Science and Religion do NOT mix!!

Hi Vistronic,

You posted,

<<First I am a Christian and I like discussing SCIENCE and the BIBLE. Let me say science does not take away from my faith it adds to it! Matter of fact I am thinking of building a site on that topic. sending "text message or at least Morse code" through time, using the computer and add on hardware, I can do it forward through time (we all can ... delayed email!).>>

Same here, I hold a high regard to science being born from the Bible!

I think your Time Traveling Email/Fax machine/SOS Idea is original! This reminds me of one of my all time favorite kid movies, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, where they try and get the computer to estimate where exactly the next golden ticket was to be found.

But to tell you the truth I think that good old fashion prayer will turn out to be more productive.

Hey maybe you should ponder scientifically and biblically into turning thought transferring brain waves from prayer (like a radio signal) recorded onto CD or some sort of encrypted mathematical computer program that can translate brain patters of thought across time...

I bet in trying to find a electronical method to build this basic idea. You might try relating to what the bible teaches about how prayer works. Once you can understand the general concept it might storm new ideas for you...Maybe it could work similar to biofeedback?

So I guess basically what your saying is that ignorance is bliss?

How convenient.

Just relinquish your self then to these other forces, and allow them to do their work for you?

I think all this faith in God has made you forget that their things that you do not want to accept. But accepting anyways.

And making the argument that since they perceive us from a higher dimension, that they would know how to better assist us.

Yes, but your failing to realize that it’s not just to better assist us, but to better manipulate us.

And that is the point I have been trying to make that somehow is being over looked in your theological explanations.

Keeping us from harm, yet allowing thousands others to die? I just don’t buy that. Truly if what your saying is true, then God is selective in who he wants to spare, and is biased on who he thinks will be better to keep living then the rest.

You can see how absurd that idea sounds, any Christian will tell you that

Now it’s not to say that my personal pride is getting in the way of me backing down and believing that God is in control of everything. Because I have no reservations about serving my lord, I understand and respect Kingship.

However, I also understand individuals, and believe in freewill and independence. Why is that human belief rapidly exchanged for one of complete acceptance of being done as other choose?

When does your influence come in the picture?

Sure we might be watched for our protection. But that doesn’t just stop with the belief that it’s God. It goes all the way to our politics, secret cult orders pulling strings, we are being “protected” or manipulated (as I like to call it) at the advantage to their ideals.

Therefore, how does then one distinguish what comes into the category that maybe it wasn’t God who had something to do with your “protection” (manipulation) but something else?

That is the only distinction I just want to make clear, that ultimately suggests exploiting Time Travel to pass off as spiritual intervention.

Or has your faith in God convinced you that Time Travel is no longer a possible threat to humanity?


P.S. I think that without people like Creedo with his alien proposals and Clara with her new age misinterpretations to set an example and remind us of how they can be accepting something that can manipulate and exploit, we have been looking more into how they cannot through faith, and into things more Christian-like. Completely overlooking what’s going on, and seeing that it’s still going on, there is just avial over your eyes to recognize it. I refuse to have a faith that does not take into account all variables of possible control, to merely forgetting them.

The world goes on with it’s quirks and troubles, intents to manipulate whether you acknowledge it or not, and what you don’t recognize as a possibility will hurt you.
I agree prayer is a great "link".
I remember when I was going through a divorce, I would pray allot I really believe god
heard me, and sent a message to my ex-wife, but she may of heard, but did not receive it.
There is a lot of merit to your idea, I personally tried sending numbers to myself through,
"scanning" for lack of a better word. (mental not occult) here is how I did my experiment I
would take a black box on white paper and study it knowing at some point in the future I
would insert a number in the box and try to see if a number would come to me, so far my
numbers have not matched. This was before I came up with my Time Server, Transmitter
Idea. I felt energy could be transferred through time, in essence thoughts and prayers are
energy so I see a similar line of reasoning in your post. I will incorporate this into my Time
Server Project (I am open to Ideas) to see if the transmitter could be mental or spiritual,
the receiver is the Human Being. A form of time telepathy if you will. The medium of
prayer in my opinion is God, he is the sub-space out of time, but to expect him to transmit
numbers or code for me is a stretch, or should I say warp. LOL, Also I agree the bible is
good inspiration for ideas " Creative and witty inventions"
the all knowing has all the answers.
How can man lay claim to such inventions except he is created in the image of a creator,
hence he becomes a creator.

check out
for flow drawings of time transmitter
It is indeed a religious world, is it not! The science-Fiction movie 'Contact'has just come to mind ...

If anybody has seen the movie, they may be familiar with the scene where the lady who is to be the first traveller in this hi-tech craft (played by Jodie Foster) is in some kind of press conference before she goes,

One of the other characters (played by Mathew McCoughney) asks Her, 'Do you believe in god?' and Jodies character replies 'I don't think this question is appropriate!' He says, 'Well its a simple question. I couldn't bear the one person to go on this voyage representing humanity if they have no faith in god. If there is no god, then you're saying billions of people suffer from a mass delusion?'

Then Jodies character says, 'I am a scientist and my conclusions are based on facts an evidence' - Basically, she answered in a round-about way that she was atheist.

Did this scene make me, a 'stubborn' atheist suddenly sway and say, 'Hang on, maybe there is a god! Maybe us atheists are wrong all along!' Nope, not by a longshot. Although I know this was the kind of thoughts intended to be stirred among any non-faithful viewers.

In fact, I felt sorry for Jodie Fosters character, being discriminated for her personal beliefs (or lack thereof, depending on how you look). The idea that she was almost refused admission on this 'voyage' when the whole project was her brainchild, just because people disliked her atheism?

This scene in this movie is clearly the movie writers attempt at conveying a religious moral through the medium of film! Didn't work on me, you may notice.

If people want to have a faith in god then so be it, it is clear to see that most people will stick firm to their beliefs no matter what, because it is such an integrated fundamental part of their way of thinking and living, they couldn't possibly bear life without a faith and belief.

*But* - I think all kinds of preaching through media, film, literature, you name it - Its wrong! Let individuals figure it out for themselves! If faith is so true, so real, then why is it pushed onto peopleso much? If faith is so real, then we should be born from the womb already knowing and loving and living for god in a fundamental way.

I know I certainly wasn't born with a faith. I am a classic example of such a test of faith. I had absolutely no religious themes pressed on to me in any stage of my childhood. In my growing years, not once did I ever consider the concept of a god at all.

My family are not exactly atheist like myself, but on the other hand they were definitely not religious bible reading, praying, church attending attending or anything like that! Not once was anything of a religious nature exposed to me in my infant years and for that, I am VERY grateful to my family.

I didn't start hearing about all this god and jesus business until I watched Christmas cartoons on TV, and had to learn Christmas carols at school. Even then, I didn't give it the slightest care or thought! To me, god and jesus was no different to Santa Clause, the tooth fairey, frosty the snowman, hansel and gretel, all that fairy-tale stuff.

Sure, you hear of atheists converting to religion in mid-life. But perhaps you are suprised to hear that people turning their backs on their belief and renouncing god is also common! And it takes a lot for a truly devout person to do so, far more so than to go from atheist to religious, but still, it happens!

So my point is, my upbringing is a classic example of putting faith and its truth to the ultimate test: Bringing up a child without exposing them to religious or anti-religious themes, and seeing if that child themself, by their own free will, spontaneously begins to believe in god. Suprise suprise, I didn't ever come even *slightly* close to believing.

The truth is, I didn't give a damn about religion even when I began learning about it, and thats before I even saw all the hyposcisies and cruel ironies in the world! Even then when I saw nothing bad to religion I still chose by my own free will not to accept it.

And you know what? Being Atheist is the greatest damn way to be, I'd have it no other way. It gives me just that - Freedom to do as I like, think how I want, live how I want, be how I want! Its great!! All I rule myself by is common decency and respect to myself and other people as its due. I live my life the best way I personally can - I'd never go out of my way to deliberately harm others, so why should I care about anything?

I know exactly how it is to be in a religious point of view, I've seen it for myself in people I am close to, how they 'feel' overjoyed when they go to a Christian concert for example, and they say it makes them feel great about their religion again.

I personally KNOW people who say they felt a sudden rush of joy when they asked god to come into their life and into their hearts, its all a euphoric state of mind. But over time it wears away a bit and people need up-spirited sermons and christian concerts to pep their attitude to their beliefs back up and inspire them again. Clever psychology!

Of COURSE they make the atmosphere feel 'good' at those sorts of religious services and concerts. Thats the whole darn point - It makes it easier to get some people to become faithful when you make them feel good about the whole idea with happy music and 'powerful' speeches and all that jazz.

If people associate religion with good feelings like a lot of these youth concerts do, of *course* they will feel compelled to turn to god! Its all PSYCHOLOGY!

I've heard plenty of religious points of views and I have indeed listened to them all and respected them, but I feel in turn the atheists point of view must be voiced!

I know my posts are long so if you have had the patience to read them wholly then I thank you greatly, even if you disagree with them at least you know these are my opinions, ones which I feel no less stronger for than those of faithful views!

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 29-Aug-02 AT 10:40AM (EDT)</font>

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 29-Aug-02 AT 10:33 AM (EDT)</font>

All the power to you Raze, but did you ever once stop to consider what your consciousness will tell you at the time of death?

Did you ever once stop to consider that perhaps belief in GD is an extention of our built in primordial nature. Sort of like a surge buttom protector. That when at the time of death or electrical failer we will have the power to surge our energy to life again and funtion/come alive in a new State/Dimension/Heaven or hell OR PURE NOTHINGNESS AND DARKNESS? TAKE YOUR PICK? DO YOU WANT A QUICK PICK LOTTO OR CHOOSE YOUR OWN NUMBERS? YOU CAN WIN AT BOTH BUT TRUELY ONLY THE ONES WITH THE MATCHING NUMBERS (OR SURGE PROTECTOR) WINS!!!


P.S. I could be wrong? but I sure of hell am brave and smart enough to back myself up just for emergency measures!
If infact I am wrong, I will dispute and take it up with the big guy after the fact!
Actually, I think about the moment of death all the time!

Life after death in 'paradise' wouldn't be bad, but its not something I believe in, nor do I desire or hope for it in any sense. The 'pure darkness and nothingness' path which I expect isn't that bad, after all when the consciousness ceases to exist nothing matters anymore anyway.

And if I'M wrong?... Oh well. Like I have afformentioned in another post I SERIOUSLY doubt that, and even if god descends before me and I feel his presence and see him for myself then no way will I be kissing his arse and saying sorry for not believing in him all this time even if he is willing to forgive me, and by saying this I am in no way saying that I believe he exists I speak purely hypothetically!

Oh, great just what we need an evangilistic athiest!

"I swear to god that there is nothing to my religion and I can proove it". A list of my proofs:

and there's mor where that came from!
A 2 sided debate on religion and God, that’s just actually what this place needs. All this acceptance of Jesus and reaching a higher dimension is over looking the human principle and the powers that be that can manipulate to obtain such a state.

Carry on Raze

Hey hey, who am I to say? But as the old saying goes, the way one makes their bed is the way one sleeps in it!

Pharos famous words, SO LET IT BE WRITEN, SO LET IT BE DONE!

Jesus famous words, if you have thought it, you have already comited it.

Dont you ALL get it? (not taking GD out of the equation.) Its what one believes themselves is what IS! give the mind and brain alittle more credit! possibly the human mind has the power to create? Well its basically telling us that in the bible anyways.

TTA, is it posible that the manipulation from the double digits stems from ones own mind. Could it be possible that infact you yourself are creating them? And Raze by not believing you are sending yourself and your soul into eternal sleeping nothingness because that is what you choose to believe.





Isn't it funny how, depending on your point of view, the same scene can appear differently to two different people. I saw Contact(which I enjoyed) and saw just the opposite of you. I saw a movie trying to show that the atheist point of view was the attacked one and the most noble one. Her point of view was not discredited--in fact it was upheld by the fact that no "god" appeared but the beauty of nature and a beautiful species reaching out from a species that was long gone who had created the technology in the first place. I believe that it was the attempt to portray an athiestic morality and not the other way around. By the way TTA, I'm glad to see that you are finally stating your position which has always been somewhat vague. I have been believing for some time now that in spite of your statements that you believe in God, you really have a deep-seated disbelief in him and feel manipulated by him. A belief in a "higher power" is not the same as a belief in God. That higher power could be the wickedness in high places. I believe that you have not made a final decision yet, but you are close and leaning in the wrong direction. Just remember, God does not honor an unequally yoked relationship. I think that is the whole idea of any debate--to remove the gray areas and get down to black and white. It is EASY to believe or disbelieve in God. He is either so high above us that we cannot relate or He simply does not exist so we don't have to relate. It is infinitely more difficult to BELIEVE in a human who had all the same problems we do as humans and yet could reach beyond his humanity and portray the attributes of God. To believe in Jesus means that we believe that we can do the same things he did and put our selfish ideas aside and TRULY care about others rather than just give lip service or unfounded opinions. I have often stated that there will be people like Natas in the kingdom of God who has almost totally revealed what he believes and thinks and is full of anger but is still open-minded enough to at least listen and give merit to those who are sincere--and courageous enough to plainly rebuke in the strongest kind of language--those who are plainly full of CRAP. To me, he has what the Bible calls the gift of discernment and calls the shots as he sees them. He clearly sees the "wafflers" who will jump to the other side of the fence if it suits their own selves. The Bible clearly teaches that the last "Christians" will not be those who have been trained by literary institutions but will be "primitive" and have a "primitive spirituality" and will speak forth the truth unvarnished.

As I have mentioned before, most atheistic ideas come from seeing apostate Christians do their thing. Christian concerts are another example of apostasy. Anybody who seeks to get a "feeling" or drum up a spirit is seeking the wrong spirit!! The wickedness in high places is more than willing to give you a warm fuzzy feeling. ANYBODY who has an understanding of the Old Testament Sanctuary Service will understand that when Jesus died on the cross, the curtain of the Most Holy Place was torn right down the middle. This means that access to the Holy Skekinah Glory was now available to ANYONE--not just the High Priest. The First Apartment Ministry was no longer applicable and the wickedness in high places was more than willing to step in and take over the role and "breathe" over those who only reached to the point where they wanted "feeling" and not true communication with the Shekinah Glory Himself. This wickedness(which most atheists even--will admit exists because of the evil in men) could breathe power, warmth and "feelings" but no joy or peace or selfless love. MOST of the Christian apostate religions worship this wickedness in high places which is called by many names(Beelzebub, Azazel, Satan, Cyrus, That Wicked, Wicked I, The Serpent, etc.) This is how much of the world judges Christianity--by those who fall FAR short of the standard. Just because you may be right about these things, hardening your heart to true spirituality will ironically put YOU right along side their fruitless endeavors. Thus, the wickedness in high places gets both classes in their camps. No one is implying that this wickedness is STUPID. It is a BRILLIANT plan that, according to the Bible, will have YOU joining up with THEM to destroy and remove the last vestiges of US from the universe. Fortunately, WE know the end of the story--YOU LOSE!! Mock on atheists, agnostics and apostates.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zerubbabel--The Seed of Babylon

But of course it’s “us” (us in the future that is). We vote on it and decide on a whole in the future on Time Travel. How else could the manipulation go on so easily without protests?


There you go again CAT with the “Ignorance is bliss” philosophy. I gotta ask you something though, have you truly forgotten what being manipulated and used is all about? If you have faith that someone is not going to do something behind your back, but they do anyways, not wanting to believe that it’s a possibility doesn’t mean it won’t happen. That’s illogical… For if you haven’t learned your lessons from the past, will clearly show that life goes on despite what you believe. And just believing that it doesn’t exist is being naïve that you cannot be manipulated

Make sense?

Well said! (or typed)

Applied intelligence reinforces your post.

I take issue with this statement,
" Christian concerts are another example of apostasy. Anybody who seeks to get a "feeling" or drum up a spirit is seeking the wrong spirit!! The wickedness in high places is more than willing to give you a warm fuzzy feeling."

Let me ask you do you think Jesus laughed?
How about danced? (a common Jewish tradition and I am not talking like king David did.)
I don't know about you but I am not a robot, I have an emotional dimension. Why not get emotional about Jesus, a warm fuzzy as you say?
Are feelings Bad? Are they not part of our nature? It is negative behavior that brings destruction? (follow me ok, I know thoughts lead to behavior.)
Why is the christain Mister "Spock" the way?

I say burn for the Lord with an inner fire that consumes the belly! Be destroyed on the altar and die,
then.... Live for him.
Now what can they do? I am already dead.
My life is not my own.
I use to see the dark side in the shadows and a creepy feeling came, tell one day I yelled back at them, one day I was the one saying BOO! I pushed out! I Burst the bubble!
Now you say no feelings!
Think again.
Theres nothing wrong with feeling good about things, but the fact that many religious services rely on inducing this overjoyed state says something, like could they acheive the same devoutness without all the uplifting gospel and music? Maybe to an extent ... But again I personally know people who have basically said they felt their faith was uplifted again after attending one of such sermons. Could it be their faith was slowly fading away?

No TTA I have certainly not FORGOTTEN! and no I'm not ignorant to the fact, I was merely opening up the options in search of other possibilities for the true purpose of the double digits?

It certainly is manipulation, no doubt! I actually was thinking something along this line,

Lets say one day one was crossing the street and all of a sudden here comes a car straight at them! Their reaction time could be delayed and sluggish from their hard day of work, but all of a sudden a synapses triggers in their brain in a matter of a split second and somehow global consciousness and GD is attuned to their stunned panicked state! So it triggers the numbers either by speeding up time or delaying it in order for them to escape the accident.

So given that the double digits WOULD BE CATEGORIZED AS MANIPULATING! but was for a good purpose! And it could also possibly work the other way around as well in respects to evil plagiarizing ones life. There is no telling and that is why faith and a belief in GD are a means of fighting the manipulation off.

I don't know, its just a new hypothesis on the situation?

Also Vistronic your views are perfectly attuned and Raze did you know that the actual Hebrew prayer songs have certain vibratory healing powers? In all the Psalms there is Divine music encoded in the Hebrew text of the Bible lifting the spirit and filling the listener with joy. Tradition reminds me that reading Psalms aloud in Hebrew brings healing to the sick and helps individuals overcome adversity. How does this happen? Could it be that sound the combination of Hebrew syllables can produce some unknown effect? An old Jewish legend that I once learned told me that, he who possesses the knowledge of how to form the right combination of Hebrew sounds can create and destroy worlds.... If that is so, then music is just another "delivery method" of those powerful forces and actually has the same effect on people (or matter) as the Hebrew text has when it is read aloud.


I had a feeling that the subject of Christian concerts would touch some nerves. What I have a problem with is the SOURCE of the celebration movement that you see being represented in the Christian Rock concerts. Few realize that this movement began as a result of very worldly kinds of methods to gather in as many youth as possible with a "social" gospel that runs contrary to the true gospel. Just because a movement is "successful" doesn't mean that it is true to the Bible. Yes, I do believe that Jesus expressed his feelings--both in joy and in tears. As opposed to John who abstained from worldly passions and fasted continually, Jesus came "eating and drinking" and was accused of being a "glutton and winebibber." I am amazed by the success of drawing of so many young people but concerned that they may be steered in the wrong direction. I may be splitting hairs, but I have a deep "feeling" that something is very wrong here. Please be aware that it is not the music. I like a variety of music including megadeath, metallica, garbage, and others which wouldn't exactly be called Christian. A kind of psychology is being used here and putting off results of actions "at death". The kingdom of God can be won or lost "now". Luis Palau is a master at putting off the present to some future time when you will be "okay" when you die. There is very little being said about the second coming of Jesus and the reward that he brings with him--the JUDGEMENT. This is the most overmastering delusion of the wickedness in high places--we have plenty of "time" and that everything is yet "future". When this, when that, if this, if that. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you and that it is NOW. The time of preparation is NOW. There is no RAPTURE to mark a period of time. There is no PERSON who will evidently be THE antichrist. There is no prophecy which will announce the exact DAY or TIME. It is always NOW. When HE comes, it will be like a thief in the night. No warnings, no second chances, no tribulation force, no 144,000 to give the earth another chance. It is not the "wickedness" that determines the time. It is when God's people are "sealed" in THEIR forehead--not when the followers of wickedness are "marked" on theirs, but that's ANOTHER SUBJECT!!<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zerubbabel--The Seed of Babylon
<<So given that the double digits WOULD BE CATEGORIZED AS MANIPULATING! but was for a good purpose!>>

Good purpose? This incident justifies manipulation to you?

<<And it could also possibly work the other way around as well in respects to evil plagiarizing ones life.>>

Which is what I am saying. But I doubt there is very little need for God to show us his assistance from a saved car wreck with numbers.

I think SonofBabylon might have some scripture up his sleeves to prove this

<<There is no telling and that is why faith and a belief in GD are a means of fighting the manipulation off.>>

I don’t see that as a valid reason, I see it more as a reason to not care that it goes on. And misinterpret it’s meaning, that it can go both ways? Reminds me of something Clara would say.

It’s just that having the numbers present to perhaps show that it’s God saving someone from a car accident, doesn’t convince me that it’s the good side of it, thus that faith will make it okay.

Think about this, it could simply be for the mere fact that they were saved only because their lives serve a higher purpose to their selfish plans alive?

Also don’t forget, I was almost ran down by a huge bus at a double-digit, remember?


P.S. Where are Creedo and Clara at? I kinda miss debating with you 2
O.K. gut check time.
I have been doing some research on "Time Travel"
Why is this topic so loaded down with "greys" "mib" new age philosophy, crystals, UFOs, free energy, pyramids, astral projection, ghosts, reincarnation and every other diversion. I have a word for this, how about, witchcraft, divination, communing with the dead, fallen angels and delusion.
It makes me want to throw up.

I prayed once that G-d would open my eyes to the spiritual world so I could draw a comic book about the book of revelations.
And once I did see a window open for a moment.
It scared the XXXX out of me. I learned my lesson.
Even if you could see into the other world would you want to?
How would you like to see all kinds of weird creatures and other things moving, floating around you? (you do not want to trust me!)
Did not the disciples fall in fear of good angels! What of the other side?
Well gentlemen (and ladies
) if I can not separate Time travel from the occult I have a big problem in my mind.
Especially with internal travel, you could be in contact with the dead, are they not from the past, just like the reincarnation people, the dead talk through there mouths.
The spirit world is chock full of timeless beings, in my mind ready to target a symbol or word of some hapless human.
Now this is where science and the bible merge.
But I do not want to wield science like some magic wand and the magic circle the time doorway.
That is why I find this Physic loading offensive.
Is Christ an alien? I do not mean an ET. How about a visitor
from another world, or universe. It is called Heaven!
See the ET pshyco babble can be used for Christian jargon, it is relative to your view point.
If I fire up the time transmitter and create a temporal field will a demon jump out? I hope not.
My point is we most adhere to some of the rules set up in nature, the things we see by trail and error experiment. These are instilled for our comfort, so we can live day to day patterns.
To inject into science this paranormal serum, weakens my progress and inventions let alone my credibility as a engineer and slows the quest to true spirituality (Christ image).

I say rebuke the dark side, resist it, but do not dwell or talk about him. God himself is more than enough. (with all you are embrace Christ)

I think you will see in this post some of the battle of balance needed for a Science and the Bible outlook . To replace God with science or paranormal new age garbage is blasphemy in my opinion.

<<P.S. Where are Creedo and Clara at? I kinda miss debating with you 2 hehe.>>

Hee Hee my @ss!!! So now you need someone else to pick on and lets make it your good friend CAT! Well I dont think so pal! I could play the game and can your sorry @ss from wents it came!

But I dont know if its even worth it? It would accomplish nothing and so therefore I just might stop posting all together! Its totally unproductive! And I'm loosing interest rapidly!

If its not me, it will be somebody else, probably even your own mother if you had the chance! You just dont seem to be happy unless the WORLD is revolving around you and getting the last words even at the means of loosing a freind!

DOES THE WORD DICTATOR MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU? As soon as somebody doesnt see eye to eye with you, they are automatically your arch ENEMY! Mischief with you knows no end! AND IF THAT ISNT CONTROL AND MANIPULATION, I DONT KNOW WHAT IS? YOU SAY ITS FOR A GOOD CAUSE, BUT I BEG TO DIFFER AT THIS POINT IN TIME! Your attitude tords other spells harm and decite! is this your wonderful way of teaching morals to the world? WHO ARE YOU TO BE THE WORLDS CONCIENCE?


I dont think you even have a clue "ONLY THEORY" as to what the double digits really are? NO DOUBT MANIPULATION BUT TO WHAT MEANS?

But hey dont let me be the one known for getting the last word! Go ahead and post your pile of adjetives and verbs to try and adjudicate me! YOUR GOOD FRIEND REMEMBERRRRRRRR??????????????????

I hope you do not consider my post in the same light, as I am just trying to field my mind to the post, I try not to revert to the flame level, I have found your posts very interesting.