Re: Technical note, theology, to Frog poster.
Please note this technicality within my postings, as provocatured by Frog's questions.
I did not start out to prompt any theism, regarding belief systems.
In order for logic to work in this section of time travel, one can not mainly go from an athiest point of view.
This is a modern brand iconoclast subculture, which only reports that the investment of belief systems, classes those who do not, into an unfair equal oppertunities placment.
So this is a legal challange by the atheist.
This claim by the atheist, within action of said claim, excludes anyone, by any system of beliefs which they might have.
So I can't, in discussing logic of extraphase phenominons, switch to a non-theist point of view.
I am simply pointing out, from my knowlege base, to which some of the material has been trippally verified by myself as an investigator, there points to the very strong case in chance, that there is an Angelic heiarchy.
If this is the case, and what I had pointed out in further stance, saying that there was not only a God's union, however a christian-jew God base hidden here on Earth, then this factor, within the control of time based gravitational waves, may be effected on by such a said heiarchy.
Furthemore said if this investigaitve works shows this information?
Then I would have to say yes that this is a direct possability.
I am not baseing any argument of theism, however only stateing that the chance of time gravity waves being lessened in a supposed destructive phase, is possable, if such and such an agency exist.
I am not bantying theism here, however again raiseing the question, as Tran001 is again prompting, what is a God base on a planet, is this phenominon universe wide, and does, did this effect any said supposed past culture within this universe?
I am not, prompting theist arguments.
>SECOND ISSUE:AND this is why I had to state this second issue with the utmost care.
To the previous before Tan001's posting, on said Jeasus and how this person fits in with said God affilations.
There was evidence said that Jeasus was a hologram, as said by the Grays within the special UFO Coverup Live, as hosted by Mike Farrell in 1989.
There was a say within the Montauk Expierment by Dunkin Cammeron, when he was sent back naked to assasinate Jeasus Christ, with a thirty eight calabre hand pistol; that the shots went through Jeasus, however that it was as if to Cameron that Jeaus not only knew who he was, but was expecting him as well.
In the Meier landings, concerning the Pleiadeans and time travel.
There was a say that Billy Meier met with Jeasus and Jeasus already knew in time, who Billy Meier and the Pleiadeans were.
In this sction of discussion, I can not prompt, since the Planet Earth was a test area for multiracial ethnic cohabbitation principles, and also multibelief systems, that such and such, is based as being superior or we will go to this toppic from now-on.
The classical defination of Jeasus is,>That Jeasus Christ was an anti Hebrewical anti-heiarchial, set to establish ancient mankind's worth, within the set of the common man, as contasted aginst both upper heiarchy ranges both in Semite, as well as in the forground of the Romanic Empires.
This historically then, is what Jeasus was said or sent supposed to do.
>The modern defination of Jeasus is, "learn to be like Jeasus as Jeaus saw the needs of the common man, however was not always heiarchially imbued.
THE MODERN PROBLEM IS, that the media as they present the parabel of Jeasus today, states that they too are in leauge with Jeasus, however as said within past discussions here, please refer to Javier Corteze's discussions on the trouble with churches per say, that the union of heiarchies seems to be having troubles toiday?
These troubles as said, are problems in the social way of events, which make the viewer, wonder as to the collectiveness of the classcial worshiping flock, ie parishioners attending said subheiarchial fuctions.
So the modern belief system in Jeasus Christ of Nazareth, principally being socitital fucntion alone, has been augmented.
BECAUSE OF THIS SAID, then there must be a parallel statement within sociologies.
THIS SAID IN PARALLEL SOCIAL STATMENTS MIGHT BE,..That Gock-more, of far-world did one day kill a skreelock with only his cutting flake tool used to make skins.
And this was a big eel and the battle took many hours.
However when he drug the giant water eel back to the village, the women did become adjulent, needed to copulate.They did so and the village in danger from being sparse in population, was indeed saved.
Gock-more, let out a big burp, everyone was amaized at his ability to burp so loud and now on this holiest of days in rememberance retirbution, everyopne on far-world, burps, when blood eel is served, due to Gock-more's barvery.
AND SO>And so the bravery, so the codes of ethos, so the ledgened and belief system handed down.
Gock-more was an ancient saviour to the peoples of far world.
One can, depending examine how inportant Gock-more is to far-world's society and problems they might be expiencing today.
This is all I had wanted to point out with respects to ancient as opposed to times past examinations of culturial belief /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif system and HOW, we value them today.