new HDRKID thread

Not many people would post their picture. I usually avoid posting my because you never know who will google you.
I am pretty much an open book. I won't share things that will jeapordize my identity, but a pic here and there doesn't hurt.

driving around in a sports car trying to pick up women
You mean like this?


She's my baby... I call her "Anni" because she is a 50th Anniversary model...
Since I am suppose to be talking about time travel I guess I will try to get back close to the topic of this thread. Here is some newspaper headlines that I still had laying around from writing my software. This was in my software backup project folder. I don,t delete that stuff. If I ever go academic with my project I will show you guys the good stuff. Headlines of the far far future and alternate realities but for now that will have to wait.

This stuff was a while back. This is the real past. suck.

Sorry. (Or am I?) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I dreamed of buying that car back when they were making the 25th Anniversary and I was not even old enough to drive. Worked damn hard to get it too.

Let me guess, nobody touches ann but you.

Purty much. Only other people who have driven it are my brother and his son, my nephew. But they are both DNA-related, and engineers as well, so I trust them :D

Nice car. Well I was not too far off base with you. I got the car thing right.

Thanks. I'm not really an ogre/dictator IRL. But much like my online persona, I simply don't put up with BS and nor do I suffer foolish ideas lightly.

Sorry. (Or am I?) I dreamed of buying that car back when they were making the 25th Anniversary and I was not even old enough to drive. Worked damn hard to get it too.

I remember you posting that picture before. I've been thinging about getting a old chevy truck. I have been wanting one of those for a while. I had one at one time but I was not working on it and did not want to see it go to wast.
Thanks. I'm not really an ogre/dictator IRL. But much like my online persona, I simply don't put up with BS and nor do I suffer foolish ideas lightly.

Yes but having a rigid attitude and train of thought you sometimes miss out don,t you? Not that you will admit it but it is true. Life is like rubic cube. Your view of it depends on how you turn it around and look at it. By the way I never called you a dictator. You brought that up I just played along with it.
Yes but having a rigid attitude and train of thought you sometimes miss out don,t you?

Everyone misses out on something, so of course you are right. Whether it results from my "rigid" attitude and/or train of thought is debateable, but even that is a personal choice. One thing that studying and participating in "mystery tradition" groups (e.g. Qabalah) will teach you is that it is pointless to have regret for the past, because it cannot be changed. One should only live for their intention for their future, and make sure their intention is pure. "Magick" is nothing more than bringing significant personal focus to bear on your intention. And the "k" is specifically used to distinguish it from "magic" in that science is at the foundation of "magick".

It is highly effective, and as I have said many times before: There is no technology (and that is what magick is) that is evil. There is only evil intention in how and why you apply a technology. It is why I maintain that HDRKID's intention for spreading gloom and doom is evil. But the HDR itself is not. we are back on topic! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Everyone misses out on something, so of course you are right. Whether it results from my "rigid" attitude and/or train of thought is debateable, but even that is a personal choice. One thing that studying and participating in "mystery tradition" groups (e.g. Qabalah) will teach you is that it is pointless to have regret for the past, because it cannot be changed. One should only live for their intention for their future, and make sure their intention is pure. "Magick" is nothing more than bringing significant personal focus to bear on your intention. And the "k" is specifically used to distinguish it from "magic" in that science is at the foundation of "magick".

It is highly effective, and as I have said many times before: There is no technology (and that is what magick is) that is evil. There is only evil intention in how and why you apply a technology. It is why I maintain that HDRKID's intention for spreading gloom and doom is evil. But the HDR itself is not. we are back on topic!

Ok Rainman, opinionated to the end you are. You sound like you got it all figured out but I know somewere in there is a normal every day human. I don,t know where but I know it is there. I have a hard time seeing someone as purely evil. People are somewhat like computer programs. How they act is based on their input. Give them the right input they are ok. Give them the wrong input they are evil. Does that make them evil? I don,t know. Yes, I hope we are on topic. I enjoyed our little discussion.
This stuff was a while back. This is the real past.

Good thing we are in the fan fiction section, or I would have to bust your chops.

What is amazing is that your "time machine" captured "pictures" that have shading on the pages induced from the slight warping of the pages that would show up if you put these front page newspapers onto a flatbed scanner and scanned them! :eek: And that first one, in the upper right corner of the paper, it seems to show an "authentic" white space where the paper was not perfectly aligned with the edge of the scanner.

Now THAT is authentic!

What is also "interesting" is that every one of these pictures that allegedly came from your "time machine" are from the exact same newspaper...The Arkansas Democrat Gazette. And what a coincidence it is that you also live in Arkansas! Amazing! One would think that a "time machine" like yours that is programmed to search for info off of random numbers would at least hit on some other newspapers, and some not in Arkansas... maybe the New York Times or something...

Good thing we are in the fan fiction section, or I would have to bust your chops.

What is amazing is that your "time machine" captured "pictures" that have shading on the pages induced from the slight warping of the pages that would show up if you put these front page newspapers onto a flatbed scanner and scanned them! And that first one, in the upper right corner of the paper, it seems to show an "authentic" white space where the paper was not perfectly aligned with the edge of the scanner.

Now THAT is authentic!

Rainmain - These did not come from my time machine. I don,t think you read my post. Those pics are my pics that I scanned myself to get the appropiate checksum ranges for scanning for news paper headlines. I have never to this date posted anything off my time machine. Reason for that is you claim my time machine as not been proving to be a time machine. So, until I prove it I keep all my goodies for my eyes only. And, I should bust your chops for misreading my post but I wont. I wanted to show everyone headlines of the real past. But, those headlines did not come from my machine. You misread my post. They were from my test files in my programming archive used to teach or train my software how to scan for news paper headlines. It was my training data. Nice try though.
What is also "interesting" is that every one of these pictures that allegedly came from your "time machine" are from the exact same newspaper...The Arkansas Democrat Gazette. And what a coincidence it is that you also live in Arkansas! Amazing! One would think that a "time machine" like yours that is programmed to search for info off of random numbers would at least hit on some other newspapers, and some not in Arkansas... maybe the New York Times or something...

I really hope you feel like a fool. Here is what I said.

Since I am suppose to be talking about time travel I guess I will try to get back close to the topic of this thread. Here is some newspaper headlines that I still had laying around from writing my software. This was in my software backup project folder. I don,t delete that stuff. If I ever go academic with my project I will show you guys the good stuff. Headlines of the far far future and alternate realities but for now that will have to wait.

There again you misread my post. These pics are my training data that I used to teach my time machine how to look for news paper headlines. I spent a very long time collecting them so I could train my time machine. Since I put all that work into collecting them as training data for my time machine I thought I was bring a shed of light into the real past here with something real from the real past to make this thread look well more like a time travel thread. But don,t feel bad professor. Last time I posted a pic that I used to train my time machine with I showed that my program spit it back out at me with part of the pic blurred. When I posted that in my thread someone that I was also posting real time travel media.

Now today I did post some code in my thread giving everyone a little bit of a tour to how I program but again to this date I have not posted any media because again you told me I did not have a time machine. So, at night after my programs are thru running for the day I sit back have have a beer or shot of whiskey and look at my time travel media and laugh at you. When or if I do academicly prove it I will post some of it. I will say though I was impressed by your analysis of my real pics I posted that I did scan and that did not come from my time machine. I guess I need to be more clear in my post as to what I am posting in the future.
I really hope you feel like a fool.

Nope. And here is why...

There again you misread my post. These pics are my training data that I used to teach my time machine how to look for news paper headlines.

You did not explain this in your original post. Here is the only relevant thing you wrote:

Here is some newspaper headlines that I still had laying around from writing my software.

You did not specify anything about these being scanned items you used to train your software. Now that you have explained it fully, I retract my remarks and apologize. Thanks for clarifying.

I guess I need to be more clear in my post as to what I am posting in the future.

You can never be overly clear. More clarity is always goodness. Thanks for clarifying.
Since I am suppose to be talking about time travel I guess I will try to get back close to the topic of this thread. Here is some newspaper headlines that I still had laying around from writing my software. This was in my software backup project folder. I don,t delete that stuff. If I ever go academic with my project I will show you guys the good stuff. Headlines of the far far future and alternate realities but for now that will have to wait.

When I said "If I ever go academic with my project I will show you guys the good stuff." I was trying to tell you guys that what I was showing was not the good stuff. I don,t store time travel media in my project programming backup folder. I forgot you guys are not programmers. Only a programmer would understand you don,t store real data in a programming backup folder. I guess I too have to come down to you guys level sometimes as you come down to my level. Anyway I have around one hundred of those headlines pictures that I used to train my program with. If you want to see any more just let me know.

I also feel that I may be taken over the kids thread so I will try to leave my stuff back in my own thread. Nice visiting with you HDRKID. Your welcome to come see me sometime too. Even though the professor moved your thread again you don,t have to stay here. Get out more often and post in the other threads. Your not completely confined you can get out and walk around. I sometimes go for long periods of time before returning to my thread. Hey, remember in the old days when geocities started up. They had these little houses that was suppose to be everyones webspace and they had a address. That remindes me of this situation. You can always make a real claim if you wish to use the claims section. Just be sure your claim is real and acceptable.

After going back and reading it was really my mistake not yours. So you inclination to bust my chops was correct. Im not a very good communicator to begin with. Hey, I did post some code in my section you are welcome to have a whack at.