You need to throw out F=MA. It is not applicable to non inertial reference frames. Centrifugal force is not an inertial force. It is the only force that opposes gravity with an effect of complete cancellation.
Since when? Other than the fact that the centrifugal force is a pseudo force, not a real force, the definition of inertial force specifically includes both the coriolis (pseudo)force and the centrifugal (pseudo) force. It specifically refers to curved motion. And since when does F=ma not refer to curved motion? More important, when does anyone use that specific form of the equation (F=m
a) mathematically when you have to differentiate...F = m (d^2r/dt^2). If you use radial coordinates for distance there's no problem at all making calculations for curved motion. Differential calculus is designed for such situations. Sin and Cos seem to work well when combined with radial coordinates and a defined, consistent frame of reference. Who told you these things?
You've posted some simple math here that, mathematically, is correct. So I'll further add the fact that math is the language of physics, but it is
not physics itself. I recall the clown here who, oh 10 years or so ago, insisted that he was a time traveler here to report that Michio Kaku had proven that E=mc^2 is not true but C = Em^2 is true. Because there is an "=" sign between the two statements I can choose
any two numbers for "m" and "E", do the plug and chug and come away with a correct math answer. It doesn't express any physical fact, however. Physically it is utter nonsense, typical of the Internet crank.
I recall earlier in this thread that a
caveat made by you to members was not to believe what they are taught in school without proof. I'd add that members shouldn't believe what someone posts on the Internet without proof. The case where the poster insists that its true is not proof.
If forum members want proof that what is taught about physics in colleges and universities is correct they need do no more than look around themselves. Then I'd ask them: Does your PC work? Does your TV work? Can we put objects in orbit around the Earth? Can we talk over both wired and wireless communications networks? Do we have a GPS navigation system? If they answer yes, there's their proof. All of the above is impossible if our teaching of the physical laws of our universe is incorrect.
Choosing the proper math to describe the physics is also important. In looking at your graphic all it states is that some mass started at (0,10), moved at a constant velocity along the +X axis for some unspecified units of time (Z axis) and arrived at (12,10) constantly getting farther away from the origin (0,0) the separation of which can be calculated using the Pythagorean Theorem. As graphed its true but trivial. If an object moves along any axis of course it will get farther away from the origin and of course if you use Cartesian coordinates that separation can be calculated using the Pythagorean Theorem. But it makes no statement at all about the underlying physics.