New John Titor Interpretation

Re: mem

Why that is actually a good point. However, no really big catastrophe like a super volcano eruption has happened in modern times, has it? One that erases the breadbasket of the world overnight.

I know, one in a million chances. Unless Titor and his story are real. Then maybe, what, one in a hundred?
"If Titor and his story is real then April 19, 2005 is my best guess of the date the "event" happens that kicks off his story. And my best guess for the "event" is Yellowstone."

MEM, I agree with u on the "event" Yellowstone.

I'll give my best guess for the disaster and also the reasons for that guess:

You said the comet passes from Dec.15 to April. The comet will be on its midway during the next couple of weeks, when it would have its maximum "effect" on Earth. 23rd of this month is a Full Moon Day so that the Moon has its Maximum effect on Earth. If u recall, the Tsunami occurred after a full moon night. So my guess is Feb 23rd or 24th, provided if Titor was a real time traveller and he was tellin us the truth. "Praise the Lord" if it doesn't happen.
MEM said>creedo, what's you point?

Creedo answers>There is no point to be made.

This is supposedly an adulated timeline that we are in, so the principle events within the timeline are going to skate latterly.

Through the Nancy Lieder group, the Zetians have said that the cabalist have already adulated this timeline.

Does not make any difference if they did, as events modulate and the severity still comes through, however the event still takes place in another form.

This is the old adage, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

April 8th, was it?

Well look how nutty Kim L. Jong is and will this nuttiness bear fruit?
Moon at perigean on Apr 29 10:00. Lots of water melting, tidal forces on magma at peak... ka, boom, captial k....
You amateurs of the mind are playing with fire, and don't even realize it. You and MEM seem so intent on being right about this, that you eagerly post more and more "evidence" that shows you could be right. Not even realizing what you are doing that could make it come to pass.

And so people like me, who understand the creative power of the mind, must continually come along and "clean up" after your sloppy, doomsday thoughts to reduce the energy of this possibility:

You do realize, don't you, that your "moon at perigee doomsday" is utterly silly when you look at the fact that APR 29th is one of the FURTHEST perigees that the moon has in that list!?!? In fact, from that list, APR 29th is the second FARTHEST perigee of the year. Thus the second weakest from a gravitational pull standpoint. Not only that, but the closest perigee has already occurred this year on JAN 10th. Since gravitational forces on the earth are the largest impact on earth stress (with thermal stresses second), don't you think your "event" was more likely to occur...uhhhh, LAST MONTH?

I am telling you: Yellowstone is NOT going to explode on, or even close to, April 19th. It is NOT going to happen, for the most part, because responsible people like myself and others, who understand how the mind creates events, will subdue your silly doomsday thinking.

Tell me...have you ever had a POSITIVE thought about the future? All I see from you two is gloom and doom. Ever thought about, just maybe, actively seeking out evidence (scientific evidence, not stories left by Boomer) for why it might NOT happen? It would certainly be a better use of mind energy, don't you think?

Newbe 0 said ;Yes, keep throwing little bits of paper at him. Find out what will happen.

Creedo answers; By pieces of paper, did you mean spitballs?

Newb, I loved this when I read it. You mean spitballs at Mah Jong? lol, I love this idea?

Hi Rain, hope your doing well.
Sit down and join the party.

On yer comments on usen armatures, the riddle applies.

What's large, brown and moves through space?

A.Giant Montana Turd-bird.

B.A bowling rolled through a sewage plant.

C.Thin challenged people turning summersaults in an artist's studio.

D.Or something else?
There was a recent program on Discovery that was quite enlightening as to "state" of Yellowstone today. In addition to surface teams seeking out the caldera(which failed to find it) and instruments taking diverse measurments, simultaneous experiments around the world (on a smaller scale volcano) caused them to explore by air and found, that by comparing meticulously documented data from 70-80 years ago, they were able to determine that the entire boundary of Yellowstone Park had risen 270 centimeters. A lake on its boundary had literally been lifted up like you would lift up a plastic swimming pool, and put adjoining trees under about two feet of water.

The entirety of the park is a magma dome. It is miles across and would make the Mt St Helen explosion look like a pea shooter. Since science has pretty much thought in terms of tens of thousands of years for these kind of events, this kind of "quick" buildup is a cause of concern. They extrapolated the range of effect, and it easily encompasses a third of the planet. Of course, the effects would be felt world-wide for centuries to follow. A similar event on the Island of Thera in the Mediterranean Sea may well have caused the collapse of all the surrounding civilizations and caused a mega-tsunami that reached all the way to the mountains. The Bible is replete with these kinds of disasters, not the least being the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah from flaming volcanic rock hurtled miles into the atmosphere. Many other highly civilized peoples were destroyed including the Minoans, Egyptians, Greek, Roman, and even the mythic Atlantis.

There is no evidence that it may happen any time soon. Yet, the possibility hangs over our heads. The description of its possible destruction is quite remarkable considering the Biblical description of it. Suddenly, the possibility of "hail of fire", "burning mountain falling to the earth", a "smoking pit" opening up in the earth to spew noxious gasses--don't seem so far-fetched any more. The "angel" of this pit is call Abaddon or Appolyon, which is Destroyer in both languages. Even the "third of the rivers" becoming "Wormwood" takes on significance as to its scope.

Now I know this may add some fuel to the Titor saga, I might also add that Yellowstone has always been a hot spot for those who follow such things. For most, it has simply been "a park". I might also add that a civil war scenario would be the last thing on peoples minds. This would be planet survival time.
"And so people like me, who understand the creative power of the mind, must continually come along and "clean up" after your sloppy, doomsday thoughts to reduce the energy of this possibility."

Wow. Where do I apply?

"Tell me...have you ever had a POSITIVE thought about the future?"

Actually yes. All the time. Why don't you tell me one of yours?
Some rambling is going on here, or perhaps, it is just head spinning, perhaps, or a new law of physics, perhaps?
Earthquakes data and list:

Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19th, 1995) and after Waco (April 19th, 1993)

But taking things out of context by JT, and joining those items together, that does not necessarily come up with a plan!
The economy may fail because of the politics according to economists who deal with such subject matters depending on which ones you read about, and that has been in the News lately.

The new Budget is also a concern for many people, and as Social Security or anything else is discussed, that may also be a factor, if any at all, as it is being debated now by Congress.
Does this tie in with large cities having more sway over rural areas, and in particular, most of the people who voted for Bush?
Is Bush personal freedom agenda, more sway to ensure his own personal economy after being in Office now, then previously in the Past?

There were two Civil Wars in the US. One was with President Lincoln, for a Noble Cause, the other was in the '60's as known as Vietnam and the politics of that day or days.

Can dreams reflect a state of fears about the unknown of what lies ahead -- or in a sense, those general terms such as -- time travel?

I see no need to jumble up postings by JT, advances in physics, and the day after tomorrow.
By the way, without looking it up again, is not that Poem quoted, actually a Poem by Dr. Brown, and that is how it was found, by looking it up on the Internet? (and yes, I am not sure about that now, as that has been discussed previously somewhere else in time and space!)

The IBM 5100 or others in that same computer line, were actually also able to be used as terminals to hook up to System/360 systems, as that has been discussed before previously in Time and Space somewhere else.

Hidden meanings and hidden agendas, and all things hidden, must also include a lack of knowledge, or someone's elses propanganda, instead of real purpose, and science is purpose, or a fact finding mission, and a not speculative adventure.

Have as good as a nice day as you can have, I guess!
I'm discussing it because I'm worried about it Rainman, why would you pick on us for it?
I am trying to make you aware of what you are doing. Mostly I am trying to make you aware that you have just as much power to prevent it as you do to make it come to pass.

A question for you: Do you believe, even in the most general terms, that the mind can be at cause over matter? In linear terms, it is hard to argue the truth of this as our minds set matter in motion to achieve intended results every day. However, when it comes to how the mind can affect reality in highly non-linear, sub-quantal ways is where there is reason for concern. Let me explain what I have witnessed here, and the underlying reasons for my concern.

I have seen MEM start this thread, and continue to hammer his belief that this is the "correct" interpretation of Titor's fun and games. His continuing chant of the dramatic "Ka-BOOM. Capital K, capital BOOM" clearly is dedicating mind energy towards his belief that this event will come to pass in our future. That is bad enough, but it is when others begin to glam onto this belief, and encourage these sorts of negative thinking about our future that real trouble begins.

There is a very scientific reality that was being explained by Jesus Christ when he said "Whenever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there." "I am" is the power of Creation. What Christ was explaining is that as more and more people train their minds on a certain result (i.e. to gather in the name of creating that result), the power of Creation is there and will respond.

If you are truly worried about it, I would suggest you focus more on mental efforts to eliminate it from your future, rather than worry or fear that it is somehow locked-in to occurrence in this timeline. Envision the future you want to live in, and envision it often and encourage others to envision the same. Belief is, without a doubt, the most powerful force in our universe. What we believe shapes everything about how we choose to live and what transpires in the energy around us.

I am telling you, with a considerable level of sureity and confidence, that this event is NOT going to happen in my timeline. I am also telling you that myself, and many others of spiritual inclination, are working to create massive changes in our near future. Changes for the "good". There has been a veil of confusion placed over us that distorts how we see "reality". Thanks to the advancement of both science and spirituality, and their eventual reconciliation, we live in a period of linear time where we CAN (if we choose) lift that veil and reveal "secrets" of energy that will change forever how we view life and how we choose to live our lives.

I reject the tale of Titor, as it portends a negative view of our future. I, for one, will simply not allow such a future to come to pass. IMO, the whole Titor affair is a PsyOp intended to coerce our mental energy towards creating exactly the type of tragedy that a terrorist would want to see befall America, and the entire Western culture of freedom.

I've been describing, for a long time now, how Time is not linear and singular in dimension. We are NOT locked into any one timeline, as if it were one-dimensional with only "backwards" and "forewards" as the two directions in which we can travel. Time is 3-dimensional, and what that means is that we can change the future we will experience next week, or next month, by force of Will.

RainManTime wrote:

"I have seen MEM start this thread, and continue to hammer his belief that this is the "correct" interpretation of Titor's fun and games."

I don't believe I have ever suggested it was the "correct" interpretation. In fact, I wrote in the disclaimer:

This is just one of many possible interpretations of the writings of Nostradamus and John Titor and the reader must decide for themselves which interpretation to believe.

If I wrote that it was the only "correct" interpretation please point that out.

"I am telling you, with a considerable level of sureity and confidence, that this event is NOT going to happen in my timeline."

Then why are you concerned about others discussing it? After all, we are discussing the possibility of an natural event being tied to JT's story. It's not like we are planning some event. Please help me understand your concerns.

"I reject the tale of Titor, as it portends a negative view of our future."

So why are you posting on a bb about time travel under a topic about Titor?

" Time is not linear and singular in dimension. We are NOT locked into any one timeline"

Can you suggest some reading so I understand the science behind what you say?
Have you guys noticed throughout history that we all need a boogeyman?

The World is flat -- ya gonna fall off.
Duck and cover -- dey gonna bomb us.
Y2K -- its the end of the world as we know it.

You pick your boogeyman, I'll pick mine. I choose John Titor.

Go get yer X-Box!
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

Everafter...I think that you should keep on doing your reserch. I Know I would love to find out if this JT is credible. Don't give up. Smart people keep an open mind and do there reserch before believing in someone or something.
For whatever reason I was brought to this site tonight, you see I am on my own journey for answers. I have never even heard of this JT character before tonight, but it looks interesting and I might do some reserch of my own on this subject.
I feel the need to reply to this post as for what reason I dont know, maybe I just like to run my mouth /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif . One of the things that struck me as odd between the conversation between you and journeyman, was he kept stating about a disaster and to check the county voting poll results. Well if I am not mistaken...and I am not. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif This past years presidential election, a few weeks before , Hurricanes hit Florida, In fact they hit every county that voted for Bush in the 2000 election and left the Gore ones untouched. Dont take my word for it. Do your own checking. No one even brought this fact up from what I have read. Wouldn't that prove one of JT predictions?
Also I was fasinated about your dreams. It brought to mind one that I had 2 night ago. I don't put much stock in my dreams, but here it goes anyway. I was walking along this brige, there was a lot of flooding, the water levels kept rising, the waves would come up on the bridge a almost knock me over, I was looking over to my left when I saw this other brige completly destroyed by water, I turned my head and then looked back, in an instant the bridge was replaced by another one, however this one looked like rollercoaster tracks, made me sort of thing about your dream of the monorail. I was still dreaming , but now I was walking down a street, little single family homes with chain link fences. I looked up in the sky only to see a a nuclear warhead moving straight down to the ground in front of me. I think it was yellow, could have been more like a beige or cream color, it had black rings painted around it. I remember seeing a symbol of what looked like a cross and the number 15 painted in black. I didn't think anything of this dream until I read that JT predicted ww 111 in 2015. Kinda freaked me out a little. Well anyway, the warhead never exploded, the next thing I remember, is there was this huge robot looking thing rolling down the street, he was instructing everybody to come out of the house and bring him their notebooks. Apparently the notebooks contained information on the people and everyone had their own. This was the end of yet another weird dream. It didn't seem to have a place until reading your post.
As far as JT predictions for our future, its possible. The dollar is continuing to drop,our country is going bankrupt. We owe China billions of dollars, I live in the NorthEast and there has been talk of cutting ourselves away from the rest of the country. Most people around here are not to fond of middle America right now. They believe they are responsible for this countries downfall by voting for Bush. We had problems in my state with the voting booths, in fact it happened to me and several others ...Every time I hit the Kerry button, the Bush button would light up. I am not sure how many people did not catch this flaw in the booths that day. So a civil war is not totally out of the question. I myself would not pursue it. I believe we need to stay united.
So thank you for letting me share my thoughts, I think I might do some reading on this person. If anything does make life a little more interesting.
A very long sermonizing Rainman, I'm gettin bored.

I'll make this plain and simple. Dont get cocky now,

The Yellowstone is not gonna erupt just because MEM asked it to do so.

Its not gonna stay calm if you order it to do so.

No one can control nature. Am I right?