Chronovisor Reincarnation...


Temporal Novice
Here it is, Folks - your opportunity to plead your case.

Personally, i dont believe in reincarnation. Too many people claim to have once been Cleopatra.

However, if you DO believe, or even DONT believe but give the slightest, 'well, IF i were...' who do YOU think you mightve been? Better yet, who do you hope to become?
Officially I don't care if reincarnation exists or not. I've read "Many Lives, Many Masters" like so many others, and there's nothing in there to sway me either way. I'll share what Laurie Anderson has to say on the subject of reincarnation, quoted from the track "The Ouija Board":

We would sit around at night when the Santa Anna winds howled outside, and ask questions to the ouija board. I found out a lot of information on my past 9,361 human lives on this planet. My first life was as a raccoon.

— And then you were a cow. And then you were a bird. And then you were a hat, spelled the ouija.

We said “a hat?” We couldn’t figure it out. Finally we guessed that the feathers from the bird had been made into a hat. Is this true?

— Yes, spelled the ouija. Hat counts as half life.

And then?

— Hundreds and hundreds of rabbis.

Now this is apparently my first life as a woman, which should explain quite a few things.

She's got a wonderful sense of humour.

a young lady friend of mine was discusing this as it playes out in ever you spell it... ;)
and i geuse the steps of your sign are supposed to represent the amount of times you have be here and gone back to get it right...
personaly i belive we all turn to worm food...but hey, the idea is nice :P
Personally, I buy the worm food thing as well.

However, if reincarnation DOES happen, I have some clues as to whom I might have been
Pharris was President Taft in a former life.

The scientific belief is, of course, that the body eventually breaks down into various particles of energy that can be re-used in billions of different ways. Holding on to a belief like that makes me feel that I can live forever, whether or not I know or care about it.

Phatty Arbuckle? Arbuckle was one of the major stars of the silent screen when he was charged
with the rape and resulting death of an obscure 25-year-old starlet named
Virginia Rappe at a drunken party on Labor Day weekend in 1921. The details were
shocking, the rumors more so: that Arbuckle had torn Virginia's insides with his
266-pound weight; that his drunkenness had alternately rendered him unable to
perform, whereupon he angrily violated the girl with a wine bottle, or a Coke
bottle, or worst of all, with a jagged piece of ice.
You know what, I don't believe in it. But when I die it would be pretty cool to reincarnate as A REAL LIFE PIRATE, I think everybody here would agree with me.. that would be totally awesome.
According to the Gita (The Popular Religious Text Of India) the cycle of birth and death is somewhat interesting. Basically every soul from "Godhead" starts into the cycle of birth and death when it departs from God. You start off as pretty lowly things and build up to more intelligent creatures "karma-free" until you become human. When you become human the rules change, you are no longer karma free because you are capable of making choices and being taught right from wrong, greed from generosity etc.

SO. If you don't live your human life right the first time around, IE you don't connect with God and devote your life to that connection, this includes sooo many things, the simplest of which is compassion to all animal life, since animals are souls working their way back to God. Umm. what was I saying oh yes you will repeat human life again.

If you we're REALLY bad you regress to an animal again and increase the length of the journey back to God. You do it over and over until you do it right. You're born into a family based on your karmic wealth. So if you were an asshole in the previous life, a not so good situation will be chosen for you on rentry.

I don't necessarily believe all this, but as a Unitarian Universalist (recovering Christian) I've taken to learning about alot of the different beliefs in the world and how picking just one because your told to, is ignorant.