Re: The Death of John Titor.And what I belive toda
Please do not assume too much over what the Government is doing or not doing, or who is at fault. It has been always a combination of things, and mainly what may be missed is what actually foreign Countries are doing. China is Aggressive and trying to Expand over the world, it is now showing. If the money changes in the USA because people think this Government is doing something, it probably is because China has done something like hoard our money and this Government intends to make it worthless doing something else. It is responding because of what some other foreign Countries are doing. If Iran only wants power, there are other ways of obtaining electrical power, and it does not have to be nuclear, where it could lead (and it is going to be an assumption) to wanting n-weapons in the future. This push and pull is precisely because of what some other foreign Governments in the world are doing. Do not assume too much about some things.
First, what seems like a Civil War is merely only bringing criminals to justice and all that one would see on like a TV show like Cops, of which I do not watch, and even some police will not watch.
It has nothing to do with assuming what a type of Civil War may be. It may end up that way in the future, because it just did, and all of it was because the world in the end, did not want to have a better future, because they could not adjust in foreign Countries to the way that they were really thinking. China now wants more, and they are making too many mistakes. I prefer my toothpaste to be somewhere else made along with other things going on. Like fires in California and the winds and everything else going on, somewhere along the way, people have to really start thinking. Some people lead theirselves to false conclusions, and untruths because like writing a computer program, they only thought that they were thinking, when later it was found out, that the student or the programmer had to change the way that they were thinking in the first place, which led to more work having to be done, to finally end up with a computer program that worked as it was supposed to be intented. Sometimes that leads to someone being fired on a job because they can not perform the intended work, sometimes it does not.
In other words, you can read the JT Story many times, and come up with something different each time you read it, because of life going on into the future and more things you may have found out, and also because like writing a computer program, you actually were changing your thinking along the way.
What other reason would people get home loans because they have no job and no way of paying for some real estate but were instead living in a dream? It would be nice if the other people denied them the loan in the first place, and all would be fine like some Cinderella Story, but sometimes that is just not going to happen. Too many assumptions and too many false conclusions can make this World just end up being like JT's future. It did not have to happen, and steps could be taken to avoid that kind of future, but again because of too many assumptions and too many dreams taking place, the result ended up less than it had to for the future.
Yes, it can be debated and even scorned at with some of the Acts going on, in the '60's people did end up being shot for it. It really never ended, the agenda was changed to avoid any more of it, I guess some people assumed that it was just history, when the same thing is actually been going on for more than about 40 years, and again with other things like Outer Space Weapons and other things brought up into the limelight again. Again it seems it has to be explained because there are younger people here on the Planet, but Alex Jones and some of those people really are only here to make money for him/her self and that is about all. It is still the kind of same thing -- gabbage into the head -- gabbage out of the head.
It may not be quite the same with details but still it still is kind of the same attitude. The data was false to begin with from other people, and this kind of Adversity should have ended, but again, none of it really ever ended. The Government may only be responding to what other people are stating and the rest may be some National Security that not all people even Elected are going to know about. It is about the Big Picture, which unfortunately, not all that many people are going to know about -- even the rich ones - but perhaps only God, and that is where religion should be religion and the false assumptions be laid to rest about any of the rest of it.
Yes, I am older, and yes, like Darby and others, have been through this all before.
One could think that with that way that China was before and N. Korea they should have been ended a long, time ago, back in the perhaps early '70's along with some others. Whatever it is, it has been around before, the trick, the trick is trying to avoid it all again. Before it may not have seemed as serious, but again, it probably was - like in the Past.
It is a day to day thing on whether to end it all or not. This was brought up in a sense by the end of the original thread. (even though some postings were rambling on about seemingly crazy senseless stuff).