The Prime Temporal Point

Friends, Friends, Friends;

I do not know how many times will I have to say that I AM NOT TRYING TO WIN ANYONE OVER TO ANY SIDE.

I firts entered this forum because I thought you would be interested in the findings I have achieved during the last couple of years. I also joined in because I thought you would all convey to the members of the forum you ideas as well.
Unfortunately all I have encountered so far, is a being who quotes a lot the other members of this forum, another being who thinks I am a HACKER (which I am not), people talking over some hate mail (the kind of which I do not patronize) and several members of the forum thinking I could somehow invade other privacy of mind.
Friends of TR125.0121, I am not that kind of being, as I previously said, All I am interested in was in sharing our findings, which up to now nobody elses posts.
Regarding the threat made by TTA, I am not respoinsible for your undesirable mail you got but I feel sorry for whomever sent it. If you want to post it go ahead, that is your choice. I will not be offended TTA for I was not its originator.
CAT the only reason I spoke on terms of Kabbalah was because in a previous post you reffered to the Merkabah and the Sacred Geometry, I thought that you were also I student of this fine jewish school of thought, now I think I was mistaken.
Excuse me all once again.

I for one find your posts interesting. It does not matter to me who you claim to be, but your information has some intriguing aspects that combine the religious with the scientific. I believe Cat has some insight into what you are talking about but, as usual, the tta guy just attacks what he can't understand. He reminds me of the story of the "whore" in the Bible. Her ways were past finding out because she was moveable in her beliefs. This tta guy seems to be the same kind of person, taking whatever stance which puts himself in the best light possible. I would just ignore his whinings. I mean really, who is going to take anyone serious who looks for digital numbers to regulate his life?

I find the PTP and the concept of the light dimension a feasable one. Modern science upholds the possibility of a 16 dimensional universe and the Kabbalah represents it well to those who do not have a solid mathematical background. Keep up your posts and don't let people like this tta guy who claims to be an old hand but usually is an old foot(in his mouth). Anybody who is egotistic enough to call himself astute is simply stuck on himself. All I can see that he has ever accomplished is drive people away with stupid remarks that don't even deserve responses. Several people who have posted here don't even post anymore because of him and because of it, we have lost some interesting posters even if I didn't agree with many of them. He then takes credit for exposing them when he simply showed his ignorance. I'm sure he will attack me also for exposing HIM. I enjoy a free flow of information, not his meaningless attacks on things he doesn't even understand.

One question: The prime temporal point sounds a great deal like one of two possible dimensions mentioned in religious and pseudo-religious literature. One is the fifth dimension of the so-called creatures of light that were cast out of heaven in apochcryphal literature and the other is the actual throneplace of God. Both are understood to be a timeless place or PTP. Is there a connection?
I am also interested in hearing more of what you have to say Transient. You are very interesting and I enjoy talking to you. I extend my hand and say "Welcome...let's sit down and talk some more and each of us will learn new and interesting things. Let us not waste our time in such silly bickering back and forth...time is short let us learn and discover all we can." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
To Friend Transient,

>>Its too bad that your own ineffectiveness at basic math has kept you from true understanding>>

And too, it has grossly crippled my mind, made me a retard and shattered my chances of ever becomming a real rocket scientist like yourself. We all know that mathematicians have a corner on absolute enlightenment, and on the arcane ancient art of Shoelace-Tie-Ing. I just feel so inadequate, even my copy of MathCad can do more math than I can.

But my childish sarcasm aside please feel free to regile us with your "numerically enhanced wisdom" any time you like.
Re: The Prime Temporal Point, christain verses jew

I feel how christian constrast to Jew, is that Christians view God in their own mind, as a man with a beard and white robes, saying very wise things.

The Jews, say the effects of God only and in CAT's case, the interpratation of what God is, is so elusive, that she refers to God as G-d, no o in the middle part of this name.

However in order to understand the bible, one must also understand judeaism.

The problem lies in the fact, as with a car that's been owned for too long, the aestetic is used up, in reference to the people reaction to what God is only for a lot of the masses.

Why is this? This lack of reaction is due to the pressures placed upon this society by overpopulation compaction.

It was found that by the Betty Luca case, that God may have an office here.What is more starteling, that that the christian jewdeaic God, actually allows other gods, in other cultures to practice their version of what god means to them.

So actually then God is part of a God's Union.

What is known from scientific Pleiadean information only, that are one travels out into the cosmose at tremendous velocities, they begin to leave the solid mass reality and travel into an etheric non-mass type of world.

The subject had started out about time travel involveing the said ship the Hourglass, however now, the subject of toppic, is an understanding of what God is supposed to be, which to anyone, could mean a number of things.

The question was posed to Transient001, in other words to time travel, one must traverse into God, Angelic heiarchies?

Is this what your trying to say, Tran001?
Re: The Prime Temporal Point, christain verses jew

Friends of TR125.0121

That is not what I mean, at least not entirely.
What I have always mantained is that one, of the many possible ways of timephasing, is to try to access the Prime Temporal Point. This non-place is not circumvented to the entirety of realities but outside. It is what surrounds the continuum and not the other way around.
Imagine the multitude of realities as a plane. Now picture a point over this plane. Remembering that it is over it now choose a point in the multiversal plane, you will see that only two points exist between our external point and any point on the multiversal plane of our example.
The external point in our example Is the Prime Temporal Point.
Once in the multiversal plane and our travel having finalized, the would be traveler should only reach the PTP from its current point and travel to whatever other destination he has in mind.
I used earlier the example of the Sacred Jewish Kabbalah only because in the Greater Holy Assmebly rabbi Simeon Ben Shojai referred to the Eternal One as the limitless and boundless light. Then he proceeded to explain how to reach it by meditation in a way that we understand was the description of a dimensional progression curve.
However I do have colleagues that compare the Timestream as a place of floating quantum packs that seem to flicker with an almost divine intelligence. To me this sound a lot like a version of one of the many Heavens. But I hesitate to go so far as to say that God is the PTP or His angels are photons or other conglomeration of elementary particles.
Re: The Prime Temporal Point, christain verses jew


It's interesting that you would even mention the possibility of angels being actual photons. Since the actual meaning of angel means lightbearer, its not inconceivable to understand that they may actually be represented as a myriad of photons. There is further evidence in the scriptures that imply that a complete understanding of the kingdom necessarily involves using the "line of flax" which when studied out means to atomize or reduce to its constituents. In conjunction with the measuring rod, it reduces everything down to subatomic levels.

If then, we are to understand the PTP as possibly being microscopic in size as well as macroscopic. Could we go the other way with this? It is difficult to plot on a macroscopic scale, but might it be easier to plot on a microscopic scale? Theoretically, it might be easier to get a picture of this in a finite space using fractals than in a macroscopic model.

Since the brain has a capability of each cell associating with 27,000 others to form a concept or idea. This puts its total capacity(assuming a 13 to 15 billion cell makeup of the brain) at 15 billion to the 27,000th power, which is basically infinite. Since computers are based somewhat on brain capacity but limited to basic I and O input and the 640k limit with gigabye expanded memory, perhaps the next generation of quantum computers will allow us to BUILD this model and, in effect, create a cartesian map of the PTP. In this case, we could(at least virtually), travel along with the photon stream to the PTP and timephase to any place or time on the cartesian map. Perhaps with improved tactile devices we could even take our bodies there and experience it first hand rather than just be observers. With current technology, we can easily zoom in on 3d models to the tune of 27,000 times or better but not in real time. Quantum computing would change all that. We may be much closer to time travel than even science believes.

One thing is clear about this concept. There would be no conflict with paradox. Since virtual particles are common in this universe, the emergence of an photon stream in another timeline would hardly add to the mass of that timeline and it would certainly be difficult to kill your grandfather with a beam of light! It would certainly remove the objections of THOSE who try to make time travel immoral according to their limited and pecuniary views.
<<He then takes credit for exposing them when he simply showed his ignorance. I'm sure he will attack me also for exposing HIM.>>

On the contrary, I thank you for being honest. Not many people have the courage to say what you just said, and that shows great character for someone your age. But exposed me? No I don't think so, far from that /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

I have to have something hidden for you to do that... And is that not what I bring out in the open from others?

I know I may have been harsh to many here in the past, but trust me, I have my reasons. The reason some of these posters no longer post here, is simply because they couldn't stand that there could quite possibly be a 2nd side to what they were proposing. Other's were just deceptive and full of $hit, I only made that obvious.

And exposing them, their hidden agenda's for doing what they do, I did. From New Age plots to convert many Christians to buy into there twisted philosophy, to Alien acceptance, over looking their terrorist crimes against humanity.

How can anyone let that fly when the principle dictates that you take it into consideration?

It is for that reason that the TTA was merely setting the pace for a balanced discussion, bringing into the open other possibilities foreign to what their equations were missing, adding to the bigger whole.

Perhaps I have not made it entirely clear why I am so against Time Travel. It's been many years since I've last had the visions of the future, but pretty much the main reason Time Travel exists is because a vast majority of people are leaning to 1 side of the bus, and making a sharp turn will inevitably make us tip over.

Try and think of it in that context next time. Well I gotta go, let me know if you have any questions /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.


P.S. Hey MOP, why not disable IP's from being displayed? It might prevent hacking on people's pc's. Since they are a couple who have already complained about that already happening to them.
Re: The Prime Temporal Point Darby and CAT

Daniel, I have an even better one,

Say Darby has a friend go from Seattle to Creedo's house in Bridgeport and introduce himself to the family. Ask what's for dinner; take the old lady out for a drink; leave Creedo and the wonder dog home for the night; put Creedo on the Seattle-Valdez fairy and send him for a wonderful vacation in Seward, Alaska for the winter?

Hmmm...maybe there's a Safeway in Seward down on Front Street. Nah...he can spend the winter playing Bingo at the Elk's Lodge and watching WGN on the satellite.

Now that's a time trip.
Re: The Prime Temporal Point, christain verses jew


As you mention, by removing oneself from reality and getting into the PTP one would actually be making the macrocosmical into a microcosmical multiverse where you can actually see it all at once. That is why it is called the Prime Temporal Point, for a being there can actually observe the many quantum realities that there are to be experience, which are in number infinite. This due to the fact that every possible action/reaction has occurred.

As I have said before the PTP can be reached by conscious effort as well with the aid of technological devices. Many are actually engaging this outer reality by sheer effort of will, this are the ones I reffer to as traveling in an honorable way. Do not let unrest take over you so fast TTA, they are not alien, nor extradimensional nor even from the future, they are Humans, from this world, from this time, from this reality of TR125.0121.
Even now timephaser of this sort are so moving through the PTP.
However there are others that do so with the aid of technology. They use a device that helps them catalogue, map and categorize the spread laid out in the PTP by the various quantum realities as well as elevate their atomic structure in to the PTP.
Well I have to go now, but until later becomes now.

Please except my apologies! I will have to give you the benefit of the doubt...But I have to say
about the matching words from my emails, that is quite STRANGE TO SAY THE LEAST! Maybe
a coincidence MAYBE NOT? Maybe there are no coincidences in life? Maybe everything is
planned as the GOOD BOOK SAYS! But regarding the fact that my email was hacked into is
another matter.

And so here we are again, you quoted above saying:

<<I used earlier the example of the Sacred Jewish Kabbalah only because in the Greater Holy
Assmebly rabbi Simeon Ben Shojai referred to the Eternal One as the limitless and boundless
light. Then he proceeded to explain how to reach it by meditation in a way that we understand
was the description of a dimensional progression curve.>>

Well I am familiar with the meditation process but not all are the same and so nobody really
knows which way is the correct way as the Kabbalah tries to teach? Although what had
originally enticed me about your theory on the PTP is the fact that this dimensional progression
curve that you refer to exists in all things. This boundless light is the only reality that there is!
This light is the very path that writes a map and graphs out the passage through a black and
white hole. This is the very language of all universes! TIME TRAVEL!!! The Hebrew Tetra
Flameletters are the very street signs that direct us through a recursive black and white hole.
Now even with this understanding I have come to a dead end and then here you were...

Is this PTP something of your own creation and abstraction from your own mind?
The question lies and that is on trial here is how to find and enter the opening of the PTP? Is it
through the meditational properties of the fractal Merkaba? Is actually seeing and viewing the
letters through mind/heart/soul enough or is there a step beyond consciousness that we as
physically magnetic encapsulated beings that are bound to this earth cannot understand? We are
to dependant on our physical bodies to feel the impending weightlessness of pure light.

The PTP lies within the consciousness of our fractal brains that when evoked with
phosphorus Binah our actual EKG/EEG puts out frequencies that replicate the progression
curve and all 22 forms of the tetra flameforms of the Hebrew letters and so to say, WE SPEAK
WITH THE LANGUAGE THAT WE THINK WITH. And by doing so this is the basis and location of
the PTP and the 123 gates of Ong open...

This is the gift and path through the ether and to the heavenlies! This white light is but a robe of
righteousness that has protected us from his great glory and BRIGHTNESS but has also weaved
and created all things! These letters are not only directional paths but the actual building block
used in creating all life starting with the A (Aleph) which resembles AND IS the DNA Helex.

It seems everyone is locking into the subject here. Destroyingangel is a MASTERMIND and FANTASTICALLY INSPIRING!!! In his computer analogy in reference to Line of Flax/Measuring Rod/Subatomic Levels, suggesting that these particals of light COULD HAVE NO WAY of effecting the time line is geniusly thought out and FEASIBLE! Somebody has some excelent CAD and DOS computer knowledge!

The Blood is on my Doorpost!

Dear Shad,

Friend CAT

No apoligies needed.
Have you ever encountered he book Sepher Yetzirah, well there is a prominent example on how to move from Letter to Letter in a way similar to that of the Chariot or vehiche that Ezekiel witnessed ages ago. This vehicle was composed of four wheels, each made out of two intersecting circles, with eyes of light all around them and one cherubs directing each wheel. This vehicle had a plane of cristalline light ove it from where Ezekiel could see the glories of Heaven.
This Vehicle or chariot travelled by moving back and moving forth. Like a blinding lightning.
According to many kabbalists this is the way to move throught the Otz Chiim, the Tree of Life.
It is to acquire a speed of thought as to move to one sephire and the very next moment move to the other one and back. This creates a resonance to the very subatomic levels. We are talking about vibration rates of so high a magnitude as to allow some one to phase.

Regarding the 123 gates, excuse me for this but I honestly believe that there are 231 if you extrapolate the 22 letter better. If you extrapolate you will get a straight line made entirely of a Aleph-Lamed matrix, this would yield an arithmethical value of 31, which correspond to one of the many names of the Eternal One. If you compressed this 31 in to the entire matrix it would yield the value 682 which corresponds to the hebrew word AORBITh, this means in hebrew Going to the west, which could suggest the Sun or its Light, but in plain english would have a quite suggestive meaning. But it does not end there, 682 corresponds to the words AVR PhShUM VAD which translates in to LUX SIMPLISSIMA UNIONS, which is the union to the Prime Light. And finally 682 by addid it all together will suggest the number 16. So a kabbalist friend I met once ago would say with the spirit exit the earth towards the point of light and reach the sixteen sides of YHVH
The sixteen dimension where this PTP is found is also plainly expressed in that very name. Yod and He are 16 and the two He´s are 10. As if it were an invitation to find the Eternal One by employing the Divine Tetractys to move towards the sixteenth dimension.
Of course you could all achieve this with a portable chronotron but that will not be available in this reality for a while.
That is why I firts started saying that we as Humanity should work together, as the ancient society I keep refering to, to achieve a common goal.
CAT I hope that this could prove beneficial for your own research.
Until later becomes now.

WOW, this is a great syllogism we are having! I'm very inspired!

Just who do you purpose to be? Odds are you have Rabinical teachings. Well in any event whatever woodwork you came out of, thank you for your shared wealth of information!

You posted:

<<Have you ever encountered he book Sepher Yetzirah, well there is a prominent example on how to move from Letter to Letter in a way similar to that of the Chariot or vehiche that
Ezekiel witnessed ages ago. This vehicle was composed of four wheels, each made out of
two intersecting circles, with eyes of light all around them and one cherubs directing each
wheel. This vehicle had a plane of cristalline light ove it from where Ezekiel could see the
glories of Heaven. This Vehicle or chariot travelled by moving back and moving forth. Like a blinding lightning.
According to many kabbalists this is the way to move throught the Otz Chiim, the Tree of
Life. It is to acquire a speed of thought as to move to one sephire and the very next moment
move to the other one and back. This creates a resonance to the very subatomic levels. We
are talking about vibration rates of so high a magnitude as to allow some one to phase.>>

Yes of course I am familiar with the Sepher Yetzirah, this knowlede is very anchient and old and yet still well advanced by todays standards. The concept that you are implying and if I'm thinking correctly is the actual functioning
in the human brain called "synapses" where dendrites are sparking and snaping with lightning speed to somehow miraculously and unknowingly has the ability to turn chemical particals into physical moveable mass!!! But if I might ask you Transient what is it that inspires you torward the PTP? and what is it that all of us should be doing and thinking to achieve such a state to draw us closer to this PTP?

<< Regarding the 123 gates, excuse me for this but I honestly believe that there are 231>>

231 thats correct, you are certainly on your toes!

<< if you extrapolate the 22 letter better. If you extrapolate you will get a straight line made entirely
of a Aleph-Lamed matrix, this would yield an arithmethical value of 31, which correspond to
one of the many names of the Eternal One. If you compressed this 31 in to the entire matrix
it would yield the value 682 which corresponds to the hebrew word AORBITh, this means in
hebrew Going to the west, which could suggest the Sun or its Light, but in plain english
would have a quite suggestive meaning. But it does not end there, 682 corresponds to the
words AVR PhShUM VAD which translates in to LUX SIMPLISSIMA UNIONS, which is the union
to the Prime Light. And finally 682 by addid it all together will suggest the number 16. So a
kabbalist friend I met once ago would say with the spirit exit the earth towards the point of
light and reach the sixteen sides of YHVH>>

FANTASTIC! Did you also know that if you combine all the light fractals of the 231 gates or to be precise the tree of knowledge with super inposed photography you get the grand picture of a human being. Check out this web site:

<<The sixteen dimension where this PTP is found is also plainly expressed in that very name.
Yod and He are 16 and the two He´s are 10. As if it were an invitation to find the Eternal
One by employing the Divine Tetractys to move towards the sixteenth dimension.
Of course you could all achieve this with a portable chronotron but that will not be available
in this reality for a while.>>

I understand the great importance of GDs name YHVH as the very DNA used in creating the world. But please elaborate on how this portable chronotron could possibly work as in finding the 16th dimension or the PTP? And what do you perceive its basic stucture would consist of?

<<That is why I firts started saying that we as Humanity should work together, as the ancient
society I keep refering to, to achieve a common goal.>>

Yes I see your point now. Working together is the binding cloths that keeps us joined and weaves us back into the fabric of time...

Re: The Prime Temporal Point, Darby and CAT.

To Barby, I'm not sure about the vacation, as it is a production, year and funding might be a problem.

Even if this vacation is given away, there is still the problem of Alaska being so wild.
I'm not sure that I can commune in their sence, as bears down here, I almost know by name, however up there, "well they kinda eat you"?

Thanks the thought was nice any way.

To CAT and Tran001, Wow! your surperlative is waxing the epsodic, to such an extent, that I'm sure that only you two, understand what your talking about?

Nope, God in his natural state, without having to prove anything, is blue.

Like a blue tainted pane of glass.

He just likes being blue, right by a garden he makes up.

Other appearances are devised to sute form, to some of the beings he knows."Thought you two might like to know that"?

On the Jeudeaic nation growing up and now being on its own.

Yes I'm sure God has been watching this.

I'm sure one thing he saw, was the selling of so many shares of stock, for a hydroeletric project in Isreal and somehow, "somehow mind you", all of these inter-Isreal realited funds, were diverted into a fighter jet project.

Now how did that happen?

In early history, God did like the Hebrews. He had stiled them a certain way and there people Angels and other breaks there, just when they needed them.

Now what do you think God will say, when he transforms himself into the image of a busniessman, opens the desk drawer and pulls out the folder on some of these past national doings?

He's going to say, "Hey you guys arn't the underdogs anymore, your fully vested and can take care of yourselves, no more breaks for you".

Tran, how'd you get from the time ship known as the Hourglass, to a light that is so bright that you can't stand it?

Again what does one have to do with the other?
Friend CAT

No I am not rabbinical in any sense, as I said before I belong to no congregation at all. I am what I have been telling you a transient observer.
What inspires me towards the PTP is that I genuinely believe that Temporal Displacement can be achieve by human kind.
About the image of the human in the Tree of Life, yes we knew, it is called the Adam Kadmon, and it is not exactly human. It is the form of the First One to be created, the prototype from which all lifekind came about.
Until later becomes now.
Transient and Cat,

If I could add my two cents worth, I just made a connection with the macroscopic graphing of the PTP with the 22 letter combination comprising AChHO, BVMP, GYKO, DTLNTh, ZSShRTz which beginning with M'Nunz'Pok are Hebrew words connecting the constellations together in a form resembling the hourglass and a possible PTP right in the very middle of the vortex that somehow resembles the sacred geometry figures that Cat listed in her post. This is starting to make more and more sense.

If you begin at M'Nunz'Pok and trace the hebrew letters written in the constellation, they actually fold in upon themselves in a multidimension form beginning with the light in the tent golden mean spiral. This is pretty fantastic stuff! This puts a whole new light on the Bible and its scientific value. This takes a paradigm shift in consciousness and actually is connected to the seal of God which is received in the forehead as consciousness expansion. I always wondered why the meek would inherit the earth. It's because a courageous adventuring new man would be necessary to take the jump into phase shift. This adds new meaning to striving to enter into the gate.

I think this is just the beginning of a new understanding. How ironic that it all comes from religio-scientific point of view. Keep it coming guys. This is getting really interesting!!

Where exactly do you profess to be from? When you say transient observer is this in terms of passing away with time or temporary and staying for only a short time?

Your IP address tells me you are broadcasting from somewhere here on EARTH! :eek:

<<About the image of the human in the Tree of Life, yes we knew, it is called the Adam
Kadmon, and it is not exactly human. It is the form of the First One to be created, the
prototype from which all lifekind came about.>>

Hmmmm interesting! vedy vedy interesting!!! So in a sense what you are saying is that from this very archetectual grid depending on which way the light falls either by occident or occlussion determines what sort of life comes about. Maybe so to speak if the light falls to the right it would be a horse or to the left a rabit mixed with some schmaltz and whaala a RAT?

This is the one omnipotent omnipresent and omniscients schematics for all creation!

Well transient stop by my hospice and pay me a visit! I have many permanent questions?

Friend CAT

You could say that for the time being my permanent address will be EARTH TR125.0121.

You read what DESTROYINGANGEL posted? That is actually interestin and IS exactly what I entered here, to learn what I did not know at this present temporal state. I will have to look into those words and constellations.

Regarding the archetipal human figure on the tree of life, well that is not exactly what I intended to convey. What I tried to manifest to you was that yes there are many lifeforms on this multiversal reality, however the stage from which evolution would take into another realm was from the Human stage. No alien friends do not get insulted !
Whenever I say Human I mean a pentanthropomorphic figure.
This figure is the one figure capable of ever reaching the Prime Temporal Point.
Going back on the PTP and the Sixteenth Dimension and the Aleph Lamed Matrix, one would say of all the possible extrapolations of the 22 letter how does he knows that the right one is Aleph Lamed. Well, let me explain. We are looking for the shortest way to the Prime Temporal Point, so there should at least be two points between the traveler and the PTP. This then gives us the number 2 to start working with. Now we take that 2 and power it to the zero, yielding one, we do it again powering it to the 1, yielding 2. We power it to the 2 and it yields 4, to the 3 it yields 8 and finally powering it to the 4 it yields 16. Why stop there ? Because the base of reality is tetranomic in principle, thus the NAME, which was the first thought was a 4-based one.
Returning to the numeric progression of 2 we have so far 5 values. The fact that there are five values is what in a cosmic-divine-scientific way ordains that the ascension ready/timephasing being be pentanthropomorphic in nature.
At this point we know that the place to look for should be in the sixteenth dimension, we know this by looking at the last 2 powered by a 4. But up to this point we do not know how to access such realm. we know that point one is 5 (lifekind) and point two is in the 16 dimension. Now we need to know how to get there. We learn this by adding the five values 1+2+4+8+16= 31. And it is not 31 the amalgamation of Aleph Lamed. The interesting part is that so far this computations are sacronumerical, however the Aleph Lamed Matrix could be translated into mathematical numbers and by addition it would give a very peculiar number or should I say universal constant that will end the problem for time travels who worry too much about the age of the Universe.
Hope to hear from you when later becomes now.
Re: The Prime Temporal Point to Tran001

Finnally, Tran001 translaited.

I think TTa had sniffed you right, however the content of that sniff, was what had eluded TTA, however not me.

Your pass to talk here was the Hourglass.This was your ticket in.

As TTA says me being psychic, this is not the case.I am from Gypsey extraction and their awareness is a little differnt.

There is a ship as you had described and it is a big one.

However you intrest is not within that area.

What you intrest is in, is the prime temporal area.

You can't enter into the prime temporal area, unless you get a pass from God.

You have to be almost pure energy and light, so leaving the physical body behind.

In theory, it is possable to gain a key access into this area, however one of the main Angels would have to escort you in.

There are a collection of beings, maybe sixteen or more, that have the internal ability to phase change their bodies into differing dimensions.

Some classical witches, Wizzards from other dimensions, Yogis and a type of human who once lived on this Earth, that had special arrangements inside of their internal organs.

There is also the beings known as the Sonases, however these beings are very frugal on who they do busniess with.

The have heads the size of a larger watermellon and have sciences probably twenty thousand years ahead of anything, that Earth could possably want to produce.

These junctions in time are guarded and if you were to try to invade these areas, you more than likly will be stopped.

The prime temporal area, is like a giant swtichboard, in where time balanced are all arranged.

For any being with metaphysical powers, to try to gain access to this area, you would probably be headed off by the Angelic heiarchies, right away.

People can adopt the powers to materialize and dematerize, however the pentality for deliberate misuse of this power, is very, very, dire.

If your belief system is strong enough, God will even let you come visit him, as sometimes he likes the company of the human spirit.

God is actually what one would call a nice guy.
At times he can be a very beautiful and sweet entity.

However here, you like talking the switchboard of a very large series of circutry and in doing this, I'm sure that the form for direct access, is much more complicaited?