New to TTI? Introduce yourself here!

Hello to every one, I happen upon this forum by an accident when some thing popped up on my news feed on facebook about john titor, so I started reading an article about him, and I remember when he became all famous as so to speak and due to the fact that time traveling has always fascinated me I started reading more about him which led me here and so reading through the forums thought i may just fit in and enjoy reading what others post, so Hello World this is me


Hey ^_^ I'm Raquel from Tennessee. I've been interested in time travel for as long as I can remember. Along those lines, I'm interested in the unchecked growth of our present day tech giants (Google being one) and what role they'll play in the future, twenty to thirty years down the road.

Any way, happy to be here. Looks like a gold mine of information and theories :)

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Hey gang, it's Josh. Glad to finally be here and start making some post. I hope to share my opinion on a few subjects and learn a thing or two from a lot of you. I promise to be kind and hope you return the favor.

See you guys in the forum


Hello, I'm Dani, a 26 year old girl from Eastern Europe. I'm very keen on time traveling, it has been one of my interests ever since I was a child.

It's very nice to find a community of people with the same interest and I hope to fit in well. In a sense, we are all time travels, we just can't go back, only forward, don't you think so?
