The superposition of a Temporal Reality

Re: Personal

Friend Frog

Here go some answers...

1. Could you tell me more about the hourglass's propulsion how it runs and such sorry this is like a repeated question?

Do not be sorry but yes you have repeated a question, but nevermind. The Hourglass has two main propulsion systems. One is the sideral one and the other is the dimensional folding device. As you already know the latter was introduced to Earth by the Anlussans. The first one consist of gravitational impulse.

2. What kind of food and drink does the crew and captain eat and drink?

By the time the Hourglass was built people in Earth had grown conscious of what they ingest. By that time people no longer consume dead matter, rather they alimentate their bodies with a special diet, based on soy, grains and fresh vegetables.

3. Will you ever show yourself to the public around the world including the US?

Why would I do that? I am not that special, I am a regular guy. Besides to incursionate into such a venture would invite many unwanted things into my life and that of the ones that surround me.

4. What kind of teachings in general and spiritual do you attain or possess?

I believe in the Source. It was the beginning, it was the primal force that imparted momentum into the myriad realities. It is all and it is also one. We are part of the Source, and as the Source is in everysingle thing, it is all around us. That is why we should be mercyful to our neighbor and surroundings for the Source in a very enigmatic way is there.

Just to let you know I have learned alot about you and from you remember God is watching all of us!

Yes indeed God is always watching with His everlasting and Mercyful Eye.
And Frog I am glad I have been to you helpful.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Personal

Hi Trans it's Frog again I wonder where creedo went anyways I have three questions for you and I have almost done with the book Nikola Tesla Free Energy and the White Dove it talks about tesla's life, free energy devices and antigravity as well as antigravity devices it is cool and it even show pictures too here are the three questions sorry for all of this stuff I am telling you you probably know more than me:

1. Will the hourglass's propulsion be made to the public including the US?

2. Is it possible to travel faster and slower than the speed of light?

3. Will teleportation be made to the public including the US?
Re: Personal

Hi Trans it's Frog once again I know your very busy at the moment but if you can answer my questions earlier before then that would be very helpful to me also sorry for being a pest I know things around this world are more important and that is the truth I got one question for you as well and this is an add-on with my other questions before Do you know anything about Nikola Tesla and underground bases as well as bases on other planets including the moon? I will try and share information but I can't share pictures sorry about that! Well talk with you later!
Re: Personal

Here goes Frog1.

1. Will the Hourglass's propulsion be made to the public including the US?

Yes it was made public around Earth 2657 A.D. But not implanted as regular items until Earth 2718 A.D.

2. Is it possible to travel faster and slower than the speed of light?

Not only possible but already happening. There are many particles that travel at ludicrous speeds. These were named Tachyons, from the greek word Tachy=faster. On the other hand there are other particles that travel much slower than the speed of light, these are baryons, from the grrek word Bary=slower.

Sometime in the future we will realize that velocity is not really needed in the equation for time displacement. Then we will start to study gravitation and researching in that avenue is that we shall uncovered how powerful is the weakest force in the universe.

3. Will teleportation be made to the public including the US?

Unfortunately it is too expensive to be made public. A small 200kg transference pod requires nearly 400 terawatts to make a single transmaterialization

Hope to be of help

Until later becomes now.

I've have same some questions to ask Transient001 if you have some time.

1. What's happens to our capitalist society? Is there an overthrowing or a long dark age?

2. If you're from the future why are you choosing these boards to talk?
Re: Personal

Friend GeeGee

1. What's happens to our capitalist society? Is there an overthrowing or a long dark age?

None of the above, people will realize in several years that the past political formulas are non compliant to the true needs of the people. However it will take some time to educate humanity into these aspects of reform.

2. If you're from the future why are you choosing these boards to talk?

I am not from the future.

I manifest my experiences here because the people of this forum are gentlebeings.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Personal

hey there transient...

just so you know...i am actually santa clause and uh...i can like see everything and i know that you are lying because i can see the future and the things you say are are a fraud...i dont mean to be rude, but my claims are just as believable as yours...and you just sound really please just stop saying stupid things you know nothing about.

Re: Personal

Hi Trans it's Frog I just wanted to say my computer crashed sorry for the delay in responding anyways I have been reading several stories that the moon and mars have bases on the surface but on mars their is no life and on the moon their are bases as well also I have done more research into tesla and I will tell you that he wasn't a man with visions but he was an alien instead and arrived on earth and was raised on earth by parents that were human also I have read that al bielek and others who were involved in the P.E./Montauk Project made a portal to go to Mars and they found alien technology but not any aliens also know about how the germans or nazis's were involved in making anti-gravity spaceships/discs or flying saucers to fly in the air as well as going to other planets Mars, Venus, and so on I know also that the north and south pole can be entered and from other people's experiences or stories they have encountered different beings or entities and even seen their cities or towns inside the earth I will never be an enemy to a friend that provides good answers and shows kindness I will have more stuff later for now this is good but before I go I have one question for you:

1. Do you know anything about what I have said and Do you believe it?
Re: Personal

Friend Frog

Yes most of what you just presented I already knew about, except Tesla being an alien. Not that I believe it outright but I will give it some thought.

Scientists from EarthTR125.0121 had been experimenting with dimensional folding technology for a while now. The first experiment ever was called the Troyan Horse Project were a person was supposedly sent nearly 2000 years back in time. Later on came the reknown Phily Exp, Montauk and last but not least Project Silverado. All of these dealt with creating Kazzimir-like effects to accomplish the end result.

About the nazis, well a lot has been attributed to them, we might have even invented a few things enlarging their evil and might. But so far all I know is that they were interested in finding a starship that was supposedly hidden in tibet and somehow tied together Hitler, Stalin and some Prince Ferenc Rackoczy of Hungary. To the best of my knowledge they never found it, thanks The Source for that.

About bases in outer space, well there are several outposts on the moon, mars, phobos and lately I have been hearing rumors of an orbital station near mercury. Of this last one I still have to observe a little more just to be sure.

Finally about civilizations beneath the Earth's crust, I have read something about it. But all comes from 16th century literature. Back in those days people thought that the Earth was hollow. A succession of spheres one within the other. They placed all kinds of life in each of these spheres, some were glorious angel like beings other resembling mole-people.

I believe part of it, the other I do not discard as falsehood, but rather as unproven information.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Personal

I have three questions for you:

1. Could you tell me more about troyan horse project and project silverado? I am asking this because I don't know about these two projects!

2. Is their a portal that connects to Mars to Earth and vice versus? I ask this as well because it is called the mars/earth connection and no I am not talking about the stargate sg-1 portal but I have read and heard that their is a portal connected from Mars to Earth and people can go there if they want too have you heard anything about all of this?

3. Is anti-gravity possible and will we ever accomplish it in our lifetime or not?

Sorry for all of the questions I don't want to take too much of your time well I got to go now!
Re: Personal

Friend Frog

About Project Troyan Horse and Silverado I know very little, only that both researches dealt with opening gates, folding dimensions and thrusting an individual back in time. I will try to get a hold of more knowledge and then communicate it to you.

Regarding the portals, well, there are several portals in EarthTR125.0121, actually many hundreds of them. Most of them are one way conduits, some are two way conduits to other planets and some even have access to other dimensions. Here in the Island that I live right now is rich in those conduits. The spiritually aligned reffered to these vortixes as Gateways. Many of these portals are activated by an outpouring energy, others are opened by a vocalization of a certain sort. However to the moment I have not entered through one.

Antigrav, yes, nearly by the end of the 26th century.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Personal tran-=car to the moutaintop

Yes however the key question lies, if someone from the 70s were to time travel, how would this feat be accomplished using disco era shoes.
time travel is only one way

to trans and creedo,

After a verry involved discussion at work oneday a bunch of us had about time travel if it were possible and the dangers of which if one WERE to travel into the past, i decided to go to the largest library in the world for PRACTICAL knowledge of time trave "The Internet" soo i stubled across THE TIME TRAVEL INSTITUTE. I came to these forums and read all your posts a,omg with frogs questions and I mean no harm by this but am i to understand that you ARE a time traveller and are here in the past or posting from the future somewhere ? whats the deal ? as far as all my reasearch has led me to believe that time travel IS PRACTICAL but only in one dirction >forward. Its really not time travel at all though its just a matter of quantum physics. If a thing or person travels at the speed of light for x ammount of distance and then suddenly stop because of the rate they were traveling everything around them would have slowed and thus they end up in the future.

So how about shedding some light when and where are you from ...?
MOP codeings

Your request has been brought to council and a modified answer can only be given.

These are the sets of answers that I am only permitted to give.

Time as we realize it, is linneal, however time within its truest sence, is a-linneal and constructed on what are known as T-mass protocols, within the section of space, that you inhabbit.

The main heiarchies within the quadrant of space, were the magical beings once known as wizards.
No time frame or destination is given on this said.

The second was a same or similar circumstance, known as the very first Star Wars episode, as verified within Liza Given's sayings on the Star Wars episode One, a valid material that really happened.

This was within the half million year ago sequence.

The last sequence was given within the Charles Berlitz book, Mysteries Of The Bermuda Triangle, the said happenstance in book, where a private pilot had encountered a said past Atlantian structure, which could uncover itself and a tall man dressed in a hooded white robe, with tall as him staf stepped out of wet structure.

Beam was shot at aircraft, engine stopped and pilot had glidded aircraft, to engine restart point, back to Miami airfield, with story of encoutner.

Last peice of information is cross bertween Star Wars type charicter technologies and wizards technolgies.

Book given source for Atlantis, The Pleiadean Mission by Randolph Winters.

The Atlantian gene is within this society, due to past outskirt colonies outside of main land of Atlantis.

All fill, you the reader must fill in, I am forbidden to go any further, past informations I have given at this point.

I would only ask of you, a breif description of who you are, approximatly what type of job you hold and only a rough geographical location on face of globe.

I do not need to know exactly who you are.

>You may place this info, if you would like, within my private messages box here at TTI?

General non-named information only.

This information is asked for general useage tallying, for evaluation of data.

The information asked, is optional, by you to give.

This information is only used and then not stored and forgotten.

Thank you creedo 299, re'edit, from primary question.

Due to certain considerations, involving flux folds, natures of posters here, are not required to be revieled.
Dear Friend Transient,

You are most correct in this declaration. It is a delicate matter indeed.

My journeys began in quite a confused and sloppy manner. I became encited to fix the paradox of my life, so to speak. Accomplishing such a manuevre was most compicated and intense, and I spent much effort to effect a recursive spiral, with seven revolutions, until I had reset the track of it.

I had help from dear friends.

I thank them heartily for that, though I will never be with them again, they will always be in my thoughts of gratitude. You see, I just sort of fell into this state, and I did not intend the journey of which I prevailed. Strange.

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.