Sorry I took so long to get back.

Im more than happy to reference any of my views and beliefs via mainstream articles.

This right here is where we separate. Beliefs are not real! If you don't understand that, then I urge you to get professional help.
For the love of God why can't there be just one instance where you get a direct answer from a direct question? I mean without all the "I can't answer because I will destroy this time line" or "this information is too sensitive to share". I swear!
It's been six days since Timetravel _OO posted so I guess he's not coming back. Which in itself casts doubt on his claim to be the original Jon Titor: why make the effort to come on here and make that claim if he is not willing to answer questions?
It's been six days since Timetravel _OO posted so I guess he's not coming back. Which in itself casts doubt on his claim to be the original Jon Titor: why make the effort to come on here and make that claim if he is not willing to answer questions?

Probably because there are no gullible people here on this forum willing to believe him.
In the grand scheme of things, the Titor 'saga' is a story that can be believed and disbelieved with equal ease. There was enough info to 'prove and seemingly 'disprove in perfectly equal measures.

Actually that's not correct. The evidence is overwhelmingly against the case. What little information that he posted about the gadget was sufficient to disprove his claim. We know the total mass of the case and its contents - about 225 kilograms (he said it was about 500 lbs).

The laws of physics aren't subject to a democracy. They are what they are. We don't know everything that there is to discover about gravity but we do know enough to calculate the gravitational effect and implications of compressing 100 kg into a black hole (I'll leave it up to you to figure out why its 100 kg). You don't get a wormhole that you can drive a Chevy pick-up or a Corvette through. You don't even get a wormhole that you can put a single proton through. If you compressed the entire mass of planet Earth into a black hole the event horizon would only be 9 mm.

End of story.
Well, here we go again. I must say, it gets exceedingly boring having to rehash all these same "interpretive" arguments about the Titor hoax well over 10 years past his own expiration date. I could probably cut and paste the same responses I gave to these same interpretive dances years ago, but I am too lazy to go back and find them.

So as the great philosopher David Bowie once exclaimed: "Let's Dance!"

His 'civil war' predictions only fall flat if you look at them in the classical sense of the word 'war'.

In other words, you need to re-define the words "civil war" to make your interpretive dance appeal to the lowest common denominators and true believers? Admit it, that is what you are forced to do. Because the simple, agreed-upon definition (again, we have dictionaries for a very good reason) simply does not work for your dance recital.

Civil war - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country"

And just to make sure we don't allow you to re-interpret the word "war" to suit your needs:

"a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations"

And please do not try to use some of the other definitions of "war". When the word "civil" is pre-pended to the word "war" there is no argument that this means an armed struggle between opposing groups of citizens of the same country.

There is, and has been a visible, yet obscured 'war' against the people of America by its government.
It 'has' been increasingly getting worse from 9/11 onwards.

What you are describing does not match the definition of civil war. It certainly meets the definition of government oppression, but that is not civil war. And if the people rise up against a government that is STILL not a civil war. That is called a revolution. And here I thought the people of Australia were at least as efficient in their use of the English language as the English were. Perhaps I am wrong? :)

We now find ourselves in a classic Orwellian society of indoctrination, the removal of opinion/critical thinking and almost every single liberty of a 'free' peoples have been removed.

Agreed, but again...not civil war.

The populace is distracted with twerking, dances, parodys, 'entertainment' and carefully scripted 'news/propoganda' that 'everything is, and will be, ok'...

This is more akin to what happened in Rome than it is a civil war. So again, Titor's predictions are way off. Many use the term "bread and circuses" for what you described, which does indeed hearken back to how Rome went into decline.

Why is the Us postal service, DHS, Parks services and a multitude of government entities buying up million upon millions of rounds of ammunition? Why did the last lead smelting plants close under Obama? No lead smelting means no more production of Ammunition.
Why collect, analyze and eavesdrop on every single US citizen?
I'm afraid these are not wild and crazy 'conspiracy' theories anymore. I wish they were.

And NONE of those match a civil war prediction...even if they are all true.

Titor predicted an American Federal Empire. Just because there no ACME sign that says 'Federal AMerican EMpire' this way', doesnt mean it is not real.

Please do cite Titor's EXACT words (and source) when you make such claims. I insist only because we have had way too many people argue what "Titor said" and it usually ends up NOT being anything close to what he actually said. Citation and source, please.

wow. Have taken a lot of the replies , info, opinions and suggestions and will definitely respond. Am packing my house up at the moment to move rural. I will reread and post when I am able.
wow. Have taken a lot of the replies , info, opinions and suggestions and will definitely respond. Am packing my house up at the moment to move rural. I will reread and post when I am able.

Is this a job move _9663 or are you fleeing because you think something is about to happen?
Vodkafan, I have been moving from city to country. No job move. Yes, in a way I am fleeing. I still have a couple more days finishing up. I know many may scoff, but I have been studying world politics, military tactics, the global economy and even without considering Titors predictions, I don't want to be in any city. The 27th of this month I am sure of a very nasty incident that becomes the tipping point for the US gun confiscation plans. July 1st onwards has been my main concern though.
If you're privy to information about an impending incident that will occur in a couple of weeks, then surely you have a duty of care to warn people? (If you have not done so already)
I can assure you that If I was privy to any information that might harm anyone physically, or put their life in mortal danger, I'd be screaming from the hilltops. Sadly, a great many people are anticipating yet another bogus 'false flag' style orchestrated 'event' using Crisis Actors in which nobody actually gets hurt, but it will be portrayed as another reason to ban guns. The populace will believe everything, and whatever the US propaganda media churn out will be quite believable to the average citizen.
Titor made many references to the 'civil' war that is being waged by the US Federal Empire upon not only its people, but elsewhere.
As its no real secret that we have been witnessing an escalation of gun violence in the US, would it come as a surprise to anyone that last month a certain government contractor was advertising for actors willing to participate in a 'mass casualty' exercise to occur in Atlanta on the dates of 27-29 June via Craigslist? Would it also be coincidental that Cobb stadium is holding a children's LEGO exhibition on the exact same dates? If I were the Gov, looking for a final excuse to ban and confiscate guns, a false flag involving many children/actors would be the way to stir up the emotions of the population. Now, this information I have presented is not secret, I didn't time travel to predict it. It's just getting so obvious, it's downright nasty. As we now know there are data collection/fusion centers disseminating all data/communication in real time, and a great many paid contractors embedded in all the forums, it would come as no great shock if this message, my own mental health or any other reason to dismiss the info would be presented. For the old-timers, I will give an indication of what we are dealing with, and that is PROMIS. Only combined with a hefty A.I. and 30 years of evolution. Cheers.

I doubt you will find anyone here that shares your paranoia. All these imagined fantasies you are having will not get anyone here to go out and kill anyone. But I imagine it wont be long before you are captured and locked up again in a mental care facility.
Einstein, having read your posts and replies in other threads, it's fairly evident your MO is to attempt to hijack and discredit via nonsense and your running theme of calling mental stability into question instead of staying on topic. You have just proven my point. I am a pacifist and a political atheist. Nowhere did I call anyone to arms. That is all your words.
Again, unless you have something worthwhile to say, just please don't reply.
I can easily compile all your diversionary attempts and compile them. As can anyone else.
Good day.
...As its no real secret that we have been witnessing an escalation of gun violence in the US ...

Um, no we aren't. The number of gun homicides as per the Justice Department :

1993 --- 18,000 gun homicides
2013 --- 12,000 gun homicides

Also find it interesting that "a" homicide by "a" person using "a" gun is now proclaimed to be a "rampage".

I do agree with you that there is an effort to ban guns, for reasons that are worthy of scrutiny.
So J.T., what are you going to do? Just stay holed up in the country till this blows over? Do you already have supplies and if yes, for how long?