The Time Traveler's wife.

Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

Just got done reading the book and the ending was kind of sad. Now I am wondering if the movie will end sad as well or if it will be like the book... sometimes they are sometimes they are not.

She waited for him her whole life and then got to spend so little time with him. She never knew when he was going to disappear. Then because it was a genetic disorder their daughter got it as well.
It was very interesting ..but very sad also. They have a deep bond with each other that lasts throughout their lifetime.

Clare is always saying "I wait for Henry" and sometimes there are two Henrys that are there from different ages. How hard it would be to go sometimes YEARS without seeing someone you love and yet for the time traveler he is in constant contact with a Clare of different ages.

I couldn't help but think about John throughout reading the book and thinking they chose someone whose girlfriend died (everyone thinks john titor is just a story as well so I am making comparisons) Perhaps it is easier for a time traveler to be alone or to pick someone for the mission that has lost his true love.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

Clare is always saying "I wait for Henry" and sometimes there are two Henrys that are there from different ages. How hard it would be to go sometimes YEARS without seeing someone you love and yet for the time traveler he is in constant contact with a Clare of different ages.

Such a relationship would be preposterous and would indeed be the ultimate epitomy of unfaithfulness. No, the time traveller is not seeing 'Clare' in each timeline......he is effectively seeing a different woman every he sure as hell is not seeing the Clare he married.

I'm pretty sure 'philandering time traveller spouse' will one day be the major cause of divorce.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

It may be a Clare from a different timeline but Henry does not make this distinction him it is Clare. His Clare. The divergence must be ever so slight.

If you saw your wife in another timeline would you not have the same feelings for her when you see her? Or would you really say "Get away from me your not the woman I married!" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have a feeling you would still recognize the part you fell in love with when you look into her eyes.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

No....'my wife' in another timeline most certainly is not MY wife. She is in all physical respects a completely different person, made of completely different atoms and living in a completely different world. The fact that the arrangement of those atoms creates an almost exact copy does not change that.

As far as I am concerned, hopping into bed with the alternate timeline 'wife' would be an act of unfaithfulness. After all, to my real wife lying in bed alone.......I would to all extents and purposes be having sex with another woman. Somehow I don't think she'd be that impressed the next day with " What do you mean we haven't had sex for 6 months...we only did it last night ! "

If time travel ever becomes a reality.......divorce lawyers will be the fastest growing associated business.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

divorce lawyers will be the fastest growing associated business.

I am developing a new theory: The legal practices are a monotonically-increasing cash generation function. You never hear of law firms laying lawyers off....only expanding and garnering more and more of other people's money.

The corollary to my theory is this: Whenever and wherever people might be having a good time, lawyers are certain to arrive on the scene and find a way to extract money from said people and therefore decrease the amount of good times experienced.

Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.


No....'my wife' in another timeline most certainly is not MY wife.

Exactly. She'd be no more your wife than your sister-in-law would be your wife if they were twins.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

This is something I wish I had the opportunity to ask a real time traveler.

How do they see someone from another worldline? When they see their alternate wife how do they feel?
Do they have no feelings for her at all? Do they even feel as if she is real?
Do they recognize parts of personalities that were in their previous wife?
How do they deal with the fact of never seeing the 100 percent real thing again but only
close copies? How do they deal with that psychologically?
How does the persons "spirit" come into play in the different worldlines?

What of the original wife? Since she will never see "you" again but a close copy is it
cruel to regard her as a stranger when she comes up to you? She will not understand the
difference. Or does her feelings not matter to you because she is not the "original"?
Would you really be able to tell the difference between the original and one from another timeline?
Would you get jealous if you saw someone else kissing her? How would you feel if you saw
"you" from another worldline kissing her?

Can you really see her running to you and throwing her arms around you calling out your
name so happy to see you again and not be "caught up" in the moment and forget she is not
the "original"?

How would they deal with the fact that they will not have matching experiences or memories?

What does a time traveler do when he sees himself? Does he have any feelings for the
other self at all? Does he feel as if he is a part of himself in some way?

Do you feel the people of your original timeline are "more important" than the one you are on now?
If you can never return to the original timeline will the only timeline that really matters to you is the one you stay and live on or would you regard all timelines as equally important?

All of these questions I wish I could ask a real time traveler.

No, I do not think it would be boring to meet a time traveler I would always be wondering about his experiences and never run out of questions to ask him.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

If you went back in time and saw your wife in a completely identical house with all of exact copies of everything with a few minor differences and saw your wife come to greet you wouldn't you have some kind of feelings for her? After all it would be human nature you would be "caught up" in the moment and it would be hard to wrap your mind around the fact that this wife was not YOUR wife.
The more time you spent with her I think you would "forget" she was from another timeline.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

A transcript of my time travel test July 30 2009

" Hey Sue.....hop into this device with me and lets go back in time one minute "

.....whirring sounds....Twighlight Zone music....

" OMG....look...there's us over there ! "..." ya doing ? "

" Oh..hi....wish I'd known you were coming...we're out of tea and scones. And don't stand so close or I'll forget which one of me is me "

" I'm pretty sure I'm just showed up in that device. How about all 4 of us get in it and go back a minute or so ? "

.....whirring sounds....Twighlight Zome music....door opens...

" Yikes.......32 of us in here !....howcomes ? "

" I think there was a 3 way quantum decoherence caused by a resonance cascade in the thingamy. We've created a bunch of new timelines from nowhere ! "

" Oh dear...and now I've totally lost track of which one of us is me "

" I'm pretty sure I'm me "

" You said that already "

" Hey..isn't it against the law to create new timelines ? "

.....sounds of door being burst open...

" OK everyone....freeze ! Nobody expects.......this is the Temporal Police. Put your hands on machine. Your all busted "


Well....they just released me from custody with a warning. At least, I think I'm me....though the wife is acting a bit strangely.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

Just Read between lines in my first post Here on TTI:
Quoted recall15
01/10/05 08:06 AM
it´s sound weird but on 15/05/1997 was the first reality shift:relatives change names ie: Johanna instead of Yohana or Eddi instead of Eddy. On 02/11/2000 i get a another change of reality: people i know remain the same but get a different job or the same job but in different city. The point is that only i noticed the change. Is the same for a Webpages, prior to this date i don´t remember that the Wingmakers site exist, but suddenly there are a huge references of it in on the web. Then on 03/26/2001, some municipal buildings change colors, etc. And so on. Note: i´m not in the USA, but got s Family there...

Recall 15

Some time back there... before that
i was on Time Travel Portal...
when "the Time Travelers Fight with the info" change the timeline when the "Obama topic" just appear, and dissapear...then the site went gone...
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

If you went back in time and saw your wife in a completely identical house with all of exact copies of everything with a few minor differences and saw your wife come to greet you wouldn't you have some kind of feelings for her? After all it would be human nature you would be "caught up" in the moment and it would be hard to wrap your mind around the fact that this wife was not YOUR wife.
The more time you spent with her I think you would "forget" she was from another timeline.

Feelings of familiarity, sure, The same or similar feelings that I have for my wife, no. It's not the same person any more than twin sisters are the same person. I'd assume that prior to making such a trip there would be some training involved as to what to expect as well as a candidate program that would eliminate the types who tend to get caught up in the moment. Something on the order of choosing a candidate from a group of fighter pilots and test pilots. I'd choose from the test pilots.

If I went back in time to my home where there were just some "minor differences" my first clue would be that the other "I" was present.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

LOL! I like that. You DO have a sense of humor after all! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

I don't agree with any of you because I don't think you would be able to tell the difference.
You are going to have some kinds of feelings for this other person. You would feel some kind of bond.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

The problem is:
What if the other person just selected another one...

you land in a Love triangle

:oops: :oops: :oops:
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

This is something I wish I had the opportunity to ask a real time traveler.

How do they see someone from another worldline? When they see their alternate wife how do they feel?
Do they have no feelings for her at all? Do they even feel as if she is real?
Do they recognize parts of personalities that were in their previous wife?
How do they deal with the fact of never seeing the 100 percent real thing again but only
close copies? How do they deal with that psychologically?
How does the persons "spirit" come into play in the different worldlines?

What of the original wife? Since she will never see "you" again but a close copy is it
cruel to regard her as a stranger when she comes up to you? She will not understand the
difference. Or does her feelings not matter to you because she is not the "original"?
Would you really be able to tell the difference between the original and one from another timeline?
Would you get jealous if you saw someone else kissing her? How would you feel if you saw
"you" from another worldline kissing her?

Can you really see her running to you and throwing her arms around you calling out your
name so happy to see you again and not be "caught up" in the moment and forget she is not
the "original"?

How would they deal with the fact that they will not have matching experiences or memories?

What does a time traveler do when he sees himself? Does he have any feelings for the
other self at all? Does he feel as if he is a part of himself in some way?

Do you feel the people of your original timeline are "more important" than the one you are on now?
If you can never return to the original timeline will the only timeline that really matters to you is the one you stay and live on or would you regard all timelines as equally important?

All of these questions I wish I could ask a real time traveler.

No, I do not think it would be boring to meet a time traveler I would always be wondering about his experiences and never run out of questions to ask him.

It is going to have a lot to do with his morality and ethics and the morality and ethics of the other Clairs in the other timelines. If he has morality and ethics and really cares about his wife he will leave the other timeline wifes along. If the Clairs in the other timelines really care about their husband they will leave the other timeline husbands along. But, when a womens husband has been gone for so long and she has had no one to hold and love her and the other timeline husbands comes along not seeing their real wifes in months all of them needing someone then what happens?

If they go ahead the next day they both have to live with themselfs just the same as if they cheated which in reality they did. And now the next question. Will they all go home knowning in their hearts that their other spouse did the same thing? What will they believe? They know what they did what will they believe the other person did? If they trusted and loved each other that would be a easy question. This would be a true test of a marriage between a women and a time traveler.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

I don't agree with any of you because I don't think you would be able to tell the difference.
You are going to have some kinds of feelings for this other person. You would feel some kind of bond.

Well now if you can,t tell the difference then you make a decision and hope that you made the right one. Truthfully if he can,t tell he is home and she can,t tell if that is him or not then it may not matter what they do. The old saying ignoriance is bliss might have something to do with that. If there is no differece then now the other question. What would it matter? He can,t tell, she can,t tell. They won,t leave each other because they love each other. Oh well. If they find out later then I guess it is oppps. I did not know.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

According to the many world theory are we not changing timelines all the time anyway?
Some claim every time a decision is made. After a major decision you don't go up to your wife and say " Sorry Honey, You know we just made this major decision and now...well.. you might be a different wife now. Depending if that theory is true or not. Do you mind sleeping in the other room from now on just incase it is true?" If you refuse this wife after each decision you my as well get a divorce anyway because you will never be with her. Of course after that conversation your wife might just tell you to go and sleep on the couch anyway! LOL

Perhaps we need to actually BE in the situation to know. But also according to other theories you can never return to your exact same timeline. If this is the case then there will always be SOME wife that will never have you because you refuse to be with her and you will ALWAYS be without this wife because you can NEVER return to the exact same one.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

You posed an interesting question in this thread, Pamela.

I believe in addressing the initial question, the answer really depends on the mental state of the traveler. Whether he can remain steadfast in his purpose as to why he is traveling through time...or not.

Even though there are multiple "versions" of each of them, each of them are also influenced by different enviornmental factors, really creating individuals that would only "appear" similar, but really are not.

Another situtation to consider:

What if the time-traveler happens upon a dimension where the version of himself is abusive towards the wife ? IF he witnesses his other self inflicting physical injury to her...would he step in and stop it ? or ignore the situation entirely ?
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

Well now if you can,t tell the difference then you make a decision and hope that you made the right one. Truthfully if he can,t tell he is home and she can,t tell if that is him or not then it may not matter what they do. The old saying ignoriance is bliss might have something to do with that. If there is no differece then now the other question. What would it matter? He can,t tell, she can,t tell. They won,t leave each other because they love each other. Oh well. If they find out later then I guess it is oppps. I did not know.

Whether one could spot the difference would be irrelevant. Even in a universe with just one atom different, you would still know that the wife there was not your REAL wife.....and worse still, that your real wife is left stuck there in another timeline wondering where you got to.

The knowledge that there was a real and genuine wife waiting out there somewhere would make it impossible to have any meaningful relationship with an imposter.
Re: The Time Traveler\'s wife.

But Twighlight...What if you never were going to get back to the original wife at all?
Would you divorce her before you left? Would you have a funeral because basically you would never see the original ever again?