I am no devil worshipper, I am an atheist - Though in the views of many, that about counts me as a devil worshipper anyway
But seriously, get a grip - Christian folklore has absolutely nothing to do with science!
In fact, religion played a large part in the reason why Europe entered the Dark Ages - Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire, and Saint Augustine took this chance to sneer at the philosophers and scientists.
After all, science and technology is the work of the devil, is it not! And besides, the world was going to end soon anyway, so who needed science... technological advancements weren't neccessary. (note carcasm).
Thankfully there were those brave people who drove the Renaissance movement!
Because of the Dark Ages and the narrow-mindedness of the clergy, this world is technologically many centuries behind. perhaps if it weren't for the Dark ages we would be an advanced, space-faring race by now, or self-destroyed by war.
Remember, it was once sacrilege to even suggest the world was round. If the church said the world was flat it was flat. If a person into herb medicine was a witch and were to be executed, they were executed.
Of course the bible bashers have since loosened their grip on the religion enforcing whip so to speak, but it is still based all on these completely unsubstantiated beliefs.
Another reason why technology has been despised so much in the past is because of how some rock-solid foundations of Christian beliefs have been shattered by technological discoveries over the centuries.
So - how long until the very existance of god is disproved? And if Chrsitian belief is true - Gee, that must mean all the millions of people who worship other beliefs such as budhism, or ones of multi gods such as Greek and Norse mythology, those poor souls were all wrong and only Christians are right, right? Oh, of course - Because the BIBLE says so, of course its all true, how foolish of me! (note extra carcasm).
Christianity is a very selfish religion - It puts mankind before nature. I donot believe in a 'mother nature' entity as such, but more primitive cultures who see nature itself as a god I hold much more respect for.
A lot of people have faith in god simply because they believe in god. They believe in satan. They don't want to go to hell and burn. They want to go to heaven and live in paradise, don't they? Its all about hell. Nobody wants to go there so people 'brown-nose' to god and try and stay in his good books to get a ticket to the pearly gates.
As I said, I am atheist. I believe in no god. no devil. Good and evil exist only in living creatures, most predominently humans. If someone massacres a crowd that ain't the devil at work, it was that one persons insanity-striken decision. People are too scared to believe someone could do this of their own free will and blame it on old Lucifer.
Sure, churches do charities and so forth - But so what!! I can donate to charities without believing in god. I can live a decent life with morals, live my life the best I can and help others without brown-nosing god and preaching to other people.
What about all the head priests who are notorious for child abuse! These are the supposed cornerstones of religious faith in mankind, and if corruption of that extent is so high in its ranks, then the Christian faith is in big trouble. In england, statistics show a Clergyman is 10 times more likely to commit child abuse than any other person. Define hypocrisy.
I have done my homework, and believe me - There is far, far, FAR more evidence disproving the Christian beleifs than there are proving it. Don't agree with me? Take the courage and open your eyes to the real world.
I could bring up point after point - This is just the tip of the iceberg. Slag my opinion off for all I care, maybe its because you're just too scared to look into it and see the truth and commonsense?

But seriously, get a grip - Christian folklore has absolutely nothing to do with science!
In fact, religion played a large part in the reason why Europe entered the Dark Ages - Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire, and Saint Augustine took this chance to sneer at the philosophers and scientists.
After all, science and technology is the work of the devil, is it not! And besides, the world was going to end soon anyway, so who needed science... technological advancements weren't neccessary. (note carcasm).
Thankfully there were those brave people who drove the Renaissance movement!
Because of the Dark Ages and the narrow-mindedness of the clergy, this world is technologically many centuries behind. perhaps if it weren't for the Dark ages we would be an advanced, space-faring race by now, or self-destroyed by war.
Remember, it was once sacrilege to even suggest the world was round. If the church said the world was flat it was flat. If a person into herb medicine was a witch and were to be executed, they were executed.
Of course the bible bashers have since loosened their grip on the religion enforcing whip so to speak, but it is still based all on these completely unsubstantiated beliefs.
Another reason why technology has been despised so much in the past is because of how some rock-solid foundations of Christian beliefs have been shattered by technological discoveries over the centuries.
So - how long until the very existance of god is disproved? And if Chrsitian belief is true - Gee, that must mean all the millions of people who worship other beliefs such as budhism, or ones of multi gods such as Greek and Norse mythology, those poor souls were all wrong and only Christians are right, right? Oh, of course - Because the BIBLE says so, of course its all true, how foolish of me! (note extra carcasm).
Christianity is a very selfish religion - It puts mankind before nature. I donot believe in a 'mother nature' entity as such, but more primitive cultures who see nature itself as a god I hold much more respect for.
A lot of people have faith in god simply because they believe in god. They believe in satan. They don't want to go to hell and burn. They want to go to heaven and live in paradise, don't they? Its all about hell. Nobody wants to go there so people 'brown-nose' to god and try and stay in his good books to get a ticket to the pearly gates.
As I said, I am atheist. I believe in no god. no devil. Good and evil exist only in living creatures, most predominently humans. If someone massacres a crowd that ain't the devil at work, it was that one persons insanity-striken decision. People are too scared to believe someone could do this of their own free will and blame it on old Lucifer.
Sure, churches do charities and so forth - But so what!! I can donate to charities without believing in god. I can live a decent life with morals, live my life the best I can and help others without brown-nosing god and preaching to other people.
What about all the head priests who are notorious for child abuse! These are the supposed cornerstones of religious faith in mankind, and if corruption of that extent is so high in its ranks, then the Christian faith is in big trouble. In england, statistics show a Clergyman is 10 times more likely to commit child abuse than any other person. Define hypocrisy.
I have done my homework, and believe me - There is far, far, FAR more evidence disproving the Christian beleifs than there are proving it. Don't agree with me? Take the courage and open your eyes to the real world.
I could bring up point after point - This is just the tip of the iceberg. Slag my opinion off for all I care, maybe its because you're just too scared to look into it and see the truth and commonsense?