Moving between Timelines/Realities.

Re: Magical Thinking Alert

And its most fundamental and basic level Chaos theory states that nothing is truly random. Therefore if nothing is truly random with all of the interactions of trillions of atoms, correspond to what we call "Coincidences" on the macro level here in the real world.

Chaos theory states that there is an order, to even the most random looking of events/occurences.
Re: Magical Thinking Alert

Hi, I have noticed the fact that when I am watching a particular tv show, and I see its previews just before it starts and I didnt like the preview I felt in the back of my head what I wished would occur, then the show started everything seemed ordinary until the preview that was in the show before it started was altered to what I wished it was. It freaked me out a lot, I did it several times by subconcious will, but I wish I could do it by will conciously, I did realize when it happened my mind was thinking it, I asked my parents that was watching the show if they remembered the clip and they said I must be going wacky, and the show was altered for the rest of the season. As yet if i do it again i wouldnt be suprised if I change the path once again... its not magick its our minds that do it, and basicaly in the area where the brains "Supposedly are not Working" Dorment I must say. So basically no one is going crazy our brains are waking up to what they should be, we are the ones that alter reality...

Re: Magical Thinking Alert

Definitions of Chaos Theory (noun) on the Web, from Google at :

Describes the complex and unpredictable motion or dynamics of systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions. Chaotic systems are mathematically deterministic-that is, they follow precise laws, but their irregular behavior can appear to be random to the casual observer.

A new perspective emerging out of the study of dynamics that is discovering and mapping a high level of order and pattern in what has long been thought to be random activity.

the theory of non-linear functions, such that small differences in the input of the function can result in large and unpredictable differences in the output.

Pop name for dynamical systems theory, a branch of mathematics.*

Disciplines of Study [DoS] | Formalism

The study of systems exhibiting discontinuous change.

Describes the behavior of nonlinear systems. A subset of nonlinear dynamics analysis, chaos theory is a branch of mathematics focusing on irregular and complex behavior that has an underlying order. In the stock market, chaos theory seeks to forecast the future path of stock prices, including sudden changes that occur during periods of intense market activity.


From this information you should be able to see that chaos theory does not mean that coincidences, bad memories, and wishful thinking have any necessary counterpart in reality. In the first place not all systems are chaotic, and all systems do not necessarily interact with all other systems. In the second place, at best chaos theory would tell you that even if seemingly unrelated events were in fact remotely related somehow, they would appear random to you, without meaning or relationship (otherwise they'd not be 'chaotic'). Permitting yourself to imagine that random coincidences that you sometimes observe must have some deep universal significance that you might actually be able to figure out is not only silly but actually inhibits perception of reality.

On the other hand you're not alone, there are many people who prefer to live in a world of magical thinking instead of using solid observation or even common sense. Look at all the people who still think America invading Iraq was a good thing even though there weren't any WMDs after all. Hell, every American who voted for George Bush despite his obvious lies engages in magical thinking, and just look at all the people who actually imagine Jesus takes George Bush's side against the Arab heathens. Look at the Arab suicide bombers who imagine they're going to get rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven. Look at all the people who play the lottery and go gamble their life savings in Las Vegas, LOL! Oh I could go on and on, but it gets depressingly pathetic that we as a culture still live under the influence of so many ridiculous superstitions, because magical thinking is like putting on blinders which prevents people from seeing reality and behaving appropriately.
Re: Magical Thinking Alert

they follow precise laws, but their irregular behavior can appear to be random to the casual observer.

I'll repeat what I have been saying, Chaos theory proves there is no such thing as a coincidence, nothing is truly random. I have said nothing about "bad memories" or "wishful thinking" you must have me confused with someone else. or i'm losing it.

However, to not believe that all systems are Chaotic in nature really shows the lack of understanding of the subatomic world going on around us all the time. If every system in the universe is built upon these sub atomic systems which are chaotic in nature according to the very nature of Quantum Physics. That is they appear random but have an order. If every system is built upon this, then, macro systems based on the micro world are, themselves, chaotic in nature.

and I voted for the other guy, 0 WMD's found so far, oh wait thats right we finally quit looking for them didn't we. But that was why we went to war. Oh and somehow they are tied in with the 9/11 bombings but they weren't. But thats another discussion.
Re: Magical Thinking Alert

In the first place not all systems are chaotic, and all systems do not necessarily interact with all other systems.
Evidence of your limited knowledge of systems.

To your first statement: Chaotic behavior CAN be found in any system that has closed-loop feedback (either natural or human-induced). Furthermore, ALL systems are impacted by some form of feedback. Finding chaos in any system is merely a matter of what state variables you wish to observe over time.

To your second statement: This is laughable, outdated thinking. Outdated because in the past scientists and engineers used to ignore "higher order effects" (i.e. ones which corresponded to 3rd, 4th, or higher order derivatives of states). We have since updated our knowledge that these higher order effects (which can be and are related to interactions we did not consider) can become quite dominant in the time and/or frequency response of a system. In fact, being a control systems engineer by trade, I am now working in areas where we USED to try to linearize all our control laws but now have learned that non-linear controls (which take into account higher order effects) can be MUCH more energy efficient.

So to correct your last statement: All systems do not necessarily have high gain paths that interact with other systems. However, all systems do, indeed, interact with other systems, if even at low gain levels or higher-order derivative effects.

We live in one, massive, closed-loop universe.
Although I find this thread to be thought provoking on a theoretical level, and can remember one or two incidences quite simular to some described here. I wonder if any of these mostly random occurances have been repeated successufully at will by any of you? more to the point, would it be possable for me, by dint of will, or some set of actions,or even an available technology, to either slip into another timeline/reality, or perhaphs even return to a recent past date? and would this movement be affected by the degree of difference between the realities and/or the distance (time wise, that is) i wanted to go back? Is there a limited window of oportunity or is that not an issue? I realize that these are very specific questions, in a thread devoted to a more generalized discussion of the subject. but after viewing several other threads, and noting who posted what this one seemed to be the closest match in subject matter. and to include several posters who seem quite knowledgeable on the subject. I know there may be no concrete answers, or quick methods, but if i can go back, then, the time it takes to learn how is a moot point, is it not? thanks, and by the way, im not trying to mess with ya'll, I am truthfully looking for real answers. Thanks everyone.
Interesting, indeed!

For example, I have devoted a good part of my effort for the past several years to noticing and contemplating instances of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, in my day to day life. I have found that the more I notice them, the more connections I draw between apparently disparate things, the more similar connections I can "create".
Would it be fair to characterize your "apparantly disparate things" as being similar (or possibly identical) to a non-linear phenomenon or connection?

I believe that if this discipline is take far enough, there would be no reason one could not will their subjective reality into a totally different form.
I agree. The more we utilize the non-linear effects available to us, the more efficiently we can shape in what form Energy takes on around us.

I wonder... what sorts of things have you learned and experimented with as you have realized greater degrees of control over forming your reality? Anything worthy of passing on to others? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


<font color="red"> Indeed I too have experience universe where a day before a friend would say something or say he is going to do something and the very next day i ask him about it...they dont know what im talkiing about and suggest they never said it...this has happened more than once with different people in my life ...sometimes complete strangers...and I seem to feel dizzy all the time like either im jumping from reality to reality or perhaps im the same and the world is shifting wondering if these shifts in small events are in fact a result of someone manipulating time...and only certain people can detect the change because of thier brain chemistry...[/COLOR]

sorry if my words looked harsh.

you just cant say that i watched this version of the series today , then this version on this day/timeline etc..

cause it will be going to limit resulting your having watched everything .

and that isnt just enough for you.

i also agree with the guy who says this is just magical thinking. he says true.

&gt;&gt;&gt;I wonder... what sorts of things have you learned and experimented with as you have realized greater degrees of control over forming your reality? Anything worthy of passing on to others?&lt;&lt;&lt;

Just an example of people making decisions, but the last link was originally the first link and the only link I was going to post.

Next for your greater degrees of control over forming your reality, is just the basic fact that no one really knows what reality is in the first place.
We are given a degree of what our current concept of reality seems to be, but then, it will perhaps never be exact!

So I have learned not to expect to know reality with any degree of certainty!

Why is it that reality can not actually be known?

I have no answer to this!

Except perhaps a religion that may be created or one that it may evolve into, if I pursue it with degree of control!

[ g11 g12 g13 g14 g15 g16 g17 g18 g19 g1A ]
| g21 g22 g23 g24 g25 g26 g27 g28 g29 g2A |
| g31 g32 g33 g34 g35 g36 g37 g38 g39 g3A |
| g41 g42 g43 g44 g45 g46 g47 g48 g49 g4A |
| g51 g52 g53 g54 g55 g56 g57 g58 g59 g5A |
| g61 g62 g63 g64 g65 g66 g67 g68 g69 g6A |
| g71 g72 g73 g74 g75 g76 g77 g78 g79 g7A |
| g81 g82 g83 g84 g85 g86 g87 g88 g89 g8A |
| g91 g92 g93 g94 g95 g96 g97 g98 g99 g9A |
[ gA1 gA2 gA3 gA4 gA5 gA6 gA7 gA8 gA9 gAA ]

But then swiggles may be another thing all together, open or closed swiggles!
And also that is something I do not know either!

Do not trust the person who claims to tell you the truth, in fact, doubt him completely. If you really want the truth, not just to questions you ask, but anything, then you have to find out yourself. Teachers, lecturers, mentors and tutors can only guide you with what they have found, but that may not be the truth, it could be close to it, it could be part of it, very rarely could it be 'truth'.

Here is what i believe to be the closest to the truth. I doubt that with a little more than a fanciful wish, you could change reality, or travel into another parallel universe, or back/forwards in time. Why should the brain be able to accomplish this any more than the kidney? Sounds stupid, but why is that? The brain is just an organ, you measure your own reality with your senses, they are independent of the brain, though they are linked. Furthermore the brain is basically a mass of cells with a complex of nerves and endocrine receptors running throughout. So really your left with imagining things without the input from your eyes, ears etc. The brain is very powerful combined with the senses, it can play tricks on us, make us believe we have altered reality, in some great psychic moment. LOL. 'Deja vu' for example, at some point in a dream or in your everyday life you will see something or hear something that will suddenly cause you to think you have been here and seen/heard this before, this stems from the fact that when you sleep, you will inevitably dream/imagine a reality based on the one you have observed. Given the power of the sub conscious to dream many different possiblities scenarios, it is not possible that something you see will strike a parallel. You decide.

In respect to time/universe travelling with a form of technlogy, I think this is possible, though not at the moment, but only due to the lack of technology, not theoretical understanding. Of course this is the way it looks now, if our theories are correct, and we can only prove/disprove them to an acceptable degree if we actually manage to time travel.

Good Scientist
Next for your greater degrees of control over forming your reality, is just the basic fact that no one really knows what reality is in the first place.
You use the word "basic fact" here, and we often tie "basic facts" to our conception of reality. So if I may reframe your words to exhibit what I think you are saying: The reality is (basic fact) that no one really knows what reality is in the first place. While it sounds silly, it is very much a true picture of reality. However, the way I would state it would be: Reality is always based on self-reference. This leads directly into a scientific discussion of closed-loops and non-linear phenomenon, and how these phenomenon relate to observation.

We are given a degree of what our current concept of reality seems to be, but then, it will perhaps never be exact!
What, precisely, is "exact"? (Trick question). The concept of exactness and precision is every bit as nebulous as "reality". The advance of science has, indeed, been getting us closer and closer to a true view of reality. Indeed, science has also told us of the fallacy of "exactness" (Heisenberg Uncertainty).

A large portion of scientific advancements over the past 20 years have all been pointing to the "basic fact" that our human, sensory-based belief that the universe follows linear trends is only a small (VERY SMALL) part of reality. Make no mistake about it: Dark Matter and Dark Energy are non-linear in their nature, which is why we do not yet clearly understand them. We live in a time where science (and yes, spirituality) will demonstrate to us how to transcend our old view of reality by integrating our thought processes with non-linear phenomenon.

And in achieving this step in our evolution, we will receive yet another piece in the puzzle to what "reality" really is! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
&gt;&gt;&gt;However, the way I would state it would be: Reality is always based on self-reference. This leads directly into a scientific discussion of closed-loops and non-linear phenomenon, and how these phenomenon relate to observation.&lt;&lt;&lt;

I am not attacking anything here, but yet there was another article just the other day again, that stated that the eyes do not form an image, but the brain does, and most of what the senses pick up, is still done in the brain. Some have also stated that the brain is like a central processor, and that is not how I see the brain.

So, back to the self-referential reference that most people infer still yet that forms -- reality.
That to me becomes a closed-minded view, while the evidence of quantum theory remains an open-minded view.

Somewhere inbetween both those extreme perhaps close-minded or extreme perhaps open-mindedness views is where I try and center. Perhaps, part self-referential and part non-self-referential!
I think in all that scientists are not really conferring upon theirselves to be either one-way or another, but then an experiment that proves anything must still be thought of, and a means to determine whether the experiment will show results even if they differ than what the scientist previously thought the experiment would show.

Obviously, I have no answers to all of these supposed realities either that are inferred from other people. I just read the words on the page, and if it seems too outlandish to me, I just will be different and say that I can not really know, and now the mind of that person comes upon me, at that time.

I infer that to them it could be a reality, but to me, either I have not learned the technique and may fear it, as a sense of losing one's mind, or possibly learn how to slipstream in and out of these different realities and still retain a base for my mind. Call it security of my mind, plus the freedom to know the difference, but then that again becomes self-referential, as it has to be, because I am not another person.

Then reality becomes only a basis of support from all whom participate what reality really should be. So until new thought processes take place, and a newer vision of reality is supported, it still seems linear to me, although all of taken can be called non-linear.
Except if non-linear is the means, then I must submit that even time-travel to the Past or Future from the Now, really should be possible then!

So until the next evidence comes in or the data, I must --- Om~~~~~~~, om~~~~~~~, om~~~~~~~, om~~~~~~! (and place myself on -- hold!)(unless I think of something that may be viewed as new data that might instill a newer vision of reality, I guess!)

So at least that part of reality seems to remain unchanged!

But can I consider that with their different travelings into and out of what I term reality; is it something that should be considered to be a state of bellevue?
At this time, I just do not see a --- need --- nor --- want --- I guess that freedom of the mind.
So, I am choosing a reality in the end and those type of other people are saying -- try it or it is another choosing of reality.
I do not feel that I would actually lose my mind, but the risks may be too great to confer that I may not lose it, somehow!

And again, I still am lost in Time and Space, and that is all I can confer from any reality!


And quite confused, I can be just here in my reality!
I could also be confused in an different reality, but may not know that I actually chose it to begin with (being in a different reality)!
I still confer that it is actually just my reality, like some type of linear progression, in the end.
Which again confuses me, but.............onwards I go either into the light or the darkness!
Still goin', goin', goin' which it seems now to be akin the energizer bunny!
What a way to go!
And still I may need an Ace up my sleeve, for the preception that others also may have an Ace up their sleeve for all this poker playing.

Anyway, back to programming, I guess, as to whether Waterfall or Spiral programming is something that bosses come out with at NASA, I guess I won't be working there either.

And that -- that is my reality, so back to all this object-oriented programming.
So, back to the self-referential reference that most people infer still yet that forms -- reality.That to me becomes a closed-minded view, while the evidence of quantum theory remains an open-minded view.
Ahh, but what if these two views can be merged into a theory of reality that is based on consciousness, rather than baryonic matter?

This is PRECISELY the topic of a book you might wish to read, called The Self-Aware Universe. The author is a scientist (physicist) who puts forth the idea that the very aspects of Quantum Mechanics support the theory that the universe is NOT based on what we see as Matter, but rather finds its basis in consciousness.

And to those on this board who decry my statements about how Science must eventually be reconciled with Spirituality, here is a book written by a physicist who claims the exact same thing!

Anyway, back to programming, I guess, as to whether Waterfall or Spiral programming is something that bosses come out with at NASA, I guess I won't be working there either.
Are you aware WHY there is a shift to spiral evolution in NASA (and other agencies)?

Let me put it this way: The reason for this shift in paradigm is not totally devoid or separate from what we have learned about spirals from both science AND "sacred geometry".

Not to put my nose in your business,, but the spiral evolution, is the scenario that one needs for the analysis of the reentry pattern of spaceship one.

Take a five inch black PVC sewage pipe, about four feet long.

Draw a spiral inside, which is equally spaced inside, starting from one end to another, inside and you have the reentry pattern for Spaceship One.What's left in NASA is remorseful, sullen and unmanageable..

Nobody to this date, knows why this Rutan designed spacecraft is getting away from reentry heat?

Maybe its a cross between something like a Peregrine falcon and a new side to every downward rotation, that lets it beat the heat.

Like I said, I would surly like to see a paper written on this possibility?

The other say, was intimated by T-12, in what happens during the paradigm shift.

A growth of extra helical branches along the now existing DNA curve, well as they said to the second in command in the first Star Trek movie, "No, don't touch her, you don't know what that'll do"?

I don't know Rain, T-Susannah's says that the red mudball, with park itself for sometime, off near Earth.

There is a saying that when some of the heard is culled, that what is left become remorseful, sullen and unmanageable..
Hormones are funny things.Remember that I will be looking foward to pinching your cheeks at the reunion?

Love, Aunt Mike
