The Nature of Time

The Doctor:
What is the difference between a spherical vortex and a normal vortex?
What type of energy wave are you talking about?
How does a energy wave become looped?
The term vortex implies a dynamic energy flow, while the term matrix implies a more static energy system. How do you account for this inconstancy?
How do you define " absolute radio vacuum "?
Which subatomic are formed by this process?
The Doctor:
Two vortexs joined together at the top would collapse and disappear. Black holes are not devoid of particles. It is the supper concentrated matter that drives the gravity well. First you say that looped waves makeup particles than you say a wave composed of particles loops to form a larger particle. So which is it. I realize you may not have all the details of your hypothesis worked out yet. The dynamics of a wave looping back on its self in a 3d environment could be difficult to formulate. The wavelength of a particle with a velocity v is < wavelength = h/mv > h is Planck's constant; m is mass of particle; v is velocity; This formula can be confirmed with any physics book.
Your students did not answer the question " what is time " maybe you could provide the answer for them.
Time-Master and Janus are impossible. I don't believe they exist. Perhaps they consist of some sort of "invalid hypothosis".

Does the term "stick in the mud" ring a bell with either of you?
Dark Shadow:
Interesting concept since what is real is relative I will conduct an experiment to see if I exist. If I do not I will let you know!!

I don't think I am a " stick in the mud ", but I am certainly wading through it.
I've often got the impression that some people are actually just random signal generation from someone else's phone line... I'll have to check if that applies to me.

But seriously, if someone's theory can't stand up to even cursory application of accepted science, then it's probably either not worth looking at or not well developed enough to spend time examining.

"`You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly
like being drunk.'
`What's so unpleasant about being drunk?'
`You ask a glass of water.'"
-Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Dateline: 26/06/2000
Ottawa, Canada - Coinciding with the 53rd Vegetable of the Bolivian Mongul calendar, last Monday 50,000 cameras captured real video evidence of gigantic dill pickles hovering over the Parliament buildings during a governmental press conference. The strange event was witnessed by over 9 billion people, stupefyingly exceeding the population of the entire world. From that moment on, huge pickles have been witnessed hovering ominously over the Canadian capital. These marinated cucumbers have been coming closer and closer to the ground, allowing people to bite large chunks out of them. The Canadian Broadcasting Company, which no-one ever watches, has now acknowledged that these pickles are real and that they are all over Ontario. They have established a live video feed detailing the pickles' locations and actions. Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has announced the pickles to be real, peaceful, and "h'actually quite delicious". I have personally talked to relatives in the area who report that they are frantically making sandwiches to take advantage of this wonderful visitation.
Emeril Lagasse: This is all quite interesting, and you know if you have been watching my show (bam!) that pickles are quite often garlicky. It's horrible when garlic dills visit, everyone gets bad breath. But these pickles are great! Tasty, juicy, straight from the huge jar in the sky!
The US government has denied the existence of the pickles, stating that their existence was fabricated by "those brilliant, dashing, beautiful Canadians". It's one thing for a nice, boozed-out country like Canada to claim these things, but what if the pickles started visiting Mexico? Or Somalia? Then the US would have to admit the threat. Why, millions of people could stop starving to death! The world would change overnight. All human beings would be instantly transformed into super-intelligent pickle worshippers. Just by admitting that someone out there makes a better, huger, more levitating pickle than we can. Those kind of things could be part of a master plan of Mother Pickle to raise us up into a higher level of pickle-awareness.
Accepted science has not brought you the benifit of even the slightest hint of time travel. Accepted science has been at it for 500 years. You must be posessed of phenominal patients.

Maybe a different approach would be worth looking at.

The predicted response is "so you think you can do better with a few half baked ideas?" Probably not but........see paragraph one and two.
Member posted 02 July 2000 10:43
I read the article above and pasted this:

It would appear that something is missing from present day physics, when it considers time. In fact in the birth and evolution of physics a process of abstraction has occurred. Physics has tended more and more to study the interactions between physical phenomena and physical instrumunts and not the world as perceived by human beings. As a result many kinds of direct human experience such as for instance those of colour or those of human emotions,or those of the human experience of time, are not part of physics. The question then arises whether a new sort of physics is required.

I think Doc is right maybe we need a new sort of physics to understand Time.
New physics is not need to understand the nature of time. What is needed is an understanding of current physics and an ability to apply it to the understanding of time.
If you have a square peg and a round hole you make it fit if you beat it with a mallet ling enough to distroy it's natural shape. Is the purpose of physics?
Grey Shadow: I'm wholly for new approaches. But what I'm against is people proposing approaches which go directly against proven physics. Like someone claiming that relativity is completely wrong. It's obviously mostly right, we have reams of evidence to prove it. Physics started off with a very vague model of the world, and over the years it's been refined to a point where it is right in almost all practical aspects. Time travel can't and won't appear by just denying that this proven stuff exists. All of the more mainstream time travel ideas involve huge masses, or exotic matter, or the like, meaning that they're not dealing with the conventional, well-known physics. That's why I laugh when I see people claiming that small electromagnetic fields have generated time warping effects. There's just too much evidence against it.

mokrie dela: More like a plasticene peg - we started off with a square blob, but experiments and theorizing are gradually forming it into a circle - it may not fit yet, but it will eventually.

We don't need *new* physics, just more physics.
I agree we need more physics, however they eventually may have to be new to handle new data that is not part of our physical world. Our present physics explains what we know and see but other realms may have other laws that will force us to expand our thinking.
I agree Mokrie,
maybe we just need to add to physics. Janus said the old physics works in some places but not others. this I beleive to be true also. for example a human being is both physical and also spiritual. physics alone would be a disaster in timetravel.
you then need to add spiritual laws with the physical laws or else you will have the machine go one place and the human go another. since a human operates on more than the physical plane of existance physics alone, especially old physics would not work.
when we study both the physical and spiritual and combine the two maybe we will discover we didnt need a physical time machine after all.

The physical world we see is only a small part of existance just as the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum is also only a small part of the spectrum.
the other wave lengths are there we just cant observe them.
Other dimensions may exist all around us but we only see one.
well.....atleast MOST of the time we only see one. right Mokrie? heheheh


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 04 July 2000).>
unfortunatly science may not be the answer to the question of time travel. First, off the best theory I've ever heard stated that time does not, did not, and never will exist. For instance, how is one to measure on a constant comparable scale how long one day actually "feels". Time simply does not exist. "Life" is just one event. This one event obviously has infinite outcomes and interpretations.
Did I mention the dimension of fog.

Tis a grey area that grows ever hairier;

When you inbibe in an excess of eggnog.

Will " you foes" of unreason and night claim victory

Over U-FO's that give us a fright?

Powerfull theories will bring them to heal

If only we can prove them to be real.
I think some of us post too late at night to make any sense. Sometimes it's like the 60's instead of 2000. Pickles and poetry. oooooooooooooh kaaaaaay
Well, generally I think of physics and spirituality as two completely seperate and distinct entities. One cannot infringe on the realm of the other. I challenge you to come up with a 'spiritual' event (eg miracle, paranormal event) which has actually been credibly observed to contradict physics. Or, for that matter, results in physics which somehow overrule spirituality. To me, it's the same with time travel; mental, or spiritual, time travel, has no physically proveable results, and so is not in the realm of physics. Whereas physical time travel is wholly proveable, and is thus essentially non-spiritual. This is why I so vehemently request proof of physical TT.

So there's a blur which needs to be sorted out; are we talking about spiritual, or physical TT? The essentially unproveable, or the verifiable? The 'Nature of Time' is different in human perception than it is in physics equations.
This one's for you, mokrie -

I ate a pickle yesterday;
Its aftertaste has gone away.
Today I'll eat another one,
For eating pickles is such fun.
For Janus:

Janus built a time machine
based on knowledge only seen
victim picked,payed a nickle
the poor guy's soul ended up in a pickle.

just joking.