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In start I thought every one here believed whatever Larry said!!Even if someone take over the copyrights, doesn't mean anything!!Did he predict anything by now to prove that Titor hire him?? Something like a worldwide event or disaster??
Obviously not everyone. No predictions since Larry's legal takeover. And no proof that Titor hired him, other than his word. You realize Larry is a Lawyer. Which translates into Professional Liar for hire.

Obviously not everyone. No predictions since Larry's legal takeover. And no proof that Titor hired him, other than his word. You realize Larry is a Lawyer. Which translates into Professional Liar for hire.
This is something I'm also realizing, thanks to you and others. I never thought he was involved Titor (hoax or not) and it's definitely a possibility that he never was and just wanted to cash in on it. If Titor is real, he may never have hired him to do squat.

Welcome Ninja Bear, I really like your name :)

As the rest say, Larry seems to either have set up Titor as some kind of hoax (though nobody seems sure why), or simply have stolen another person's story (again, no clear sign as to why). Moreover, his brother has been suspected of being behind the "old computer component" part of the Titor story, since he has the professional knowledge needed (he's a programmer or computer engineer, I don't remember which). Whether the whole thing is a hoax or not, Larry seems to be in charge of the story at this point. At least until Titor's civil war starts shaking things up a bit!

Edit: Come to think of it, does Larry's copyright prevent others from writing about the whole Titor affair, or is that covered by some form of fair use?

Larry seems to either have set up Titor as some kind of hoax (though nobody seems sure why), or simply have stolen another person's story (again, no clear sign as to why)
Whatever it is, I made clear that Larry is not the ''prophet'' he says he is !! (''Yet'')

There is an information gap from the Art Bell web page to where Titor made his first appearance, to when it later came on line that possibly Larry Haber et al. owned the rights to the Titor story.

I further do not know if there is a planned nuclear conflagration that will come out of the nuclear war predictions as reported on the Titor TTI posting board.Currently NASA has come out and frankly said, that Earth's central sun is a kind of white dwarf variable.This would mean in simplest terms that this central sun may be fragile and not able to withstand a full nuclear war.

To try and help you understand why nuclear weapons are really bad for this solar system, is that the sun works on a fusion principle of operation, not fission.Fission from atomic bombs worm holes into the central mass of the sun and like too concentrated of a form of energy will make this sun sick.The sun could blow up.

So what anyone has when they examine these new circumstances is the process of and if or but, which is a series of logic gates, that would also take time to figure for the people that would wish to commit a nuclear war.This more or less is why I feel that Larry Haber had come on scene, as there was panic and depression after the Titor telling was that a nuclear war could be enacted.

What does not figure to date about Larry and the old Art Bell website, is he or his compatriots would have had to be both engineers and to have used a time travel device themselves to have set up the situation to where he finally comes out and says that one, his time displacement unit is broken and two that he needs both help and parts in order to fix it.He would have had to known ahead of time that certain personnel would have been on Art's posting BBS at that exact time, only.

So what anyone would be looking at, are social indicators pointing to the end of summer for the said federal government to attack, or not attack the people that had elected most of it to office?This is all conjecture but is similar to getting off the chair lift and mistakenly take the ski trail to the expert ski slopes.And this mistake when one is only a novice or beginning skier."You just get use to the view, it's like everything else".Pinter

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Note what we do know about Titor's time machine is that the use of his machine does have basis in fact in history.See the news article mysterious chucks of earth cookie cuttered from ground and taken without tracks and dropped back down.News articles said they were seven to eight hundred pounds of earth.

The displacement time machine is housed in a probable universal electronics box utility carrier.This is an item that is on shelf in most military storage depots, which can be used to both transport, store items and in some cases be retro-rigged to serve as a housing for working electronic or mechanical apparatus and still be carried portable.

This the handling of this style of time machine is slower than others and the pilot must carry along oxygen to keep from passing out.The event horizion to the twin Kerr double enveloped enlarged and projected singularities acts as the sealed wall of this style of time machine.

Know that this talked about machine, has an electrical bus relay section, with either may or may not be removable.There are no finer diagrams on this device other than what is offered in the published drawings.

*That there may be more than one but up to three copies of this time machine operating all in distances from each other, due to the problem of alternate timeline destination, from said Titor time machine hitting a solar flare and sustaining damage.The replacement parts as by many indications had sent Titor to alternate time lines.

Lastly, this style of machine may only be desirable to be used within the one huindred year of length time travel range.As I had said, it is a slow machine, does not have a circuit breaker or popup fuse protection safety feature to it and this machine takes a long time to get up to workable, or escape to time innerspace statis, say if someone is after you.It's probably not recommended to try to get into the next century with this machine, as in the future they may develop time machine detection devices, to keep travelers out of those certain eras.

Titor may possibly at this period of time be suffering from all times radiation sickness and require constant care.There is very poor radiation protection with this type of set up.Lastly who is to say if this is not a made up story, that a real time traveler hadn't copied his method of travel and actually constructed a time machine which would perform roughly in the same manner?This is sort of like sneaking in the exit door to the movies as you have a friend on the inside who will risk in letting a body in that way.Pinter

*Sources, the (all times corridor), was said to have existed outside of the DE class navy destroyer Eldridge, when full power was switched to this navy ship which was said to have made the entire ship travel through time.All times was said to be noisy, full of many kinds of radiation and to have poisoned the crew when they made it back to a point of return.,Note, not exact departure.FATE Magazine The Philadelphia Experiment, FATE Mag archives.

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This would mean in simplest terms that this central sun may be fragile and not able to withstand a full nuclear war.
No. Sorry to be blunt, but this is utter and complete nonsense. You cannot blow up the sun even with every single nuclear weapon in history. In fact, if our entire planet was fired into the sun at the speed of a nuclear missile, it would do absolutely nothing, at all. To the sun, of course. The Earth would be screwed.

Consolidation of my own statement.Fission is the seconadry process of an atom bomb.So then according to textbooks on nuclear physics, the fusion used to start a nuclear weapon, would be the pre-primary state to rapid chain heavy atomic materials before complete fission.

In the making of the Czar Bomba, the largest atomic weapon ever set off, the Russian nuclear hierarchy had wanted to go for one hundred, not fifty megatones.The advising physicist at the time, had warned that the creation of a fireball would become unwieldy and continue out into space.

With this demonstration said, one must realize that even if the primary fireball seen, were ten miles or greater, this does not account for all of the primary energy shunts to be expressed by that particular bomb.Shunts, also expressed as pathways.

The rest of the energy would be shunted extra to this dimension.So this would automatically mean another level of reality transmission of all of the energy set off in that primary tenth of a second blast.Since this give off of energy is thought to be extra scalar, then this energy would have to seek a mass in space of the greatest extra scalar coordinates.This is said by the in-back of XYZ axis, or by the process of worm hole mechanics, this energy would be ferried into the Earth's central sun.

Since this energy given off by A-bomb blast is fission and not fusion. Then there lies the problem of gross electromagnetic radiation signature to which the central sun could not readily accept.This would be so, as the sun's primary burn mechanics, is based on the principle of a fusion upwelling convection burn processes.

This energy would cross track the general acceptance energy manifold of this systems central sun and probably give the sun, quantum natured mechanics related to function issues.The reaction to impulse affectation caused by the fission injection, placed on most sun's are either gross disruptions of function; usually resulting in gross solar flare give off.However' if the taking in of energy based on a wrong acceptance factor is too great, then this action may disrupt the fusion burning cycle and cause Earth's sun to detonate.This is as the intake of other frequencies energy other than what this sun would be use to using within its burn pattern.

Know that this TYPE of extra scalar energy be first off be labeled as the wrong kind of energy for the sun to use, plus the quality of energy that is wrong being taken into the sun extra-scalerly, would more than likely be too great and cause the central sun to dysfunction.The differences in the kind of acceptable energies are too great.This is as simple as I can possibly break it down for anybody.

This post was to answer a challenge point.If you believe something else would happen, then this is your right to do so.Pinter

Sources, enter in search words, extra scalar energy.

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To be exact what cause the sun to become bogged down as a result of a nuclear weapons exchange, is given in the following example.

If one take a slice about a quarter value of an sphere, just like one would cut a piece out of an apple, you can use the following coordinates.The outside of the skin that is left of the sphere of the primary fireball, once the quarter cut has been made, would be the boundary to the values of this space and time.

The barrier surrounding the value of the central fireball, would be the barrier as represented to this space and time.

Now the quarter cut of this sphere? If you would be able to look inside of that quarter cut from the sphere, would represent the area of the fireball to where the energy from the primary fireball, would gain high scalier momentum and goes into a higher frequency that this space and time.

Then this percentage would be the amount of energy that would wormhole into the sun's operating.However the actual percentage would more than likely be at about half the value of the primary detonation.

**Here is what the problem is with a lot of nuclear explosions going on.Inside of the nuclear fireball. What that primary ignition to burn action is made from, are elements of a very heavy nature.Heavier than naturally found in nature.So what occurs, as with a lens, is that the now formed cloud of nuclear energy is doped with heavier than normal radioactive molecules, which make up the constituency, of this atomic cloud, now shoved into the once normal sun.

What varies here, is that this material is way heavier than the sun's own liquid like constituency, which is said to be near the consistency of bathtub water.The two differing elements cannot coexist, as their atomic molar weights are differing and this relations as held in a very sharp contract.

To a human, this would be similar to someone supplying a person with carbon dioxide to breath, over the normal regular to human's breathable air.The sun would now labor to this newly introduced element, but would not as a part of its own normal functioning dynamics, be able to tolerate this new form of gas matter.The sun would react violently and this is the mechanism probably at the crux, as to why a full scale nuclear exchange would drastically effect the regular functioning the the sun's internal process.

Taking this back to the very first T Zero one millionth of a second after the central plutonium core is crushed. In that femto-second, the encompassment of nature knows that by an established physical function, that not all of the bombs energy can be stored in only one dimension.A wormhole hole allowing grossly heavier matter, must be opened in order to allow this material to escape.

By laws of mass gravity attraction based in the request of size, generating gravity over less size.This as based in the laws of less mass attraction, then this energy travels direly into the sun.This entire process of contaminating the central sun, all goes under the heading of doped energy clouds as indexed in atomic molecular weights.Pinter

I am (hopefully) not going to derail this thread too much, but I feel a serious need to address this. We are not able to blow up the sun. No nulcear weapons we have can do that. A "sunbuster" weapon is the realm of deep, deep science fiction. But other than laying any worries to rest, since I teach science, it is a bit of a thing with me that I feel it important to correct some powerful misunderstandings you seem to have about basic physics.

Consolidation of my own statement.Fission is the seconadry process of an atom bomb.So then according to textbooks on nuclear physics, the fusion used to start a nuclear weapon, would be the pre-primary state to rapid chain heavy atomic materials before complete fission.
Fission is when you split (big and unstable) atoms. Fusion is when you merge two (small) atoms together. The process you mention uses fission (which is easier to achieve with modern tools) to start a fusion reaction to make a bomb blow up. Fission first, fusion second, not the other way around.

In the making of the Czar Bomba, the largest atomic weapon ever set off,
The mushroom cloud topped out at 64km (40mi) altitude. While that is very high, "space" is typically considered the Karman line, at 100km (62mi) altitude. There is no definitive border of space/not space, though. The bomb expends its potential energy in the explosion, there is no energy that is not allowed to escape that way (I assume that is what you mean by "shunts"?)

The rest of the energy would be shunted extra to this dimension.So this would automatically mean another level of reality transmission of all of the energy set off in that primary tenth of a second blast.Since this give off of energy is thought to be extra scalar, then this energy would have to seek a mass in space of the greatest extra scalar coordinates.
As stated, the bomb goes off, it releases the energy. I have no idea what "rest" there is, it makes no real sense. And there is no energy seeking mass, and I'm not sure you are using the term "scalar" correctly (I also teach math).

This is said by the in-back of XYZ axis, or by the process of worm hole mechanics, this energy would be ferried into the Earth's central sun.
Just no. Plain no. There is no science or even logical conclusions in that. Who told you any of this?

Since this energy given off by A-bomb blast is fission and not fusion. Then there lies the problem of gross electromagnetic radiation signature to which the central sun could not readily accept.This would be so, as the sun's primary burn mechanics, is based on the principle of a fusion upwelling convection burn processes.
The bomb does not give off either fission or fusion energy. Fission and fusion are the processes by which it creates the energy. It gives off shockwaves, EMP, and various kinds of radiation. And any electromagnetic radiation is abosultely *nothing* compared to that which is given off by the sun (electromagnetic radiation is also known as light).

This energy would cross track the general acceptance energy manifold of this systems central sun
No. Again, just... no. Even the Tsar Bomb only had a blast radius of 8 km (5 mi). The Earth has a diameter of over 12.000 km. Not even all the nukes in history could crack the Earth. The sun has a diameter more than 100 times that. No amount of Earthly nukes can cause it any kind of dysfunction/malfunction.

This is as simple as I can possibly break it down for anybody.
It is also immensely wrong. I do not believe you have studied the physics, or the basic astronomy of this, at all. Where do you even get any of this from??

This post was to answer a challenge point.If you believe something else would happen, then this is your right to do so.
No challenge, you are just plainly wrong, and quite spectacularly so. I made the post to keep others from worrying that nuclear weapons might damage the sun, which is an insane idea to begin with.

Sources, enter in search words, extra scalar energy.
I did, just for funsies. As expected, Google had no idea what "extra scalar energy" is. If you translated it with Google Translate, it might have come out wrong. Let me know the original term, maybe I can find out the exact translation.

To be exact what cause the sun to become bogged down as a result of a nuclear weapons exchange, is given in the following example.
Your example makes very little sense, but I think it is a language barrier. I speak a few languages, what is your native one? Perhaps I can understand it better that way. Otherwise, you just cut 1/4 out of a sphere and told me the inside was an area (do you mean its volume?), then called it "space and time".

Then this percentage would be the amount of energy that would wormhole into the sun's operating.However the actual percentage would more than likely be at about half the value of the primary detonation.
You have no basis for this, scientific or otherwise. I don't think you know what wormholes are, or how astrophysics or physics work at even the simplest scale. Or else, you are simply making *massive* jumps in your explanations.

**Here is what the problem is with a lot of nuclear explosions going on.Inside of the nuclear fireball. What that primary ignition to burn action is made from, are elements of a very heavy nature.
Yes, typically uranium or plutonium, IIRC.

Heavier than naturally found in nature.
No, uranium is mined. Look up "uranium mining".

So what occurs, as with a lens, is that the now formed cloud of nuclear energy is doped with heavier than normal radioactive molecules, which make up the constituency, of this atomic cloud, now shoved into the once normal sun.
I don't think you know how lenses work, or you left something important out. And nothing is being shoved into the sun. It is very far away.

What varies here, is that this material is way heavier than the sun's own liquid like constituency, which is said to be near the consistency of bathtub water.The two differing elements cannot coexist, as their atomic molar weights are differing and this relations as held in a very sharp contract.
I don't think you know how physics work. There is plenty of heavy materials in the sun and other stars, it goes to the core because of gravity. That is why stars burn out, i.e. when their cores get filled up with things too heavy for them to fuse by fusion. Also, I never heard the comparison with bathtub water (which I don't believe is different from other water?), but it sounds very wrong. And things of different molar weight coexist all the time. Otherwise, everything would go pop and disappear.

To a human, this would be similar to someone supplying a person with carbon dioxide to breath, over the normal regular to human's breathable air.
No, it wouldn't. I believe you either don't know how the sun, breathing, or carbon dioxide work. One of them, at least.

The sun would now labor to this newly introduced element, but would not as a part of its own normal functioning dynamics, be able to tolerate this new form of gas matter.
No. Sun big. Earth small. Tsar bomb tiny, on that scale. Also, sun far, far away. If somehow heavy elements were hurled into the sun from nuclear explosions (they won't be, but let's pretend), they would fall into the star core and stay there. You would need an unbelievable amount to affect the sun. In fact, the entire Earth dropping into the sun would not seriously harm it. The sun is more than 99% of all matter in the solar system, and the Earth is *not* a big part of what's left.

The sun would react violently and this is the mechanism probably at the crux, as to why a full scale nuclear exchange would drastically effect the regular functioning the the sun's internal process.
No. It would affect the sun as much as it would affect you or me that someone set of a firecracker. On Mars.

Taking this back to the very first T Zero one millionth of a second after the central plutonium core is crushed. In that femto-second, the encompassment of nature knows that by an established physical function, that not all of the bombs energy can be stored in only one dimension.
Good thing we live in three dimensions, then. Or do you mean dimension as in multiverse theory? Because in that case, all its energy fits very neatly in our dimension.

A wormhole hole allowing grossly heavier matter, must be opened in order to allow this material to escape.
No. Can you even write that without laughing? Sorry to be a bit dickish, but this is so far beyond any kind of rational thinking that I think you are quoting someone who is on very nasty drugs. If it is a friend, please help them get the proper care...

By laws of mass gravity attraction based in the request of size, generating gravity over less size.This as based in the laws of less mass attraction, then this energy travels direly into the sun.This entire process of contaminating the central sun, all goes under the heading of doped energy clouds as indexed in atomic molecular weights.Pinter
I don't think you know how gravity works, and I have never said that to anyone before. Also, most of what you write honestly sounds like someone rolling a set of dice on a list of technobabble. None of it has any real base in anything, not even pseudoscience, and you are using almost every term completely wrong. At the beginning, I was ready to assume it was a translation problem, but I am now pretty sure you just have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about, and may in fact be trolling. I do respect a good attempt at scientific trolling, but this is not a good attempt. If you have some actual science to show me, go ahead, because you clearly need someone to help you with the details (which is common. Science is hard and often a mess). But what you write here is beyond the hallucinations of tinfoil hat LSD trips gone horribly wrong near a sixth grade physics textbook.For anything else, I have no intention of continuing this particular debate. You clearly have some serious misgivings about... a lot, and if you are capable of even believing this, I can do nothing. I just want everyone to understand quite clearly, that no nuclear war on this or any other planet will make *sigh* the sun explode */sigh*

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I am (hopefully) not going to derail this thread too much, but I feel a serious need to address this. We are not able to blow up the sun. No nulcear weapons we have can do that.
I said full scale nuclear exchange, not just one weapon.The second point that you've seemed to have missed in your return, is that the fireball in the Castle Bravo test, started to travel up above the top cloud layer.So the estimation of the Czar Bomba going out into space, may have been correct., but this is not the issue.

On the backside of the XYZ axis, this is from a book on Einstein's estimation of other dimensions.I even remember the color of the binding which had been a red pebble grained book cover.

The thing is here sport, since you are wanting to lord over me and show everybody how woefully dumb and inadequate that I am? If you have a full scale exchange, then if the estimation is correct about the extra-sclaier energy going into the sun via worm hole apparatus and does upset the functioning of the central sun, we all, not just you are going to pay for this action.So please peddle your planned or paid berattings elsewhere, okay?

Maybe pint is right. Come put out of misery. See what happens. 2 helped to make better world. Will happen one way or amother. Both will do anything-or, in our world have sacrificed to prevent doom. Both dedicate self to do so. Connected to one. See what happens. I wear Micheal on my chest. See what happens. All world's will collide into one no Metter what. Resistance is futile!

I said full scale nuclear exchange, not just one weapon.
No amount of nuclear weapons will do it. Not even all of them.

The thing is here sport, since you are wanting to lord over me and show everybody how woefully dumb and inadequate that I am? So please peddle your planned or paid berattings elsewhere, okay?
This is the reason why I even bother replying. I am not trying to berate you (also, who the heck would pay me to do so??); what you believe does not matter to me. I just don't want you to start scaring others with no understanding of science into thinking the end is near. I lived through the Y2K bug panic and the 2012 panic, and it bothers me that people send others into a frenzy just because they don't understand basic science (or calendars, in the 2012 case). People scaring others about bad science is how the anti-vaccination craze started, and people now risk dying from it. Literally. So while nuclear war IS a bad thing, concocting some mess of a belief with absolutely zero basis in anything might well screw a lot of people up. In other words, your completely unsubstantiated claims may end up hurting people. Also, it makes everybody laugh at the notion of time travel, which I think is a bad thing. It makes forums like this slowly turn into complete jokes and the hiding places of people without the good sense to think, but ample access to a keyboard with internet access. I've seen those other forums around the web, and I really want a place that can discuss time travel without someone screaming "look, Bigfoot!" every two minutes. If you disagree, please, do continue.To everybody else: Do the math. Do the science. Don't do drugs.


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I am not a drug addict as this character is saying.Can't touch them or let them go into me.So that's that.

Sources on the say from this character before me.

On sources.Robert Oppenheimer wrote a paper titled, holes.This paper he had taken to Albert Einstein's office at Princeton.

That afternoon between Oppenheimer and Einstein was vitally important, as with Einstein's help, Oppy and him developed the bed spread ideology for space and time being as a fabric.I believe Oppy wrote his paper in 1929, but did not realize as of yet, what the conditions were for black holes.

Perform a better word search by entering (Holes, by Dr, Robert Oppenheimer Scientific American Magazine, Archives).He knew there were space and time venues associated with how gravity enfolded in solar systems, but then could not adequately express this.Marcia Bartsuick's book, (Thursday's child), about Hawking and the early investigative BH group, gives a very good eye into the space gravity time equation of space and time as they may relate to black holes and equalization phenomenon.

This last book also shows directly why one should not set off lots of atomic explosives and that relationship in wormhole conditus to Earth's central sun.Pinter

Note, not a good article on Oppy and Einstein, just shows they knew one another.

Hi everyone! :-) I'm a new member hoping to learn a lot from this forum. This seems to be an interesting community basing from the forum title. I'll see you guys around! :-)

My name is Arvis, I'm 22 years old electronic engineering student and currently work as pizza deliverer. I'm interested in science, mysteries and conspiracies, this seems to be the right place to discuss them and find out anything related to them!
