ATTENTION: I am going to take this opportunity to respond to all of the "junk" posts here at once.
I understand that there is some question to whether I am a hoax or not - that should be expected and is expected. I am surprised at the fact that in a group of what I would deem as "intellectuals", a handful of you can runaway with an idea and immediately write me off. I have explained my position regarding my place in government, what is required of me, and my limitations, however some with what is, at best, lower-level understanding of the functions of a project and government they are not involved in continue to believe that they know better than I do. Things change and not everything is as it seems. You might think you know how something works when you are looking at it from below and from the outside, but when you hold a position such as mine and are in the middle of it all, things are quite different.
In the end, it is not my mission or my desire to "convince" everyone or anyone of anything. I am here to do what I was tasked to do and in the meantime I am more than happy to converse with all of the visitors to this forum and provide whatever insight I can to your future and my past. I will no longer reply to these "junk" postings. I am more than happy to continue conversations in a civil manner and, additionally, will not tolerate any adverse postings simply because I am female.
If you for whatever reason believe that I am not who I say I am and do not come from where I say I do, then that is your prerogative, but in that case, why are you still in this thread? I hope that if you solidly believe that I am a hoax, then you do not return to this thread, because my time is better spent. If you do choose to remain in this thread, if I have given you an explaination, then do not question my ability to give that explaination and simply continue to question me. If, in fact, you do choose to leave this thread, when the events that I have already mentioned do in fact occur, I hope that you realize that you should not live with so much doubt in your mind, but instead some more faith in your heart.
L. Grummond