numeric coincidences

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not all guns are carried by criminal. What I am saying is more than one group could be using the numbers. Mine are warning signals to be aware of what is transpiring in my presence and to watch my own involvment in such activities. some people may be falling for the ideas put in their heads and some of us are accepting protection in order not to be around when people choose such behavoir. It sounds to me like everybody has free will and were all being aloud to make a choice. Choose your dark side or choose the light. or mix the two and become neutral.Thats the trigger that opens the door to a new reality. Then everything changes. wandering soul is just making this point as I am that you all may choose. It is up to you.
Rather long, but amazing article, somewhat involving numeric coincidences...

New Age millennialism has a rather different flavor from the
biblical Last Judgment variety. For one thing, the big event is not necessarily Armageddon, though there may be some rough sledding ahead for planet Earth.
The apocalypse is more often interpreted according to its
secondary meaning ("a disclosure regarded as prophetic; revelation")
-- that is, as a collective coming of age, a gigantic planetary Bar Mitzvah. Take, for example, the following prophecies:

The world will end in A.D. 2012, according to the Mayan calendar
stone, as interpreted by Jose Arguelles, New Age eschatologist, art historian, and author of The Mayan Factor. But don't worry: There's a new world coming.

The Mayan calendar, or Tzolkin, describes a 5,200-year Great
Cycle beginning in 3113 B.C. and ending in A.D. 2012, Arguelles
claims. This cycle, in turn, is embedded in a longer, 26,000-year
cycle, composed of five Great Cycles, which also ends in 2012.
(Meaningful-coincidence buffs may note that this long cycle, which Arguelles equates with the life span of Homo Sapiens, corresponds to the 26,000 years of Plato's "Great Year" and of the astrological precession of the zodiac.) "What we are experiencing," he concludes, "is the climax of our particular species and evolutionary stage -- the very last twenty-six years of a cycle some twenty-six thousand years in length!"
Hoping for a heavenly kingdom sans Armageddon, Arguelles
masterminded the harmonic convergence, on August 16-17, 1987 -- the very date that Aztec prophecies identified as the end of the nine cycles of hell that began in 1519 -- when thousands of people took to the mountaintops and the deserts to, well, be apocalyptic.

In 2012, according to Arguelles's interpretation, will begin a
paradisiacal Solar Age, a postindustrial Utopia.
"Everyone will be a channel -- a medium -- and what we understand
today to be psychic impressions or channeling will be but child's play compared to our actual potential." We'll live harmoniously in posttechnological New Age villages -- equipped with "solar temples," lush gardens, synesthetic pleasure domes, and "houses of energy and information" -- and hobnob with UFO' ("E.T.'s, UFOs, the 'space brothers' -- these are not alien entities but emanations of being itself") and the returned Mayan masters. If we're around, that is. Uh-oh. There's that date again. A.D. 2012. That's when Terence McKenna's prophetic software goes hyperdimensional. McKenna is a
scholarly Berkeley-educated visionary who may be unique among New Age prophets in avoiding such New Age cliches as "cleansing the planet" and "increasing the vibrational frequency." His compellingly literate "raves," as he calls his monologues, have make him a star of underground radio and the human-potential circuit.

He also operates Botanical Dimensions, a sanctuary for rare plant life in Captain Cook,
Hawaii. He peers at the future through a computer program called
Timewave Zero, based on the ancient I Ching oracle system, which
McKenna believes is the "smashed-up remains" of an ancient lunar
"I noticed there was something in history that science had
missed," he explains. "I named it Novelty waves. It has been
increasing since the universe began." McKenna's software uses fractal
mathematics to map this "Novelty" as it becomes denser and denser,
until -- in 2012 -- "all cycles come to zero, a dimension emerges that
goes off the graph. We are caught in a temporal maelstrom, spinning
around the presence of some transdimensional object."
The I Ching's system of 64 hexagrams describes a nested set of
timekeeping cycles, he maintains. For example: Life began on Earth
about 1.3 billion years ago. Divide 1.3 billion by 64 and you have a
cycle within a cycle that started 18 million years ago, at the height
of the Age of Mammals. Divide by 64 again and we come to 4,300 years
ago -- around 2300 B.C., historical time. Then things get really
"The last cycle began with Hiroshima, August 5, 1945," according
to McKenna. "This sixty-seven-year, one-hundred-four-day cycle at or
near the end of the larger, forty-three-hundred-year cycle will
terminate on December 21, 2012. This comes precisely at the end of
the Mayan calendar. For some reason ancient people had a fixation on
this winter solstice 2012."
The fact that McKenna's apocalypse coincides with the one Jose
Arguelles has gleaned from the Mayan calendar does not mean that
McKenna is a harmonic convergence groupie. McKenna says it was he who
first brought A.D. 2012 to Arguelles's attention.
"I never thought that when I came up with the date 2012, I'd have
to elbow my way through a crowd," McKenna says. "Now people say, 'Oh,
you're a Jose-ite.' But there is something about this 2012 date. The
Mayans were obsessed with it. We shouldn't underestimate the power of
mass psychology."
All this speculation on your part about the numbers only proves 1 thing. You don’t know what the heck they are, yet you succumbed to them nevertheless.

Quit being your Alien Masters PR spokesperson, you sound just like Disney when ever something goes wrong. They excuse it and make them selves seem as if they aren’t responsible.

Which is what you sound like right now…

Clara, they are responsible for taking thousands of us each year. They preform genetic experiments with us, without our consent. They manipulate our lives to fit their criteria.

The forces that exist in the background are evil, but with good intentions. They control and manipulate people and events in the background, and you find nothing wrong with that?

You sold out way to early before you considered this Clara. I may not be fanatical spiritual like you, but I really do care about you and everyone else going through this. They are my brothers and sisters too. As how a cancer victim knows the pain and hardship this disease can bring others, one tries to comfort the other who is just now experiencing this in their lives.

As am I, wanting to warn you all about the Time Travel threat in our lives.

What more can I do, when I know the truth of this? I have to listen to my heart, and act on behalf of all humanity going through this. Even if it means having to sacrifice a lot of my time and patience. It’s my future that’s at sake… They have to be aware of the deception of spirituality’s agenda.

-TTA<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
ok here goes. I wasn't gonna say anything because I know were

all suppose to tune in to get the info ourselves and I may just

be breaking universal law. Oh well whats a little Karma Gonna

do. The date you speak of is the returning of the planet Nubiru

which makes its orbital path every 3,600 years. It causes the

earth to go through tremendous upheaval. Sometimes its real bad

sometimes not so bad. According to ancient records the date is

2012 but there are other factors that may just put it in our

vacinity earlier. The flood of the bible was caused by this

planet and the one who told Noah was a Sirian overlord. And yes

they told me too that is why I left Florida. Is this true? I

don't have any proof of the planet being there but I'm not

taking any chances. I have two teenage children and I must do

what I can to protect them. The planet is called planet X by

the scientific commmunity but they are not saying much about

it for fear of causing panic. There has been a few articles

about it though. All the info you want is in spirit web and

also in tons of books. My guides led me to the info and I

rely on them to guide me. The government is not going to make

this public. Everyone is on their own and choosing if they

will stay or leave and yes I do mean die. My mother has

choosen to stay in Florida and I am ok with that. That is

why it is so important to stay calm and notice the things

around you. The numbers are trying to wake you up, get your

attention. So you see TTA it doesn't matter what you say or do.

The bigger picture is not what you think. Those entities that

are out there can see this planet coming and they know what it

will do. They are only contacting some of us in order that we

will get ready for this. There is speculation that they may be

able to lessen the severity of this event. Maybe they have

advanced technology they can use to deflect some of the energy

that a thing like this can do. I do know that there are also

dark forces thats plan is to allow humans to think that God

destroyed most of mankind because we were evil. Its just there

way of keeping us in the dark. Then they can continue these

silly God wars on earth. That is way it is important to claim

your power. See the lie for what it is. Gods are merely aliens

who have been playing with genetics. Our bothers and sisters

from space would like to meet us but the dark lords won't

allow them to because then our eyes will be open and we will

claim this planet for ourselves. Our friends would not claim

power over us but allow us to make our own choice. and it

seems at this point there are two choices the dark or the

light. The future of mankind will rest on what we choose.

Why do you think they buiilt all those monuments and

astrological calendars. They were watching and calculating

when planet X would arrive. They needed to know in order to

move to safety and get ready. Also 2012 was when there

brothers from the stars would return, Who do you think the

American indians are talking about when they speak of the

pale one returning. They know all this and they just sit back

and watch. I hope you guys don't live on the coast or in a

big city if you do you better wake up and start watching

those numbers. You may have 11 years and you may not. I can't

be sure of anything. I know what your thinking "oh! mama say

it ain't so". I wish I could but I know when I have a

vision I better listen up. You see I'm American Indian and I

know my brothers and sisters and I know they would not

lie to me. We know what God is we always have.They never did

fool us. WE are God. Because all that exist in the universe

is God. One being, One heart, One soul. The great spirit

flows through eveything, every child, every animal, every rock

every tree ,every leaf. What I do to you I do to God that is

why no matter where your at I still Love you because how

could I not you are part of me. Yes Jesus is God but so are

you, you just don't know it yet. You are all seeing numbers

for a reason just tune into God and all those that

recognize you as God will help you. It won't be easy they

will challenge you to rise up and move forward . But I

know its possible or you woundn't be seeing those numbers in

the first place. the thing is not to get scared they can't

help you if you are scared. Stay calm no matter what. how can

we possibly help one another if we let every little breeze

blow us off course. We need to learn to stay calm through

the worst situations. I know that the numbers are driving you

crazy that is there purpose so you will learn to control

yourself. If you have control then no one or no thing can take

that from you . I hope I haven't freaked you out to much

gotta go clara

PS if you want names of some books that might explain better let me know I have some.
Just after reading this post, with the mutiple number thing I experienced something weird.

I glanced at the clock, it was 2:22 p.m. I just shrugged it off. But then I checked my voicemail, and a dated message from saturday was delivered at 2:22 p.m. Is this of any significance?

[email protected]
Yes it is, and before Clara attempts to snatch you, and suck up to you to have you join her side. How she tried with Shadow, check out my website at:

It will soon be updated and re-designed. But it should give you a pretty good idea what we’re facing.

Also go back and read some of Cat’s postings. She lays down the shimmy of these double digits in a very clear mathematical fashion.

I am very busy right now at the hospital with patients, or else I would explain it my self.

But by the time I get home, I wouldn’t doubt Clara would have bombarded you with her spiritual acceptance Interpretation of it.

More later…

-TTA<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
no I want bombard you with nothing. You figure out what the numbers mean to you. just remember it is all your choice.
adc, I can resume where TTA left off. He's a busy man these days. In high demand!!! And not for just being a critic!

adc, when you see these double digits this is time manipulation staring you in the face! It means something DIABOLICAL is occuring!

It appears that you have become more conciously aware of these numbers now that you have been reading the posts. They have always been there you just havent payed much attention to them in the past. Now time is looking for you, and it appears it has found you.

I posted this somewhere before on this post but I will repost it again. Concerning the double digits, do not look up in faith to these numbers before you can truly understand their true purpose.

At work I have two different clocks that I look at. One is on my computer as a screen saver and the other is on the telephone LED Screen. I keep seeing the double digits constantly so I changed the clocks (18 minutes apart) So that they would not read the same exact time! This is what happened.

I would look up at one clock and it would read 2:24pm. and the other would read 2:42pm. As time past I so happended to look again and one clock would read 3:13pm. on one clock and on the other 3:31pm. This happened again at 4:35pm. and the other clock read 4:53pm. This went on throughout the day.

This is proof of time travel. They know I know its them! (time travelers) Its there way of trying to advance us spiritually and intelectually! They were trying to teach me that no matter how I attempted to deter them by altering the time, they still have ultimate control. (time is relative to them they can manipulate it in any way they see fit.) My theory is they somehow do this through frequencies.)

To answer your other post under numerical coincedences (which by the way I thought you did some very good research) on spirituality and vibrational frequencies issue concerning the maya's it will have to wait untill tonight when I have more time to post. Right now I'm at work on break I'd like to enjoy whats left of my Chocolate!

Its a hormonal thing!!!

CAT...(9 lives...)

You actually think that TIME TRAVELLERS plotted the sept. 11th attacks?
The biblical numbers, I will give you that, because God has a way with numbers,
Oh, and why do you not put the "o" in God? Are you fearful or something?

Back to what I was saying. The only people who figure out that all the numbers added a certain way, subtracted this way, plus this number = what they want are people who really are just looking for an answer and must revert to back in the days when superstition revolved around numbers.
Looks like you have become an experiancer in record time.

Hate to tell you "I told you so" don't, I love it.

Maybe YOU have psychic powers you didn't know about.
CAT here,

adc, The time you saw on your clocks today after reading my post is their way of saying HI! And making you aware of their presents.

I know all about the Opocalypse, The Gathering of Souls, The Novelty Waves, Cleansing the planet, Increasing the Vibrational Frequency. ITS ALL ABOUT TIME TRAVEL!!!

These time travelers/aliens/angelic hosts that are in the future are trying to evolve us and advance us spiritually for this great collismic event!(well in my case it would be a Bat Mitzvah.) Something is wrong with this hypothis and its not sitting well with me. I understand the theory behind this speculating that civilization will can escape this dimensional universe collapse just moments before the collapse we may be able to enter the other dimensional universe and avoid our previous fate and our future should be secure and we can thank the time travelers for our eventual salvation! "WRONG!!!"

Consider all the manipulation and influence that time travelers have had on us to bring us to this point in time. Catastropic events that change our enviornment and weather, Wars, Worldly disastors, disease, genetic manipulation. The damage done by time travel is that the fabric of time is stretched causing a tear which produces a wormhole that allows the time travelers to travel back in time. This maybe one of the reasons why the earth poles shift every so often?

Throughout our history we can find evidence that all of our cities, countries and continents are names derived from the future as a result of TIME TRAVEL missions forging an alliance with our government and military. Certain military bases in the southwest are used to conduct experiments and this is where these time travelers possibly give us advanced technology. Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada are states with secret bases built by our government specifically for this exchange and under the direction of these time travelers. Secret alliances have been made throughout history with governments (Illuminati), religious leaders, and the corporate world to cut deals with advanced intelligences and hide their behavior from the public.

There soul mission as I stated above is to advance us spiritually so that our frequency levels vibrate at the same rate so that we can pass into this other dimentional realm perhaps something similiar to the rapture stated in the bible. except I dont believe that to be heaven its just another dementional realm governed with control and no free will.


You said: <<You figure out what the numbers mean to you. just remember it is all your choice.>>

So your saying that the interpretation of them, the true meaning of the numbers is subjective, and that it’s what ever you want it to be?

Oh give me a break, why do New Agers always have to beg the argument, “What truth is, is what’s true for you.”?

Because they know that they can’t be honest and say someone is correct when they know they lost an argument, when evidence is brought forward to contradict their speculation.

These things are controlling humanity; they don’t need to be accepted, because there is no evidence to show that New Agers are truly understanding something truly good about the numbers.

Just look at Clara… A New Ager, claims spirituality, and already a hypocrite. And me an Activist, unlike them but spiritual at the same time, but sincere and consistent.

We have shown proof, Cat has shown evidence in the form of mathematics. The universal language.

What have you shown us Clara?

And can you prove it?

Can you show me mathematical tests to prove you actually exude this energy?

Can you actually determine which numbers are being used for good by your little green friends from Uranus?

And while you’re at it, can you prove that your little friends aren’t manipulating us and using mankind as one big lab experiment?

No wait, you know they are. You just don’t see it as anything wrong with that

Man, what happened to you to be this way?

What made you sell out?

Is it because you just couldn’t take it anymore or understand a critical view of the numbers, so you choose the easy way out?

“Claimed your power” is what you called it… So you gave up, why can’t you just say that?

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">

Wow, I’m impressed
. You can cover my activist duties here any time.

Maybe you can cover me while I take a vacation to the Bahamas, and relax in a white sandy beach, getting a golden tan with that Caribbean sun
hehe... Not joking

But on a serious note. I especially liked your theory on how Time Travelers implement their control over us, with frequencies.

What would be the best way to reach the masses?

The number epidemic seems to be growing larger.

Since posting more about them, now more and more people are coming forward with signs of the numbers in their daily lives.

The balance is tilting, and things are getting weirder now that more people are understanding that this is not something they called upon them selves.

But being inflicted upon them, without consent or acceptance.

I just hope they don’t accept a one sided spiritual view on it, and become New Agers like Clara… That would be scary. For if they do, they will sanction Time Travel and allow everyone to be exploited and manipulated all in the name of spirituality.

Enough innocents have been affected by their selfish actions. Enough history has been molded according to what they deem necessary. Never allowing humanity to take its destiny and control it in their independence.

Having to come to the point of confirming that truth every time, to know that we know, and notice their unethical actions. And to no end will we be free, until we take action to stop them.

More later,
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
answer this, why would something that wanted to manipulate you and control you and make you do things you shouldn't let you know it was there. the real dark forces never let you know what their doing. Forces of light always announce their presence. Don't fall for the fear crap. Watch what goes on around you and then make a choice. You know who you are and what your capable of and you also know what you will do and won't do. be completely who you are and maybe you will learn something. Just cause Cat and TTA are stuck in the game doesn't mean you are. the numbers are different for everyone. What you are working on will not always be what everyone else is working on. the message is yours alone. clara
TTA, I would be honored to fill in for you while you toast your buns in the Carabeen "lucky guy"!!! I'll hold the fort down!!!

Clara, That is just my point! They want us to see the numbers! Its a MESSAGE!!! to advance us "INTELLECTUALLY" and to open our minds to "SPIRITUAL CONCIOUSNESS!"

When you collaborate with these entities (as you have mentioned before in your past posts) you open the door for psychic attack.
You mentioned something about seeing a black entity with red eyes and than shortley after that a friend of yours died! That was the MESSAGE! IT CAME TO CLAIM DEALTH!

This entity telling you this in advance, is that not controle Clara?

Go see the movie the Mothman Prophesy. I know its only a movie but its based on true events and its interesting to note its comparison to our discusions.

OK, Clara, So which one is it.

Do they or do they not show them selves?

Geesh, your story is always changing. Can’t you stay consistent?

Your having other buy into a story that goes from: “I think some forces are bad”

To now: “the real dark forces never let you know what their doing.”

So which one is it? What are you truly saying?

You didn’t know last week, but now you know, is that the thing?

Clara, how do you know they wouldn’t show them selves if they were dark forces?

People see them all the time, and are experiencing their presences, and Yes people do know what they are doing.

And another thing, I don’t think you read my post, I posted above, so let me cut and paste it, and place it here:
TimeTravelActivist (506 posts)
05-Feb-02, 01:47 AM (EDT) 33. "RE: numeric coincidences"
You said: <<You figure out what the numbers mean to you. just remember it is all your choice.>>
So your saying that the interpretation of them, the true meaning of the numbers is subjective, and that it’s what ever you want it to be?
Oh give me a break, why do New Agers always have to beg the argument, “What truth is, is what’s true for you.”?
Because they know that they can’t be honest and say someone is correct when they know they lost an argument, when evidence is brought forward to contradict their speculation.
These things are controlling humanity; they don’t need to be accepted, because there is no evidence to show that New Agers are truly understanding something truly good about the numbers.
Just look at Clara… A New Ager, claims spirituality, and already a hypocrite. And me an Activist, unlike them but spiritual at the same time, but sincere and consistent.
We have shown proof, Cat has shown evidence in the form of mathematics. The universal language.
What have you shown us Clara?
And can you prove it?
Can you show me mathematical tests to prove you actually exude this energy?
Can you actually determine which numbers are being used for good by your little green friends from Uranus?
And while you’re at it, can you prove that your little friends aren’t manipulating us and using mankind as one big lab experiment?
No wait, you know they are. You just don’t see it as anything wrong with that .
Man, what happened to you to be this way?
What made you sell out?
Is it because you just couldn’t take it anymore or understand a critical view of the numbers, so you choose the easy way out?
“Claimed your power” is what you called it… So you gave up, why can’t you just say that?

You see Clara, it’s as simple as this, there is a real threat out there. And yes, we should be fearful of it, and take action against it. After all, it is taking our control to choose and giving up our human independence to it.

And what are you saying: To lay down and surrender our selves? To what? To your assumption of what it is?

Listen to your self Clara, practice what you preach and put 2+2 together. These 2 numbers are objective, they will always equal 4. Not whatever you want it to equal.

<< the numbers are different for everyone.>>

Well I wish I could say that my pay check was $600 weekly, but then I would just be living a lie. And I just can’t do that. Even if it means living in fear, I would not delude my self with ignorance.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">

600 schmichs hundered!

Your words "alone" are worth its weight in WHITE PLATINUM GOLD!!!

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 05-Feb-02 AT 10:00PM (EDT)</font>

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 05-Feb-02 AT 09:57 PM (EDT)</font>

Thanks for the compliment CAT, I will try not letting it go to my head

It seems that you’re my biggest fan here, not to mention a great friend
and an even greater human being. Thanks… I’m glad I met you.

Well I had a long 2 page post already to post, and saved on my hard drive, but then my hard drive just restarted for no reason, and the file is no where to be found… Weird, how can a saved file just disappear like that?

This hasn’t happened to me in years, and it’s a brand new Hard drive, Maxtor 80GB, and I make it a point to always save my work to prevent such a thing like this from happening. I smell Temporal Sabotage… I only had the numbers twice since Sunday night, so I must be really working on their patience’s

You would have liked it CAT, I was sucking up to you big time

But now that that’s passed, I’d like to continue on with a re-quoting of what I was planning on posting. Don’t ask why, I’d hate to type it all up again and sound made up.

This is just something I wrote to WS, on the “Internal VS External Travel.” It’s a little altered to reflect a whole, then the person who I was writing it to:

“… If humanity’s best interest, aren’t considered spiritual to some, they are considered the path of fear and negativity…”


“… This path, of human independence and absolute freedom, contrary to spiritual interpretation is considered the path of fear and negativity. Then I don’t see how anyone can say that the New Age path is the better way to go, when they would rather for-go consideration of the latter, as being the unfavorable path, but with no really comprehension of what it means.”

I don’t feel like explaining why I posted that, just take it as is, and think about it.

I’m taking a cat nap


P.S. Saw Mothman Prophecies. Good movie, very scary, very real.

Had something more to say about it, but that too was lost…

This is a very watered down revision of a post that had a lot to say about a lot of things.

I guess I will just have to make it up on another one

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