Pamela's Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Thats all I will say----

The question is, how many times do you intend to say it? We have been down the road of your story, and we have pointed out more than one inconsistency (some of which you copped to, some which you swept under the rug). In my view (and perhaps others here) your story of TT or being related to the Titor story has been presented, and addressed.

Since you keep telling the story, that would indicate you want something. If you do not care if anyone believes you (i.e. you do not wish to be believed), then what else could you possibly want?

Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

The last case is precisely where the criticism of Pamela has lain almost since the beginning. Based on the extremely short time involved between TTO's initial post and Pamela's acting as his ally people have wondered where and when she had the opportunity to build a trusting relationship with him. There had been other would-be TT's on the forum prior to Titor and that behavior was not present in Pamela,

I've wondered about this myself. I felt as if I knew him somehow. I felt a strong connection with him. Then there was that April 1998 dream I had of a time traveler visiting me. the exact time he was planning on stopping at before heading back. The exact same description of the man I saw in my dream matched how he described himself. The exact same description of what it was like to time travel that I saw in my dream. The main reason for all of the detailed questions I asked him. It wasn't as much as trusting as extreme curiosity and wonder at him and how all these coincidences could be. I mean how could all this be? Am I a psychic to????
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

Pamela: The main reason for all of the detailed questions I asked him.

For me, this is the crux of two somewhat contradictory aspects of Pamela's involvement in the the Titor story. On the one hand she presents this New Age Spiritual kind of quality...and on the other her questions are geared towards the hard science angle of Titor's presence.

So your role in the Titor saga was a very special one right from the start, Pamela. In that you had a 'psychic' dream of a time traveller's arrival and then when John turned up, he seemed to fit every last detail and you immediately felt there was a 'connection'.

Your general state of mind when writing those first posts was " extreme curiosity and wonder at him and how all these coincidences could be. I mean how could all this be? "

So for you, quite apart from the extraordinary story being presented, there was an equally strange and personal mystery at work in Titor's arrival?

And it was this psychic connection that was 'the main reason', as you put it, why you asked all those very specific questions about the field around the car, its temperature and whether the car was in drive mode or not etc. Because those details were already present in your dream.

Does that mean that in your dream the time traveller had actually arrived in a car or a truck like Titor claimed to? You seem very concerned in those early question in establishing the time travel effect as it related to the vehicle.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

hmmm the real psychic predictions for 2008:
sound like titor but:

She said that part of the dissatisfaction of freedom was linked to the feeling that we could not move about freely because of the price of gas. Therefore, she says that there may be a war over oil. When I probed a little further, saying that this seems like it is already happening in many places, she said it could be very "out loud." This is verbal shorthand for 'this will be big enough to get people's attention and will involve weapons.'"

end quoted

Political Predictions

Best Regards
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

For me, this is the crux of two somewhat contradictory aspects of Pamela's involvement in the the Titor story. On the one hand she presents this New Age Spiritual kind of quality...and on the other her questions are geared towards the hard science angle of Titor's presence.
So for you, quite apart from the extraordinary story being presented, there was an equally strange and personal mystery at work in Titor's arrival?And it was this psychic connection that was 'the main reason', as you put it, why you asked all those very specific questions about the field around the car, its temperature and whether the car was in drive mode or not etc. Because those details were already present in your dream.
Does that mean that in your dream the time traveller had actually arrived in a car or a truck like Titor claimed to? You seem very concerned in those early question in establishing the time travel effect as it related to the vehicle.

Part of it was the same as the dream.. part was curiosity. Some of the questions like if it would operate in a house, on a plane or ship, the bird running into the feild and questions about his machine were simply curiosity questions.
I do not remember seeing that device he claimed was his time machine. But the description of the time travel was the same. Yes, the time traveler arrived in a car and I left in a car with a time traveler in my dream that apparently looked like him. We were in the car when it time traveled. How he described it was the same. However, Like I said I did not remember seeing that box he said was his time machine. In the dream it was a rushed thing to get away.
The very fact that he seemed so familiar and that I cared about a complete stranger intriqued me to keep asking him questions. Who was this guy? I had doubts as well but he was very interesting to me.
Let me tell you skepti the whole thing doesn't make sense to me either and I have doubts as well as anyone else. But there are things that are weird for me that I cannot explain. Like I said all I can tell you is what I experienced. I never said I understood it all.
I may have had a psychic dream or something but it doesn't explain the weird things that happened after he left and why I felt as if I knew him.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

mmmmmmmm.......................I just do not think that anyone can begin to give a hard-science angle to any sort of time travelling. Take this statement as posted via the article:
The Oxford team, led by Dr David Deutsch, showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes. © Copyright Press Association Ltd 2007, All Rights Reserved.

First to me that statement is half-witted. A similiar version may go like this:

I show that mathematically that the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself, that I can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes.

This is not an attack on whether or not the math can explain exactly what they have stated. No, it is an attack on how the article is presented. First, there is nothing to explain what experiments actually were done to condone the math done in the first place, and it seems to be a self-cycling prediction. To me, anyone can not have probabilistic outcomes if predictions in the first place exclude probabilistic outcomes. The only thing the prediction can do with that math is show what a person wanted as a result in the first place. In the end, it leaves many questions unanswered, or at the best, a lot of research has to be done to even begin to know what it is that they were talking about.

A person would have to develop paranormal abilities to know anything in the first place then, or psychic powers as whatever term is applied. And again this seems to have been done to a degree in some psychology experiments, but again, all I ever hear is that it never pans out, that in the end, the statements by some of some extraordinary events out of some people never seem to be born out in the controlled experiments that would prove such statements.

All I can say then, is that scientists or people have to be careful about what is really going on, and not get caught up in the hype of any such statements, including mine in this post. I am not assuming here in the end. Perhaps it is just that I do not know as much, but again if someone else claims to know about all of this, then it has to be proved -- not so much as to any time travelling, but then as a science that can be born out of experiments that actually prove it to be the case.

In my case I just do not have the time to endeavor in a field where I have to know totally more of what is going on, then what the people in the field of study would know what is going on. I merely state that they never give all the details when making these statements in articles that preclude that I can make any judgement as to the validity of what was stated.

In other words, if all of that would be probabilistic outcomes, then perhaps my head is just dense, because I can not understand how or why any such quantum computer would ever come out with an answer. First it would give this answer and due to the probabilistic outcomes, it would give another answer if ran again. Again this all leads to deterministic outcomes or a fate kind of destiny, and that does not leave the future open to have the grace or power to come out with another probability. Seems kind of self-defeating to me.

All I can come up with then, is that scientists have a concern as to where they think the future is heading, just as anyone else can have a concern, and by its own merits it all may be a defeatists' attitude. The same can apply to that phrase that "Death can be defeated" kind of thinking, that life can be extended, and all of that. It is the mixing up of unrelated theories that again can not define any meaningful purpose in the end, and sets up a state whereby it can be made to be self-consistent to be defeatist, instead of open-ended whereby it can be a win-win conclusion. Afterall, there have been books out also on that subject. So, whether as JT stated that it is a bell-shaped curve or not seem to be a question that infers perhaps too much on such a shape, and only models that should and I say should determine truths can only be models that determine the outcome before the experiment is done, and that the experiments were wrong in jumping to conclusions in the first place and not be the type of experiments that they should be - and that is the experiment that shows a result then the determination of that experiment made that fits the reality of what the experiment showed the reality to be.

I prefer not to run around in circles like a dog chasing its own tail either clockwise or counterclockwise. I do support fuzzy logic though, and that, that is much harder to program than mere comparison statements that may leave only one conclusion in the end. That statement would be similiar to - the world blew up, because no one could actually create time travel, and not the other way around -- the world blew up, because people were creating time travel. The two are not the same in the end, and whether time travel would have been created in the first place, a person can not say that any increase in science experiments or funding can lead to a false conclusion of a determinent experiment in the first place.

I can not place any faith in such dim-witted or half-witted statements in articles. I call it hype, of hoping something can come out of such endeavors such as trying to creat a quantum computer as such for example. But again, one has to have an idea of what a quantum computer would be capable of, and not merely that it should be able to do such and such. That is similiar to the thinking that the human brain should be able to think of all the answers instead of just some answers to certain questions, because in the end, humans all equated to being the same, instead of being unique.

It all seemed to me that science was trying to create something new out of illogical and irrational answers to questions that were illogical and irrational in the first place, and then, something was created new in science, but it was again nothing that was thought of as being in the first place. It only came around because all the other things could not happen being as illogical and irrational as they were. Just another way of saying that things can only be found out by being dumb and by luck.

Perhaps then people should believe in miracles, because by that definition, a miracle would only come about by being dumb and by luck. I doubt though that the definitions can change because still there is a standard via which the Word and Rules seem to go by. The rest just seems to be boredom that some subjects are not happening faster in results to some Grand Design via some person. I rather believe in some Grand Design by Some Intelligent Being such as God.

I can only imagine how to feel not having the same experiences as some other people. But my, how boring that all would be if everyone did have all the same expeiences. Life would absolutely be boring then. Thank God, that Life is not what others would have you think it is, and that All of Creation is Unique.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


In reply to:

The last case is precisely where the criticism of Pamela has lain almost since the beginning. Based on the extremely short time involved between TTO's initial post and Pamela's acting as his ally people have wondered where and when she had the opportunity to build a trusting relationship with him. There had been other would-be TT's on the forum prior to Titor and that behavior was not present in Pamela,


I've wondered about this myself. I felt as if I knew him somehow. I felt a strong connection with him.


I didn't word my post quite precisely enough.

The point I was alluding to wasn't how you made this instant bond. It was how Titor made the instant bond.

You didn't have anything at risk. The hard part to swollow is that Titor framed the story as a "I have to hide because I'm a spy vs. the government MIB's +my family is in danger" sort of thriller - and within the first few hours provides a total stranger with sufficient information to pose a significant threat to his family and himself. And for what? To have an online ally and messenger service?

If his story was true then virtually everything that he did relative to his personal communication with you violated his security intent. Not getting involved with the opposite sex is just about the first lesson taught to undercover operatives. Only James Bond, in the books and the movies, can get away with doing that - and just barely.

Boomer did know you. He knew you from being online with you on one of the sites where you were posting. The SysOp of that site told me that that was the case. That's why the "familiarity".

Rick suspected that from the beginning. He suspected back in 2001 that it was Gary Voss and his associate Donnie Ray "The Doctor" Smith from T.A.P.-T.E.N. I didn't think much of either of them as suspect Boomers and still don't. Gary just doesn't have the communication skills. But Gary did get caught in 2005 with his hands in the "I am Titor" cookie jar.

The Doctor is an interesting case though. He'd been posting on the TT forum here four or five times a week for six months. But on 9-OCT-2000 he made his next-to-last TT forum post.

Paul Curran started "Time Travel Paradoxes" on 23-OCT-2000 and not once did The Doctor post to that thread (or the follow-on "Topics Limited to 11 Pages?"). He made one post to "Parallel Universes" and three to the Montouk Philadelphia Project Forum during the following four months. Titor made his final post on 17-MAR-2001. The Doctor made his final post on 21--MAR-2001 and has never posted here again. He didn't "disappear" - he simply never came back to this particular forum.

That was a bit strange. Post several times a week and when a good TT story starts he drops off the map.

Actually, Paul Curran also dropped off the map. Now that was truly strange. If you Google him you find a (then) 17-18 yr old kid lost in a time travel fantasy world. A kid who so very much wanted to be famous. He had his own website where he sold his self published book "I Want to Time Travel". He even wrote anonymous glowingly positive press releases and book reviews about himself. And the thread that he started here, "Time Travel Paradoxes" becomes arguably the most well known TT story in recent memory - and he never once got involved with communicating with TimeTravel_0. Like The Doctor, he fell off the face of the TTI "earth" never to be heard from again (exception - a year or so later he posted that he was surprised that his thread became so popular...then he fell off the face of the earth).
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

The point I was alluding to wasn't how you made this instant bond. It was how Titor made the instant bond.

You didn't have anything at risk. The hard part to swollow is that Titor framed the story as a "I have to hide because I'm a spy vs. the government MIB's +my family is in danger" sort of thriller - and within the first few hours provides a total stranger with sufficient information to pose a significant threat to his family and himself. And for what? To have an online ally and messenger service?

If his story was true then virtually everything that he did relative to his personal communication with you violated his security intent. Not getting involved with the opposite sex is just about the first lesson taught to undercover operatives. Only James Bond, in the books and the movies, can get away with doing that - and just barely.

Depends on how you look at it. Seems like he was quite safe with me...even now.

Boomer did know you. He knew you from being online with you on one of the sites where you were posting. The SysOp of that site told me that that was the case. That's why the "familiarity".

Rick suspected that from the beginning. He suspected back in 2001 that it was Gary Voss and his associate Donnie Ray "The Doctor" Smith from T.A.P.-T.E.N. I didn't think much of either of them as suspect Boomers and still don't. Gary just doesn't have the communication skills. But Gary did get caught in 2005 with his hands in the "I am Titor" cookie jar.

huh? If you forget the Doc was the one who I asked if he could post John's pictures on his web site and he agreed to. I don't think either of them had anything to do with John. I don't think the Doc at the time really believed John was a real time traveler. Doc didn't communicate anything like John did.

Actually, Paul Curran also dropped off the map. Now that was truly strange. If you Google him you find a (then) 17-18 yr old kid lost in a time travel fantasy world. A kid who so very much wanted to be famous. He had his own website where he sold his self published book "I Want to Time Travel". He even wrote anonymous glowingly positive press releases and book reviews about himself. And the thread that he started here, "Time Travel Paradoxes" becomes arguably the most well known TT story in recent memory - and he never once got involved with communicating with TimeTravel_0. Like The Doctor, he fell off the face of the TTI "earth" never to be heard from again (exception - a year or so later he posted that he was surprised that his thread became so popular...then he fell off the face of the earth).

People dropping off of the map and falling off of the Earth doesn't really prove anything Darby.
Infact I think I will go fall off of the Earth for awhile in bed. :eek: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

just another predictions before you go to sleep...

December, 2007
There will be an earthquake in the midwest region of The United States. This will be the start of a great number of earthquakes worldwide.
January, 2008
There will be major archaeological discoveries in Ethiopia including lost texts relating to the Bible and an unusual referrence to what we would call today extra terrestrials.
January, 2008
The beginning of 2008 will bring the start of a revolution in China.
February, 2008
State rights will be brought to the forefront as a political issue.
March, 2008
A severe shortage of veterinary doctors will result in a critical threat to our food supplies.
April, 2008
Contamination threats will result in closures of major waterways in the Southern U.S during the winter snow run-off period.
April, 2008
A tsunami will hit the East Coast of The United States.
November, 2008
America will see it's first female President, Hillary Clinton.
end quoted...

The Street Psychic

Have a good night!!!

Best Regards
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Depends on how you look at it. Seems like he was quite safe with me...even now.

Thus the suspicion, Pamela. He had no criteria, if we believe the story, for risking the lives of his family, his mission and his "future" by confiding in you four or five hours after his first post.

That makes absolutely no sense at all. It's similar to standing in the middle of a 100' tall bridge and having a "feeling" that if you jump you won't get hurt...and then jumping just to see if it's true.

What does make sense is that you had a feeling that you knew Boomer because you probably did. Boomer was a member on one of the forums before he became TTO/Titor and he was a member after TTO/Titor left. The SysOp has the IP logs for both the "real" member and the sock puppet (Titor/TTO) member.

Who would you have known back then who would have known you well enough to almost instantly retain your confidence? A year before TTO's arrival you were curious about Tipler and posted a question about him. TTO's first post was one of "surprise" that anyone had ever heard of Tipler.

Think back - did you ask anyone in email or PM/IM about Tipler in November-December 1999? Someone that was a member here or on another board?

People dropping off of the map and falling off of the Earth doesn't really prove anything Darby.

As to The Doctor - I said that I don't buy the theory. Neither Gary nor Doc have the communication skills to pull this one off. I was just pointing out one of the reasons that he was suspected by Rick...though Rick suspected him for some reeason from the very beginning. I don't know the why-fors that caused the early suspicion.

I wasn't trying to prove anything relative to Paul Curran. I was just lamenting his bad sense of timing. He wanted to be famous - he wanted to be a time traveler. He started "The Thread"...and dropped out of the conversation and left the forum six days before He appeared. In other words, Paul missed the boat.

Paul didn't "disappear". He's in Derry, Ireland. I believe he recently graduated from college.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


what else could I possibly want?

1. I want to know who "John Titor" is and where he is from. I wont quit until I find him.

2. I want to know how he knew about the 'defect' in the computer. "Psychic" or not, I demand explanation.

"Swept under the rug"

1. There are some reasons for "sweeping information under the rug". You are one of those reasons. Like I said in the past, experience counts. I am hoping one of you who is the "titor alias" slips up. One of these days someone will slip up and I will know who it is and everything about that person---personally---

true "research" is a talent, no matter if it protrayed "outlandish" ideas or potential non believable stuff.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


what else could I possibly want?

1. I want to know who "John Titor" is and where he is from. I wont quit until I find him.

2. I want to know how he knew about the 'defect' in the computer. "Psychic" or not, I demand explanation.


You're the Director of Research for a company that is a subsidiary of a major international corporation...look at G.E. for details. In other words, a company that has a substantial amount of capital available for R&D. G. E. has a market capitalization of ~$375 billion.


You demand to know the answer. Here's what you need to do, because the answers to your questions are actually quite readily available. Really, I'm not BS'ing you here. The answer has always been available.

You let me know when you pop $25,000 out of your R&D budget. I'll then put you in touch with the owner of one of the sites where Titor posted. That site owner has the information - the IP's that Titor used, the cities where he logged in from and the name, real email address and real IP of the member who ran the sock puppet named "TimeTravel_0" and "John Titor".

Your company can buy the website and along with the website - the database that has the information. The answers to your questions are in that database. As a corporate exec I'm sure that as you craft the contract for the purchase of the site that you'll make it a condition of the sale that the seller points out the information for your company.

I turned down the offer a couple of years ago at that price. I'm curious, but this is a game - entertainment. I'm not $25,000 "curious". Your company, on the other hand, apparently needs to know who Titor is in order to contact him. I'm assuming that for the right price that a deal could be made, though I can't actually guarantee that the site is still for sale or that the price is still $25,000. One can only ask.

Let me know.

(BTW: No commission, broker's fee, finder's fee or any other "fee", profit or gain of any sort - direct or indirect - for me. I'd just act as your humble servant by putting a seller and a buyer together so they can work out the details among themselves.

There is, however, something that I would require before I'd contact the owner: If you are who and what you say you are - Director of Research of a subsidiary of a major corporation - fine. Make a legitimate offer.

If, on the other hand, we're talking about an Internet fantasy job then let it go. Don't pull my leg or waste the time of the site owner with a phony offer. This is business and the demand that I make is that you treat it as such. Make a serious offer with real money backing it up.

I can't - and don't - speak for the owner of that site but I'm pretty sure that you'd have to show proof that you are who you say you are and that any offer would require some sort of escrow account and a review by an attorney to close the sale. That's just an educated guess on my part but it is standard operating policy in the business world. But as a corporate exec you already know that. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif)
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

December, 2007
There will be an earthquake in the midwest region of The United States. This will be the start of a great number of earthquakes worldwide.

I got that impression, too, recently, but I don't know if it's because it will happen or because I would read this.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

Yes, the time traveler arrived in a car and I left in a car with a time traveler in my dream that apparently looked like him. We were in the car when it time traveled. How he described it was the same.

So your dream even incorporated the 'Back To The Future'-style time-travelling car element?

All of that could not possibly be coincidence then.

Which means that the story your selling (the one your trying hard not too push to hard but nevertheless the one you're hinting at strongly and therefore selling) is that you are much, much more than Titor's internet pal who facilitated him laying out his stall. Somewhere, somewhen on another worldline perhaps, you actually departed WITH Titor. And that is why you feel this mystical connection with someone you've never met before.

"Oh, but that's your assumption" Pamela will predictably protest, "I never said that."

Well, its a cool (if risky) angle to add to the story because it serves a double purpose, doesn't it? First of all it underlines your direct and unique affiliation with Titor and, secondly, it explains away all those remarkably leading questions you threw his way at the outset of his appearance on that original forum.

The only problem is that it does require people to accept your status as 'High Priestess Pamela'. Placing yourself smack dab in the middle of the Titor Saga requires people to put their faith not in Titor so much as in you, Pamela. And for me, personally, this is a stretch of credibility too far.

I know you will say, like Titor (disingenuously) did, that you're not setting out to make people believe in you. That you know what you experienced etc etc. And thats fine. Surely you must know that there will be plenty of people like me who will see in this, not the wonders of a trans-dimensional romance, but instead the obvious fragile vanity of the internet fantasist.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

Excuse me. Where does it state that anyone is placing any kind of faith in another human? That is only what some people seem to do. Usually I equate that with Elections and people parading around following what they consider to be the Leader that those people choose.

I really doubt if Pamela even had that in mind. Afterall, perhaps many people do not know (and that since it is not talked about as much anymore) that other people who were (and perhaps still to this day) expects everyone else to be a Leader while the Manager or Boss collects the pay for the job, while other people were only working a lower-paying job. I went through it, and one has to wonder why, some people claim that those type of people want to see Leaders as in working a job, while they are the Leaders of the Job collecting the pay.

But nonetheless, the discussion then revolves around a person or some people as being the only subject to blame anything on. This also to me leaves no discussion for their even being Heaven or Hell or Spirits inbetween.

To me, Pamela does not want to be a High Priestess, so even if she did, then why would anyone Grant Her that Title anyway?

No, I see a lot of imagination going on in this world, people blaming others for the way that some particular people think, and all of has to do with negativity and condemnning actions out of those type of people.

Unfortunately, this Country called the USA is not about that in the first place and never was. Again, in a manner of speaking, this all happened before in a type of similiar time back when other people (now older) begin exclaiming that the Palestinians should have more leeway perhaps than Israel. Also Vietnam was going on also at the time, and the Cold War.

I see some people pushing back again to those ideas that somehow in this current day and age, the Govmit has made this world worse. Sorry, I just did not think that this world was any better than before in the first place, and the only people beginning to think that were again -- having that type of imagination.

There seems to be a lot of that imagination going around today, but I just refuse to accept it as something that is not just abstract.

Therefore in the same vein I can not ascribe to Pamela such any type of behavior on this Titor subject either, because in the end, the real elements of producing a productive discussion gets lost on claiming what another person is doing, whether that person is actually doing that or not.

This even makes Titor's story become more real in sense then, because of this pushing back to ideas that are derogatory and demeaning.

Sorry, if some people can deny what they seem to be really doing, then why should Pamela not be subjected to being treated the same way.

I just do not actually see the Cult of Titor. I have seen a lot of things though through my days and ages, so in a sense, I guess I have to get out the bull-whip and smack it against something like thinking somewhat like an Indiana Jones. Sorry, I see no correlation to any of that as something that should be pursued. Perhaps some other people do then, but all it does for me is create tension, and I still have to think if any of that has any meaningful purpose.

Lately I have been reading some on another forum and if I believed half of the things some people come out with, I would have to say that they just seem nuts and crazy. Like I stated though, there seems to be this mass delusional tendency to be so bored as to create in the mind some fascinating extraordinary events to make some people think that life is not so boring.

In other words, whatever Pamela states then, has no further meaning to me, as in being something that I think that I can relate to, so it does not affect me. Why should it? Why should this world or some people get so hung up as to try and slap a ball and chain around someone elses neck. Heck, people can do that to themselves, and have, and again, there it all is now trying to produce this "feeling" or emotion on the Internet.

If Pamela wanted to ask questions to such a person as Titor, and Titor is the one who is giving the answers and there is a need to feel somewhat close to that person because of that, then so far I guess it does not affect me in the least. I just do not feel a need to be jealous or petty about any of that.

However, the science then to me should be the main point of focus about any such claim out of Titor, and that again becomes something that only can be similiar to someone else stating something like humans will space travel someday, because that is the way that humans think that they will do in the future someday.

Making it all practical whether time travelling or space travelling becomes a lot harder than just discussing it on the Internet. A person can day-dream and night-dream all day if they want to, for a lot of people rather live in a better world, but then the way the world is, might preclude that due to some of the people in this world, those type of people just did not end up thinking about that kind of a person as being someone who wanted to lead the world on, and that they did, and ended up making the world as today it is, be that way.

I just have no further way of discussing any New Age Type of Thinking vs. Any Other Way of Thinking by a person in this world.

I just think that the world should come out with more that leads to a better future than the less that leads to just a future.

Pamela is not making money off of this topic, and neither about is anyone else, except for the few people that have been mentioned before making a little money off of this.

If all of this is entertainment, then it just seems that there is not much money to make off of any of this, as of yet.

Well, I have got other things I have to do, because some other people decided to give me something else to do, since I contacted them, and again, they want to make more money than I am willing to actually give them. But again, I have to also put up with that, because that is the way that it is.

So, I just think that there are many subject to end up posting about, and that also will be that.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

ok darbstar, i smell it, and ive smelt it before. this is about the time that pamela usually says something and yall both hush up about it.

im going to tell it the way i see it. i think the whole thing was scripted. if you go back and read everything, it reads like a script. your part, pamelas part, javiers part, and titors part all felt scripted. i am not saying it was, i just think it was. the story has so many holes in it, yet pamela still believes it was a time traveler. you dont, and i think i know why. i think you were in on it in the beggining, saw all the holes, and wanted out. i think that you now are either flirting with letting the cat out of the bag, or spicing the story back up. you have stated to me that you know titors personal info, but you cannot give out that info because you were moderator at the time, and i respect that. but, if thats the case, why keep sending us out on these leads?

i have nothing but the utmost respect for you, and i would still have that same respect for you even if you were a part of group titor, i would just like to know the truth.

and just so i make myself crystal clear, these are thoughts, nothing more. it is not something i wholeheartedly believe, its just something i think about.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Thank you for explaining, fortunately I already have that information. Let me tell you what I know. What's odd, is the 'guvmint' domains keep visiting these sites every time the "john titor alias" post anything on these sites. Now why is that? The 'guvmint' has no care for the public or anything babbling about 'time travel' and such alike. The 'guvmint' got to have a reason for visiting these sites besides interest?

To me, I know its someone who was from minnesota, and I believe that someone who used the 'john titor' alias is still here on the TTI forum and other sites.

Yes, the 'time travel stories' perpetrated by this 'john titor' alias is a hoax but not regarding the 5100 computer and a couple of other things. He used some facts along with his hoax stories. I am only interested in how he knew.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


i think you were in on it in the beggining, saw all the holes, and wanted out. i think that you now are either flirting with letting the cat out of the bag, or spicing the story back up. you have stated to me that you know titors personal info, but you cannot give out that info because you were moderator at the time, and i respect that. but, if thats the case, why keep sending us out on these leads?

I don't disagree with your take on the subject. I do know how the situation looks from afar. Though I wasn't a part of Group Titor I do freely admit to "spicing it up" after Titor left.

I've explained this before but I'll explain it again:

I really wasn't a regular on this site before Titor or for a long time after Titor left. I was a regular on Post-2-Post. Shortly after Titor left Art Bell closed doen his BBS without any notice. We were posting at midnight and at 6 am the site was gone. We had an active Titor conversation going at the time.

We moved the whole thing over to Anonalies and opened a new TT forum. But we had no way to contact the people who had been on Art's site. The new TT forum went over quite well for a time but few people had ever heard of John Titor. The old hands didn't know where we were. Within six months the Titor conversation was basically dead. It was dead here and it was dead on Anomalies. (On this site there were 8-10 people who were sending nonsense personal messages back and forth and calling them "posts".)

I set out to resurruct the conversation, not for the sake of the conversation itself but for the sake of the new TT site. I made it controversial and for about three years it worked. Good site, very popular, lots of Titor talk. Yep, I spiced it up - othewise its unlikely that you'd be having this or any other Titor conversation with me today. There was a time on Anomalies when, as co-moderators, it seemed to Pamela and me that we were just posting to each other re. Titor. It was DOA. We kept the topic alive back then.

As to the "information" I didn't say that I couldn't disclose, I said that the owner of the site involved couldn't disclose because of the TOS agreement that was in place at the time. I also pointed out that for those who are really curious - if they just have to know - they can buy the site involved, see the information and do with it as they see fit.

The point of the statement is that TTO/Titor wasn't hiding from the MIBs as he stated. If his fantasy MIBs were real, he was real and there was a real threat perceived by the MIBs they wouldn't need a search warrant, court order or any other legal mechanism to get the information that TItor said he was hiding. The information is there for the asking. All they would have to do is have someone play the part of "buyer" and buy the site. SImple, direct and effective.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Thank you for explaining, fortunately I already have that information...
I am only interested in how he knew.

If you have the information then don't ask here for the information - go contact Boomer directly. You have the information to do that.