]]"The math ingeneral use in physics defines a point as being zero dimentions, count up from that"
If you can explain a point with zero parameters fine. Common sense tells me that at least one information bit is required. An information bit is a measurement quanity of one dimention.... a dimention of "exists\does not exist". If it exists it has LOCATION. Location is synominous with the 1st dimention. A point then, has one dimention not zero dimentions. And yes it makes a difference if space is described with 3 parameters or if it is described with 4 paramaters.
If this one simple idea is beyond your intellect then it is obvious that I may stop right here.
Think about it, if YOUR math is so damn good why have you not worked out all the answers already? Math is not the presence or absence of numbers but the presence or absence of logic.
If you can explain a point with zero parameters fine. Common sense tells me that at least one information bit is required. An information bit is a measurement quanity of one dimention.... a dimention of "exists\does not exist". If it exists it has LOCATION. Location is synominous with the 1st dimention. A point then, has one dimention not zero dimentions. And yes it makes a difference if space is described with 3 parameters or if it is described with 4 paramaters.
If this one simple idea is beyond your intellect then it is obvious that I may stop right here.
Think about it, if YOUR math is so damn good why have you not worked out all the answers already? Math is not the presence or absence of numbers but the presence or absence of logic.