Pamela's Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Chrono Cadet
Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

I know...I know....there are plenty of people that were there from the start that will swear BLIND that Pamela was never ever, EVER anything to do with Team Titor's little internet scam. She's been shown time and again to be an innocent discussion forum lovely, right?

And yet...sorry...

I remain unconvinced. Reading through those first Titor Q&As leads me to think there's just something far, far too 'facilitating' about Pam's questions. And so I present to you (from the original Titor posts)....

.....Pamela's Top Ten Most Strangely Leading Titor Questions. The earliest and undoubtedly the most important ones in allowing scamp boy to get things rolling. I'll leave it to the individual to decide whether they're consistant with the delicate Pamela we now know and love. How natural -or not- do they sound in retrospect.....? (Bear in mind these really were the earliest and most unusually specific of all the original Titor questions.) They certainly go a loooong way in helping scamp boy to lay out the ins and outs of his well-rehearsed and prepared sci-fi story:

10: How is this world line different from your own?

9: What exactly would an observer see as they saw you arriving in this
time? and exactly what would they see as you departed? would you just appear
suddenly or slowly? would you look like a heat mirage for awhile? any
light effects? or hazy misty shimmering distortion?

8: What is the dimension of the field around the car? How many feet out from the car would you say it goes?

7: Is the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off?

6: Approximately in inches how much of the ground is taken with you in one trip?

5: How hot would you say the temperature gets on the outside of the car while in operation?

4: If they put the device in a house and turned it on what do you think would happen?

3: What would happen to a bird or small animal that ran across the field right when it was producing the field to travel?

2: Has the device been tested on ships and airplanes?

1: Do you wear special uniforms when you time travel? what do they look like and does your group have a timetravel emblem or group name?

Personally, I love that last one. Its definitely one of the FIRST questions I'd ask a time traveller from 2036. Especially if they just so happen to have 'a time travel emblem and group name' handy and ready for public distribution.

Go figure.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

I am Skeptical about this post. What a claim!

Well, we're quits then. Cos I'm certainly very skeptical of anyone who claims their a physics student and yet doesn't have the basic grasp of physics to accept what's been laid out as absolutely unequivocal time and time again.

DARBY: The time travel part of the story was over as soon as he disclosed that the total mass of the gadget, including the two black holes, was 500 lbs (225 kg). There ain't no way, no how, now or any time in the future, that a black hole with a mass of ~100 kg will generate a wormhole that can "suck" in a Chevy pick-up, intact along with rider, and deposit it intact somewhere else.

A word on skepticism itself. It is inconceivable to me that as a physics student you aren't the kind of person open to attacking any idea rigorously. Thats not to say I have never been open to the idea of Titor. People should always remain open to news ideas. After all, if you are only ever skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you. You never learn anything new. I understand that every now and then, maybe once in a hundred cases, a new idea turns out to be both valid and amazing. Truly wonderful. When it comes to Titor I, like most people, do not believe that this is one those cases.

The flip side, of course, is that if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of healthy and sensibible common sense in you, then you cannot distinguish the useful from the worthless. If all ideas have equal validity then you are lost, because then, it seems to me, no ideas have any validity at all.

There are plenty of straightforward, cynical reasons the Titor story has played out the way it has. And anyone with a reasonable take on human nature and human deceit can see it. (To deny there's no deceit in the little scamp's hoax is to be as blind as you are credulous.)

Its my personal belief that the architechts of the hoax, even now, are attempting to corral and affect discussion forum opinion. After all, they don't need EVERYBODY to believe. Just a handful of credulous souls to keep the thing ticking over. And what could be easier than to create a few of those souls themselves. How easy is it to register on a forum and add a new voice to the ever-dwindling pro-Titor camp?

Pamela knows that the Titor story can't stand on its own feet anymore. So she's fallen back to the Alamo pf the 'altervue' experience. But I don't know of anyone other than Pam who actually experienced one of these in association with the Titor story. Pam claims there are others. But now, of course their secret identities belong only to the Holy Inner Order of Titor. Something which, incidentally, you felt the need to take an Academic interest in. HMMMmmm.

You say elsewhere that:

have great respect for everyone who has been involved with the John Titor story, except the plain rude or mean people.

Its my belief that there's no greater affront to the respect of other people than those who deliberately and cynically go out of their way to decieve others in the manner the Titor hoaxer and his associates have.

So you see I find myself naturally skeptical of someone who enters the fray here all guns blazing in defence of the 'legendary' but besieged Pamela, instantly dismissing those who have every reason to be suspicious that the whole sorry Titor saga is an internet scam as "too subjective and not to mention immature and close-minded."

Well, there is nothing whatsoever subjective about the many, many holes in Titor's fiction and only someone wilfully and truly closed-minded could remain blind to them.

Ah, I see now where you're coming from! Hope you don't mind then if I add you to my little list of suspicious Titor-related internet behaviour.

Incidentally, are you telling me that you don't see, for eg, Pam's question to Titor "Does your group have a timetravel emblem or group name?" as a leading question?

What about, "Approximately in inches how much of the ground is taken with you in one trip?"

All of those questions are remarkably specific and allowed for remarkably specific answers. Once Titor had been warmed up and had succesfully laid out his stall other posters started weighing in, Pamela quietly disappeared from the discussion. But in the early stages, when it was almost exclusively Pamela, time and again, Titor would respond "Great question!" as if it was exactly the one he was hoping for.

The pattern is, to be blunt about it, very suspicious and I don't mind saying so.

To finish up, here's another of my favourite Titor quotes. When someone pointed out to him that the two yellow caution tapes on his Billion Dollar Time Machine were misaligned and suggested this was 'sloppy workmanship' Titor responded, "I'll have to point that out to my handlers when I get back!"

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif :oops: Sloppy workmanship is right, eh Titor?
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


I personally won't go quite so far as SkeptiSaurus with the Pamela Connection idea. But I will say that he's certainly not the first person to have the suspicion that she was directly connected as an active participant in Group Titor. I don't believe that she was but I'm willing to be convinced.

It's still my position that she was used by someone that she actually knew (though not as Titor) from one or more sites that she posted on - this site in particular.

If you go back to the original "Titor" thread that he posted on you see him come on in the early AM hours of 2-NOV-2000. Pamela answered his first post a couple of hours later. Within the first 24-hours of his appearance she became his confidant and posting intermediary. Many of what are termed Titor's posts weren't posted by him. They were posted by Pamela in the form of copy & paste emails between the two of them.

If we take Titor/TTO at his word, his primary reasons for remaining anonymous were two-fold. He first wanted to protect himself form "the govmint" MIBs. Second, he wanted to protect his "family" from the same.

So what did he do? He immediately gave Pamela access to him via his email accounts. Pamela was a complete stranger. That act was very much contrary to his own security not to mention the security of his family. I don't know about anyone else, but if I have a sincere concern for the safety of my family there's no way, touchy-feely New Age interpretations notwithstanding, that I'm going to confide in a stranger and give them any information that could compromise that security.

But that wasn't the only time that he "violated" his security. He also confided in the person whose email address he used to communicate with Art Bell. It wasn't his account. Two independent sources have confirmed that in a very direct manner. (I won't disclose the information or the sources because I've told them that when the time is right it's up to them to make any disclosures).

When he sent the faxes to Art Bell in 1998 he gave Art his phone number and a mailing address. Art didn't read them on the air. Art just said as he read the last line of the second fax, "It says 'Please return package to'...and he gives an address." So he gave a second stranger, a retired USAF noncommissioned officer, i.e. "The Enemy", who has claimed to have had a Top Secret security clearance for Area-51 his mailing address.

He purposely logged onto sites that don't show the poster's IP (TTI didn't show the IP back in those days) as a part of his security package. But who was he hiding the IP from? Us - and us alone. The IP's were logged and those records are still available. Now he did use a proxy server most of the time. But he apparently forgot on a few occassions. He logged in under his real IP on at least one site. Funny about that IP. It belongs to another member who was on that site for some time before there was a John Titor. At least four SysOps logged his IP's (we know that he posted on three sites). Art Bell's site had two SysOps (Keith and Mary Rowland).

So much for his story about security and his desire to protect his family. At least seven people, six of whom were strangers (the borrowed email account did not involve a stranger), had varying access to his real IP, an alternate UserID and his street address. And it's very likely that Art Bell also had the phone number that he faxed from.

All the bad physics aside, his need for security ploy also suffers from silliness.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


You're a physics student so I've posted an email that I received from Dr. Robert Brown, Duke University Physics Department, to give you some idea about what physicsts think of Titor's story.

First, here's Dr. Brown's CV:

B.S. from Duke University, 1977; Magna Cum Laude, four years on the Dean's list with class honors. Majors were Physics and Philosophy, with a minor interest (eight course credits, four at the graduate level) in Mathematics.
PhD. from Duke University, 1982 in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (see dissertation title below).

American Physical Society, Usenix.

Undergraduate Research Assistant for Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL), 1977.
Teaching Assistant, Duke University, 1977-1979.
Instructor/Research Associate, Duke University, 1982-1988.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Duke University, 1989-2001
Visiting Professor, Duke University, 2001-2002
Senior Systems Programmer, Duke University, 1987-present.
Teaching Experience:

1982-present: undergraduate introductory physics, undergraduate quantum theory, graduate classical electrodynamics, and graduate mathematical methods of physics. In addition Brown has taught two independent study courses in computer science and programming and sponsored a PRUV fellowship student studying genetic algorithms. Brown has also been a pre-major advisor for the Trinity School of Arts and Sciences since 1995.

Publications and Conferences:
``Multiple scattering and non-muffin-tin band theory'', presented at the Southeastern Sectional meeting of the American Physical Society, November, 1980.
``The position space Green's function and its application to a non-muffin-tin band theory''. Ph.D. dissertation; June 1982.
``Generalized non-muffin-tin band theory,'' R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. B27, 4564 (1983).
``Stress activated Raman scattering and microcrack detection'', M. Ciftan, R. G. Brown, and E. Saibel, Int J. Eng. Sci 21, 128 (1983).
``A numerical application of a generalized non-muffin-tin band theory'', Poster presented at Sanibel Quantum Chemistry Symposium, March, 1984.
``A generalized non-muffin-tin theory of band structure'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Int. J. Quan. Chem.: QCS 18 ed. P. O. Lowdin, J. R. Sabin, M. C. Zerner. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1984.
``A generalized theory of band structure'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. B32, 1339 (1985).
``Numerical tests of high-precision multiple-scattering band theory'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. B33, 7937 (1986).
``Convergence properties of an exact band theory'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Condensed Matter Theories 1, ed. F. B. Malik, Plenum, New York, 1986.
``Pseudospin-ordered optical bistability for two-level atoms'', presented at the meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society in Williamsburg, VA, November 1986.
``Local dynamics, correlation, and phase transitions: N-body versus nonlinear quantum optics'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan Condensed Matter Theories 3, ed. J. S. Arponen, R. F. Bishop and M. Manninen, Plenum, New York, 1988.
``Generalized non-muffin-tin multiple scattering theory'', R. G. Brown, J. Phys. B21 (letter), L309 (1988).
``Multipolar integral equation theory and generalized multiple scattering theory'', , R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan Condensed Matter Theories 4, ed. J. H. Keller, Plenum, New York, 1989.
``Multipolar expansions in the empty lattice problem'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. B39, 3543 (1989).
Comment on ``Energy band equations for a general periodic potential'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. B39, 10415 (1989).
``The N-atom optical Bloch equations: A microscopic theory of quantum optics'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. A40, 3080 (1989).
``An elementary integral of Bessel functions'', A. Kenan Ciftci, R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. B41, 3242 (1990).
``Quantum Statistical Microdynamics and critical phenomena'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Condensed Matter Theories 6, ed. S. Fontoni and S. Rosati, Plenum, New York, 1991.
``Ferromagnetism in two dimensions'', presented at the 1991 Southeastern Sectional meeting of the American Physical Society in Durham, NC.
``Multipolar Expansions for Multiple Scattering Theory'', presented at the 1991 Materials Research Society Fall Symposium (session V) in Boston, MA; published in the symposium proceedings.
``The 2d/3D classical Heisenberg ferromagnet'', presented at the March, 1992 Simulation Methods Workshop at the Center for Simulational Studies in Athens, GA; published in the workshop proceedings. (Springer-Verlag).
``The Dynamic Critical Exponents of the 3d, Classical Heisenberg Model'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Condensed Matter Theories 10, ed. Artur Polls, Nova Science Publishers, (1996).
``A high-precision evaluation of the static exponents of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 1352 (1996).
``The critical exponents of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet'', talk presented by R. G. Brown at the 1996 APS meeting, St. Louis, Missouri.
``Critical exponents of the classical Heisenberg model: Comment and Reply'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 2265 (1997)
``Critical scaling of the dynamic critical exponents of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Phys. Rev. B 54 15860 (1996).
``Critical Exponents of the Classical Heisenberg Model'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, p. 345 of Condensed Matter Theories 12, ed. John. W. Clark and P. V. Panat, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 1997.
``Monte Carlo study of the helicity modulus of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet'', R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, to appear in Condensed Matter Theories 13 (1998, part I) and Condensed Matter Theories 14 (1999, part II) in press.

And here's his response to my inquiry regarding Titor:

> From: "Robert G. Brown"
> Date: 2003/09/08 Mon AM 11:34:00 EDT
> To: "E. W. Darbyshire"
> Subject: Re: Thank You For Your Replies Re. John Titor

> Well, I'm not really an expert in differential geometry or general
> relativity, although I'm pretty competent in E&M and special
> relativity, including the "grown up" forms (group theory and arbitrary
> boosts and rotations via generators, not just kiddie-physics Lorentz
> transformations).
> However, I'd listen to Kaku, if nobody else, reason being some of
> "Titor"'s time-travel "facts" sound suspiciously like they came
> straight from Kaku's "Hyperspace", right down to the "who couldn't
> love strings" discussion. What, Kaku's book is STILL popular reading
> in 2036? I thoroughly enjoyed it myself, but don't see it surviving
> until then any more than anybody goes around reading "1-2-3 Infinity"
> any more.
> In my previous replies, I really haven't gotten started on Titor's
> physics -- or his engineering, which is even more egregious. Just
> this one last time, I will waste a few hours on this by pointing out
> only a few of the problems. Most serious physicists would probably
> not bother to waste the time -- you are just lucky I'm not a serious
> physicist;-)
> For example, he asserts that his black holes are "the size of an
> electron" in several places.
> Say what?
> An electron is an elementary particle. Elementary particles in
> physics have no structure -- they are not composite particle bound
> together with some additional force and hence possessed of a spectral
> structure. Contrast the electron with the atom (made up of nucleus and
> electrons; we ARE part of the structure inherent to this system:-).
> With the nucleus (neutrons and protons, glued with nuclear force,
> plenty of shell structure:-). With the proton and the neutron
> (elementary quarks glued with gluons, and yes, there is structure in
> the form of an SU(3) particle zoo). In all these cases the particles
> have a "size" consisting of the physical extent of the composite
> particle wavefunction.
> An electron or quark is NOT made up (so far as we can tell) of smaller
> particles glued together. As far as we can tell, with very high
> energy collisions, they have no physical extent and are >>truly
> pointlike entities<<. In fact, we EXPECT elementary particles to be
> pointlike entities, as if they are not pointlike (and if they are
> charged) we have to figure out what ADDITIONAL force binds all the
> charge together -- the particle suddenly has a rather large energy
> associated with its binding.
> So why say his BH's are the "size of an electron" when there ain't any
> such thing? Why not say they are "1.7 fermi in diameter" or "the size
> of a proton" (same order of magnitude, and this is a number that
> actually exists at least to some approximation). Or just give us the
> mass -- 10^12 kg, for example. Perhaps because there are some
> PROBLEMS with that mass, hmmm.
> There is actually a lot of interesting physics associated with the
> notion of e.g. electron size. Without boring you with details, there
> are lovely papers by Dirac, McManus and others concerning radiation
> reaction, preacceleration, electron size/shape in the classical
> regime. However, the most amusing result of all of this in the current
> context is that there IS one (classical) sense in which an electron
> can be assigned a "size" (and another in a quantum sense, but that is
> clearly not what he means here as the BH would be much too large to be
> believable, not that this one IS believable).
> If one assumes that the electron is a ball of uniform charge, and that
> the self-energy of all of this charge (bound together with some
> mythical charge-glue for which there isn't a shred of evidence to the
> best of my
> knowledge) is equal to the mass energy, then one gets (ignoring scalar
> factors of order unity and using "latex" to do ascii algebra, hopefully
> fairly clearly):
> \frac{ k e^2} {a} = m_e c^2
> which can be solved for a, the classical electron radius:
> a = \frac{k e^2}{m_e c^2} \approx 3 fm
> which is not at all coincidentally the same order as the size of the
> proton or the nucleus of your choice, which DOES confine a net charge
> of order e with a stronger attractive force but (consequently) has a
> much larger mass. The Schwarzchild radius for the electron mass is
> determined from a very similar computation (again neglecting scalar
> factors order unity)
> \frac{ G m_e^2} {r_s} = m_e c^2
> or
> r_s = \frac{G m_e^2}{m_e c^2} = \frac{G m_e}{c^2}
> which is number so tiny as to be meaningless (order 10^-57 meters,
> smaller than the Planck length and hence it IS meaningless).
> An amusing computation: Suppose r_s = 1 fm (somewhat smaller than "an
> electron"). Then m_BH = r_s*c^2/G, right? Plug 'n' chug. On my
> calculator, 10^-15 * 9x10^16/6.67x10^-11 \approx 10^12 kg. Let's see,
> that would be, um, a billion metric tons, the mass of a cube of water
> 1000 meters to the side (as 1000^3 = 10^9 and water conveniently
> masses a metric ton, 10^3 kg per cubic meter. How come nobody in your
> group actually did these simple computations?
> His suitcase contains TWO of these? He carried this suitcase on a 67
> Chevy? Man, they must put a hell of a suspension in those babies...
> Maybe he meant some other "radius of the electron". Alas that I don't
> know of any, as the electron doesn't have a radius in the first place
> and even the classical radius above is thus a fairly meaningless
> artifact. Still, let's suppose that he (a lay person and
> self-confessed physics idiot) was "confused" and that he meant that
> the BH's in question were around 10^-24 meters in radius, which is what
> I get for BH's that mass >>1<< metric ton. We'll use this number
> below just for the hell of it, since I vaguely recall hemming and
> hawing by him on the list that suggested that this is the order of
> magnitude of the size of his BH's. Ha.
> Next, Titor claims to shoot electrons into his BH to keep up its mass
> and do all sorts of other things. Oh my sweet Jesus.
> If you "shoot electrons into a BH", this has the unfortunate side
> effect of making the ball more and more negatively charged. This has
> all sorts of interesting (classical) consequences:
> a) It becomes harder to shoot each additional charge in. It is
> easy to think "Oh my, it is a black hole and hence gravity MUST be the
> strongest force present", but this is not only not the case it isn't
> even CLOSE. Compare ke^2 \approx 10^-28 to GM_b m_e \approx 10^-29
> and one sees that within a factor order ten they are the SAME, with
> electrostatic repulsion likely somewhat higher, and this is assuming,
> BTW, that the BH mass is 10^12 kg and not 1000 kg.
> b) Wait! Doesn't that mean that if I shoot one electron in
> (charging the black hole to -e) that the SECOND electron I shoot into
> a BH of mass around 10^12 kg is precisely unbound at the black hole
> radius? So that the black hole may be black for a lot of things, but
> not electrons? It does. For a black hole to remain bound, the NET
> FORCE on its components has to create accelerations of order c^2/r_s.
> Two electrons inside radius a have a repulsive energy (NOT attractive)
> on the same order as the gravitational binding energy of the entire
> black hole of the same radius to the same electron. Shooting the
> second electron into the black hole has a significant chance of
> knocking the first electron OUT of the black hole (as it becomes
> unbound) and REDUCING its mass. Or worse.
> c) Wait again, don't we have to think about quantum mechanics
> somewhere in here? We do indeed. Even in quantum mechanics the
> "classical electron radius" is an important number. It is the
> separation point where two electrons possess enough energy to think
> seriously about engaging in pair production (scattering
> electron-positron pairs out of the vaccuum), as they have enough
> energy to do so, if they have some mass around to use to conserve this
> and that in the process.
> In fact, another way of viewing the process classically described in
> b) is that the second electron gets close to the charged black hole,
> creates a virtual electron-positron pair while scattering off of it,
> the positron falls in (attracted by that negative charge AND gravity)
> where it annihilates an electron in the BH. The two electrons -- the
> one you shot in and the leftover from pair production -- scatter to
> infinity and "escape". The black hole itself has more internal
> kinetic energy (is "hotter"), is less massive, and less stable.
> IIRC the c) process roughly describes one of Hawking's instabilities,
> except that he envisions it occurring continuously near the event
> horizon of small black holes. Any charge imbalance or field imbalance
> in the electromagnetic force would be nearly instantly neutralized out
> of the vaccuum at the expense of the BH mass, and even when neutral
> vaccuum polarization makes decay a steady process. Titor shrugged off
> Hawking, which he could likely get away with since Hawking is likely
> too smart to waste his time on this sort of nonsense. If only I were
> as smart myself...:-)
> One could go on and on, so I will. We argue above that a BH this size
> cannot stably be charged (or be stabilized by shooting charged
> particles into it). Can it have a magnetic moment? Not without a
> charge and a spin and it cannot have a charge (although I'm almost
> surprised that Titor didn't assert that his BH contained magnetic
> monopoles, given all his other tall tales:-). Without a charge or
> magnetic moment, how do we hold on to it? How do we ENGINEER
> confinement, even in 2036? See below.

> > (Darby's Question): Is there any chance that you can identify the attached jpg? It was
> > posted by Titor as a cutaway schematic of his gadget. It appears to
> > me to be a vacuum tube based piece of 1960's technology. It was
> > suggested to me that it's a pre-internet Arpanet server - but I
> > haven't a clue. I sent a copy to UC Santa Barbara to see if they
> > can ID it. So far, no luck.

> Naw, I have no idea what it is -- maybe a klystron unit of some sort
> for a radar at a guess -- but who cares? This schematic is ridiculous
> as a BH confinement/manipulation mechanism. Let's start by addressing
> the question of how we hold onto a black hole that we cannot stick a
> significant charge or magnetic moment on. Or even one where we can.
> We don't. Not ONLY do we have to create the damn thing, we have to
> keep it from falling into Earth's welcoming gravitational well.
> Clearly, if it masses 10^12 kg, we don't. Period. Ever. I don't
> care if you are an advanced society that has been around evolving
> brain for a million years LONGER than humans -- if you start playing
> with billion-metric-ton black holes near the surface of your planet
> you are only here for a visit. This is E.E. "Doc" Smith level (e.g.
> crap) science fiction.
> Now, if they mass LESS than a metric ton, I don't know why one would
> bother making them at all, and as noted above this is sort of the
> number I recall from some fraction of the online discussion, so let's
> pretend that the BH's are 10^3 kg each and that Titor knows just about
> as much about the radius of the electron as the history major he
> claims to be might know.
> We now have TWO of these pups, each weighing a metric ton, inside of
> the little chassis below (the size of an oversized suitcase, again
> from list discussion, at any rate small enough to fit into a pickup
> truck)?
> Hmmm. A suitcase that weighs half as much as my Ford Excursion.
> Hmmm, my Excursion supports its not inconsiderable weight on big,
> heavy, steel girders. Even my wimpy Ford Contour (which weighs just
> about as much as this suitcase and its two black holes) uses quite a
> bit of steel in its construction, and one would really hate to run
> over a toe with its far more lightly loaded steel belted radial tires.
> We thus have TWO very serious engineering problems that immediately
> come to mind. Well, actually more than two, more like thirty or forty
> or fifty. However, one is keeping the black hole containers from
> ripping through the bottom of the suitcase itself. Think of the BH
> containers as being leedle support posts, cross sectional area of a
> few centimeters squared each, HOLDING UP A FORD CONTOUR. Hmmm, think
> we need a little more than four little reinforced corners on the box
> that look sort of like thingies you'd find on the corners of
> loudspeakers or a suitcase or something else with cardboard sides.
> And wait, where are the four inch I-beams in the flooring? Where are
> the grappling eyes on the side (or are humans supposed to lift this
> thing in and out by HAND?). And this thing was riding in the back of
> a small pickup truck? Hmmm, not so sure that a SMALL pickup truck
> could support my Contour as well and not blow out its tires and wreck
> its suspension, especially a pickup truck that was 70 years old and
> hard to get parts for.
> Then there is the even more interesting question: Fine, perhaps they
> have new materials. Maybe the case has synthetic diamond struts in
> the bottom, laced into a steel cementation so that one cm of thickness
> is enough to support a metric ton without any sort of localized
> bracing or structural forms, spread out over may 100 cm^2.
> EVEN SO, INSIDE of those little BH container are the BH's themselves.
> They have to be held, far from any contact with matter, by means of
> raw E&M forces (unless we're going to suggest new physics, and new
> physics here would be indefensible I assure you).
> The mere thought of this has me ROTFL. Seriously. I >>teach<<
> graduate E&M, and I assure you that the problem of magnetic
> confinement of thermonuclear plasmas is child's play compared to the
> problem of confining an object 10^-25 meters across with a metric ton
> of mass against the Earth's gravitational field, the presumed motion
> of the long-suffering Chevy pickup truck (gawd, accelerations in
> arbitrary
> directions!) and so forth. You see, all the fields involved have to
> satisfy the laplace equation, and this means that it is almost
> impossible to create an even weakly attractive region capable of
> suspending wimpy things like atoms that is STABLE in both a vertical
> direction and its transverse plane. Try suspending the equivalent of a
> small car not on the head of a pin, not on an atom, not on a classical
> ELECTRON, but on an area that aspires to be a mathematical point. Ho,
> excuse me, I have to wipe my eyes again. Really, a delicious picture.
> I'd sooner believe in the time travel part.
> And wait, where the HELL is the hardware for accomplishing this
> fu**in' miracle? Oh, yeah, those leedle balls. Hey mon, we don't
> need no stinkin' massive magnetic coils, no gigavolt capacitors, no
> bus bars the thickness of your wrist. No mon, we got room temperature
> superconductors, we got new magnetic materials mon, we got monopoles.
> We can stabilize the BH, mon, and move it around and make it bounce in
> waves. Hawking? Who is this Hawking mon? Sure, it stable against
> pair-production-mediated decay. So what if its Schwarzchild radius is
> WAY WAY smaller than the radius where vaccuum polarization electron
> pair production begins to be significant and there is enough energy in
> the gravity well to knock particles out of the vaccuum. It just
> doesn't happen.
> But by damn, we still got old-fashioned BNC-style wiring connectors
> mon, labelled 11. We still got klystrons and big, heavy power
> switches. And we don't need no stinkin' radiation protection mon --
> the fact that we have to shoot about eleventy-zillion electrons at
> very high energy in an intense electron beam to get ONE ELECTRON to
> impact on a highly repulsive sphere with a radius of ~10^-24 meters
> (without creating a shower of secondary particles that cause the BH to
> DECAY) means nothing, mon. We definitely don't need no bending
> magnets, no quadrupolar lenses, no accelerator. Hell mon, we can put
> a gigavolt accelerator inside of a coffee pot now mon -- it's 2036 and
> we're very tribal now -- and run it with an ordinary eco-approved
> household battery! Although we don't have to, the suitcase comes with
> its own fusion generatory could run a small city if only we
> could plug it in.
> Seriously, I could go on and on and on. I haven't even gotten to the
> raw thermodynamics of it all. That suitcase would require a small
> lake to cool in operation, for example. And then the culture capable
> of these miracles of technology that indicate total mastery of
> materials science, quantum mechanics, gravity, superconductors, a
> society that has in its possession a star drive (for the goddamn thing
> would clearly work as such as easily as a "time machine" -- arbitrary
> translation in four space is arbitrary translation in four space and
> they have to play all sorts of games to NOT go off into space FTL)
> then is sending somebody back to our time to get an IBM 5100, a piece
> of **** computer that is an embarrassment to IBM to this day, because
> it is somehow capable of some translation chore that appears to be
> beyond them and is related to the Unix non-problem of a 4 byte
> unsigned int counter for its current time?
> This is so clearly a joke that I still cannot believe anybody at all
> fell for it. It's not even a good joke (believe me, I programmed
> briefly on the 5100 and I know:-).
> What, did all the programmers in the world suffer brain damage in the
> war? Physics got really popular and they could no longer get anybody
> to learn to program? Computers do all the programming now and
> programming in C or perl is a lost art? Computers have come to life
> and are on strike for better working conditions so they are reduced to
> finding and bringing "back" an IBM 5100 (out of ALL THE COMPUTERS THAT
> BUILT) in preference to just bringing back a goddamn programming
> reference for the language(s) they need to translate and building a
> translator with e.g. perl on a 2036 teraflop PDA?
> Let me be very, very clear on this. I know that there is a tendency
> to want to suspend disbelief on things like this. Heck, it is a nifty
> story, kind of science fiction thing, Orson Welles War of the Worlds
> internet style. It's "fun" to pretend to believe and kick this sort
> of thing around, but:
> Screw the physics -- although I personally am by no means convinced
> that physics even >>permits<< the kind of singularity free time travel
> they (for this was surely a consortium of jokers) propose. The
> ENGINEERING is ludicrous. The COMPUTATION is ludicrous (where are the
> goddam computers in the suitcase? Where is the programming and
> control interface? Are we supposed to believe that this box has one
> knob and a switch as a control interface? Where are all the wires?).
> And as I explained in a reply to somebody else, the entire multiverse
> story totally ignores the problems of chaos, conservation laws,
> thermodynamic balance and oh, so much more -- the mere EXISTENCE of a
> multiverse has consequences in terms of detailed balance and entropy
> flow in the universe we occupy, and time travel creates a HUGE phase
> space for global entropy to increase in. You'd never get home again,
> not without a theory that permitted you to very precisely steer. You'd
> never get close. Period.
> I personally have never liked time travel stories (although I've read
> plenty of them) because they are so difficult to disentangle on the
> basis of chaos alone (as explored in at least one memorable story,
> where a single butterfly was killed in a visit to the Jurassic or the
> like, and upon return the entire Universe was totally different -- as
> it would be if a single ATOM were displaced a single ATOMIC RADIUS,
> let alone a butterfly). I do somewhat enjoy multiverse stories, and
> have even written (but not yet published) one.
> In my opinion, this isn't even a good multiverse story. Somebody is
> going to come forth one day and publish a whole book on how they made
> fun of the entire Internet with a bad story, a sad reflection on the
> gullability of our culture.
> And before you ask, yes, y'all can feel free to republish any or all
> of my replies on your lists, as long as you don't ask me to join them
> and keep my time-wasting interface to a minimum of a couple or three
> people. The sooner this matter is really put to rest, the sooner we
> can all return to leading useful and productive lives DOING SOMETHING
> ELSE:-)
> Pardon me while I blow my nose and dry my eyes. There. I feel much
> better now.
> Now let's leave it alone, shall we?
> rgb
> --
> Robert G. Brown > >Duke University Dept. of Physics>

Please take Dr. Brown's caveat to heart. Back in 2003 I spent about three weeks communicating with him. Though this email wasn't the last that we traded he really was quite "finished" with the Titor Saga.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Thanks for your enlightening and, as ever, insightful posts.

My position on Pamela's role in the Titor saga has generally in the past been similar to that of Risata's concern for the likes of Frog when he was taking such an interest in Gibbs' HDR. I've felt outrage and anger on her behalf, because here clearly was a trusting soul that had been taken advantage of.

Listening to her nervous performance on one of Art Bells' shows in which she phoned in the story of her involvement only convinced me further that this indeed was the case.

However, something tells me that Pamela very much enjoys her status as a 'Ground Zero Titorite' and her dogged devotion to the little scamp, to me, borders on either the religous or the disingenuous. To my eye, she seems determined to protect her faint celebrity and it can only survive if the Titor story itself does so. Given that often her position to Titor critics has been the old 'You cannot prove he was not real' argument, I feel much less compelled these days to pull punches in applying some vigorous examination to the origins of the story. After all, the burden of proof in any story as extraordinary as this is on those who hold that the extraordinary and not the fraudulant is the truth.

Now, it may well be, given that Pam had email contact with Titor outwith the original board's posts, the complicity I'm detecting has to do with the hoaxer having the time to groom her questions before they finally appeared publicly. But one thing is certain though, Pamela cannot possibly be surprised by the degree of suspicion and enquiry that falls on someone who maintains so adamantly that they had personal contact with a man from 2036. Not when she has never clearly acknowledged the many, many problems that indicate that she was simply taken for a ride.

Pamela continues to adopt this position despite not really having a leg to stand on. Her retreating into the Alamo of the 'altervue' experience is symptomatic of this. And fawning emails from physics students who describe her as 'legendary' and condemn those who doubt her as 'mean' is IMO just another reason to be suspicious that group Titor is still at large.

To quote your friend Dr Brown:

In my opinion, this isn't even a good multiverse story. Somebody is
> going to come forth one day and publish a whole book on how they made
> fun of the entire Internet with a bad story, a sad reflection on the
> gullability of our culture.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


However, something tells me that Pamela very much enjoys her status as a 'Ground Zero Titorite'

I have felt the same way, and said as much in other posts here over the years. Darby and I agree upon quite a bit when it comes to Group Titor, but it appears on this we disagree. One element of a well-crafted hoax plot requires what I have come to call an "information validator". This is a person who is purposefully set-up as a means to block formal falsification of the hoax. Pamela's role and pretty much all of her ensuing actions viz-a-viz "the song" are a perfect match for being the Group Titor information validator. In years past I have witnessed her being gone from here for a long time, and as soon as a new debunker shows up (or a person wishing to hoax themselves off as Titor-returned) she returns almost immediately and revels in essentially claiming "I can tell whether or not you are REALLY John Titor." She has blocked formal falsification of the Titor story many times in these forums in just this way. And your points about her leading questions, along with her recent "but the timeline is compeltely different" all add up to a reasonable conclusion that even if she was not the a-priori Group Titor Information Validator, that she is certainly playing that role to a T.

It's funny the things that "love" can cause one to do!

Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

I have felt the same way, and said as much in other posts here over the years. Darby and I agree upon quite a bit when it comes to Group Titor, but it appears on this we disagree. One element of a well-crafted hoax plot requires what I have come to call an "information validator". This is a person who is purposefully set-up as a means to block formal falsification of the hoax. Pamela's role and pretty much all of her ensuing actions viz-a-viz "the song" are a perfect match for being the Group Titor information validator. In years past I have witnessed her being gone from here for a long time, and as soon as a new debunker shows up (or a person wishing to hoax themselves off as Titor-returned) she returns almost immediately and revels in essentially claiming "I can tell whether or not you are REALLY John Titor." She has blocked formal falsification of the Titor story many times in these forums in just this way. And your points about her leading questions, along with her recent "but the timeline is compeltely different" all add up to a reasonable conclusion that even if she was not the a-priori Group Titor Information Validator, that she is certainly playing that role to a T.

It's funny the things that "love" can cause one to do!

Speaking of love, I think I'm in love with Dr. Brown.......I don't understand a word he said, but it was very sexy LOL.

Anyway, I was given some flak on other forums for being harsh to Pamela. Her internet persona is one of "nice" "sweet" "honest" "naive" "trusting"-a virtual saint, if you will. She has romanticized Titor to all highs, admitting as such of some sort of "love."

Frankly, I have felt that there are two things at play here: 1, she's in on it or 2, needs therapy. While one can see how it's easy to become infatuated online-people do it everyday, hence the popularity of things called "match" or "harmony" sites....but here's one distinct difference: those people are generally real. They may not always be completely honest, however, you don't doubt their exsistance.

To me, part of a healthy relationship is to have TRUST. But not blind trust. If at anytime I may find myself doubting not only what a man might be saying to be, but in fact, doubt his very exsistance-I would hope that my friends would step in for an intervention. On the converse side, if I were to believe every word that he has said-in the face of a TON of evidence that would indicate the opposite, the same would apply. If I then found myself doubting, confused, still hopeful, convinced something happened to me that proved it, yet feeling betrayed because he didn't hold true to his word in the end-I would hope at that point, I'd log off, go out with real people and wonder how the hell I got sucked into something on the internet and allowed it to obsess me.

Just sayin'. I'll say it again-Pamelas relationship to Titor is unhealthy and dysfunctional. Girl, go out and get a real John Titor. Then you won't feel the need to have every man coming online trying to perpetuate the character prove himself to you. Even if he came back with your song-all he's proven is that he was the OP. Not that he's a time traveler-and god knows, not that he's into you.

People who love you, don't do what Titor did. If nothing else-he's a time traveling jerk. Gee, glad to see that narcissistic men can temporal travel and mess with women in another dimension. Guess some things are universal
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

You skeptics on this site always speak about open mindedness and the failure of some people in beleiving the Titor story to show good evidence in proving why they believe it. How about the fact that many physicists and scientists are religious and believe in a god without no real evidence. Not to mention about 90% of the worlds population is believed to believe in a god of some kind.

Belief sucks for the logical minded, but I dont have to be logical minded to study physicts, of course you guys have to be /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Thats okay for now, but...

George Benson was right in my books, its all about the "shape of things to come".

Plus you skeptics give the Titor story part of its crediblilty (my own belief) by being so openly vocal against it, it reminds me of the whole Roswell governement explaination, where they are still making up reports showing how it was not a flying saucer but a weather balloon. If it was not what people think it was, then why do you care? Maybe you guys should be figuring out wether Nietzche was right or wrong and if god does exist, rather than wasting your time on this little "Roswell" of the internet age.

Peace you diamond making know what I mean,

Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Darby, I actually agree with most of what the good doc said, its just that I dont believe it 100%

can you accept that?

Iam not sure how old you all are but being a ripe 26 and growing up with the wonders of the Star Trek TNG way of looking at the future, I am in no means ready to subscribe to anything 100%. Some say time travel is not possible, and others respond with, then how can you be so sure that the structure of scientific revolution is not hindering your position? Wether youre a Kuhn'er or not I still think this has some relevance in todays science and escpecially physics.

we just cannot predict the shape of things to come, and if we could the new Battlestar Galactica would be really lame.

Remember I am not the enemy, Iam a ruthless and efficient Canadian /bad Titor joke.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

....that they had personal contact with a man from 2036. Not when she has never clearly acknowledged the many, many problems that indicate that she was simply taken for a ride.

Yeah. The real problem for me is trying to figure out what worldline I ended up on after the ride! LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL :D :D :D :D :D
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

Titor-related internet behaviour.
like this?
Quoted from internet:

"Hi I'm Armins,
John Titor's Friend!
I come from Future,
and i'm giving news!
Open your mind,
and believe in me,
i'm a good man
the future will be wonderful,
dancing around the world,
in extasy
live the present,
don't think the future
people will be united,
and we'll work more than now,
don't worry we are going,
on cause we are a tribe!"
end quoted...

and it got music! LOL
Music of ...

Best Regards

p.s. This is Timeline 39
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Title: Extended representations of paths and world lines Authors: Brian H. Dunford-Shore Comments: 15 pages, RevTeX, v2 submitted

Title: Talking About Singularities Authors: Spiros Cotsakis Comments: 29 pages, latex, rapporteur contribution to the Parallel Session on Cosmological Singularities, MG11, Berlin 2006

Title: Bel-Robinson energy and the nature of singularities in isotropic cosmologies Authors: Ifigeneia Klaoudatou, Spiros Cotsakis Comments: 6 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the Greek Relativity Meeting NEB12, June 29-July 2, 2006, Nauplia, Greece

Title: Singularities of varying light speed cosmologies Authors: John Miritzis, Spiros Cotsakis Comments: 7 pages, 2 figures, uses iop style files, to appear in the Proceedings of the Greek Relativity Meeting NEB12, June 29-July 2, 2006, Nauplia, Greece

Title: Asymptotics of flat, radiation universes in quadratic gravity Authors: Spiros Cotsakis, Antonios Tsokaros Comments: 9 pages, latex

Title: Braneworld cosmological singularities Authors: Ignatios Antoniadis, Spiros Cotsakis, Ifigeneia Klaoudatou Comments: 3 pages, contribution to appear in the Proceedings of the MG11 Meeting, Berlin, July 2006
The purpose of this brief report is to present some results of our on-going project on the asymptotic behaviour of braneworld-type solutions on approach to their possible finite ‘time’ singularities.

Public donates to UW scientist to fund backward-in-time research

A University of Washington scientist who could not obtain funding from traditional research agencies to test his idea that light particles act in reverse time has received more than $35,000 from folks nationwide who didn't want to see this admittedly far-fetched idea go unexplored. ............... "I'm just a crass businessman, but in business we know high risk offers high reward," he said. "This isn't that much money to find out if time can go both forward and backward."

Time: Dr. Michio Kaku

Within extreme places in space, like black holes, time is squeezed to such an extent that, to an observer, it seems to stand still. Time is more variable that it could ever have been thought possible. It can even, theoretically, move backwards. This leads to one of the most extraordinary possibilities - a time machine. (my opinion - usually Dr. Kaku is talking about big black holes - like Universe Black Holes)

Lab fireball 'may be black hole'

Thurday March 15, 2005

Parallel universes exist - study

Sept 23, 2007
The Oxford team, led by Dr David Deutsch, showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes. © Copyright Press Association Ltd 2007, All Rights Reserved.

Want a link to the first quantum computer that multiplied 5x3 to get 15.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


Now, it may well be, given that Pam had email contact with Titor outwith the original board's posts, the complicity I'm detecting has to do with the hoaxer having the time to groom her questions before they finally appeared publicly. But one thing is certain though, Pamela cannot possibly be surprised by the degree of suspicion and enquiry that falls on someone who maintains so adamantly that they had personal contact with a man from 2036.

In fact I learned a good lesson from this behavior. I'm not impuning Pamela's integrity here, but the lesson learned for me is that if I'm going to be an "investigator" of sorts then I don't get involved in back channel communicarions with "time travelers". And, like Pamela, I've been approached on a number of occassions by them, after they've been posting, asking for private PM/email conversations to state their positions to me so that I can explain it to the forum.
I've refused every time.

It's just bad policy to make a public conversation private. It's an equally bad policy to not only do that but to thereafter actually submit the posts for that person. As they say, if it has feathers, webbed feet and quacks it might not be a duck...but don't bet the house against it. Likewise, if it looks like collusion its hard to convince people that it isn't. This is a debating society and the only way to make points in a debate is to enjoy the confidence of even one's opponents. They might not like my position but they can know that I'm not colluding off the boards to get a unified front or acting as a meatpuppet for the TT.

The last case is precisely where the criticism of Pamela has lain almost since the beginning. Based on the extremely short time involved between TTO's initial post and Pamela's acting as his ally people have wondered where and when she had the opportunity to build a trusting relationship with him. There had been other would-be TT's on the forum prior to Titor and that behavior was not present in Pamela,

Indeed, the person who started that first thread, Paul Curran, was someone who would have deserved that sort of friendship and trust. He's very much like Adam. Paul had been posting his ideas for almost a month before TTI appeared. But "John" got the nod.

As I said, I have my own ideas about what actually occured and that it involved an online acquaintance who took advantage of a Pamela's "open mind". I don't have any evidence that indicates that Pamela knowingly became a member of Group Titor.

I suppose that one might have to put the timing into perspective. We don't hear too much about this anymore, but back in the mid to late 1990's the Internet took off. Online BBS forums transited from somewhat obscure UseNet sites where you posted to a moderator via email, which meant 24 hours before your post could be seen, to the World Wide Web BBS forums where your post could be read instantly; private chatrooms and massive online RPG's. These media also gave rise to the online romance/affair. People got married to people whom they had never met IRL. Pwoplw got divorced over the same activities with anonymous lovers. People received death threats from the "third parties" of the online lovers. In the massive online RPG's this was especially an issue. People fell in "love" with anonymous online fantasy creations as a form of escape - but in too many cases the "escape" landed in the real world. It was at that time in history, when the Internet was really new to the masses, that the Titor Saga occured.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions


I can tell whether or not you are REALLY John Titor." She has blocked formal falsification of the Titor story many times in these forums in just this way.

I've never told Pamela, or anyone else for that matter, that I've been aware for several years that there isn't just one bit of information required to validate whether or not someone is TTO/Titor. There are three.

The first two parts involve "The Song" - the name of the song and the reason behind that particular song. The third part involves their email communication. It's an ACK/NAK system that they used.

I obviously didn't get this information from Pamela, as I indicated above. This means that at least one person other than Pamela and TTO/Titor can validate (I'm not counting myself here because my information, though informative, is incomplete). That last statement assumes that I didn't get the information from Titor himself. I don't know if it was Titor (using another name) who passed the information along to me in 2003. I have no reason to believe that that was the case.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

Iam not sure how old you all are but being a ripe 26 old am I? Well, let's just say that I actually do remember Harry Truman as being President of the USA during my lifetime, watching Howdy Doody in the morning on a top-of-the line Sylvania oval screen B&W 12" TV and talking to my great-grandfather about his trip from London to Vienna to see a Johannes Brahms' Concerto #2 performance - conducted by Johannes Brahms himself.

then how can you be so sure that the structure of scientific revolution is not hindering your position?

I'm not sure what structure of the scientific revolution you're speaking of here. At 26 yrs of age I have to assume that you're either a late starter in college or a grad student near his PhD. Based on your statements I'm going to assume the former to be the case. (BTW: I took a couple extra years myself to graduate from UCSB so being a late starter isn't a problem. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

In the case of Titor all we have are his written words. We know absolutely nothing about the person or his character IRL. This includes Pamela. She "knew" an anonymous Internet personality but never met the person or spoke to him. She might know more details about the Internet personality than the average cat but all she really knows is what he decided to tell her. None of us had an opportunity to read his body language and body language speaks volumes when one is attempting to get to know someone. One could get a very different read on John Titor by looking him in the eye as he told the story. Just ask a poker player.

Thus we look at what he wrote and compare that to what is known. He did, after all, state that most of the physics behind his gadget had been known since the 1970's.

We looked at ArXiv for papers on the subject. We contacted physicists. We looked at what he wrote. Now there are people who dismissed his story on the premise that time travel is simply impossible. That's an easy position to take but it doesn't do much to push the discussion forward. Frankly it's as vacuous a position as Titor's claim itself when stated without any evidence.

The proof of physics lies in the experiment. Virtually every concept that Titor put forward, given his stated context (please keep that part in mind - within the context as given by Titor), is totally refuted by experiment. Titor relied heavily on SR and GR as he explained (poorly I might add) his "physics"...and then went on to profer theories that totally contradict both SR, GR and, additionally, QM, E&M theory.

For his "theory" to be true each of the above well supported by experiment theories are completely wrong. But we know that they are not completely wrong. All we have to do is look out the window to see that they are correct. Within the limits of their domains they are correct to a good approximation.

That's two more important terms that you should, by now, be familiar with as a physics student: "limit of a domain" and "correct to a good approximation". There are no scientific theories in any field that are not approximations of reality. To date there isn't a single theory in science that exists without a finite domain.

Titor made extraordinary claims (and that's a huge understatement) that demand extraordinary proof. Instead of proof he offered, "My goal is not to be believed." In my case, and in the case of the vast majority, he acheived his goal - for good cause.

I would like to ask you, as a university physics student, two questions:

You stated above that you don't agree with Professor Brown 100%. What part(s) of his response do you disagree with and why?

Given that Titor's gadget, as described in his photos, posts and schematic diagrams, is arranged such that the components that control the device lay between the BH's and passenger in his Chevy truck how do you propose that once the event horizon partially engulfs the components most proximal to the BH's (leaving the other components and time traveler outside the EH) that the distal components continue to function as a part of the integrated whole of the gadget?
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

The structure of scientific revolution is a first year philosophy of science course based on the highly acclaimed Thomas S. Kuhn book of the same title. I reccommend you read it before you get into any kind of science.. Its too bad a lot of the old folks seemed to have missed this one.

It gives you the ability to have an open mind about scientific change and the state of the current accepted fields of study.

The good doc, from what I've read, has much to say about some of the stuff I am currently studying and might I say that he has me convinced on most points, its just as I said, its not the point I believe or not, its wether I believe the whole thing 100%.

If we can clone glow in the dark cats, then we might be able to time travel, who knows?

Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

I reccommend you read it before you get into any kind of science.. Its too bad a lot of the old folks seemed to have missed this one.

Yikes. There's a boatload of bad assumptions going on in that statement.

First, Thomas Kuhn was one of the "old folks" even when I was an undergrad. Well not actually all that old, he was close to my current age when his book was on my required reading list - he was 52, I was 23. Second, I actually did get into some "kind of science". Experimental Psych. It was an interdisciplinary major in bio-chem, neuro-pharm, pre-med and the psych department. Third, its a bad position to assume that because Kuhn's theories have not been well received that people have somehow "missed this one". No one missed him - they just rarely agreed with him. Rather, they were more accepting of Popper.



If we can clone glow in the dark cats, then we might be able to time travel, who knows?

is you response to:

You stated above that you don't agree with Professor Brown 100%. What part(s) of his response do you disagree with and why?

Given that Titor's gadget, as described in his photos, posts and schematic diagrams, is arranged such that the components that control the device lay between the BH's and passenger in his Chevy truck how do you propose that once the event horizon partially engulfs the components most proximal to the BH's (leaving the other components and time traveler outside the EH) that the distal components continue to function as a part of the integrated whole of the gadget?

Come on, schella. I asked the question in the context of addressing a university physics student. What I got was a rather typical Internet response. You can do better than that.

Let's try again.

Can you be specific as to your criticism of Professor Brown's response and state the reasons, based on your education in physics, why?

You can take a whack at the second question too.
Re: Pamela\'s Top Ten Most Leading Titor Questions

There is something I would like to know...

How did "titor" knew about the 'manufacturing "defect"' in the original IBM 5100 machine? Only the original computer I am referring to. Well I was not going to discuss this issue about the computer, however, for the sake of argument, I am going to say this --one more time--.

Again, believe it or not, I work as a director of research at a TITER Research Division (TRD) of a large intl. company. (study GENERAL ELECTRIC and you'll find the connection to it) TRD was created long before any of this came out with the claims of "Titor". All I do, as Director of Research, is to direct and organize people into research projects. (finding people according to their expertise to each project) Thats it! nothing more.

TITER means "Time Traveller" TI-T-ER based on SCI FI comic books, etc which the company's creator named it from. 'TITOR', in french origin, which I heard about, means 'Time Travellor' as in TI-T-OR. This is why I strongly suspected 'Mechnor' was the original "john titor" alias, however he told me he isnt and has nothing to do with 'titor claims'...

There is evidence that the IBM 5100 computer has a unusual 'defect' in its processor board. Again, I am no computer/electronic engineer nor computer scientist. There has been confirmation that the processor board with the 'defective' chip, has unusual instruction sets in it. This is coming from the very first sets of the IBM 5100 computers which came out. I mean, the very first set of them which the TRD company creator had in his possession for years. His company collects a lot of ancient to modern computers.

Dont ask me how that works, I dont know how it works, just that there has been confirmation. Was "titor" a psychic or something?

Thats all I will say----