Awwwww, Creedo... are you pouting and taking my double entendre humor too personally?
Dude...if you haven't figured it out by now, I have fun with words. You're a fun character that provides many opportunities for said fun. You pitch fastball stikes to me in this verbal game of baseball we are playing....and I do what any hitter would do when he sees such sweet pitches... swing for the fence!
Did you even GET the perfect usage of future perfect tense in the sentence I put the :D next to?
your life [JT], as you will have known it in 2036, may be all over!
It's a joke, son! A joke only someone who really knows their english would catch, and find amusing. In the immortal words of one of my heros and idols, Foghorn Leghorn: "Iiiiiiiiiiiii'm a FUNNIN with ya, son!....are ya with me?"
At least, I'm humble enough to admit self imperfection, unlike some people I know.
Who me? Believe me, I admit to more faults than some people claim that I have. Too much use of sarcasm in my writing....GUILTY AS CHARGED, yer honor! I dunno if this is a fault, but do you know I possess a learning disability in certain, specific areas? Let's seeeeee...what other imperfections of me are you interested in hearing about? I probably drink too much red wine and beer. I'd be a better person if I cut out the beer altogether. Hmm, that was interesting. Anything else you'd like to know, Creedo? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
And no, I've never harassed anyone's household, via phone call hang-ups when they have sick people in it.Anyone who would do that, has to be really, really, sick.
I agree. And if by mentioning this you are insinuating it was me, I'd encourage you to fully investigate me. If you think I would jeapordize my career to harass you, or anyone, you laughingly miscalculating who you think I am. Creedo, it is easy for you to find plenty of info on me online, so if you want to point the cops at me, go ahead. The record will show I have never made a call to any phone number you may possess.
Post away to your heart's content! I am in no way trying to limit you. But I am just as free to make sarcastic remarks for some of the wild things you post. I mean no harm, but like I say, when you are pitching such hittable material, it's hard not to swing the bat.
Kind Regards,