Old Science does not apply to the unknown!

Pamela and Doctor, The Matrix is cool if you've got a map, when you don't you become a sap. With no idea of destination, the only result is defication.If you don't enter with controlling dampers, you'd best have planned to be wearing pampers.
What has Janus started?

Janus- you started a poetry exchange. heheh
Mokrie you are so funny. hehehheheehheeh.

(tried to put more smileys but they only allowed 15. heheh)
If with a friend you time travel
make sure the map doesnt unravel
keep on it a very close eye
or you'll be waving your world goodbye!

courses to chart
plans have been made
areas mapped
all in one day

Discover worlds yet unknown
Hey, is that another dinosaur bone?

All of a sudden you end up in space
you turn to your friend
"how'd we get in this place?"

your dear friend, God bless her soul
she lost the map in the portal.

It's somewhat right, discussing time,
To state one's point in metred rhyme.
But when we mysteries expose,
Perhaps we should resort to prose?
The vagaries of travel timely
Are so far locked to me and you.
Instead of using poems so 'rhymely',
Perhaps our posts should be haiku.

Time Travel Forum
In the darkest times it seeks
Light within the void
There was a time traveler from Rome who built a machine in his home. An anomaly hit him, then lensing it split him. Two midgets got stuck in the chrome.
It's no big secret, that I'm building a "Time~Machine" you know, but when it becomes my time to travel , my legacy shall bring forth a new definition, to the word "Go"

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 08 July 2000).>
I really don’t know what you all are talking about. Since I have been away for some time. Nevertheless, from what I can see, I see that you are in some way being poetic about Time Travel.

Let me have a go a head at it =). I’m not the poetic one in the family, my brother and sis are, I got the musical talent (Please click on link to see my picture http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/9822/img02.jpg ). But anyway’s, here goes nothing:

By: Javier Cortez S. 7-8-00

On that very fated day my first breath was taken, I knew I had a mission of great importance. I have come across great peril and on a guided journey to seek out my mysterious past of the ancients.

My friends, guardians, appearing when I need you the most, saving me till once again I was back in contact with the people who I have changed their lives forever. “You proved to be a worthy ally,” you once said to me. I never forgot it.

Although the battle is yet to be won, and am constantly pursued. I never shall my mind erase you, for all that you have done for me. Thank you, my old friends…

I will continue the battle for you, for us, for everyone. For I will continue to always be of assistance to the cause of restricting Time Travel, and making sure it does not happen again.

“See you in the past”

-Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 08 July 2000).>
The Witness

Early effects of time travel are well known
some of the men never did come back home.
"going fast"
"stuck in the green"
"stuck like molasses"
"coming through" worlds unseen

Once you have done it
you're never the same
still want to play
the "invisible" game?

What was discovered..
how to teleport matter
but that was reserved
for top secret chatter

Just answer after you lost your time lock
Do you still want to be a time chrononaunt?

A man just walked right through the wall
never to be seen again
witnessed by all.

now a days its not as bad as it seems
every once and a while you'll get lost in your dreams.

"we're in Alpha""hyperbolic orbit" microwave beams.....
the particle accelerator is more than
it seems.

locate your target by implants inside
the dimension next door is a good place to hide.

Ever seen an army
appear out of thin air?
if unprepared
it can be quite a scare.
there they were dressed in black
ready to go on an attack

So many good things
could have been done
some of them have already begun.

there is much more I've seen
and can't say
maybe I'll be able
to tell you someday.

A tachyon man named Gurdeep
Had attempted the great quantum leap.
By causality's road,
He'd have reaped what he sowed -
But the backward man sowed what he reaped!

And of course, to espouse my views on the whole situation:

Science is a saucy wench,
Embracing all the world;
All people learn to use her fruits,
The wonders she's unfurled.

And yet some others counter her
With gifts from other trees;
But they're not like to what she bears
With such apparent ease.

It's sad to see the masses all
Dismiss her with such hubris;
I guess they'll see their folly soon
And follow dead Anubis.
I see what you are hinting at. It's quite offence insulting people in a poem like that. Saying that we're all incorporating other ideals with science. And that, that it is all wrong. And that someday we will come to realize that.

Again, you made your self seem as if your words are the only truth around here. Man, how arrogant can a person be? Who made you the authority? Why you generalizing everyone? You think your better then us?

-Javier C.
Everyone notice how Janus has been posting everywhere else but here? It's like he’s avoiding it. Why? What’s the matter Janus, cat finally caught your tongue? Realize that you can’t weasel your way out of this one, so you try and sneak out silently and thinking we won’t notice =).

Come on, comment on it if you dare. Explain your poem to us why don’t you =). I’m sure most of us here will love to hear your interpretation of it’s meaning.

-Javier C.
TTA, what the hell are you talking about? I don't post for a day and you think I'm being 'chicken'? Come on.

And as for the poem, just because I don't present my insults as blatantly as you, doesn't mean I can't still put them out. What, should I not fight back when I'm being bashed by you for no good reason?
No Janus. This wasn't an insult to me disguised as a poem. But to everyone here who doesn't share your way of looking at things. And you know that... So don't twist the truth, for anyone can go back and read what you said and see that you were speaking to everyone. Not ME.

-Javier C.
So, that's your rebuttal? Pretty lame, what's the matter? Know your at fault, and your to arrogant to admit it?

And now you say it's me who takes this message board to seriously (haven't even been around here for 3 weeks). Hear that everyone, Janus thinks I take this board to seriously.... Yeah, and you don't =)? Geesh please.

Before saying what I'm like, look at your self first. You contradicted your self man, I'm surprised =D.

-Javier C.
TTA, your strangely twisted logic never ceases to amaze.

I hope you weren't hurt by me not directly insulting you in a poem. I guess I should remedy the situation...

I know a certain Activist
Who has no way with words;
His arguments are crude at best,
His ignorance assured.
And if you seek his time-theories,
I think they're for the birds.

What is the cause of his distress?
Was it his childhood?
I wouldn't be too shocked to find
His brain made out of wood.
In any case, he's got more rage
Than any person should.

I know it's wrong to use a poem
To fight in such a way,
I know it's ill to use my skill
When poems aren't his forte,
But right or not, our argument,
It seems, is here to stay.
Look Janus. I merely pointed out about your poem saying that we are all wrong for believing in what we believe. That you your self know this, and that it will lead to our death.

Again, who died at the end of your poem because he didn't think like you?

That was the only reason I took offence. And it's not twisted logic, it's the truth.

Who wouldn't be bothered by your arrogance in how you described each and every one of us to be?

And using poems to get to back at people is a sad, sick and arrogant way, even for you. I wouldn't drop to your level, to attack you. Cause you only attack your self when you do.

-Javier C.

P.S. I may not be the most studied person here on this board, but do you Janus know 5 different kinds of Martial Arts, and rank black belt in 1 of them? Have you Janus, ever played your musical instrument with the L.A. Philharmonic? And there's much more...

But you see Janus, all my past accomplishments and what I know could make me arrogant and be like you, but I choose to be humble. Can you say the same? I doubt it.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 10 July 2000).>
To whom it may concern.........

To whom it may conceren, bickering is not the way to learn, for continuance of such flamed outbursts causes knowledge to burn.

It is time to make amends, or else this this bickering shall never end, and we may never learn what secrets lay beyond the other bend.

The path is sown, let it be known, it is "Time" to travel back to the origin of this thred "Old science does not apply to the unknown.......
Good point Time02112....

...~The Doctor~...
"There is no time to waste, only time to change"..."The sum of all knowledge is that you and your reality do not exist; only thought and imagination are real, and therefore...I am."