Sir Victor Goddard


Rift Surfer
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Sir Victor Goddard was an Air Marshal for the Royal Air Force during WWII. In 1935, he claims that he was caught in a bad storm as he flew a plane over an abandoned air field in Edinburgh. Although he almost crashed, he was able to stabilize the plane and when he looked down, he noticed that the airfield was suddenly rebuilt and in working condition, complete with mechanics and strange looking planes. This seems to have been a temporary glimpse of a different time, because he still remained in his own time. Nobody believed him because he had no proof of his claim.

What do you think happened?

More information about him can be found here:

I think he experienced what we now call a time slip. In the course of my researches into this fascinating phenomenon, I have developed a simple classification system: Type 1 -- a vision of some past (or rarely future) event, which is clearly not a "normal" perception, and may be vague or discoloured etc. 2 -- a vision of past or future, which is sharp and indistinguishable from a normal perception. 3 -- A sharp image which surrounds the witness, although he cannot interact with it. 4 -- Full integration, in which the witness can communicate with others (perhaps just through eye contact), handle things and even in rare cases bring them back to normal time. After transcribing about 190 cases I have had to add a sub category, 3+ which includes cases where a degree of integration can occur with less than perfect imagery, or cases where only partial integration can occur. So this would put this case in the type 2 category, as he was viewing it from above, and the airmen on the ground did not react to his presence. The system requires more work, but it's a start.

I definitely believe in time warps! I experienced one myself years before I had even heard of such a thing! It was at a train museum, and I saw people in the dining car, drinking and laughing. They were dressed in Edwardian clothing. Upon closer inspection, the train car was locked and empty! I haven't told many people this story, for obvious reasons, lol but it really happened, and it was quite disconcerting.

That's a fascinating experience, and I would very much appreciate a few extra details so I can enter it in my catalogue -- e.g., the location of the museum, the date (if you can recall it, or have it in a diary maybe), time, the weather conditions, how close you were to the train, how long the event lasted, whether you could hear the laughter from the people, any other unusual feelings. About yourself: age approx, whether you have had any other experiences suggesting that you may be sensitive, and any after effects (feeling sick, headache, that kind of thing). If you'd sooner get in touch via email, I'll add a link to my report on a local time slip mystery that includes my address: ROUGHAM MYSTERY (3rd Revision).pdf?dl=0

I've heard theories that certain types of storms could open temporary worm holes and there is belief that worm holes offer time travel or "windows" into time. I don't discount what the man saw, there have been many reports of such sightings throughout scientific history. Some of those sightings have actually been proven to be true from what I remember. Such as a young girl claiming she saw into the future during an electrical storm back in the 20's or something and she described a building being built or something. In the 80's the building she described was built and the guy who built it did not even know about the little girl or what she saw. I can't remember the whole story or what building it was. I wish I could find the article again.

Some time slip cases are associated with storms. For example the famous Versailles case took place at a time when a huge electrical storm was taking place over Europe. I have come across a few others. However, the majority of cases take place in normal weather conditions. I know of a couple of cases where children have seen buildings that were built later -- one involved a domed shopping mall -- but I don't think either was during a storm. If you can recall or find the source of that story, it would be very interesting. The main kind of energy we find associated with such events is the earth's natural torsion field. I'm not sure about the worm hole notion. The real problem is that time slips are too organised, if that's the right word. If people were witnessing worm holes opening one would expect -- or I would anyway -- dramatic scenes. Houses would presumably get pulled apart, and so, maybe, would the witnesses, if the worm hole didn't coincide exactly with the earthly scene. Instead we find a house appearing, or an old shop replacing a newer one. And when the time slip ends, the witness is returned to present day (or near enough -- sometimes there is missing time as well). I don't think worm holes, or tears in spacetime, would do that.

I looked around but I could not find it. I wish I could remember. One question did come to me when I read your post though @Carl Grove does electrical storms create these phenomenon or do the phenomenon create the storm?

I think the storm might play a part in creating the time slip. If torsion energy is the main factor, then a big electrical storm would certainly have a significant torsion wave element. But how exactly that works, I have no idea. In the Rougham case, there are not only time slips, but a lot of other odd phenomena, by the way -- globes of light, vortices, shadowy figures of monks, etc. It is also worth noting that some people are affected very badly by the energy -- feelings of nausea,headaches, faintness, etc.

That is most likely because of the amount of energy that is present at the time plus the disorientation. Our bodies are run by electrical impulses and a electrical storm capable of creating a time slip would have to be pretty out there. It most likely causes disruptions in our bodies electrical system which would also effect our sense or orientation. That would cause those ill feelings when it happens. I have heard bad shakes and major goosebumps were part of that list also.

Yes, although again, most witnesses don't suffer bad ill effects. In many instances of the most extreme Type 4 cases, total integration into a past or future scene, witnesses often don't have any sensation that anything out of the ordinary is happening!

It certainly seems like the storm was a big factor here. The amount of energy required to create a "time slip" would be immense, and I am sure I major electrical storm would be able to provide this amount of power. However, for me to believe this particular story, I would need a little bit more evidence, maybe a description of the planes he saw, or any future signs or emblems. I am sure being a pilot during a large scale war would be extremely mentally taxing as well as exhausting and could lead one to believe that these visions were caused by hallucinations or stress.

This was between the wars, so I don't think stress would have been a factor. I believe the original account does describe the planes he saw in more detail --it's on a lot of sites, although I haven't managed to get an original version yet. Yes, energy does seem to play an important role in these cases, but so I think does personal sensitivity -- many of the witnesses at Rougham had seen apparitions or other unusual phenomena prior to their sightings, and a few people have had two or three time slips during their lives. It's a complex mixture of many variables. I suspect that Type 4 cases (which this one wasn't) where full integration occurs may just happen to very sensitive persons -- of course this raises yet more questions. How can personal sensitivity (a perceptual characteristic) lead one to a time travel experience? It all suggests that our notions of reality are incomplete.

Here is a link to a highly significant account from the LIverpool area (where these things are a frequent occurrence) which suggests that a near hit from a lightning strike may have triggered a rare double slip:

That's odd. The great majority (at least 80%) are to the past. Future slips are much less likely to show full integration, and people are rarely seen.

That's odd. The great majority (at least 80%) are to the past. Future slips are much less likely to show full integration, and people are rarely seen.
You're implying there any more cases. :) Are there any you can point out to us?

I've heard theories that certain types of storms could open temporary worm holes and there is belief that worm holes offer time travel or "windows" into time. I don't discount what the man saw, there have been many reports of such sightings throughout scientific history. Some of those sightings have actually been proven to be true from what I remember. Such as a young girl claiming she saw into the future during an electrical storm back in the 20's or something and she described a building being built or something. In the 80's the building she described was built and the guy who built it did not even know about the little girl or what she saw. I can't remember the whole story or what building it was. I wish I could find the article again.
I'm sorry this is off topic, but a quick mention that I like your cat. I see she is Calico. I have a Tortie. :)

I'm sorry this is off topic, but a quick mention that I like your cat. I see she is Calico. I have a Tortie. :)
Thank you. Unfortunately we no longer have her. Her name was Calypso. We have another cali but not of those colors. She is more white.
Back on topic. Those are excellent sites to view. Thank you. I mostly hear of future time slips. I haven't heard of too many past ones.

Here is one of the oldest alleged time-slip accounts I could find. It was reported in august 1946, in an australian newspaper, called the Western Mail. The account contains all the classic ingredients of a time-slip as outlined by Jenny Randles.

That is an interesting story, but they could be a physic memory more so then a time slip. It is believed that we leave behind residual memories (especially during traumatic events). These residual memories can be picked up by those sensitive enough to sense them.

What was described sounded more like a physic memory. The person went to the army surplus store and purchased a used uniform that was worn by a soldier. After the "vision" he found blood stains on the pants that he did not notice before. That shows the person who worn them either died or was injured. That would leave a physic imprint of the event on the pants and the person was obviously sensitive enough to pick up on it.
