Super Moderator
The American public education system is dead (and I'm only assuming that the death only extends to our public school system; that the posters are Americans and the problem is not worldwide). Yikes! What I've read above in several of the posts on this thread makes me shudder. It's obvious to me that our American system of public education no longer spends a single second on teaching students physical science. The education system elite appear to assume all students to be total dolts and treats them as such, i.e. the common person is a half-wit hairy neanderthal who doesn't have the mental capacity to understand proper science thus they have no right to be taught proper science.
It is truly maddening, Darby. Liberal indoctrination has bled downwards from only being the purview of universities, where it used to only be confined to liberal arts studies, to now being down at the high school and below level. The liberals are absolutely destroying this country and their destruction of quality education is their key ploy. If anyone needs evidence (I know you don't Darby, you have seen it in spades), one only need to take a look at this outrage in Alabama:
Alabama Adopts Race-based Standards for School Students
And note that this BS is supported by King Obama and his administration! These people not only have the gall to call themselves "progressives" as they support a clearly regressive teaching rubric, but the blacks and Hispanics are fooled beyond measure into voting for these idiots!!! If I were the blacks in Alabama, I would be protesting THIS LAW and not following the pimps of victimization, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, into protesting a guy who was clearly acquitted of murder correctly due to self defense. There is no clearer form of racism than judging people by the color of their skin, and this law INSTITUTIONALIZES it! This law pretty much tells the blacks they are expected to be only marginally more intelligent and successful than "special needs" (what used to be called mentally retarded before the PC police decided that was a demeaning term) children! And they are offended by conservatives trying to help them become self-sufficient????
And then we have the "Einstein's" of our country (of which our "beloved" Einstein with his inane comments above, in response to your post is their poster child)... Something tells me he probably votes for Democrats, because his comments follow the form of the elitist Dems who think they know everything. Einstein is just certain that someone taught him bad science, just because he decides he has alternative interpretations (which is all they are, not facts) that suit his fancy. And his only fancy is that he seems himself as a "new Einstein" who is going to, single-handedly, dispel all those "myths" he was taught in science, and usher in the new age where electrical signal phase leads/lags are the doorway to time travel. I am certain he sees himself going down in history, if he could just make some doohickey that proves his interpretations right.
It is more than this teacher can stand. I don't have patience to coddle BS like this. I call it like it is....here, at work, and at school. I refuse to be part of this "new politic" that destroys the once great USA. I REFUSE!