The music and the net "John Titor" mentioned

Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned


I apologize, I did not realize I was trying to do that and had no intention to.

Well allow me to apologize too. What I said was not intended to be specifically aimed at you. I was merely saying it "in general". Sometimes people read emotion into words on the internet that are not there. I tend to state things very matter-of-factly. Please do not take my comments as personal to you or your beliefs.

I have a relationship with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, but it does not give me the right to silence anyone or anything.

I am in no way trying to silence you. As Kerr mentioned, I thought we were simply having a debate, and sharing our thoughts and beliefs.

I am really confused. I don't know what you want from me.

Nothing. We are discussing, agreeing on some things, and disagreeing on others. That does not mean one person needs something from the other.

and yet you treat me like we have some arguement over this. Do you just like to create friction where there is none?

I'm sorry. I was not attempting to do so. I was only sharing what my experiences have brought me, and how I came to the conclusions that the Catholic Church has warped the meaning of many things with regard to our personal relationships with our Creator.

It seems like we could agree on certain things, but you feel the need to silence me or at least lord over me that you are more intelligent and insightful than I could ever be. Perhaps you are right on both counts, but why would you want to shove it in my face that way? I'm not one of your students, a captive audience relying on your approval or pass/fail.

I have apologized, and I do so again. But now I think you also might want to look at yourself. Perhaps you might be getting a bit too emotional over nothing more than an internet debate? Again, my tone is very matter of fact. If that comes across as trying to "lord over you" or "shove it in your face", I apologize but I cannot control your feelings. I should also let you know that I have a condition known as Asperger's Syndrome. It means certain aspects of communication are not as they are with other people. Specifically, my means of communication are VERY matter-of-fact and not necessary "warm and fuzzy" or "politically correct". I try to prevent that, but my condition (if you know anything about it) makes it hard to realize when I am doing that while in the process of communicating.

I hope this board gives you many happy hours of fake time traveler de-bunking.

I maintain clear compartments between any form of scientific discussion (a la time travel claims) and discussions of a spiritual nature. I am not trying to debunk you, and I respect the fact you have had different experiences and as such you have different beliefs.

By the way, you got some of what I was getting at that the 'tree' was a body, and it was Satan's.

See, now that is interesting. But at the same time there is an area we could disagree here. I do not see the Tree Of Life as being Satan's body, but rather it is ours, and we were literally made in the image and likeness of our Creator. Recall from Genesis that the Tree Of Life is the tree that God actually permitted Adam and Eve to partake of. IMO, that is an allegory to explain that we are, each of us, incarnations of the Tree Of Life, and that we are welcome to learn and understand ourselves (our personal Tree Of Life). It was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was forbidden by God for Adam and Eve to partake. Why that is could have many explanations. And maybe that might be something worth discussing and debating.

Once again, I did not mean to do any of the things you mentioned. Sharing my beliefs does not mean I expect you to accept them. Only listen. And I believe the same would be true of your beliefs that you share with me.

We are separated from God in this life for the purpose of interacting with each other.
Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

Hi PaintHorse,

I am sure that I will miss you.

Please pray for those who you feel opposed you. That may the Holy Spirit will open their minds to understand the scripture. That Christ's love will drill in their hearts so that they know Christ is the Lord and give up any heresies that is not from God.

Only God can change people's heart, not by our words.

I felt delighted to see you defending God's Word, the bible multiple times and studying the bible under the guidance of His Spirit.

Leave it to the Lord and His Anointed One.

May Jesus blesses you and your family. That you will no longer put the hard words into your burden.
That you will have peace and joy and knowledge of Him. For his kingdom, his glory, his honour.

I am glad to meet you in this forum.

God bless. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

I felt delighted to see you defending God's Word, the bible multiple times and studying the bible under the guidance of His Spirit.

Could you please enlighten me!

I got stuck with this one...

The Sumerian Tablets are 4,500 years old

The Torah is 3313 years old which is the Old Testiment
in the bible.

Link to TTI
Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

But I love music, I love the Internet, I love wireless network with VoIP as mentioned by John 10 years ago.

-Back to Topic-

Indeed, and also you can actualy hear them:


Before the band were formed, they were each visited by a strange traveller from the future. This traveller's name was John Titor.

John Titor spoke about a world of peace and harmony in which Rock & Roll was the rule and there was no war, simply because Rock & Roll was just too interesting. John Titor gave details of his father that had visited twelve years earlier, he told the band members everything about the future. Most importantly he told them how an evil witch from his time (2050) named 'Popan Disco' was searching for them to destroy them before they created the most important band in WORLD history.

That band is TiTOR'S iNSiGNiA

Popan Disco, the evil witch from the future built up her army. That army included some of the most powerful people in the world. Including the panel of X-factor and several government officials with really bad taste in music! "

1- Lonely Girl
2- I don’t love you

end quoted

Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

Hi recall,

The Sumerian Tablets are 4,500 years old

It is not 4500 years old.... only from 1800 BC

The Sumerian creation myth, the earliest account of the Sumerian creation and Flood myth, is found on a single fragmentary tablet excavated in Nippur, sometimes called the Eridu Genesis. It is written in the Sumerian language and datable by its script to the 18th century BC (First Dynasty of Babylon, where the language of writing and administration was still Sumerian).


The original text is very different to what you proclaim in the other post:

Here is the translation of original text
Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

i write more on the link, (to avoid the darker forces start to point me about the crime of Hijacking yet another thread!)

Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

The Torah is 3313 years old which is the Old Testiment
in the bible.

From Wikipedia:

# (Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt) starts to rule. Alternatively, a date of c. 1504 BC is a possibility.
# Egypt conquers Nubia and the Levant (1504 BC–1492 BC).
# Earliest remains of domesticated ferrets found[1].
# Biblical Exodus, according to Simcha Jacobovich in the earliest suggestion of the documentary Exodus Decoded.

So at 1800 years the Sumerian tablets are still older than the Torah, which was produced by the presumed "Moses." The entire story of Biblical genesis is questioned by experts, who say the Israelites never were in Egypt.
Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

yes, there is a "gap" in the timeline ... (no pun intended!!!)
Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

Hi Packerbacker,

The entire story of Biblical genesis is questioned by experts, who say the Israelites never were in Egypt.

Would you mind telling me who are those "experts"?

The followings are the timeline of Pharaohs and Israelite in Egypt.


12th Dynasty

AMENEMHET II, ca. 1929–1895 BC
ca. 1898 BC Joseph enters Egypt at age 17 and is sold to Potipher

SESOSTRIS II. ca. 1897–1877 BC
ca. 1885 BC Pharaoh makes Joseph Administrator of the Royal Estates
ca. 1876 BC Jacob and his family enter Egypt and Jacob appears before Pharaoh

SESOSTRIS III. ca. 1878–1843 BC
ca. 1859 BC Jacob dies and Joseph obtains permission from Pharaoh to take Jacob’s body to Canaan for burial in the family sepulcher at Hebron

AMENEMHET III. ca. 1843–1797 BC
ca. 1805 BC Joseph dies and is “placed in a coffin in Egypt”

18th Dynasty

AMENHOTEP I. ca. 1551–1524 BC
ca. 1530 BC edict made by Pharaoh to kill all male Hebrew babies
ca. 1526 BC Moses born

TUTHMOSIS I. ca. 1524–1518 BC; Tuthmosis II. 1518–1504 BC;

HATSHEPSUT, ca. 1503–1483 BC: Tuthmosis III, ca. 1504–1450 BC
ca. 1526–1486 BC Moses educated and lived in the royal court as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter
ca. 1486–1446 BC Moses flees to Midian to escape Pharaoh’s punishment for killing an Egyptian taskmaster
ca. 1483 BC Hatshepsut, or ca. 1450 BC Tuthmosis III, the Pharaoh who died while Moses was in Median

AMENHOTEP IIA. ca. 1450–1446 BC**
ca. 1446 BC Pharaoh of the Exodus who died in the Yam Suph

Below is a link to a book published by Oxford University Press on the evidence of Israelite in Egypt
Re: The music and the net \"John Titor\" mentioned

Hi recall,

Would you mind explaining further what is your point about "gap" in timeline between the earliest manuscripts of the 2 texts maintained?