Randi the time traveler

I am indeed 17 years old and I don't see what is the problem with that...and hey, you are a freaking stalker mate. I did share this story, I am surprised you didnt freaking find it! On what was once Time Travel Forum, but no one believed him...they didn't give him a single chance so he left the website pretty quickly. Whether he was real or not I don't care, the story was interesting.

We don't share the same Obscure IP, so stop with the bullshit. You are bringing false evidence to the table. Is it a coincidence that I never freaking joined Anomalies at all in my life?! Wow!! Thats amazing, another freaking false evidence. I visit TTI whenever the hell I want, unlike you who is connected tot his websites 24/7, I come here when there is something interesting to see. Be it Zeshua or stupid cuncs like you.

Tell me, where does Zeshua story doesn't make sense? The fact that she is a time traveler? Well look around you...what is this forum for?

I dont remember Zeshua saying she was into astral travelling and that stuff, but if she is then great...we have something in common.
That is a stupid coincidence. First of all I did reply to her posts. Second of all if I was her I would be here in every single post wouldn't I? I would reply to her every single time just to make you guys believe there is someone that actually believes her and explain why. Wouldn't that be true you MASTER MIND!

The Clark/Superman stuff doesn't fit here.

Whats the difference? It was already written there, I just used my mind(Which apparently it is something you dont have...it was humans use to think by the way) and gave out my opinion on what I thought she ment...as simple AS THAT.

Big deal I say. I don't see what the Big deal is there either. She was asking if her messages were recieved, believing she is real, I decided to help her out and let her know they were recieved.

LOL! I don't think that whoever planned Zeshua would be annoyed right now, he/she is laughing the hell out of you for being such a dumbass. YOu have presented false and unstable evidence to the table, I have shown you this false evidence and prooved you wrong. Now I ask you...wouldn't it be annoying that a 17 year old has just shutted you up, a 30 year old living in the basement of his parents?

I mean I am sure you will come up with some other [censored]...but hey, I am ready to debunk it.
Mate, you are on a one-way road to Bansville.

yeyeman9:"We don't share the same Obscure IP, so stop with the bullshit."

Violation of terms of service.

yeyeman9:"I come here when there is something interesting to see. Be it Zeshua or stupid cuncs like you."

Offensive behavior. Violation of terms of service.

But wait! There's MORE!
yeyeman9:"he/she is laughing the hell out of you for being such a dumbass."

Calling people offensive names. Violation of terms of service.

yeyeman9:"I mean I am sure you will come up with some other [censored]"

Violation of terms of service. Good for you the automatic board censor caught your foul language.

You have now been submitted to Mop for a one-way ticket Bansville.

Indazona- I didn't buy his first book but Randi emailed me the first two chapters of his second novel:

ZESHUA: The Time Travelling Mystical Mystic time traveller

It was dark, so I turned on the light and it was not dark anymore. I could see the weapons in front of me, but I could not move. I could not move because I was tied down to the chair and there were a lot of knots and stuff in the ropes and it was hard to get out of it. "There is no escape" the voice said. "I want to get out of here" I replied. "You will... in time" he said and it was real scary sounding when he said it and then he started laughing and it was not funny. How could I escape? Why was this time bandit holding me down with chains and locks?


I loosened one of the ropes and was able to reach one of the weapons. BANG! ZOOM! as the laser blaster shot into the darkness at the guy who stopped laughing when I shot him. "You shot me" he said which made me feel good. "But don't think I am out of time, I have only begun to run out of time!" and he was gone in a flash of light. The time traveller was back, and this time he meant business.

>>I am indeed 17 years old and I don't see what is the problem with that...and hey, you are a freaking stalker mate.<<

Mate? You're in Puerto Rico, not Australia. Shouldn't it be "amigo"?

>>I did share this story, I am surprised you didnt freaking find it! On what was once Time Travel Forum, but no one believed him...they didn't give him a single chance so he left the website pretty quickly. Whether he was real or not I don't care, the story was interesting.<<

Are you addressing yourself in the third person?

Here's a little parting music for you yeyeman9. Copy and paste it onto a browser, the html reader here won't correctly hyperlink it.

From a Google search of yeyeman9:
Hello - Page 20 - Thoughtgasm Forums
I am open to help you in any type of way, email me: [email protected] THanks for your time, your patience, and your gratitude, Yeyeman9 ...

From a post written by Zeshua:
I state it freely that I cannot provide such 100% proof until the time I leave. All are invited to email myself at [email protected] for the remainder of my stay.

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1167173907jmpet">

Is yeyeman9 really Zeshua?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />I think yeyeman9 is Zeshua
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />I don't think yeyeman9 is Zeshua
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
Indazona, I didn't know I couldn't "swear" in this forums nor that I couldn't call people by their name. If that is not accepted here then I am sorry, but I don't regret anything that I said. If it leads to a ban then so be it, but things like this are justifiable under the circumestances.

And jmpet, wow! You are freaking awesome writter. Before starting to critize me you should go ahead and read the whole thing. Because the first chapter is so short it doesn't mean the rest of the chapters are as short and hey since you have so much time in your hands go ahead and read other books, some chapters are like that some are even shorter.

Yes, it would be "amigo" but I am speaking english...mate sounds better for that kind of situation if it is english. DOnt you think?

No I am not adressing myself in third person, I am telling you about the guy who talked to me about that agency, from what the book is based on sort of.

I know about that song, have heard it before, pretty good song.

What the point of the poll? You are not proving anything with that post because all I said is I wanted to help someone with something and you dont even know what it is, heck I dont even remember what it is.
12/25/06 01:00 PM : Randi also invented Zeshua as a hoax [...] Zeshua was something Randi created as a hoax.

12/25/06 08:26 PM : Randi said she is really Zeshua and Zeshua is a hoax.

12/25/06 08:39 PM : Zeshua is really yeyeman9

12/26/06 05:58 PM : Is yeyeman9 really Zeshua?

Yeye, don't feed the trolls. They aren't truly interested in intelligent conversation, but only want you to dance for their entertainment.

The internet is full of people like this, whose lives are empty and whose hearts are bitter. They go about here and there looking for a dog to kick so they will be able to momentarily feel better about themselves. It is one of the few joys in all the hours of their day, and it is not too much to ask in the great configuration of things. But let others be their prey. It is one of the few taxes a person doesn't HAVE to pay.

There are as many of these people on the internet as there are fish in the sea. You can't fight them any more than you can fight the tide. The only way to successfully fight the tide is to allow it to break harmesssly against you. Their great secret is that they have no true substance of their own; the only substance they have is what they trick others into giving them.

- Peter
First off, I find it amazing that yeyeman9 posted then SIX MINUTES LATER Peter_Novak posts a reply to yeyeman9. For this to happen by chance, Peter Novak would have to have seen yeyeman9's post seconds after it went up and immediately hit the reply button. And since Peter Novak had time to wax poetic in response, I find it amazing how this all happened. Guess the only thing missing now would be yeyeman9 going away, at which point Zeshua miraculously shows up again.

&gt;&gt;And jmpet, wow! You are freaking awesome writter.&lt;&lt;

Yes thank you. I am a writer (if that's what you mean) by trade.

&gt;&gt;No I am not adressing myself in third person, I am telling you about the guy who talked to me about that agency, from what the book is based on sort of.&lt;&lt;

Well let's see... you're 17 now. How old were you when this happened. Please enlighten us. And when was this book published?

&gt;&gt;You are not proving anything with that post because all I said is I wanted to help someone with something and you dont even know what it is, heck I dont even remember what it is.&lt;&lt;

No you're not- all you're here doing is bumping Zeshua, who has already been proven a dozen times over to be YOU.

As far as why I am doing this- it is for historical reasons. Because this way, Zeshua can't come back in 2009 like Napoleon returning to France and declare herself a prophet. Because by then, she will have been debunked.

And this is something many have tried to do on many websites but you're finally nailed. So be a man and move on with it already.
It happened when I was about 15 years old or something. Book came out last week.

I cant believe you actually think I am Zeshua...poor you.

And omg what a coincidence! jmpet posted almost 3 hours after I posted! That must mean something...
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1167215073nitescott">

Is jmpet being behaving well in this thread by creating polls to ostracize participants?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Yes he/she is behaving poor and is being argumentative for his own ego reasons!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />No he/she is behaving thoughtful and adult like whilst discussing this issue!
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
Peter Novak wrote the following in another thread:

"Indazona and jmpet have amply demonstrated (above) that they are not men of their
word, nor men of honor, nor men who have the slightest insight into what is going on with the
whole Zeshua story.

It is also noteworthy to point out that this is the edited version. One thing that a writer cannot help but do is edit his earlier work. It is part of Peter's problem and has already contributed to his downfall. The section in bold above is another step down a gloomy and doomy path for Peter. It exacerbates his problems. Let's see how:

Peter has put forward that he is simply "looking for the answers" to the Zeshua story (hoax). He feigns ignorance that it is a hoax, and ignores any suggestions that lead to a clear conclusion that the person posting as Zeshua (Randi) could have been setting him up, or could have simply been posting things that were generally known at the time the anagrams were posted. Furthermore, we see the curious behavior in Peter where he accepts some, but not all, of other people's "solutions" to Zeshua's anagrams. This could reasonably seen to be an effort to keep the Zeshua predictions going in a certain direction, rather than in a direction which might defuse and break-open the Zeshua hoax. You will note that he does not even acknowledge the other anagram solution I gave, which perfectly fits the North Korea missile tests of July. That's because it is just not where Peter wants to take the Zeshua story. And yet while doing all this, he wants (needs) to maintain an air of "I am just looking for the truth." Yet in the quote above he is clearly indicating that he must have some deep insight into the whole Zeshua story. Of course, he must, because how could he ever claim that myself and jmpet do not have "the slightest insight." He is, in essence, telling you all that "only he knows what Zeshua meant."

Peter is perched on a precipice (alliteration intended). As I mentioned, there are only two ways he can go, and neither are terribly fruitful for the Zeshua game he has been playing. He never counted on what is happening. He will resist "REAP A NASCENT MISSILE" at all costs. But the more he resists it, the more foolish he will appear when some of the other anagram solutions he "got wrong" are revealed.

I am not lying when I say I know all of the anagram solutions. And yes, it is clear I am using that knowledge to paint Peter in a corner. Make no mistake, he is feeling the heat at this very moment. In fact, at a time of my choosing I will post another correct anagram solution that counters one Peter is currently "selling". I will even tell you that this solution will even appear in this thread. But to further shine a light on some of Peter's tactics, I cannot and will not say how long this solution will be here. In other words you can expect this anagram solution to appear here, and then likely disappear at some later time. If Peter happens to catch it, he will even know what is coming next. If he doesn't, but others do, then they will see the truth of this other anagram and how it supports the FACT that Zeshua (Randi) was posting existing knowledge and not making any "predictions".

Your options are closing in on you Peter. You ignore the increasing probability that Zeshua was a sting and will not consider the real solutions to the anagrams. But you certainly cannot now come forward and say that you know, with any certainty, what Zeshua's original messages were prior to the anagram encoding. For if you did, this would leave you with the egg on your face of having to admit you were part of the hoax. As I say, the choice is yours, but there is already no going back. You can determine how it ends, or you can try to keep it going down your dark path. But that path will have an abrupt and unpleasant ending. I guarantee it.
My problem with yeyeman9 is more in how he presents himself, and the fact that there are many clear lines between Zeshua and yeyeman9.

-First off, the Zeshua story does not make sense. Why would someone from the future make anagrams?
"To prevent a timequake."
Well if she's sending anagrams to be deciphered, isn't the information getting through anyway? So why the riddles? The only reason I can think of is "to purposely blur the actual prediction" and in this case, Zeshua is only taking educated guesses.

-Secondly, if she is from the future and connected in realtime, then she has the ability to post at any time on this forum. This includes a month ago.
"But she is connected in real time"
For over a month solid? She never turned the computer off in over a month? "Yeah." Then why hasn't she posted anything here in weeks? Then how do you explain Zeshua's first few posts which came through out of order?

-Thirdly, if you're from the future and sending information back in time, why do you have the cloak.com to disguise who you are?
"Because she doesn't want to be found because of a timequake."
Well if she's that worried about timequakes, she shouldn't be posting anything here.

-Fourth, Zeshua sends private messages to people. Why?
"To prove who she is."
That's really great but this adds no credibility to her claim in this forum. And while we're on that subject, it's not possible for someone 20 years from now to access 20 year old medical records, so where is she getting this information from?

-Fifth, a wrong prediction about the Pope is not proof enough of anything, foremost because the prediction date was wrong.
"Yeah, but she was close."
So were a million other people across the world... we all knew the Pope was close to death, it does not take a time traveller to prove it. AND anyone could have simply edited their posts after the fact- this is probably why Zeshua came here and not somewhere else.
"But she also predicted Terry Schiavo."
Whoop de doo. Do you really think people are going to remember Terry Schiavo in 20 years? Come on man! Who the hell is going to remember Gary Coleman or Kato Kaelin in the future? No one. Can you tell me the date Princess Diana died without looking it up? Do you really think a time traveller is going to predict an obscure event like Terry Schiavo (and even the Pope) or predict something larger like President Ford's death?

And on to yeyeman9.

I suggest any skeptics out there google yeyeman9 to see what he really is all about. And to think this person said I have no life- yeyeman9 is on at least 20 different message boards everywhere!
-On one site, he is a psychic
-On another site, he is a young author
-On another site he is into astral travelling
-On another he is a gamer
-On another he is a RPG gamer
-On another he is selling domains
-And on several other sites, he was the unwated guest who got kicked off for being annoying.

As far as his book goes, he started writing it 9 months ago, posted most of it online, has no editor, finished writing it 5 months ago and according to yet other websites he has written other books prior to this one! Get your story straight man!

Chapter 1 is 466 words
Chapter 2 is 3564 words
Chapter 3 is 634 words
Chapter 4 is 1,591 words
The average # of words per chapter is 1564. You said the book has 18 chapters which averages out to 28,148 words. There are 400 words on a page in a printed book so your book is 70 pages long. Yet you claim your book is 140 pages long. Where's the other 70 pages? Is it printed in a really big font? What's the ISBN number of your book? It's really simple- post a pic of you with the book in your hand and I will be happy, because apparently whichever "you" I am speaking to depends on which website you're visiting.

And for those of you who don't believe yeyeman9 the prolific writer:
I recently finished writing my first script and I am looking for a company, be it low-buget or "high"-buget to take on the script and make a movie out of it. If any one has any suggestions where I could find companies like this, or companies that might be interested please let me know. If any one, by any chance, has a company of this sort or is interested in hearing more about the script let me know as well.
Little Synopsis of the script:
A work-aholic FBI agent finds himself against the wall when suddenly all his team mates, which happen to be his closest friends, start getting killed one by one and all the clues lead to him.
Then there's yeyeman9 the predictor who wrote:

"Twin Arrows could be the death of Terri and the Pope?" 3/29/05

And who could ever forget this one:

If you have any questions regarding life(not future related please) or other type of things related to angels and such, ask them away. I will answer them. If I don't know the answer to a question I will ask my spiritual guide to find out the answer. Probably many of your questions are of my interest to. I usually get in contact with him at night (every night if I want), so if I don't know the answer you will need to wait untill the other day to get your answer. But be patient, this might be questions you have been asking all your life...1 day won't kill you .
Just doing this to help. Ask away without fear .
Energy and Light to all,

And last but not least:

"Hello all,
Most of you know that I usually talk to my spiritual guide every night and that I even answer questions to all of you with doubts. Anyways, the thing is that I asked about the Pope and Terri after they died and here is the answer:

When Terri died she was wondering around because she really didn't know what to do. Either to stay here or go to heaven once in for all. She was pretty much "lost" we could say. But when the Pope died, she found him and he escorted her to heaven. When they arrived, beings from heaven recognized it was the Pope and they were really happy he had joined them all ready, they knew the wonderful work he had done. They were glad he was back, as well as Terri.

The Pope told Terri "I heard about your case, and I am terribly sorry. I have been looking for you, but you found me...and I thank you." Terri said "Don't worry. I know my loved ones were doing what they thought was right for me, yet they made me suffer un-intentionally. I forgive them, and I completly love them. I will be waiting for all of them here."

For me it was wonderful to hear this...I hope it is as wonderful to you too.

Light and Love,

And finally, who has the same ISP as Zeshua? Yeyeman9! And on top of that, the day yeyeman9 leaves this site is the same day Zeshua registers for it. Then when Zeshua leaves, yeyeman9 reappears! Come on guys!

Please note: this is not an attack on yeyeman9, this is an attack on yeyeman9's credibility. The guy has too many stories going on all over the place and I don't think I ever met someone as full of themselves as this individual, myself included- I know I am vain, but I'm nowhere nearly as vain as he.

You cannot present yourself as a credible source if your own story changes with every website, so why should I believe anything you say here? I have no reason to. Why? Because we are discussing the science of time travelling.. the "how did you get here and let's see if it makes sense, because this is how you verify a claim" and you are sorely lacking.

If I said I was an alien and I have been watching your planet through my super-duper telescope and can tell you the future, would you ask me to prove it or believe blindly?
The first one I agree with you. I dont understand the need to riddle them up.

I dont know, how do you explain the fact that she can post in the past? I dont know.

I dont know either, why she uses a cloak.com account.

This I wont answer, for personal issues.

She predicted the date, missed by a day, a month before it happened. You do that, I will believe you are a physic or something...

Yes I have been into several communities in my entire life, that is correct. If you take notice most of them have posts on vacation time, where I have nothing else to do but stay here during the day. Go out a few days but most of the days I am here at home. Go ahead, mock me all you want.

"-On one site, he is a psychic"

Correct. But I am not actually a psychic. You see, psychics are those that can guess the future. I have yet to develop that ability. I am a spiritualist. I have no special religion, I am just open minded to this kind of thing and I learn about the spiritual world and such by myself. Plus I don't read the Bible.

"-On another site, he is a young author"

I am indeed, as you have shown before.

"-On another site he is into astral travelling"

This comes with my spiritualism. I am interested in everything that relates to it, that of course automatically includes astra travelling and the likes.

"-On another he is a gamer
-On another he is a RPG gamer"

I dont know why you included both of this things, because being a gamer (no matter what genre) is being a gamer. Although, it is funny cuse I don't really like RPGs that much...

"-On another he is selling domains"

I did try to sell domains as a simple job that I could do. But it didn't work out so I stopped.

"-And on several other sites, he was the unwated guest who got kicked off for being annoying."

I can only think of one, and it was because I was like 13 year old looking for some people for my forum. I dont see what the big deal is, that I have different hobbies and interests. I am open man, I like to do multiple things or else I will get bored. As simple as that. If you are a simple man that likes time traveling and nothing else then oh well, your loss not mine.

"As far as his book goes, he started writing it 9 months ago, posted most of it online, has no editor, finished writing it 5 months ago and according to yet other websites he has written other books prior to this one! Get your story straight man!

Chapter 1 is 466 words
Chapter 2 is 3564 words
Chapter 3 is 634 words
Chapter 4 is 1,591 words
The average # of words per chapter is 1564. You said the book has 18 chapters which averages out to 28,148 words. There are 400 words on a page in a printed book so your book is 70 pages long. Yet you claim your book is 140 pages long. Where's the other 70 pages? Is it printed in a really big font? What's the ISBN number of your book? It's really simple- post a pic of you with the book in your hand and I will be happy, because apparently whichever "you" I am speaking to depends on which website you're visiting."

Actually I started writing it quite sometime ago. I just posted some online after I had written others. TO get some help. My book is only 5x8, it has a size 12 font, I dont recall which font right now. But yes, it is 140 pages long, it is 30,000 words long approx. When I recieve my copy of the book I will show it to you. If you don't want to believe me then fine, I dont have to proof anything to you.

"And for those of you who don't believe yeyeman9 the prolific writer:
I recently finished writing my first script and I am looking for a company, be it low-buget or "high"-buget to take on the script and make a movie out of it. If any one has any suggestions where I could find companies like this, or companies that might be interested please let me know. If any one, by any chance, has a company of this sort or is interested in hearing more about the script let me know as well.
Little Synopsis of the script:
A work-aholic FBI agent finds himself against the wall when suddenly all his team mates, which happen to be his closest friends, start getting killed one by one and all the clues lead to him.

That is correct. I wrote a script, if you didnt know there is a difference between a script and a manuscript. Script are for movies, they are written in a different format. Manuscripts are for books, which are written in book format. I did write a script with a friend of mine, we colaborated on it. I don't see what is so difficult to believe about that. And if you are wondering no, we didn't get any producers or anything.

I do get in contact with my spirit guide, do it less often now but still do. I know you won't believe me, as well as many of you won't but again..I dont hae to proof myself to you nor anyone else. I am here to help out, if you want my help then fine if not then ok as well. I am not gonna force you to believe cuse there is no need to do so.

Oh really?? Whats my ISP mister? Show me Zeshua ISP as well, that would be real something. You imagine? I am Zeshua and I dont know it!! Omg! What a shocker! Give me a break dude, using false evidence once again!!

And of course I have different stories in different places, it is not like I am going to come into this website(a time traveling website) and talk about making cookies or talk about Halo 2, now would I? That's just a stupid claim simply because I am registered to different websites, of different kinds. I am a man with different interests, I dont like one simple thing. Oh, and if you want to add to that list...I like women, I like partying, I like the beach, I scuba dive from time to time, and I like sports (specially baseball). Omg! A new story!

Keep doing research on me...maybe you should go be a dective or something. I dont know, work for the FBI. Google is your friend tho.
And finally, who has the same ISP as Zeshua? Yeyeman9! And on top of that, the day yeyeman9 leaves this site is the same day Zeshua registers for it. Then when Zeshua leaves, yeyeman9 reappears! Come on guys!
Jmpet, your use of IP addresses is a broken record.

Before you posted that Peter and Zeshua had the same IP. I proved that Peter was somewhere in N.W. Indiana and Zeshua was in Texas.

Now you're jumping on Yeyeman. You really need to get a better IP tracking program. Yeyeman is 5.5 miles from San Juan, PR.

Next, you'll have NiteScott posting from Illinois and he has kangaroos in his backyard!

I will attempt to answer your questions, though I don't know if they are the right answers. It's just my opinion.

First off, the Zeshua story does not make sense. Why would someone from the future make anagrams?
What she's said over and over again, you must work at the answer and frankly be worthy of her information. I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but it's what she has said. If you are offended, I'm sorry about that.

-Secondly, if she is from the future and connected in realtime, then she has the ability to post at any time on this forum. This includes a month ago.
"But she is connected in real time"
Wrap your brain around this. She states she is from the future. However, when she posted to our group it was 2026. For her now it is 2025. So what if she doesn't bow to your demands to post a month ago. (wait, she did post a month ago)

Thirdly, if you're from the future and sending information back in time, why do you have the cloak.com to disguise who you are?
How about, to protect herself? You're on a rampage trying to prove that Peter, Yeyeman, Scott and I are all posting from the same IP as Zeshua. Imagine the capability in 2026.

Fourth, Zeshua sends private messages to people. Why?
Because she had PM'd people in 2025 and had a PM relationship with them. It's not a crime. You sound like a jealous suitor rather than a person finding if a TT is a hoax or not.

-Fifth, a wrong prediction about the Pope is not proof enough of anything, foremost because the prediction date was wrong.
The prediction date was accurate. It was the day after the Pope had passed and she stated it would be the date when the world changed.

I suggest any skeptics out there google yeyeman9 to see what he really is all about.
I don't need to Google Yeyeman9. I have known him personally for over two years.

Again, if you want to help debunk Zeshua, give us a name that is not in the Zeshua group. And get a better IP tracker, because yours isn't working. What's the weather like in NYC, NY? (Using Your Locator)
And ok look here. Dutiful seargant-of-debunking-offensives SoSueMeToo has decided to step-up and once again defend Peter's lack of logic. She is such a trooper. Trying to save the sinking ship. She will be rewarded for this in the group's next scam...perhaps it will be here, but perhaps it wil be somewhere else.

But Sue... you either haven't been paying attention to what I have been showing, or you are just ignoring it for you know you cannot debunk this debunker. My guess is the latter. You and Peter have some sort of cyber-suicide pact on this one to cling to each other to the very end? Heh. Well, OK. Go out in a blaze of glory, I guess. Should I continue my explanation of the Zeshua sting by Randi? I may even reveal another anagram solution...right here...right now!

So far in the drama we have seen Peter obstinately ignore the solution which counters his "America's Last Pennies" solution to the anagram “A Renaissance Pi Melts”. And I have shown how the real solution to this anagram completely describes an action taken by North Korea last summer: REAP A NASCENT MISSILE. Clearly anyone who understands the definition of NASCENT knows that it refers to something that is just coming to fruition, or "under development". This precisely describes the North Korean's efforts to perfect their first long range tactical missile called the TaePoDong-2. Kim Jong Il has been sowing the seeds for the reaping of this missile for a long time. And last July he saw fit to reap what he has sown.


Peter refuses to accept it as a correct solution, and he is in such fear now due to the pressure being put on him he cannot even acknowledge that the solution is here on this forum, given for all to see. But it will get worse now, Peter. You see, Randi took a lot of time to select that anagram for one very important reason: There are actually TWO distinct, yet very applicable solutions to this anagram and both involve the word "missile" which would normally tie anyone to North Korea's antics. The one I have given you is the one that shows that these anagrams were cooked-up to encode already-known facts. But this particular anagram has another twist that was purposefully intended to expose anyone who tries to pick up on the Zeshua scam and run it as their own scam. This alternate missile solution would be one that a "gloom and doomer" scammer using Zeshua would hopefully also find, and select over the REAP A NASCENT MISSILE solution. For this alternate solution would play on another thing that most people have either known or suspected. Namely that Iran has been in close coordination and cooperation with North Korea on nuclear and missile developments. Yet this alternate solution could be "pumped up" (by someone with writing skills) into a potential prediction of some future event. That solution is:

<font color="white"> SO SORRY! TOO LATE! - The great and wise Zeshua has changed this post to remove the solution. You should be able to solve it from what is given above. No guarantees how long that will remain here.[/COLOR]
&gt;&gt;She predicted the date, missed by a day, a month before it happened. You do that, I will believe you are a physic or something...&lt;&lt;

Cool- then allow me to use my psychic time travelling powers, go to rotten.com's dead pool and make these predictions:

Billy Graham Jerry Lewis Albert Hoffman Osama bin Laden
Saddam Hussein Kirk Douglas Abe Vigoda Fidel Castro

If any of these people die in the next month, that is proof I am a time travelling psychic by your own rules.

&gt;&gt;Jmpet, your use of IP addresses is a broken record.&lt;&lt;

That's exactly my point! I was banned from this site because I had/have the same IP address of Pamela! Wiki my IP and you'll get:

&gt;&gt;Attention: This IP address,, is the address of a shared AOL (formerly America Online) web proxy server and may be shared by hundreds of AOL users at any given time (see AOL ranges). Comments left on this page may be received by other users of this IP and appear to be irrelevant. Caution should be used when blocking this IP or reverting its contributions without checking.&lt;&lt;

The point is it's important to have your own identity... to be your own person. How many people here think I am Pamela? I mean come on- yeyeman9 was predicting "the twin arrows of Terry Schiavo and the Pope" on other forums for Christsakes!

&gt;&gt;you must work at [Zeshua's] answer and frankly be worthy of her information. I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but it's what she has said. If you are offended, I'm sorry about that.&lt;&lt;

I am cool with that, but if this is true, then Zeshua is not a time traveller and does not belong here. If Zeshua was moved to the "claims" or "paranormal" section, I would not hound her. I'm like Mulder- I want to believe but there's not enough there to make it believable so I don't believe.

&gt;why [does Zeshua] have the cloak.com to disguise who you are?
&gt;&gt;How about, to protect herself?

My question was more fundamental than that. If you're from the future, how are you able to get an account with the-cloak.com in the first place? Through a credit card from the year 2026?

&gt;A wrong prediction about the Pope is not proof because the prediction date was wrong.
&gt;&gt;The prediction date was accurate. It was the day after the Pope had passed and she stated it would be the date when the world changed.

When was Pearl Harbor- December 7th or December 8th- the day the world changed? When was 9/11? On 9/12 because it was tomorrow somewhere else in the world? And what changed after the Pope died? What Earth shaking events happened after the Pope's death?
Sue cannot possibly hold up. You make too many valid points. She is not used to dealing with so much valid logic all at once. Her usual pattern is to just ignore things she cannot debunk. Yes. Who paid (in today-dollars) for Zeshua's alleged "real-time link" via the cloak?

Should we note that two new time travelers have popped-up on the forum in the last day? These folks look at it as one big game of Whack-A-Mole. The new moles are here to try and draw some of the heat off of Peter and his Zeshua chant. A-U-M..... ZESHUA!

But as the old saying goes "you ain't seen nothing yet." I am holding the really damning evidence against them for later. Why use all your ammunition up-front? That is not a smart tactic. If you can use ammunition sparingly and still inflict serious damage on the hoaxers, this is nothing more than effective battle management. They already cannot argue or debunk the real intent of Zeshua's predictions. They are already on the ropes. They are already having to result to "cognitive dissonance" and "changing the rules." They are running out of tactics, and soon these people will be so humiliated that they will no longer post their Zeshua cheerleading.

The best is yet to come. And all this entertainment we (myself and jmpet) provide to you as a FREE SERVICE. It ought to be a crime, I tell ya.