The steering, what you need post me leaving this board?
I am forced to leave this board.
The reason is due to combativness between the tree founding principles.
This is what you need to know as truth, if all of the participants of this board are real.
Pamela is said to have had an angelic encouter.
Time02112 is said to have had one also.
Creedo299 had an encouter, his contact with with a group of beings known as the Elders, who are Angelic subcripts and are mentioned within Betty Luca's books, the Andreasson Affairs.
Because of the three being posted as all having angelic contacts, then why don't all three subjects get along simultaniously?
The answer is probably that there is a felon invention, in other words, interfearance from some other effect, other than the three principles posted here?
Other facts that you need to know.
It does not matter so much about verifying the presence of John Titor back into this time.
The reason is such that probably within the relative times of 1975, to 2002, there has been many time travelers into this area of time?
So veryfying the presence of John Titor, principally does not matter.
The story that Titor had told?..Yes very much a concern, as a possability, however Titor's mear presence, no not so inportant.
Other factors you should know of.Sacred geomentry is not of inportants, as it only tells of what is while it happens.
What is of real inportants, is the direcxtion Earth based man is allowed to take, with reference to noninterfearnace chosen as his path here on Earth and into the cosmose, if he wishes this direction?
Still other factors:There was a very key happenstance that had occured within Betty Lucas first series of books, that for the years in the 1980s, had changed how man had both looked and assoicated with God?
This had to do with a botched abduction sequence, involving impressment by sub-Angelic orders and at that point on, all events for mans own rights to choose in the posative range, were altered slighty.
Still other facts:On the subject opf withcraft with reference to white and nutral magic only, please know that some European witches, prior to the year 1775, which was when the British Anti Witchcraft act was passed, were both royal court advisors and healers placed within their communities.
So the nature of this art, as a posative natured influence, waschanged from 1775 on, till Dr. Gerald Gardner had tried to change witchcraft, from either an art, or a natural gift into an organized religion.
(*Note God and gods as told by Pentagon reousraces in R.V. techniques?book Psychic Warriors and the Ed Dames group.
So all witchcraft, to an extent today, has had its nature changed and is not necessarily in conflict with the God influence, as posted by proof by Luca.
Last parcil, the Seal Of Alexander The Great, as a multibased authority other than free masons and as a monitary mark:
The just pourpose of the ideal of Alexander's lost kingdom as posted in The Man Who Would Be King, by Kinpling, was that the nature of the blending of the certain facits of both nationalities and eithnic races was marked to show, that this approved God expierment, could have worked and did.
This was not only to our own, however to the entirer galactic community.
This was one of the very great pourposes, as was said to be part of Alexander The Greats conqwuest of parts of Asia.
All races and civilization can not be inhearently the same, due to geographically differing effects, as placed upon them by both climate and natures of their own particular geographical region.
This is why some men are darked skin, while others lighter.
This is one principle that the main Christian God, had really wanted to put accross as a small sucess for the rest of the galactic community to know.
This was that all types kinds and stiles of differing races and civilizartion could get along.
This is precisely why the great seal of Alexander is placed upon the dollar bill, which is the nautre of trading for most of the U.S. community.
That other who are of differing nature, could get along.
**There is a problem however which exist concerning both the possability of free will and the direction of colonization of Earth based man into space.
This does reflect back to Titor's possable saying and is also reflect as both a planning and archatectual civil problem.
This is said,that in order to facilitate the proper working of this Earth based society, then this means that Earth based man, NOW, should be allowed to both expore and go into space?
This still reflects back to the rights and principles which we are founded on and does say that alien or nonsame interfearance aginst this clause, should both not happen and or not be of any consiquence.
In other words, Earth based man via any principles hidden or otherwise, should not be obstructed in his ability to go into space and become part of the greater community.
So this cluase lies under civli planning and the rights of self determination, not only by the sacred papers of the U.S. but the bench mark of Alexander's intent, as this intent is link with the main Christian God.
We Earth based humans in other words, do have a right to explore and colonize space, without any obstrtuction from hidden influences, such as hidden aspects of governement, or hidden alien influences?
This condit goes directly to the real God authority.
I don't know if this discussion board is real?
However if it is and not a cotrivance, then you must at least know the proper stearage.
Dr. Anderson and his group had wanted this.
So since this board is placed under the Time Travel Institutes jurisdition, I am placing these imputs under the MOPs notice as well as other notice.
I bid you all well and wish you all the best of luck.
Truly creedo299.To the MOP, thank you.