Any claimant posting on this site would know what they would come up against by making any claims. Anyone that creates a post here, claiming to be a time traveler, and doesn't realize what it is they will be facing, already has lost some "possibility" points.
Don't you think that a person who actually is a time traveler would do a bit of research, taking a look at what sites are available around the internet, before making their first post ?
And if said time traveler selected TTI to make their claim, don't you think that they would be aware that they would be asked some tough questions, and from whom ?
Any intelligent time traveler would be prepared, and know what was coming, and not, as you state, say " To hell with this..." and run off. They would have known up front what they were getting into, don't you think ?
If the claimant wanted to establish themselves as a "real" time traveler...they would be prepared to provide information that is clear, concise, and could be validated.
And any claimant that did do their research before making their first post, would "know" that generalities don't cut it. At least NOT for ALL of us.
If Lyndzee bothered to read through the other threads on this site before making the first post with "this" claim, then Lyndzee would have known what was coming. Lyndzee brought any response's, diplomatic or not, onto Lyndzee Grummond, not anybody else.
I think it demonstrates a
lack of respect for all the members of this site ( including you ) , to make a claim and to clearly not have bothered to do a bit of research before making the claim.
So here we have Lyndzee Grummond ( chuckle )-- ( by the way, Lyndzee "Grummond", if you were inspired to use "that" name from Northrop-Grummond, it's Northrop-
Grumman -- but that's ok, alot of people make that mistake ), unable to overcome specific questions, and other people are unable to recognize the shuck and jive responses from Lyndzee Grummond, just perpetuates the con.
As far as missing out on any neat-o information regarding the future, with this case, you need not worry.
It became obvious that Lyndzee turned out to be just another "one of those" claimants, yet, people keep asking Lyndzee questions regarding the future, when the inquiring mind's guesses would be just as good as Lyndzee's.
Darby posted a link to a reply from a Dr. Robert Brown.
Did you read this reply to Darby's questions ?
I have yet to read a post by anyone, especially Lyndzee Grummond ( chuckle ) that has gone through and pointed out where Dr. Brown is wrong with what
he has said. I believe that Dr. Brown would love to have anyone prove
him wrong.
Who cares if Darby made a mistake with regards to President Carter's age ? The point wasn't whether President Carter was over 100 years of age, or in his 90's. The point was that President Carter was in a age "range" where people within that age "range" tend not to be in the best of health. For a claimant to use that as proof they are from the future is not acceptable, and you know it.
Lyndzee made the claim to be a Co-Director of a Federal Agency...yet, I have not seen anywhere, with regards to most of the federal agencies, a Co-Director position. Because RainmanTime pointed this fact out, does not lessen the truth in the least.
If you believe that Lyndzee has bested RainmanTime, and/or Darby, then we must be reading two different threads.
Just because you don't like Rainmantime, and have a grudge against him, does not make or break any particular time travel claim ? Does it ?
And are you qualified to ask specific questions regarding the scientific aspects of any particular time travel claim ?
Back to Dr. Brown....I am still waiting to read the post(s) that actually
prove's Dr. Brown wrong.
Come on, time traveler, quit beating around the bush, put up or ( you know the second part ) !
As a scientific expert , yourself, Pamela, and since Lyndzee is having trouble with Darby's request(s), maybe you'd care to take a crack at it.