J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 81, No. 5, May 1987 Pages 1323 - 1326
A criterion for an energy vortex in a sound field
R. V. Waterhouse
David Taylor Naval Ship R&D Center, Bethesda, Maryland 20084 and Physics Department, American University, Washington, DC 20016
D. G. Crighton
Department of Applied Mathematics, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB3 9EW, England
J. E. Ffowcs-Williams
Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, England
(Received 1 December 1986; accepted for publication 26 January 1987)
Measurements with intensity meters have shown that energy vortices exist in certain sound fields. In these vortices, sound energy flows around closed paths, in the steady state. Vortices occur in some sound fields (e.g., that of a point source near a reflecting edge), but not in others (e.g., that of a plane rigid piston in a plane rigid baffle). It is shown that in a two-dimensional or axisymmetric sound field, a necessary and sufficient condition for a vortex to exist is the presence of an isolated maximum or minimum in the stream function. Two examples are given for a vortex in (a) a duct of square cross section, and (b) the field of two monopole sources, one of which just extinguishes the other. Some relations for the interaction between two monopole sources are also given.
Theory of Fluctuating Nonholonomic Fields and
Statistical Mechanics of Vortices and Defects and
New Physical Laws in Spaces with Curvature and Torsion
H. Kleinert
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Freie Universität Berlin
Arnimallee 14 D - 14195 Berlin
We demonstrate the power of using nonholonomic fields in various physical systems. Functional integrals over nonholonomic fields describe the statistical mechanics of defects in crystals and of vortices in superfluids and superconductors. Nonholonomic distortions of spacetime transform known physical laws in flat space into hitherto unknown laws in spaces with curvature and torsion, thereby leading to a new quantum equivalence principle for the quantum mechanics in such spaces. A gauge structure inherent in nonholonomic fields is exhibited and analyzed.
The vortex; key to future science
In 1867, Lord Kelvin described atoms as vortex rings; the movement of the vortex giving rise to the illusion of matter. This theory was advocated and elaborated by celebrated scientists like Helmholtz, Maxwell and Sir Thomson. In the 20th century however, the vortex principle was forgotten when scientists discovered sub-atomic particles. The atom no longer was considered as the smallest quantity of matter, since it could be divided into smaller elementary particles.
In their book "The Vortex. Key to future science", British scientists David Ash and Peter Hewitt revitalize the concept of vortex energy by stating that not an atom but
- an elementary particle is a vortex of energy -
This vortex of energy is a spiral movement of energy around a continuously changing axis, thus forming a sphere-shaped movement of energy. With this concept, Einstein’s famous formula E=mc2, stating that matter is equivalent to energy, is easier to understand. Matter is equivalent to energy because it is vortex movement of energy. Einstein’s formula contains the velocity of light c. According to Ash and Hewitt, the velocity of the vortex movement of energy in our physical universe is equal to, or less than, the velocity of light.
Transubstantiation and the super-physical realm
The velocity of the vortex movement of energy is not limited. When this velocity exceeds the speed of light, the corresponding particle enters a "super-physical" reality. It is no longer detectable with human senses or physical instruments; invisible and intangible in our physical world. Objects that become super-physical even transcend our notion of space and time. The super-physical realm has its own notion of space and time, different from ours. By slowing down the movement of the vortex energy, the object would re-appear in our world. Ash and Hewitt call this process of speeding up the vortex energy movement beyond the critical speed of light or slowing down below the critical speed: transubstantiation. Transubstantiation only changes the substance of an object, not its form. It does not change the atomic or molecular structure of a body. This process of transubstantiation is also mentioned in the book "Keys of Enoch" by James Hurtak, who calls it transvirulance.
Through transubstantiation, an object can dematerialize and materialize. Thus, paranormal phenomena can be explained. The Indian holy man Sri Satya Sai Baba for instance is well known for his ability to materialize objects at will: for instance jewelry, and even extremely rare specimens of fruit. Several scientific studies concluded that the observed phenomena are genuine. When asked by one investigator, Professor of Psychology Haraldsson, how he materializes objects, Sai Baba replied: "Mental creation. I think, imagine, and then it is there." To the question why the majority of people is not capable of doing this, he answered "We are all like matches. The difference is that I am on fire." Sai Baba’s mental capacities allow him to induce transubstantiation.
Mind is the basic substance. Matter is the name given to mind when it takes form.
Matter, space and time as aspects of the vortex
Besides matter, also space and time can be seen as aspects of the vortex. Consider a vortex of energy forming matter. A vortex is not restricted to a certain area. As the vortex extends out, the energy would get thinner, would get infinitesimal small at large distances from the center, but would never disappear. This very thin matter is the apparent void of space. Or, one could say, matter is very dense space. Matter and space are two aspects of the same vortex of energy. We only perceive matter and space as different because of our senses. All our senses are limited. Our awareness is constrained within certain bands by our threshold of perception. (For instance: we can only see a limited part of the light spectrum. Our eyes can not detect light below ultraviolet or beyond infrared.) Matter is the dense central region of the vortex, which we can detect with our senses. Space consists of the thin peripheral region of the vortex, which is below our threshold of perception. Matter has no real boundary; its surface is subjective, corresponding to the lowest intensity of vortex energy that we can perceive. We experience everyday matter as substantial because it represents a high concentration of vortex energy. In bodies of matter, billions of vortexes are packed together in atoms and molecules. The surface of a solid, or liquid, or even a cloud of gas, marks a sudden increase in the number of vortices. This sudden high concentration of vortex energy is what our senses perceive as matter. Objects appear to have a boundary. But this is an illusion. It is simply that our senses are incapable of detecting the sparse energy spreading out in all directions. Space can be pictured as a bubble of vortex energy surrounding matter. If it would be possible to remove every particle of matter in the universe, then space would completely disappear also. On the other hand, space is shaped according to the matter it engulfs. This is predicted by Relativity Theory also and is verified by experiments. Light from distant stars does not travel in straight lines through space. It is deflected by other stars that are close to its path. Once when Einstein was asked to explain his Relativity Theory in a few sentences, his reply in a nutshell was: "Remove matter from the universe, and you also remove space and time." In view of the vortex theory, time can be seen as emanating from the movement of the vortex. In general, time is established by a consecutive sequence of events. Thus the movement of the vortex creates time.
A hierarchy of super-physical realms
An object of which the speed of the vortex movement is increased above the speed of light will disappear from this physical universe and enter a super-physical universe. This super-physical universe has its own space-time realm, distinct from the physical space-time. The physical and super-physical universes are interpenetrating each other. They are not separated by space and time but by a dimension that is the speed of the vortex movement. It is well possible that this super-physical realm has its own critical speed of vortex movement; for instance twice the speed of light. Going through this barrier would transubstantiate an object into a second higher realm of super-energy and so on. Each higher realm includes all the lower ones, because greater speeds contain all lesser speeds. In each realm, all forms of energy with speeds at or below the speed of its critical speed can exist. The super-physical is the living sphere of nature elementals like elves, gnomes and fairies. Higher realms are occupied by angelic beings, of which is often said that they inhabit a hierarchy of worlds. In view of the vortex, each of these worlds would be characterized by a certain critical speed of the vortex energy.
This concept of a hierarchy of super-physical worlds can be viewed in what is known in the healing world as the energy bodies that surround a physical body. Each energy body could be a body in one of the super-physical realms.
Through scientific experiments it is known that each living physical body is surrounded by an energy body that is the blueprint of the physical body. Before a plant starts to grow a leaf, it can be detected in the energy field surrounding the plant. Changes in the physical form can be detected in the energy field first. According to David Ash this energy field is a super-physical field.
Interaction between the physical realm and super-physical realms
Super-energy interacts with living matter through resonance. The DNA in the cells of living organisms acts as a receiver of information from the super-physical realm. DNA molecules have a double helix structure coiled repeatedly upon itself, thus forming a coil reminiscent of that in a radio set. Just like a radio coil can pick up radio waves which the rest of the tuning device of the radio transforms into sound, the DNA picks up super-physical information and relays this to the cell. This information governs the development of the cell. For instance it determines if the cell behaves like a liver cell or a skin cell. All the genetic information of a living being is contained within the DNA. Each cell has the same DNA. The super-physical information received by the DNA determines which section of the DNA is read, which group of genes is switched on or off.
The double helix structure of DNA is not the end-stage of the human evolution. We are evolving towards a 6-double helix structure. This twelve stranded DNA coil will enable humans to receive information from multiple dimensions. Little known medical tests have shown that people who have been doing a lot of inner work through meditation have developed three or four stranded DNA. And many of the children born nowadays already enter the world with three or four stranded DNA.
In alternative medicine there are many different therapies employing a wide variety of techniques. There is a key principle which most of them share: the recognition of an invisible energy in and around the body, which is essential to its integrity and well being. The energy body is said to act as a blueprint for the physical form, influencing its processes and functions. If the energy body is treated, the physical body will heal itself. This energy body can be seen as a super-physical body interpenetrating the physical body.
Healing is a therapeutic interaction between the super-physical body of the practitioner and that of the patient without the intervention of any instruments or remedies. This interaction is based on resonance. The practitioner enters a state of consciousness to which the super-physical body of the patient starts to resonate. It is possible to heal at a distance, even going back or forward in time. This also becomes understandable in view of the vortex energy. The healer is operating on the super-physical level and thus can transcend our physical space and time.
Transubstantiation and space-time travel
Through transubstantiation, bodies can move out of the physical space-time, travel through the super-physical realm (outside space and time) and reappear in a different physical space-time. It is thus possible to traverse in a short time huge distances, that would require speeds exceeding the speed of light when traveled through our physical universe. It is also possible to travel back in time.
Trough the concept of transubstantiation, UFO phenomena, like the sudden appearance or disappearance of flying objects, can be explained. And simultaneously, the ability to transverse huge distances of interstellar space becomes understandable. It is not farfetched to suppose that an advanced alien life form has invented a machine that can change the speed of the energy movement of vortexes, or is able to do it by mental power.
Interesting in this view are the experiments by physicist Tesla in the beginning of this century. He is believed to have build a secret military machine, based on very high frequency electric and magnetic fields, that could make an object disappear for a while. In the so-called Philadelphia experiment, the USS Eldridge was anchored in Philadelphia harbor in the summer of 1943. It had a full crew on board and was equipped with Tesla’s secret machinery. When Tesla’s device was turned on, the ship became invisible and disappeared from the radar screen. Several minutes later it reappeared, but several crewmembers where merged with the ship and could only be freed through amputation. Two crewmembers where gone, only to reappear 40 years later in a top secret military complex. Reportedly, one of them was send back through time to stop the experiment. Their biological clock was deranged such that their aging process was speeded up. During the experiment, the ship has been seen at a location hundreds of miles away.
"The Vortex. Key to future science" is an important book. It raises consciousness. It also raises questions that are still to be answered.
Why does the super-physical realm have a different space-time concept? Space and time are both aspects of the vortex. Somehow the change in speed of the vortex movement of energy is supposed to change the concept of space and time. Why and how are not yet understood.
If the energy body of a living physical body is super-physical, how can it be detected by physical instruments? Is this through some kind of resonance process as in a radio or in the DNA?
School of Wisdom® Series: Volume 4
Chapter 14: The Physics of PrimaSounds?
By R.C.L.
" It appears as if PrimaSounds produce standing waves - a wall of sound effect - that is not tied to the acoustics of the room itself. Instead, it appears to have more to do with the people in the room and their energy fields."
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