Sorry I took so long to get back.

I believe government 'statistics' could also be added into what John said... There is a psychological effect called Cognitive Dissonance that comes into play.

"I also think that unwavering belief is dangerous. One very disturbing thing I have noticed about your society in general is your blind acceptance of what you are told. Do you really think the news industry doesn't have an agenda? Do you really think those hamburgers you stuff into your body are safe? Do you really think your government is telling you the truth? What proof do you have of any of that?"
Lol. Nobody is holing up anywhere. I neither have supplies or defense.
I am currently watching the middle east conflict and Russia being baited into war.
It is like a Clancy novel.
Or a series of predictions from a time traveler...
About half the news is true. I think people should buy from local farmers market when they can. Nobody is getting out of this life alive, but you can't worry yourself to an early death either.
"I also think that unwavering belief is dangerous. One very disturbing thing I have noticed about your society in general is your blind acceptance of what you are told."

This is your viewpoint and yours alone. But you don't have to worry. There in no one here that will believe a word you say. Your references to the fictional John Titor story have nullified any credibility you might have had.
Um, no we aren't. The number of gun homicides as per the Justice Department :

1993 --- 18,000 gun homicides
2013 --- 12,000 gun homicides

Also find it interesting that "a" homicide by "a" person using "a" gun is now proclaimed to be a "rampage".

I do agree with you that there is an effort to ban guns, for reasons that are worthy of scrutiny.

I just did a check on car accident death statistics:

List of motor vehicle deaths in U.S. by year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It does look like you are statistically more likely to die in a car accident than to get killed with a gun. And I doubt very seriously if there will ever be any legislation to ban cars.
Einstein, shall we change topic and discuss the Snowden leaked confirmation regarding paid disinformation agents? ;)
I'm sure your post history, once carefully looked through, would be an eye-opening and thoroughly entertaining in-field look at how subversion, character assassination and attempted steering of conversation might look.

I understand that you might be confident in your 'skills'. But you may want to either discredit me via a false threat accusation towards yourself or create another sock puppet.
As I've just voiced these ideas, I'm cutting you off before you can ;)
Either way, your replies of not addressing the issues and just insinuating mental instability is now exposed. It's an easy way to discredit someone, but very, very lazy.

And thank you for proving my point...
Your blind faith in Wikipedia is worth applause.
I also have a bridge to sell you.......

(awaiting the new excuse or reasoning as to how you can character assassinate me instead of addressing the extremely clear points that the US is waging a subversive war on the populace)
Einstein, I think you should lay off 9963 with the pops about his mental stability.
I am beginning to like the dear chap.
He has not made any time travel claims for himself, and it seems that he is not mixed up with the other recent guy. I do think his belief in Jon Titor is misguided, but in his last few posts he has been refreshingly honest about his motivations.
He thinks something is going to go down later this month. I might not agree with him , But that's his opinion and he honestly gave his reasoning. That's 100% more integrity than we get from all the would-be JTs .
JT9663, ty for your reply. What exactly do you think is going to happen at the end of the month and what kind of domino effect will it play out for the Americans?
Itheblaze, I believe he already referred to it- a staged made up gun incident at the childrens Lego event at The Atlanta Braves Cobb Stadium Atlanta.
Einstein, I think you should lay off 9963 with the pops about his mental stability.
I am beginning to like the dear chap.
He has not made any time travel claims for himself, and it seems that he is not mixed up with the other recent guy. I do think his belief in Jon Titor is misguided, but in his last few posts he has been refreshingly honest about his motivations.
He thinks something is going to go down later this month. I might not agree with him , But that's his opinion and he honestly gave his reasoning. That's 100% more integrity than we get from all the would-be JTs .

I have to agree with Vodkafan on this issue. The discussion process here at TTI is supposed to be about addressing specific points presented within the posts BY other members - not casting personal dispersion's ABOUT other members .

Regardless of anyone's psychological condition, it is entirely possible there are people in the US Government carrying out agenda's that are not for the benefit of the civilian population.

Why is the EPA "really" seizing control of ALL of the water supplies in the US ?
Why were the 5 Taliban leaders allowed to return to the battlefield ? ( oh forgot, they pinky sweared not to do that )
--- No soldiers left behind doesn't seem to be a reason with a solid foundation, just ask Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi
Why is the BLM trying to absorb thousands of acres of land into the Government domain ?
There are many more questionable actions by people in positions of authority.

It is no secret that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates believe in population reduction, do they have the ability / influence to make that happen; are they making it happen - by any means necessary ?

...and the continuous quips about certain members posting on this site being mentally unstable and such has really been used too many times.
Sadly, a great many people are anticipating yet another bogus 'false flag' style orchestrated 'event' using Crisis Actors in which nobody actually gets hurt, but it will be portrayed as another reason to ban guns.......
As its no real secret that we have been witnessing an escalation of gun violence in the US, would it come as a surprise to anyone that last month a certain government contractor was advertising for actors willing to participate in a 'mass casualty' exercise to occur in Atlanta on the dates of 27-29 June via Craigslist? Would it also be coincidental that Cobb stadium is holding a children's LEGO exhibition on the exact same dates? If I were the Gov, looking for a final excuse to ban and confiscate guns, a false flag involving many children/actors would be the way to stir up the emotions of the population. .

I understand where you're coming from now. I know there was a lot of internet chatter about Sandy Hook school being a false flag scenario, but I personally know of a school child who died in that tragedy. That was a real event and that is all I am going to say on the matter.

Time will tell if your speculative prediction will come to pass.
KerrTexas and Vodkafan

To begin with, I don't particularly care for people that have a terrorist agenda against our government. And people that use the John Titor story to present their political views against our government fall into that category. Usually the gullible are their prey.

So how could I do my part to stop these activists from preying on the gullible? Destroying credibility seems to be one avenue.

I suppose I could point out the obvious. These activists are from an enemy nation that don't like our American way of life. Freedom, capitalism, prosperity for all. Wouldn't that be great if you could convince the Americans to tear down their government? Conquer an enemy nation by getting its own people to do the job for you.

Of course if you prefer, I could just step back, and let the Hudson device take over.
KerrTexas and Vodkafan

To begin with, I don't particularly care for people that have a terrorist agenda against our government. And people that use the John Titor story to present their political views against our government fall into that category. Usually the gullible are their prey.

So how could I do my part to stop these activists from preying on the gullible? Destroying credibility seems to be one avenue.

I suppose I could point out the obvious. These activists are from an enemy nation that don't like our American way of life. Freedom, capitalism, prosperity for all. Wouldn't that be great if you could convince the Americans to tear down their government? Conquer an enemy nation by getting its own people to do the job for you.

Of course if you prefer, I could just step back, and let the Hudson device take over.

I can understand your sentiments Einstein, and it is still possible to destroy their credibility by exposing the fiction with the facts.

If someone posts supporting points about an issue, simply replying that the poster is a psycho, doesn't address the issue as presented by the author of the debatable post. By exposing the supporting points as bogus or distorted with verifiable facts, then you've effectively dissolved the issue presented.
KerrTexas and Vodkafan

Of course if you prefer, I could just step back, and let the Hudson device take over.

What's the Hudson Device? I looked it up on google and loads of things came up- from shower heads to software and a device to allow female transexuals to pee standing up.
LOL... The Hudson Device is a term I coined long ago. It refers to Ray Hudson. A poster on this site AKA Rainmantime. He is very prolific in dealing with trolls and what not. Much better than me.
So you think this guy's a Troll? Why? He ain't hurting nobody really. I like reading all this stuff. This is what he believes is all. What do u think a troll is? Just curious.
Well, this one isn't disruptive. We all seem to be an argumentative group anyway, a little Troll in all of us, I suspect. This is a good site to air out some thoughts, things rolling around in the head. Lets all play a little nice.
Having beliefs is fine by me. But using those beliefs to promulgate some political agenda is something else entirely. Would you think it's OK to yell fire in a movie theater? How about inciting to riot? Using the John Titor story to promote WWIII? In each one of these scenarios, people get hurt or killed. Sorry, but I'm just not sympathetic for people like this.
With your logic just by me reading this person post I'm somehow starting a riot that will promote WWIII? Wow! I feel so special. Like I've finally really done something important with my life. Something historic.