The Traveler Phenomenon

Rain' I have suffered an accident in my right ear and sometimes mispronounce allot.

Gets into my spelling.High powered rifled by eardrums, need I say more?

Searcher, I don't care what you think and I feel that you're too spooky with no eyes in the late Dr. Sagan's head?

p.s.Rain, when I find you vette in L.A. I plan to whip them down and bowel out in there.

Ha ha ha, does sound pretty gross, only kidding.

I use to park Dr.'s Vettes when they would ask me, to, as nobody else knew how to handle them.

The new Vettes almost fly.

etc, p.s. there was also not really a sex thang between Sarah and me.

It's what I needed as this guy comes from Satinville, so I just wanted to verify the trail.

This is kind-of like taking a jet interceptor up to greet a block long Ruskie, cruzin the shorelines?

So kissy hunchie business, nyet.

Rain, do you take really pretty clients out to say International House Of Pancakes for business dinners and such?

I mean she doesn't take her high heel off and stick her stocking covered foot up your pant leg, while you spill your V8 all over your shirt.....?

If you can get her to lick the plates clean, then you can save on the tip?

Kidding dont take offence.

Zee what I mean?

Ha ha, that was funny, maybe Freudian, Boweling out!!!??

Got to go, building a engine rebuild stand.
Yes, you are a funny one, Creedo!

So how did you know I take my dates to IHOP? You been spying on me again? You do know that Tom Leykis recommends this is where you takes dates...not only because it's cheap, but for the subliminal effect: IHOP (in bed with you). Of course, this all relates perfectly well to time travel!

Re: the rule of observation

Why would the time guards need to alter my memories if what I say is impossible?

Plus, what happens when someone starts to remember after "reconditioning"?

Re: the rule of observation

creedo299-you can't go forward in time unless people from the future want you to.

timeline79- they would only alter your memories if a time traveller took you to the future or showed you technology.
They never remember after they have had their memory erased
Re: the rule of observation

Oh ferchrissakes already! Drop the sham. This is retarded! Don't you have any good pr0n sites you could visit?

is *ANYONE* here from 2004?!?!?!?!?
Re: the rule of observation

Well, the LATEST time I was born was in 1964... but I won't go into any of the others, because then people would start to debunk me as a time traveler.

Re: the rule of observation


In a word...Yes. However, there are problems. Primarily, they are "perceptual". We perceive our world by line-of-sight orthographically, putting all the pieces around it together in a coherent pattern using bi-focal lenses that invert the images to the brain which then reassembles into signals that recognizable to us. The closest I can come to perceptualizing the "sphere" of the Tree of Life using my limited capability is "concentric shells". However, these concentric shells are not limited to a single spheroid system. It is a product of three concentric systems producing a form that my limited mind cannot conceive. It exists. I just cannot see or percieve it. In my early experiment with the merger of this concentric sphere matrix, the computer naturally reproduced it from four points rather than three because of its intended ability to reproduce x,y,z coordinates in four-dimensional space. That experiment produced the obvious creation of symmetrical wormholes connecting the whole matrix making it one piece. The tripartite matrix appears to my mind as a much more sophisticated system that places the "points" of connection within the matrix just beyond my ability to see it. It is infinitely "just around the corner". But it IS there. Because of this "twisting", of course, comes the horus knot which, itself, is a concentric series of spheres which, in turn, create still more exotic shapes of space/time/mass systems--each of which is clearly mapped out using the 5-letter hebrew word combinations of which you just mentioned a couple.

One of my earliest true visualizations of the creating of the sphere was first seeing the effect on liquid which formed into spheres when spilled into the air on one of our orbiting spacecraft. The ramifications of that little visualization literally stirred my mind. This was a zero-z atmosphere. How could gravity have any effect in a zero-g environment? There was something far deeper going on here. What was forming these spheres? I had assumed that gravity was non-existent in any form in zero-g. That began my questions about the space that surrounded the object. That was when I began to think of gravity as a push intead of a pull. That was when I first visualized space forming matter. It was like trying to visualize the "picture within a picture" illusions that are designed to focus areas of the brain to see the other picture present. I began to see the motion of space rather than the motion of the matter. Torah gives us the maps through these "motions of space" or rivers of space/time. Torah also gives us the means if we can put aside differences, preconceptions and misconceptions. This is not about religion nor is it about science. This is about life and the future of life. There are anti-life elements. We are on the verge of opening up all of time and space. I believe that there are almost enough elements present on this forum to formulate a plan of action. I welcome diversity. I enjoy intelligent debate. Foolish debate is best left to the foolish. Glad to be talking with you again Transient!!
Re: the rule of observation

Mind if I jump in here fellas?

That was when I began to think of gravity as a push intead of a pull. That was when I first visualized space forming matter. It was like trying to visualize the "picture within a picture" illusions that are designed to focus areas of the brain to see the other picture present. I began to see the motion of space rather than the motion of the matter. Torah gives us the maps through these "motions of space" or rivers of space/time.
Gravity is indeed a push, and not a pull as our senses would seem to tell us. It is part of the illusion.

Motion as rivers of Space-per-Time...SpaceTime. I couldn't express it any better than you have, Zerub. That is both highly visual and at the same time technically accurate. Since I have been discussing Matter and Motion in another thread, allow me to share this observation of how Motion is decomposed...

Since "all things come in threes", we see this truth again exhibited in these 3 forms of Motion:

TRANSLATION - The ACTIVE form of Motion!
Any object (Matter) actively moving from one point in 3-D Space to another point in 3-D Space. We commonly refer to this as "getting something/someone from A to B."

ROTATION - The PASSIVE form of Motion!
Any object (Matter) passively rotating about one fixed point/axis in 3-D Space. We commonly refer to this as "spinning our wheels, but getting nowhere."

VIBRATION - The NEUTRAL form of Motion!
Any object (Matter) neutrally vibrating in its current position. We commonly refer to this as "being on a certain level of vibration."

Interesting, no? And the above are distinct categories in the technical disciplines of engineering dynamics of bodies and their design. In other words, these 3 forms of Motion are a general Truth for all bodies in our physical universe.

Kind Regards,
Re: the rule of observation


Some time ago I heard someone say that gravity had been incorrectly termed the weakest force in the universe. When I asked why was it termed incorrectly, the person replied that gravity was the way that nature dealt with love. The person went on saying that it is only because of gravity that we exist.

If you think about it it is quite similar to a coming together sense. By the combinations of the many we acquire someting even greater. Our galaxy was formed thus, our worlds were formed in such way and life in our world began in much the very same form.

Until later becomes now.
Re: the rule of observation

I would simply like to share something with you Zerub and Rainman

I know it is kind of strange and it nears the delusional thinking of an old man but bare with me.
This is a post I made back in october 2003.
I was re-reading it and found it interesting. And I know zerub that you could help me out with the numbers.

...Continuing with my observations I would like to add that the conglomerate of constructs from C1 to C5 have a distinct and very interesting form of grouping themselves. To begin with one must understand that this model exists within a sixteenth dimensional universe with geometrical laws that fall outside the regular euclidean principles, however there are several make ups that tend to be "universal" in themselves.

The first two constructs C1 and C2, since they do not actually manifest in a physical sense as they are nothingness and temporal momentum, they do not form an intrinsic part of the other three. However as one approaches the third construct, which is a four dimensional reality the observer can find a general triangular process. When the fourth construct is taken into account and united with the C3 we one will observe that this new eight dimensional reality has already triangular process taking place inside a cuadrangular realm. This will yield a combination of decahedronal processes taking place inside a junction of twelve dimensions. Going a little farther and traversing to the fifth Construct, a sixteenth dimensional with pentahedrical process, the observer finds then that reality indeed have become a twenty-eighth dimensionality with dodecahedrical processes taking place.

However 28 dimensions with 22 processes is not complete, we must add C1 and C2, this would yield a reality with 32 dimensions and 25 processes. The importance of this is that once the observer understands the true meaning of these 32 dimensions one could avail oneself of a very personal timephasing device.

The most interesting about all this is that the ancient scientists of this world uncovered this concept at least five thousand years ago. The sad part about it is that only but a handful ever achieved sixteenth dimensionality, as opposed to many other worlds were these states are taught as soon as the child is ready to harbor the concepts. Perhaps we are still children among the stars...

Until later becomes now
Re: the rule of observation


Well, I'm not sure I could help with the numbers, but the amazing thing is that I can even "perceive" what you are trying to get across. Here is my take on it. Considering that before "creation" there was only timelessness in a spaceless and matterless "universe", reason tells me that the initial "point" which contained all time, space and matter; then went on to replicate itself at equidistant curved triangular points--sharing with the other two "points" identical properties but separate from each other. This would imply that between the three points would be elements of the timeless/spaceless/massless "universe" that were interwoven amongst the three. This is what I assume you mean by completing the whole by including C1 and C2. This would indeed imply that the "vehicle" is contained within the matrix. Somehow, I get a strong feeling that the concept of father/son/holy spirit has something to do with this formula in that the holy spirit is "seven-fold" which, of course, is a symbol of perfection. Some even make a case here for a nine-dimensional matrix. The perfection I speak of is not in the traditional sense but in the "stability" of the matrix.

Torah definitely speaks of quadratic space alongside duality within the curvilinear triangular matrix. If more people could get beyond their particular "biases" about "religious" things, and apply pure science to some of these concepts, then we could perhaps put a lid on this thing (capstone or headstone) that Torah clearly predicts will occur. Check out "headstone" in Torah sometime. You'll be amazed at the implications. A capstone is the crucial stone in an arch which is what gives it stability. It is commonly used in huge cathedrals which would collapse under its own weight were it not for the capstone to distribute its forces. Interestingly, the same word for cornerstone applies here. Both are applied to Messiah. It would seem that "Messiah" is both the cornerstone upon which everything rests and the headstone upon which the weight of the structure is evenly distributed giving it "perfection". There are many other "prophetic" devices such as "flying roll" , et al, which are important to understand the psychological/physical/spiritual matrix that we are all trying to figure out. In a very real sense, we are all like Richard Dreyfus in "close Encounters of the Third Kind" continually building mashed-potato mountains because of some built-in constraint to do so. I have to have hope that we are intelligent enough to do so. In the words of a physicist (and I paraphrase), "we don't know that there is an underlying "beautiful" theory. We don't know if, as a species, we are intelligent enough to discover it. However, if we don't assume that there IS an underlying theory, and we don't assume that we can discover it--we never will." Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It gets my thought-processes moving.
Re: a vehicle within


It is interesting that you use the phrase a vehicle within. Yes, I utterly beilieve that this special place in "Space/Time" is in itself both the medium and the mean of travel. Early kabbalist often spoke abut the merkabah, that is the divine chariot that they employed to ascend steadfastly into the diverse realms of the divine. I often envision an array of circles and other geometrical function orbiting around my essence.

Another interesting thing is what you mention about the headstone, Kether is that headstone in the porticus of the TRee of LIfe. For only Will should provide the stability needed to both observe and understand. It is only through this Will that we shall be.

Until later becomes now.
Re: a vehicle within

Hi Transient:

For only Will should provide the stability needed to both observe and understand. It is only through this Will that we shall be.
Exactly. Will is that prime mover of all creation. It is the headstone, and it does provide that stabilizing force between Chokmah and Binah.

Nice job,
Re: a vehicle within

Rainman and Zerub

I was checking out the relationship between the headstone and I came up with the following results

155, 310, 620, 1240

It all adds up to 2325.

Now the funny thing is that 155 stands for DVD NAMN= THE FAITHFUL FRIEND
310 stands for CHSHB= thought or visualization
620 stands for CHKMH, BINH, DAATH and also KTHR
Now what I can not seem to pin down is 1240.

I know that the four numerical values stand for each of the letters of the name of IHVH, see if you could help me any further.

Until later becomes now
Re: a vehicle within


You're much better at this than I am. However, this is what "inspiration" seems to be telling me. First, let me explain a concept that I have relied on for at least the last 30 years. The PTP, which is all around us and also at a very central point of the universe, contains all time, space, matter and consciousness which represents knowledge, wisdom and perception. This "information" is accessible to us under certain conditions--usually when you put your "will" to it. I don't mean a continuous, constant will but an initial will and then leave it to find its way to the PTP. In its own time, it will find its way back to you with the exact information you need--not want. I have applied this countless times and it has been unfailing.

Now if you consider it in this context, then the faithful friend supplies the visualization of both the initial question and the eventual result. It would seem that the visualization follows the 3x3 matrix structure in that 310 "tripled" gives us a 3-sided view of 3 faithful friends, fulfilling the full view of psychology/matter/spirituality giving us the intelligence to define the object and the wisdom to correctly perceive its relationship to us. Thus, we are supplied with the necessary "tools" to solve the problem rather than simply "react" to it and thereby become part of the problem itself. Does this make sense to you? Of course, we are the fourth part showing our important part in the 310 x 4 equaling 1240. After all, we are promised the "dominion" over all of time/space/matter. Creator, creation, created--in the end all one as it was in the beginning. It has a special kind of beauty to it. Thanks again for your probing thoughts!
Re: a vehicle within

Wow Zeru, you are good! I think you are better at this than you give yourself credit for.

I was also thinking about the Prime Temporal Point as being that "faithful friend", with our Will being our "piece" of that PTP through which we receive the graces of "the whole." And as far as:

This "information" is accessible to us under certain conditions--usually when you put your "will" to it. I don't mean a continuous, constant will but an initial will and then leave it to find its way to the PTP. In its own time, it will find its way back to you with the exact information you need--not want. I have applied this countless times and it has been unfailing.
Right on the money, again. This sort of philosophy for how to "solve" our problems is right in line with countless "new age" texts, one of my favorites being The Celestine Prophecy. Let's be serious here....what we are really talking about is a scientific basis for the concept of prayer. Now I am sure the "anti-God" crowds around here /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif will immediately become either defensive or turned-off, but that is due to their prior "programming" on topics of religion and prayer as being something that God "demands" of us. In reality, prayer is nothing more than a focusing of the Will, as you say. And it need not involve countless hours of intense focus. It simply involves clarity of purpose, focusing and directing the energy of that purpose, and then "letting it go" on its way to the PTP. We are human transmitting devices capable of transmitting to and receiving from the PTP!

Scientifically, I liken it to a closed-loop system (but that is because this is what I do for a living). We initiate the "command" to the closed-loop system with our focusing of intention and "beaming" it to the PTP. As with any physical system, the PTP has its own natural "time lag" for response which, in this case, is dependent upon the tools you need (vis. what you want) to solve the problem. Finally, the feedback path is when the PTP delivers those tools, in a very manifest physical sense, to our world for us to accept and utilize in our quest to "solve" the problem of our initial "command". Thus, the loop is closed!

You guys are smart! I find it satisfying interacting with you on these topics,
Re: a vehicle within


Thanks for your always lucid responses, not to mention your kind compliments. I forgot to mention the part we play in this dance so I edited the end of my last post to reflect this.

I have always considered the "PTP" as my friend. As with all good friends that you can rely on, simply sharing your problem with them relieves you of the "burden" of whatever problem you are sharing. In Torah, Abraham considered God his friend and likewise with God. They "talked" with each other. However, again, I am ever mindful of those who consider "prayer" and faith (in the process--not faith in belief of a God's existence) as a weakness to be avoided at all cost. To those I would say this (and this is in Torah), we cannot judge those who give no care as to what they eat or drink or to what day they worship on--for they are STRONG! We are admittedly weak! If the strong despise the weak, then this well eventually develop into a weakness of character. If the weak despise the strong, they will eventually lose the benefit of their weakness for the weak seeks strength outside of themselves. To the Greek (philosophy), of course, this is foolishness. You are absolutely correct that there is a definite science to all of this.

In the institution for juveniles that I worked at several years ago, I was able to use this "science" in a very special way. Working for the state, of course, you cannot use any kind of "religion" in therapy. The recidivism rate (rate of return) was between 50 to 60%. Psychology and Sociology was powerless to change this rate. Using principles without ever using the traditional idiom of religion allowed me to accomplish a rate of less than 1% of return. This was unheard of and a crime commission study listed my program as the best in the nation at the time. "Tough love" was unheard of at the time. Using reality therapy and positive peer culture, we achieved such dramatic results that the psychologists and psychiatrists felt so threatened that within a month of these findings they totally dismantled our program and dispersed us throughout the institution. This was my first realization of the de facto rulers of the "new world order". I eventually discovered that these "professionals" were in control of every single institution throughout New England with ties to major political figures and very big money. I could tell you of many horror stories that I have witnessed, hidden behind "treatment". Fighting against them only got me blacklisted. I cound myself as worthy to have experienced the whole ordeal.

It has been said that Jesus could have unlocked every treasure house of science, occupying our minds for millenia; but he concerned himself entirely with the science of salvation. The very word "salvation" is anathema to many people because of the dirty picture that has been painted by "religionists". Salvation is of the mind. A free thinker looks at all the evidence and cares not for the negative thinging of others. I only care to open the mind and heart. The "soul" is best left to the individual to work out in their own manner. I cannot judge the means.