Ah, well, I am not going to go back to page 2 to click on that posted link to reply about the "The Self-Conscious Universe"!
Already thought that and changed already, about all of that.
I still have page 2 of that interview to read thoroughly, though. The interview went off again as something that seems to be an inherent fault with thinking and that everyone should not think any further about the subject and just accept it. That is what I do not do!
I can not remember exactly when I thought that, but I still tend towards religion (what I learned when I was young) and exactly how long it seems to take anyone else to decide the same type of thinking. (??)
The Grand Design of the Universe is good, and supports -- more -- the possibility of changing to support life -- but does not infer that it will last forever to continually support that so-called life as consciousness, or that the Universe is specifically made to endure such life lasting.
This also goes back to that song in the '50's -- To everything -- turn, turn, turn, there is a season -- turn, turn, turn ----- which is also in The Bible, where it originated from.
I could look it up, but I have read it, perhaps it is a Psalm, but it is somewhere in The Bible.
Perhaps, it is dread or some other form it takes, but in the end, like the dinosaurs, we only have a limited time in the Grand Scheme of Design.
Hopefully that will change, because in the end, I think, humans would become lunatics if the possibility of not surviving ever changed from the what is thought of - as the possibility -- that life will go on forever.
So when anyone speaks of possibilities and the purpose of the Universe to support such life as we are, there is a gap in that kind of thinking.
Perhaps, the possibility exists that may -- make it so -- as I am reminded of a line from Star Trek, but actually in reality -- one has to admit or at least consider that the possibilities are much greater -- that humans will only be here -- for a limited time. Perhaps we can cheat this limit or due to lack of knowledge enhance our beliefs about what it is all about, but in the end, we will have emotions about that also!
Therefore since science from before goes ahead with causality due to past events, which leads up to new events and causality -- there are still going to be those limits -- even to possiblities. Therefore there is only a limited set of possibilities and that is all. Only a limited set of probabilities -- although those probabilities are enormous in scope.
I just tend not to get all wound up about it all, and still tend to believe that like anything else, there are these limits to it all!
Limits of infinity are not held by anyone, nor is the limit of zero!
That is also where I conclude that the Universe, although a nice thought about it being self-aware, really is not!
It can not be, because of those limits that every scientist seems to find.
Perhaps that is where Time enters in, for also a limit is implied also with not having all the Time one wishes. In short form, we call that death, but in long form, it may be a form of transendence, but in the end, we just do not know!
At any rate, there is still that possibility that physics takes on a new meaning at that level, one we can only imagine, if at all, and still we all end up in the twilight zone about that kind of knowledge.
Perhaps that knowledge can not be reached, only Time will tell, and the giving up secrets of the Universe taking Time -- is the self-referential reference the Universe is made up of!
It is in a slice of apple pie, and also is a basis for a Good Grand Scheme of Design -- well again, that brings up the religion that I learned when I was young.
And again, we are not the center of anything, and can not be so bold as to say that we are just here because the Universe became Self-Aware, and we were put here to Observe it, as something that is necessary.
Many other things we do not know, could also be construeded (sp) to actually be a form that can be thought of as self-aware. That possibility may not -- make it so -- though!
The WORD is given by God -- in the end -- and as such -- may even change, if God so Wills it -- we are in a sense -- leading -- but also dragged along with all of it!
That is actually the free will and choices we all must face in the future.
We also can not continue to try and change lives that other people are born with. It will result in an over-populated planet, that ever increases the problems we already have, and afterall Jesus was the Saviour, and I do not see that in my life's job description anywhere, that I have read in The Bible.
So Reality Shifting may become a major possibility again in the future!
I can submit that compassion helps, but is the possibility that helping others acheive what we assume we have for life-- really being compassionate -- again, it is just another glimpse into a different reality for those poor people, and again all of that will just take Time.
Until then, they are just causing increasing problems, and the reality of the possibilities and the probabilites dicate that there becomes a point, where humanity can not solve what is termed to be relgion in that form.
If I never knew it, then who was dumber, the person that pointed that out to me (we will help you have a better life), or the me that never knew it (hey, my life is what it is so leave it alone and do not give me this what you term -- a better reality -- for in the end, I did not know it and was not aware of it in the first place)!
That ends up with the possibility that the probability only increased tensions on this Planet, and only one decision ended up being the probability -- in time it may be solved, and also the it may not be solved -- probability -- and we all know what probably will happen in Civilization, as it has happened before --- a decrease in population due to many factors that said that again humanity was insane -- and that line of reasoning was not a real probability in the first place.
Claiming that anyone can make anything happen, is absurd!
And it all must be tied in with Laws of Physics!
Again, humanity reverts back to this -- caveman type of thinking throughout the course of history -- and again it has been recorded -- as history!
But please go on with these alternate forms of reality, for who knows, maybe a proper possibility may emerge from one of the probabilities that seem to enevelope this Universe and its' form!
Could that probability be called -- Time Travel?
A knowing of the future -- for that would be self-awareness!
Well, enough of my chatter about the -- all -- of it!
Again a direction will be taken about it all, and that is what again Civilization has been taking -- all along --- a direction -- a path -- a future --- in a time!