Theory My new John Titor theory


Temporal Novice
Looking at the posts about John Titor, I noticed something. In one post, JT said that he stayed with his family when he was in our world, that is, in 2001. And John Titorda in our world must have been 3-4 years old. In other words, 3-year-old Titor saw the older Titor, and even after Titor disappeared in 2001, he was still in our world. Maybe Titor had an idea. He had returned to his world, he remained in our world in little Titor.And that child grew up. And today it was between us. Maybe he will do JT's job. Do you think this could be it?
It didn’t make sense to me that he visited himself. I think he just wanted to come back to his parents home and tell them the future that was to come, and to prepare for it. I think he told them to move to Omaha, Nebraska. That would take a lot of convincing to move away from Florida.
It didn’t make sense to me that he visited himself. I think he just wanted to come back to his parents home and tell them the future that was to come, and to prepare for it. I think he told them to move to Omaha, Nebraska. That would take a lot of convincing to move away from Florida.
So did I really convince his family? If this happened, JT tells them about the future and wants them to go there. In fact, this is changing the future. What I mean is that if a person changes his future, he also changes world events (this was the case in the movies I watched).
I know, I posted a question. This question is about 90% determinative. If he gets it right. I will be 50/50. If he gets it wrong, I will have almost no confidence.
My problem with the current one, and Darby seems to be poking at it, is that his story is not nearly coherent. He claims to be the inventor of the device, not just a grunt, and seems somewhat unfamiliar with the actual story. Also the original TT0 had very right-leaning, populist sentiments. This one seems not to so much. I also saw he said on another thread that John Titor is actually a name that many people use, it's a consortium.
A consortia would be blasphemy. (Peace be upon Mr._0)
Forgive them father John, for they not know what they do.

May the micro-singularity guide us all!

Darby will give him the 3rd degree.
Only the true of heart shall pass. ;)
Let this inquisition by Darbius Tempus serve as a warning against all who would dare desecrate the holy Templar order.
My problem with the current one, and Darby seems to be poking at it, is that his story is not nearly coherent. He claims to be the inventor of the device, not just a grunt, and seems somewhat unfamiliar with the actual story. Also the original TT0 had very right-leaning, populist sentiments. This one seems not to so much. I also saw he said on another thread that John Titor is actually a name that many people use, it's a consortium.
You're wrong, I'm very familiar with "John T.I.T.O.R" whole story because I'm the one who has made the agenda in the past. You can ask any question you want, I'll be happy to answer.
A great way to travel long distances in space, but gravitational waves alone are not enough for time travel. They have to be polarized at the very least.
I know I may have mentioned this before, but are you aware that a well-known producer for Disney and a well-respected theoretical physicist were trying to lift the copyright patent for the John Titor name? If you could legally prove ownership of that name, it is possible that incredibly well-funded entities would (in all probability) want to make a movie about John's story, but they can't because the name, and the concept is so well-known and well protected they can't lift either one.
In other words, there is your funding, and then some.

P.S. I am a creative type that is a;most obsessed with John's story, I throw my name in the hat to help.

I know I may have mentioned this before, but are you aware that a well-known producer for Disney and a well-respected theoretical physicist were trying to lift the copyright patent for the John Titor name? If you could legally prove ownership of that name, it is possible that incredibly well-funded entities would (in all probability) want to make a movie about John's story, but they can't because the name, and the concept is so well-known and well protected they can't lift either one.
In other words, there is your funding, and then some.

P.S. I am a creative type that is a;most obsessed with John's story, I throw my name in the hat to help.
Your attitude is gratifying. But we're not going to do a whole show, maybe when we move to another world line in the future we'll leave a video of ourselves.