numeric coincidences

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The latest latest nut case to try hijacking an airplane, the one who distinguished himself by having the copilot beat his head with a fire axe, was sitting in seat #38J. Numerically J=1 and 38+1= 39. The bad luck number, just like I said.

This is post 39+1, ie post #40 on this string.

You are right there is something to this BAD LUCK number 39 of yours! Obviously it is just not your number, it looks like it could be a number that symbolizes a message that something bad is about to happen! And it seems this number 39 held true to this hijacker! HOW BIZZAR!!! This could also be another TIME IMPLEMENTATION number.

We definetly need to be more alert and perceptive and keep our eyes open for this number 39 in the future...

I'll keep my CAT EYES . . open!

Wow Shadow,

9 is my cue! I wouldnt be the CAT without it!

Thanks for keeping an watchfull eye on these numbers for me. But what do you think the numbers mean here pertaining to the post?

Maybe my message is getting through about time travel. "Meaning" if you want to know the truth about what I speek of. The truth is in my name and number? Time is counterintuitive and always comes around to claim us just like your number 39 holding true to bad luck, like with the Hijacker.

And if my message about time travel isnt clear to others that are reading this post, let me clarify it. Time Travel is morally and ethically wrong! Its about manipulation and control and it abolishes all free will! (for all who still dont understand read through some of my past posts.)

Here is one for you shadow, (I'm not completely finished with it but here is the basic outline.)
There are 613 commandments in the Bible. 248 are positive of (what to do) equaling the number of organs in the human body. And 365 are negative (what not to do) equivalent to the number of blood vessels in the human body. 365 Also equaling the number of days in a year. (There is so much more that I havent even begun to mentioned here about the interdementional meaning of this. Its mind staggering!)

P.S. By the way my Ghost is back! This time I'm going to keep his security deposit for damages to my stairwell and for fumigation!!!

Well Clara,

I have this entity in my house that comes and goes. It lurks on the stairwell. It is in another demention (invisible to my site)(but I can see it with my subconcious mind.) Its mission is to make my life hell! It has the power to subconciously manipulate and influence thoughts in others that are in connection with me. It has its own vocabulary. So when somebody in my household says a phrase or a word that has never been in their vocabulary, I know it is the works of this entity!

It is controling, manipulative and destructive, It can move through space and time and has the ability to intercept freedom of thought. It is most definetly placed in a catagory of TIME TRAVELERS!

Just like the Mothman! (EVERY ASPECT ABOUT HIM!!!) I think the same "principles" constitute for all entities that are in another dementional realm parallel to ours. Its obvious in your other post that you have a different perspective on the Mothman, I dont see how?

Dear TTA'

I amk forbidden from this board, excpet when there is a gravid technical note that you should know of.

With reference to your new Maxtor H.D.

Please know that quantum fields are for some reason in flux.

This means for some reason, that a very similar reality to this one, which is used for timing pourposes, is a little closer than uasual.

I don't know as to whether this is a man made doing, or natural, maybe something from a star?

How you test for this, is to get in your car, if it is gas powered and drive next to low hanging power lines.

If genral spatial feilds as well as quantum fields are intermingeling, you will get cross talk on most of the A.M. stations.

In other words they will say things twice, with the words close togeahter.

If this happens on all of the stations, then the nature of the event is strong.

If this happens on the F.M. stations which it did in my area this morning, then the intermingeling is probably man made?

P.C.s are inteligent in their own way and scailerly quantumly realate to more than one stasus filed, within universal reality.

When you have overlapping as it seems that we are doing, this might well be a mag flux event, of a greater proportion, as this timing realites, are supposed to have some seperance, like a half an hour to fifteen minutes.

So if the event keeps up, you might see yourself walk out of the bathroom and go into the kitchen to get a drink of juice or whatever, in the middle of the night.

All that this means, is that your timing twin, has temporarily wandered into your reality?

When the mag flux wandering stops, your other timing twin should dissapear.

Sorry for the fallout between P and T01102.

I feel that they both had for knowlege of me and that this game was greased before hand.

I'm not to post here, I only saw that you were having trouble.

I am a shamistic Gypsey and do not belive in stealing or break-ins.

Note they got me and made my H.D. crash, and I had to get my sys serviced.

This was before, so your getting somewhere?"Watch that e-mail too"?

This is only asking for the nature of someone else's troubles?

Wasn't me, you have my respect.

I'm in the wood shead and have to vamoose.

God luck TTA.
well yes I do. The same kinds of things have also happened to me. There is only one way to stop him and that is to control your own thoughts. Put up blocks these are mental images you project to protect yourself. You see the numbers always let you know it is around. When you see the numbers its time to watch for the events you speak of. That is just my opinion though I know that you and TTA have other ideas about it. I am just giving you my view point. I can deal with these entities because I have learned to monitor my thoughts. It isn't easy. The mind has always been the battle ground we just never knew it . Those that want to keep you in the dark about this do so because it allows them to have control. The only way you can fight this is to become aware that it exist. The only way to know is to experience it. Those that would give you such an experience are only doing so in order for you to learn about whats out there or should I say in there (meaning your mind). The people around you don't have a clue. You can try and tell them but they will not understand. They fall for the the trap everytime. the clue is to be an observer of yourself. I assure you once you claim power they will be gone. They don't want to be around anybody they can't control. Then the numbers change. In reference to the moth man. He is not trying to control you just give you information. The info may not be something you can handle which will then turn out to be a nightmare. Like I said it has no morals or standards. Right and wrong do not exist it only knows information. It doesn't need experience it had that long ago. Also It has no emotion. Its only purpose is in seeing that some of us continue. Like they said in the movie about him seeing from up there and we are down here. He has a better view of things. If you were standing on a corner and a drunk man was coming down the road towards you He would be able to see it whereas you would not. He doesn't cause the future only sees it from afar.
Everything you said is Correct Clara,

But the fact still remains............

Its an invasion of our privacy! Its manipulation and control. They have control over us at one point or another in time even if its for a small fraction of a moment.

This will be an ongoing battle for humanity untill the ends of exsistance unless we can nip it in the butt in advance! That is why we are under such daily spiritual attact! They know who we are and they seek to control us! We show up on Radar like a Boeing 747 coming in for landing!

Like you said they have no emosions, morrals or standards. Right or wrong does not exist, they only know information.
That is the MESSAGE THEY ARE CLAIMING THE FUTURE! And this is our wake up call!!!

the fact is if you do not use the numbers to forwarn you of

events that are about to transpire you will be caught in the

worldwind. The problem on this planet now is free will. It has

to be allowed. But free will without thought of consequeces puts

a huge burden on society. The numbers are trying to teach you

that you do have free will and it is up to you what you may

choose. Most people will choose the dark side and that is their

right and you cannot take their choice away. Let me explain.

Everyone has a dark side and a light side. The problems occure

when you choose one or the other. Its called duality. You are

not good or bad you are both . The trick is awarness . Knowing

when you are moving from one pole to the other. When you balance

these forces then all becomes experiece. Heres an example. I was

caught in this for years. I would be cooking and I would drop an

egg on the floor Well of course I would get totally pissed and

cuss. The energy that I was producing would stay in by body and

would end up ruining my day. I didn't know it but that is what

was happening. I was choosing a negitive reaction. Of course I

would see the numbers before this happened but didn't understand

why. The numbers where making me aware of it. So now since I

understand, when I drop an egg I say oh! I dropped an egg. I clean

it up and move on. I do not let the energy attach itself to me.

How do you think buddist monks stay so calm. They don't have

anything we don't except awareness. They are human being the

same as we. It is not their job to teach us. It is their job to

allow us freedom. They are an example. They call on those forces

that would teach them and they are aware that they are

learning, not to control others but to control themselves.

they have been given lessons also they just learned from them.

They also know that what they do effects everyone. They choose

not to do things that would cause others harm because they know

all is connected. That is your wave function in phycics. All

things are connected. You and TTA think you do not have a

choice but you do. You are either choosing dark or light.

Balance these two forces and you will not see in black and

white then you will have claimed your power to choose . To

choose whats good for yourself and everyone around you. but be

warned most of the people around you are not aware and in most

cases they will choose their dark side. You must allow this

because they have free will. Just smile and know you are aware

and make a more aware choice. I think the problem is that you

want a third choice to exist and you are trying to create one.

There is only 1 third choice and that is allowance. When you

have mastered this you will be free and then the numbers will

change and you will move on and become masters of your own

destiny.You will create your reality and be a part of all the

others that are creating theirs. Then this planet will

sing in harmony. It is up to us. WE must be the creators. But

if we all stay in the dark we will create darkness and that will

be allowed. It is our choice. clara

Ps when I dropped that egg my children were watchins and what they saw me do they thought they should do . The sins of the father. You cannot change the past but you can mold the future with your actions .the children are the future. If you want to know a little secret. What ever your parents did when you were younge that is effecting you now. You probably are not even aware of it. In order for you to move beyond what you have been programed to do you must be made aware . the numbers are giving you the opportunity to see that . If you will use the numbers to see yourself then you will be able to transform your past. That is the road to individual freedom. We are all individuals and at he same time one unit. clara

I must make myself clear here.

I am not just talking about spiritual entities and their influence on us. I am talking about actual human time travelers that have mastered the science of time travel to come and go as they please through the dementional time realms and zones!

In my life I have seen unexplainable things! BEYOND THE SPIRITUAL REALM!!! I'm talking actual physical reality! In the flesh! I also have dreams that follow up and reconfirm what I have witnessed and brings the burden of proof to reality. Such as places that I have "never" visited before. Names of places that correspond to aviation waypoints that I had no previous knowledge or conception of before in my life. This was my making
that transformed me into the CAT...

I put everything that I see under strink scrutancy and analysis! I am a methodical thinker and I never stop questioning and looking for proof. I am in continual search for answers and I will research every possible explaination to reconfirm what I already know about this conspiracy with time travel.

That is what made me realize that humanity is at stake! This is what makes and brakes governments and has established society as we see it today. The process is still under implementation and rectification on a continual counterintuitive basis. I can't stress it enough thats its all about CONTROL!

Do you actually think president Bush was suprised and was taken off guard and had no previous knowledge of September 11th? Or how about the Kennedy assasination? I'm not saying this for sure, Its all speculation. But I have a good hunch...And as you know Clara, I'm continually looking for proof!


P.S. What we need is Jackie Chan to team up Arnold Swartzenhager and kick some @ss!!!
I understand. I will tell you that I received the information

about JFK junior before he died. I didn't know at the time that

what I was seeing was his plane but the next day my guides made

it clear to me that it was him. Like I said before was I

supposed to do something about it, No I couldn't. What you are

saying is time travel is possible physicaly. In my opinion and

the info I get from my guides is this. The past and future do

not exist physically only the energy exist. They aren't coming

from your future. they are coming from their own . the trouble

is they do not seperate themselves from anything they perceive

everything as 1 being. so to them you are them. They say they

are from the furture because when you get to where they are you

will be like them. it is very hard to explain and understand because

they have a different reality then us. In there eyes they think

they are doing you a service because they screwed up big time

and do not want to see you do the same. They don't understand

that they are hurting you as well as helping you. The screw up

involved genetics and a few other things. They started snipping

because they knew no other way to cure themselves of the

afflictions they had. They sipped so many genes that they could not

get back. they are on the verge of extintion. they did

contribute to the gene pool thousands of years ago and you carry

some of the very genes that they contributed. So in order for them

to suvive they have to take genes from us. they do not feel that

this is bad because they were part of the original creators.

without them you would not exist. It is no different then if I

became sick and my child had to give me some of her blood in

order for me to survive. You may be asking well why don't they

just ask us for it. It not that simple. If we knew and meet

them it would change our reality so fast we would not be able to

recover. Kinda like what happened when the europeans came to

america. Thousands of Indians died of small pox. the Indians

could not adapt to the ways of the white man they still can't.

It has caused them to go into a deep depression and sadness.

That is why they drink alot. I know what it did to them because

my father was indian. Mistakes are made and sometimes it is

very painfull to correct them. the genetics that we are doing

now will lead us to the same end as themselves. they do not

want this to happen to us. They found out that there thought

patterns created the sickness that they were experinceing.

they had no knowledge of mind, body, spirit. They were

scientist and they thought science could cure all their

problems. Well they were wrong. Science is only half the

equation. They ask others in the universe for help and they

were allowed to abduct some humans and take samples of there

DNA. It is not easy to except this as fact but It did happen.

They fear greatly for us because they know what they did and

are sorry. They see us doing the same thing to ourselves as

they did. We started by inventing a drug for everything.

We take pills at the drop of a hat. I have been guilty of this

myself. I was taking xanex before my guides told me to stop. I

did what they ask and found another solution to my problem. Past

recall therepy. It worked and now I never take drugs. now we

are on the verge of starting to find a gene for every problem.

If we stay on this path we will start removing whatever we

don't like about ourselves. Then we will be in trouble and we

will end up just like them. It is a sad thing what they did.

I have been able to be with them and they are more then

pitiful. they are dying and they know it. All they could do was

leave a remnant of themselves behind. I do not know where the

new ones will live perhaps on another planet. Being as thiers

was completely destroyed by war. You see they fought like us

and did end up almost annilating their race. That is another

reason they messed with their genetics. they could not

understand why they fought with each other to the point of

annilation. They thought they could remove the gene that

caused them to hate one another. It is not our problem but

some of us did offer our assistance . It was done out of

compassion and I would do the same for you. The universe

is filled with life but we are in quarintine. If you knew

what has occured out there you would not be able to handle

it. Some of the suffering that I see here on our own planet

is nothing compared to what has happened to other

civilizations out there. We need to focus on here and now

our lives our children our world. some are trying to just

steer us in the right direction but they also know they

cannot interfer with our free will. You see most of us

know we have parents out there and some of those parents

have made mistakes. They aren't perfect. Just like I have

forgiven my father for all the stupid things he did I have

also learned to forgive my star parents. You see you were

hoping that they were perfect like OSSIE AND HARRIET but

thats just not the case. Like Shadow said there is life

and death and what ever happens inbetween is up to us.

Very touching. You almost made me forget that this was just they telling you what to say to cover their own asses.

It’s PR Clara, can’t you see that?

It’s the ends justify the means. Using that excuse that since they created us, it’s okay.

No it’s not.

Families grow apart, and no longer become your close family members.

They are far from related to us, and they no longer have the right to interfere with what we have established on our own.

Let’s see you try and make Hitler and what he did sound nice: He was only trying to preserve his own people? What’s so wrong about that Clara?

Everything… Same analogy applies to your Star Parents.

We have independence to choose our own destiny. Not be molded and exploited by them.

They not only take small portions or help out in some small way.

They orchestrate massive events to their favor.

And you don’t see that as manipulative?

I can see you’re really far gone from understanding human principles Clara. If you were to see your parent’s dark side, and see what they aren’t telling you, you may think twice.

They only tell you what they want to tell you… Are you really that gullible to believe everything they say?

I guess so, you never met a rogue who can listen to them too, and know they are full of shit.

You gave up your control to unseen forces, that you don’t even think that you are being played as a pawn?

Like I said, propaganda to be swayed to their 1 sided view. And having 2 sides, is just not right. For it infringes on their control over us. And we all know, it’s their survival, or our freewill that hangs in the balance. Would you still be compassionate towards someone who’s done crimes against you, and invite them home for dinner? If you would, then there’s truly something wrong with you.

-TTA<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
The steering, what you need post me leaving this board?

I am forced to leave this board.

The reason is due to combativness between the tree founding principles.

This is what you need to know as truth, if all of the participants of this board are real.

Pamela is said to have had an angelic encouter.

Time02112 is said to have had one also.

Creedo299 had an encouter, his contact with with a group of beings known as the Elders, who are Angelic subcripts and are mentioned within Betty Luca's books, the Andreasson Affairs.

Because of the three being posted as all having angelic contacts, then why don't all three subjects get along simultaniously?

The answer is probably that there is a felon invention, in other words, interfearance from some other effect, other than the three principles posted here?

Other facts that you need to know.

It does not matter so much about verifying the presence of John Titor back into this time.

The reason is such that probably within the relative times of 1975, to 2002, there has been many time travelers into this area of time?

So veryfying the presence of John Titor, principally does not matter.

The story that Titor had told?..Yes very much a concern, as a possability, however Titor's mear presence, no not so inportant.

Other factors you should know of.Sacred geomentry is not of inportants, as it only tells of what is while it happens.

What is of real inportants, is the direcxtion Earth based man is allowed to take, with reference to noninterfearnace chosen as his path here on Earth and into the cosmose, if he wishes this direction?

Still other factors:There was a very key happenstance that had occured within Betty Lucas first series of books, that for the years in the 1980s, had changed how man had both looked and assoicated with God?

This had to do with a botched abduction sequence, involving impressment by sub-Angelic orders and at that point on, all events for mans own rights to choose in the posative range, were altered slighty.

Still other facts:On the subject opf withcraft with reference to white and nutral magic only, please know that some European witches, prior to the year 1775, which was when the British Anti Witchcraft act was passed, were both royal court advisors and healers placed within their communities.

So the nature of this art, as a posative natured influence, waschanged from 1775 on, till Dr. Gerald Gardner had tried to change witchcraft, from either an art, or a natural gift into an organized religion.

(*Note God and gods as told by Pentagon reousraces in R.V. techniques?book Psychic Warriors and the Ed Dames group.

So all witchcraft, to an extent today, has had its nature changed and is not necessarily in conflict with the God influence, as posted by proof by Luca.

Last parcil, the Seal Of Alexander The Great, as a multibased authority other than free masons and as a monitary mark:

The just pourpose of the ideal of Alexander's lost kingdom as posted in The Man Who Would Be King, by Kinpling, was that the nature of the blending of the certain facits of both nationalities and eithnic races was marked to show, that this approved God expierment, could have worked and did.

This was not only to our own, however to the entirer galactic community.

This was one of the very great pourposes, as was said to be part of Alexander The Greats conqwuest of parts of Asia.

All races and civilization can not be inhearently the same, due to geographically differing effects, as placed upon them by both climate and natures of their own particular geographical region.

This is why some men are darked skin, while others lighter.

This is one principle that the main Christian God, had really wanted to put accross as a small sucess for the rest of the galactic community to know.

This was that all types kinds and stiles of differing races and civilizartion could get along.

This is precisely why the great seal of Alexander is placed upon the dollar bill, which is the nautre of trading for most of the U.S. community.

That other who are of differing nature, could get along.

**There is a problem however which exist concerning both the possability of free will and the direction of colonization of Earth based man into space.

This does reflect back to Titor's possable saying and is also reflect as both a planning and archatectual civil problem.

This is said,that in order to facilitate the proper working of this Earth based society, then this means that Earth based man, NOW, should be allowed to both expore and go into space?

This still reflects back to the rights and principles which we are founded on and does say that alien or nonsame interfearance aginst this clause, should both not happen and or not be of any consiquence.

In other words, Earth based man via any principles hidden or otherwise, should not be obstructed in his ability to go into space and become part of the greater community.

So this cluase lies under civli planning and the rights of self determination, not only by the sacred papers of the U.S. but the bench mark of Alexander's intent, as this intent is link with the main Christian God.

We Earth based humans in other words, do have a right to explore and colonize space, without any obstrtuction from hidden influences, such as hidden aspects of governement, or hidden alien influences?

This condit goes directly to the real God authority.

I don't know if this discussion board is real?

However if it is and not a cotrivance, then you must at least know the proper stearage.

Dr. Anderson and his group had wanted this.

So since this board is placed under the Time Travel Institutes jurisdition, I am placing these imputs under the MOPs notice as well as other notice.

I bid you all well and wish you all the best of luck.

Truly creedo299.To the MOP, thank you.

RE: The steering, what you need post me leaving this board?

Editing for the last peice I had signed off with.

Please note, that this board has taken my right to edit away?

The reason I think that they did so, is due to my behaviour on the

As I had said before,I feel that the way they had things set up, when I had logged onto anomalies, is to degridate the posters.

I later felt that because of this treatment, why give them anything and went back and changed all of my postings there, as they had treated me rotten.

Pamela also had refered to me as the weakest link, which was a parody frazielogy, of the game show of the same name.

So this might then mean to her, that, was some kind of compatition?

When sadistic aims are involved, then this I feel spells sickness, in the mental range.

Regardless of my views, here are the corrections of my last posting, as I don't have the right to edit.

On the steering peice, second sentance down, ninth word over should read the word three, instead of tree.

Fourth sentance down eight word over should read encounter, over how the word is spelled now.

The thirteenth sentance group down, eight word over, should read is not so inportant.

Seventh sentance down, the last word should read slightly.

The twenty sixth sentance down, fifth word over should read from the last the word conquest, not conqwest.

From the bottom up seventh sentance from the bottom should read conduit, not condit.

The ninth sentance up should read civil and not how it's spelled now

Third sentance up, should read clause, over how the word is spelled now?

Content of past communication what is not understood;Note as far as bible useages is termed now, due to new developments in understanding the bible.

As Pamela M. had said, that she did not care for the word Pleides Pleiadeans, or any affileation with the Pleiadeans.

Please note that there has been a relationship with the Pleiadeans since the post sinking of Atlantis erra, here on Earth.

The Pleideans have helped in many ways, secretly to this race, as a guiding race, to help our advancement as a culture.

What they had asked for, since they are a farming race, is gentic matter and this is as far as I know men's sperm donations, to fertalize Pleiadean human eggs within the lab back on the home Pleiadean home worlds.

This gives the average Pleiadean a life span, of about one thousand years.

This is alright and legal, as it seems that the Pleiadeans actually do in many ways, help this civilization.

The Pleiadeans as a public disclosure service, at times, are associated with certan sects of Grays, who are also known as Zeta Reticulans, however most Pleiadeans should not be overtly considered as Nordicks.

These are another race of beings, of which the Procyionians are or have once been part of.

The entire race of man, is a gentically altered species, and is for all intent pourposes, a greatly modified ape-like man.

The key elements for understanding the Pleiadeans and their physical, teaching aand learning ways instilled into Earthlings, is Barbra Marcianck's book, Earth The Pleiadean Keys To The Living Library.

This time for teaching, in some beings as myself, is over as I know recognize it is time for me and my kind to start to venture out into the cosmose and get to know all sortds of being s out there.

The double proof of what I say is in these sourses.

The book Encouters In The Pleides by Preston B. Nichols.
This book describes the Pleiadeans and intimates to the Atlantian sect of the Pleiadean who had landed on the Billy Meier farm stead in 1975, by the process of subtraction.

The two set volumes, UFO Contact From The Pleides, by US Air Force ex coulnel, Werndelle C. Stevens both in book and in film.

There is also the web site,
Once your in there go to the Los Angeles group only and click into Pleiadean contacts.

There you will see the Pleiadeans of which are all bioed and accounted for.

**Please be advised, that by biblical standards, the width and bredth of the Pleiadean contacts are still being accounted for.

For this reason, know that the principle female consmonauts father, as told in his disertations, within the web site, are not correct.

The daughter had told the truth, as what is left of the Grays, the acceptable sects it seems, did appear with Semjase's ship, in the year 1975.

In bliblic prose, then not all is accurate in the telling of how events were laied down, by the high Pleiadean commanders, at their Swiss settlement, which is supposed to be abandoned now.

I must only say to how I have been reacted to on the Anomalies net, in some way may have been due to a factor of social misunderstanding.

There is no game to win here, when you examine principles of this extent, Pam.

There is no reason to fortify older positions which have become drastically stale, in your need to be sudo-heiarchial in your adjustment to a now changeing world?

The time is now, for those of us who can make the right key contacts, if this feature should ever be so fortunate to appear, is to leave Earth.

Note in reflex, this is what was said to have happened, with the presinking and pre-war demise of Atlantis, to join already established civilizations within the Pleiades, some 12,000 year prior to this posting.

Yes' this is a big chunk of phylosophical realestate and you have to sit down and pick certain facts apart, in order to understand what I'm trying to say.

Trying to gain one-upsmanship, by brow beating a person, only seals the agressor more isolaitly into their own self deception, if this is what is thier goal is?

Thank you, end of edit and breif commentary.
creed299 edit
RE: The steering, what you need post me leaving this board?

Hey I hear you man. That site is biased. I only said it like hundreds of time when everyone arrived from the Art Bell forums closing, and my banned.

They had no room for the TimeTravelActivist… All they wanted, was to be right about Titor, and have no questioned asked. A lot of PR to defend why they believed him.

I don’t know what your story is though, but I know what you mean and sympathize. The energy there is very different.

I don’t really get why you’re giving up on posting here, but I suppose you have your personal reasons behind that.

Well, good-luck to you. I hope you decide to post some place else. I know you’re very knowledgeable; you shouldn’t let that go to waste.

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Date line 2-22-2002

Bought groceries today. Total was $ 31.13. Wheel the cart out and right in front of the exit blocking my path is a shiny new black car ( it really should have been elsewhere but the old fogy diving it appeared quite clueless) plate #1133. Oh hum.
Hey wait a minute. The car LOOKED brand spankin new but it was actually a huge Ford luxury 2 door sedan from around 1980. A blast from the past.

Is my subconscious flexing its muscles and showing off? Remember you heard it all here first. First Aarons evil woman from the past and now black sedans from the past.
September 11th Attack:

Date of attack: 9/11....9 + 1 + 1 = 11

September 11th is the 254th day of the year....2 + 5 + 4 = 11

After September 11th, there are 111 days left in the year.

119 is the area code to Iraq / Iran....1 + 1 + 9 = 11

Twin Towers, standing side by side, looks like the number 11

The first plane to hit the tower was Flight 11

The State of New York - The 11th State to be added to the Union

New York City = 11 letters

Afghanistan = 11 letters

The Pentagon = 11 letters

Ramzi Yousef = 11 letters (convicted of orchestrating the 1993 WTC bombing)

Flight 11 - 92 on board....9 + 2 = 11

Flight 77 - 65 on board....6 + 5 = 11

You can't hide - 11 letters (to bin Laden!)

I'll die alone - 11 letters

Planet Earth - 11 letters

Nostradamus - 11 letters

The Red Cross - 11 letters

Independence Day - July 4th ... 7/4 ... 7+4 = 11