous level.

I think your right about the appearance of infinity as being an illusion. It realy is a closed-loop system. Just as we cannot define the smallest measure of time, we will never define when one becomes the other. Just as we cannot define what "plasma" really is, it will not matter because we are quite handy with being able to manipulate plasma whether we understand what it "is" or not. Changing structure is the key. This implies chaos. Even chaos operates by formula. Chaos is another illusion. It is exceedingly symmetrical in its non-symmetry. We are indeed talking of alternative quantum fields and vast physical laws painted on vast surfaces...
Re: a vehicle within

Wowee Wow! Welcome back CAT! XLNT post!

The third component...Information composed of vitally important. Mass and energy have structure and interact because they contain information. Information binds and provides the instructions that ultimately holds the universe together. If we have learned anything from engineering, biology, and physics, information is just as crucial an ingredient as mass and energy.
You are so right here, CAT. And so well worded and explained... And what you describe here is the defacto "axiom" that is used and taught in the discipline that I work in, systems engineering. This aspect of engineering ANY kind of system (time travel systems included) recognizes that information IS a part of any system, and the structure of the information in any system you create is extremely important in making that system highly effective (intelligent).

You know how I always go on about the orthogonality of Mass, Time, and Space to one another? Well, in my work I am constantly "going on" (teaching people) about the orthogonality of three domains of information that can describe ANY and ALL systems. The three orthogonal domains of information that can fully describe a Matter-Energy system are: Operational, Functional, and Physical. This is how systems engineers build designs, by specifying performance requirements across these 3 orthogonal "axes". In Physical we describe the composition of the system, and its physical inputs and outputs. In Functional we describe the transforming behavior of the system. In Operational we describe the uses/scenarios that the system is put to work in.

Where am I going with all this? Well, when I mention hologram, our universe, which we perceive to have three spatial dimensions, might instead be written on a two dimensional surface, like a hologram.
Bingo. Jackpot! Right on the $! This totally correlates to something I have put forward about how E = mc^2 describes the surface of light bubbles, and those light bubbles define events in our timelines. The c^2 describes the surface area of that light bubble that we all perceive with our sense of sight. Think about it...light (images) are constantly beamed directly at you, the center point, from all around you in a circle. What we perceive as the entire universe is the inner surface of that light bubble, beaming TOWARDS us. It is a 3-D movie playing to our eyes (and other senses) in realtime.

But there is also the other side of the light bubble, and it has a surface area as well. This side of the light bubble of E=mc^2 represents the light beams of our own, personal ACTIONS that we take in the universe. All of us, as humans, create events. We literally SHINE OUR LIGHT FOR ALL TO SEE. The sphere of our own light bubble, that we create via our actions, beams outwards from the point of our physical bodies. We live on both sides of that light bubble. We perceive and we act.

And as you put it so clearly, CAT:
My thoughts are that our universe is "painted" on a spherical surface and projected inward, retaining an appearance of infinity...
Precisely. The illusion of our physical universe are those light beams coming to us and our senses...

The much awaited clue/answer to your "illusionary matrix merger concentric sphere tripartite computer experiment", you say that its a product of three concentric systems producing a form that your limited mind cannot conceive, though it exists, you just cannot see or perceive it, but your sure its just around the corner"...
Most definitely! The 3 veils of existence. There are 3 nested systems (of information?) that comprise what we might call our non-physical selves. Zerub talks of our physical body as our "belongings", and this represents the 3 veils of physical (positive) existence. We describe them in terms of Mass, Space, and Time. Then there are also three veils of non-physical (negative) existence, that I call our Mind (Conscious), Soul (Subconscious), and Spirit (unconscious). Of course, these are the 3 main triads on the TOL, from the bottom upwards. This 3x3 Matrix of physical+non-physical is the general structure of human information...literally the structure of our DNA as well.

All of this fits.....All of you terrific and intelligent people are working together in helping to paint this picture. I am quite gratified in my interactions with you, and I think we are all doing some great work here. I salute you! Please....don't quit now! :D

Kindest Regards,
Re: a vehicle within


I address this post to you because of a question you asked me in your email that is very pertinent to this discussion. Your question led me to "perception" that has been bugging me. As all of you know, that was messing up my perception in discussion of the spheres in the TOL. Your question about the "bronze hand" and the formation of the Hebrew letters allowed me to "see" the shape that was eluding me! I believe this is the "changing structure". If you look closely at the picture which I inserted as avatar, for very brief moments the form of the "hand" appears--not as a perfect triangular shape but as a "morphing" shape that has the general shape of the triangle; but as a partial section of the sphere. I think you may be absolutely correct in that these "letters" deal with "folds of time" and are the "openings" mentioned in First Riddle that Transient so eloquently extrapolated for us using temurah. I had not given thought to the letters and words on the microscopic scale. I had applied it to the macroscopic scale and the formation of galactic systems. This realization gives us the tools to map the microscopic world for the vortices we would need to find to travel inward. I tend to believe, at this point, that the vortices can be catologued according to the Hebrew letters and then by the Hebrew 5-letter combinations to map the system that is entered by that particular "gate" or vortice.

Giving a second thought to this has led me to another "perception". I am beginning to see that the basic structure has "crystaline" features. As Rainman has stated about orthogonal structures, the "mobius strip" may not be continuous but at roughly right angles to each other like the inside of a crystal. I think there are 7 basic crystaline structures that form according to heat and pressure--or the lack thereof. This entire "family" is represented in the stones on the breastplate--from the largest to the smallest. It is also represented throughout the entire temple structure. I can perceive, now, what Doctor Mallett (the same one Creedo mentioned in his post) is trying to accomplish in his version of a time machine. He proposes using dual beams of light traveling through crystal to "slow down" the light and then speed it back up again, creating a spiral that theoretically will allow us to manipulate time. He is not some wild-eyed physicist just out of grad school. He is widely respected and is using valid theorems. We may really be onto something here!!
Re: a vehicle within

Doctor Mallett may have something, but when I saw his diagram:


These are just regular helical swirls, there is no way that things gonna work. The concept is definitely there but the math is missing. He neglects to factor in Phi growth and speed which would make each spiral larger gaining speed from its smaller starting point. But the swirls wouldn't mean anything unless he could cohersed it to flip and fold...

Are you with me Zerub?
Re: the rule of observation

Dear Friends of tmxxine,

You have to understand that the insane, the fraudalent, the visionary, the artistic and the scientist are all working in a similar but different way.

Sliding between branes of other worlds is only feasible when the the theoretical and technologigal paradigms move from the impossible to the 'how'

Open Source Multi-brane comuunication beam in and out being developed by tmxxine is working in ways that encourage the fringes of experience as an experimental grounding

tmxxine projex